Attention Pastors
Christians & Society TO-DAY, pages 3 and 4, can bereproduced locally on a pho-tocopier for use as a supple-
ment or insert with bulletinsor newsletters. Pfizer pollutes physical, moral environments, S.C. Johnson says values may vary ANTI-CHRISTIAN
Not only is Pfizer one of the tice Department covers viola-
sible Television (CLeaR-TV) leading sponsors of sex, violence tions of local water treatment
continues to promote their and profanity on television, but standards, a local waste water
boycott of Pfizer and S.C. John- also a leading polluter of the permit and the federal Clean Wa-
son. The two companies were nation’s streams. The Environ- ter Act. identified by CLeaR-TV as mental Protection Agency re-
leading sponsors of sex, violence cently forced Pfizer to pay a Baylson said the $3.1 millionand profanity on television and record $3.1 million for dumping penalty includes money Pfizer
refused repeated requests by pollutants into the Delaware saved by not installing neces-
CLeaR-TV to change their spon- River from 1981-87. The agree- sary pollution control equip-
HOMOSEXUAL CBS offers Norman Lear's answers toMOVEMENT Special homosexual nation's spiritual needs in ‘spiritual sitcom’
Television producer Norman which at press time was sched- tual malaise, and nobody’s ap-
Lear, who founded the left-wing uled to debut June 2 on CBS. MEDIA BIAS
American Way, the publica- did for a period, and still contin-
American Way, says that tradi- tion of American Airlines, called ues to. But mainline churches
tional religious groups have Lear’s new program a “spiritual don’t do that good a job of it.”
failed to answer the spiritual sitcom.” In an interview with So, having recently been “con-needs of America. So Mr. Lear columnist Doug Nye, Mr. Lear verted” through a spiritual pil-
plans to meet the needs in his said: “I look now at the ’90s, and grimage, Mr. Lear plans to use
new series SUNDAY DINNER this country suffers a deep spiri-
Lear’s group opposes AFA Law Center efforts to
remove teaching New Age/occult religions in schools
Norman Lear’s liberal politi- embattled school districts a “De-
cal organization, People for the fense Kit.” The Defense Kit Law Center filed suit in federal
American Way (PAW), has contains anonymous testimoni- court in Sacramento, California,thrust itself into the litigation als attributed to teachers, par- saying that a number of the les-filed by the AFA Law Center ents and administrators, and sons in “Impressions” require
over the New Age/occult prac- essays from the editors on the the children to participate in the
tices in the controversial “Im- value of the series; and suggests religious activities of Wicca, or
pressions” reading curriculum. responses to challenges by the modern witchcraft. These in-Seeking to intervene in the ac- parents. Much of the information clude activities generally iden-tion on behalf of the school disseminated by People for the tified with the New Age move-district, People For’s Michael American Way on “Impressions” ment or the occult, such as sit-
Hudson pledged its resources to appears to have been taken di- ting in circles and chanting,“fight for (the) curriculum in rectly from the Defense Kit.
“Impressions” series itself, HBJhas prepared and provided to
The Christ in church is the Christ in commerce By Tim Wildmon AFA Associate Director Dr. Donald E. Wildmon
Forgive the cliche’, but it really seems
that just yesterday I was walking through
my high school graduation ceremony. That was 1981 and now it’s time for our
Some years ago I was speaking about pornography at a meeting in
Huntsville, Alabama. It was an area meeting of the leaders of an evangelical,
conservative Christian denomination. It is a denomination I highly respect.
walking down the aisle getting married to
After I finished, a gentleman walked up to me and said he owned a
convenience store which sold porn magazines. He said he was going to have
I was floored! How could this man, a leader in his local church and
denomination, have ever entered the pornography business? I guess he just
through a window at my firstborn child.
didn’t connect his Christian faith with his business.
That was 1987 and now that little girl is
Last month I received a copy of a letter in the mail: “When I went into the
hotel gift shop business two years ago.I decided my business policy would
have to be separate from my personal values as a born again Christian who
leads a clean life. We supply what people want to buy. I do refuse to carry
pornographic magazines that are illegal and do show children in sex acts.”
me, O Lord, my life’s end and the number
That was the response which the owner of some motel gift shops in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, gave when a concerned individual asked the
Unbelievable. This person thinks of herself as a born again Christian and
nothing before you. Each man’s life is buta breath.”
yet sees no conflict between that statement and the selling of pornography.
She says that as long as it is legal, she will sell it. In the practice of her
that causes us to reflect on the past and
business, the expression of her Christian faith is determined by the laws of
the state. If the state says it is legal, she says it is compatible with her
matters greatly how the days that make up
How badly confused—warped is a better word—some people are in their
our lives are spent. Are they spent on the
understanding of Christ. Was it legal to exchange coins in the temple? Of
course it was. It was even sanctioned by the “church” which reaped huge
financial benefits from the practice. But far from condoning the practice, our
Touching other people’s lives for Jesus
Lord drove the moneychangers from the temple.
Christ should be the vocation of everyChristian. In word, deed and thought we
Could it be possible that the lady had sat in church Sunday after Sunday
after Sunday, listening to hundreds if not thousands of sermons, spending
hundreds of hours in Sunday School, and still reach the opinion that she
would have to separate her Christian faith from her business operation? Not
I wonder if the connection between the two had ever been addressed from
either the pulpit or Sunday School material. If not, others share the
In Nevada, prostitution is legal. Therefore, following the equation that
that which is legal is acceptable for the Christian, Nevada Christians couldbe owners of houses of prostitution. In some countries cocaine is legal.
Therefore, its being legal, it would be acceptable for Christians to be in the
I’m afraid that, for whatever reasons, we have failed many of those who
frequent our church services. They see no connection between the spiritual
sociation. Published monthly and Novem-ber/December. Address: P.O. Drawer 2440,
and the secular, between what they practice in the church building and what
Tupelo, MS 38803. Phone 601/844-5036.
they practice in the marketplace. They fail to see that for the Christian there
is no separation between the secular and sacred. There can be, James said,no “double minded” Christian. Executive Editor: Donald E. Wildmon
If Christ is our Lord, He is our Lord in church and in commerce. Or He
isn’t our Lord at all. That is not to say that we are perfect. It is to say we work
Editorial Assistant: Jessica Huckaby
toward perfection of intent. We may do wrong but it is not our intent to do
AFA is a Christian organization promoting
the Biblical ethic of decency in American
society with primary emphasis on TV andother media.
Christians & Society TODAY A supplement for local bulletins and newsletters MPAA official admits criteria for
the actual debate over the film’s obscen-ity, reporting that the film, “which took
NC-17 films are same as X rated
top honors at a film festival sponsored byRobert Redford’s Sundance Institute, in-
to the X rating assigned to its movie ‘Henry
and June,’ an erotic, three-way love story
about the sexual experimentation of author
Daily Variety, a Hollywood entertain-
Henry Miller, his wife and the female lover
push for ratings reform and Valenti acqui-
ings as one prisoner stalks another in an
Leader that the criteria are the same.
esced,” the paper said. Thus the X rating
rear-entry intercourse and one of genital
fondling.” Variety concluded the film
add a new rating (called A) to distinguish
have already been submitted to the ratings
“will be unpalatable to many mainstream
between “quality” films with sexually ex-
viewers.” The Post doesn’t seem to value
with the payment of the necessary fee, will
the public’s “right to know” when tax-
“non-quality” films. Valenti said such a
payers foot the bill for “tasteful” depictions
what was art. “We’d be asking the ratings
ABC: being Christian
board to make a distinction in quality.
We’ve never done that and we’ll never do
porn films an NC-17 rating. “We are pleased
disqualifies guest
(with the NC-17 rating). We have no plans
last year when Universal Pictures objected
Reflection on TV,
longer associated in any advertising pro-
movie producers
of the anti-family, pro-drug content of Play-boy and deciding not to support their agenda
researcher for the network’s bookers. Even
with advertising dollars,” said Donald E.
“Those who say they give the public what
as “George Bush’s religious guru,” Reis
Wead by concealing that he was a “funda-
Volkswagen drops
mentalist.” Asked how Wead’s religious
beliefs were relevant, Reis explained that
ads in ‘Playboy’
they “affect his political agenda.” AsHagelin saw it, “Evidently, if you’re a
In January, Playboy magazine said that
Bible-believing Christian it disqualifies
from the automotive industry were so good
Washington Post puffs contacted by ABC and told not to talk porn, ignores content
office in Detroit. Now it appears that Play-boy will not need that Detroit office.
inquiries be directed to Press Representa-
would no longer advertise in Playboy.
Reis’ hostility toward Hagelin, but said
March 20 articles on the film Poison illus-
Reis was “a researcher and not a booker,”
Playboy, says it will no longer advertise in
the porn publication. “In a zealous effort
tension.” Walker explained: “She’s young.
NEA chief John Frohnmayer and Poison
She doesn’t understand why she’s sud-
quotes from NEA critics, neither of which
Walker denied that a person’s religious
William A. Gelgota, Director of Marketing
discussed the controversial content of the
for Volkswagen in a letter to a consumer.
“Please be assured that Volkswagen is no
Family Association booklet “Pornography:
‘Time’ shows bias
International has been testing its students
for 25 years and every year ACSI students
phy does to our children. After looking at
in book review
have tested at least one year ahead of the
the report and listening to her explanation
he said he was sorry that he carried those
523,302 students in 2,778 schools and are
wacky, conspiratorial ideas, but get a load
of this. “Beauty is a conspiracy of pain
front of her, threw rack after rack of Pent-
forced upon women,” began Time reporter
house and Playboy magazines in the
The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. “In the
are entrapped by a cult that is the equiva-
lent of the iron maiden, a medieval torture
four times less likely to drop out than their
Time not only gave a whole page to the
book, but failed to include one sentence ofcriticism. Mitchell explained: “The beauty
Tax supported PBS Lotteries hurt poor
myth of Wolf’s title is reinforced, she
argues, by a global industry worth billions
to begin airing pro- homosexual program
Heartland Institute. Lotteries, operating
in 33 states, take in $16 billion a year and
on cosmetics each year could finance 2,000
women’s health clinics or pay for three
tional station supported with tax dollars,
blacks and Hispanics, the private research
Perhaps Time’s $2.50 cover price could
group said. States use some of the lottery
PBS stations receive millions of tax dol-
FCC fines two radio
complain about your tax dollars being used
stations for indecency
to promote the homosexual lifestyle, writeyour Congressman and Senators. United Methodist
of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515. school grants homosexuals charter
gressman and Senators is 202-224-3121.
student senate has granted a charter to the
Newspaper drops ads
Gay and Lesbian Student Organization. for 900 sex numbers
eligible next year for university funding.
didn’t like the idea of 900 numbers (which
television station has violated the law with
often are sex talk lines) being advertised in
to the FCC. Be sure to state the call letters
Which is correct–
of the station, the time of the program, and
Hickman, publisher of the Herald, stating
CBS or U.S. census?
seriously and had decided to stop the ads. Christian schools People act, porn doing better job goes to the dumpster
Washington Post gave a far different fig-
plained to the new owner of the Fina Mart
in a Christian environment, teaching ethics
Christians and Society TODAY is published by AmericanFamily Association, P.O. Drawer 2440, Tupelo, MS 38803, to
and social values in addition to the three
be reproduced for use as a supplemental insert for church
newsletters and bulletins and for use by other concernedorganizations. Sources cited indicate source of basic information only.
Christians & Society Today Prime-time attacks Christianity, pushes illicit sex, homosexuality
absolved of guilt, but not before the movie
fully committed to promotion of teen sex,
homosexuality and other illicit sex, and to
thanking his congregation from the pulpit
portraying the family in a negative light.
for their good wishes on his “anniversary of
need your money! Biblelands is only half
way there. With your help, it could be the
bed with 21-year-old Darcy Warren, a mem-
most important attraction since the cruci-
that he tell his wife about their affair within
the next two days, or she herself will tell
the hero’s passions for racing and women
mons onstage for healing. In one scene he
with bedroom eyes. It boasts that he is a
proclaims, with dramatic flair, “Praise the
“he-- raiser” and warns, “Mamas, lock
Darcy’s last months of life and her mur-
der parallel that of Michelle Barlow, whose
murder two years earlier was still unsolved.
A. Miles, Philip Morris, Incorporated,
beauty he lusts after, doesn’t drink and
After Rowe’s car is traced to the motel
which Darcy frequented on her lunch hour,
that’s like having a car and not driving it,
turns out to be the murderer. She confesses
Chrm. S. Daniel Abraham, Thompson
to Rowe that she killed the girls “for us.”
Medical Company, 222 Lakeview Av-
When he insists on calling the police, she
enue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, TOLL FREE: 1-800-521-7857, Cortizone 5 itch
tian episode included: Chrm. William R.
Howell, J.C. Penney, 14841 N. Dallas
the total “dumb blonde” caricature.
591-1000, J. C. Penney department stores,
Chrm. Michael A. Miles, Philip Morris, Incorporated, 120 Park Avenue, New
teaches that it is desirable to lie if it
achieves one’s selfish purpose. The story
a race car he’d bought, retorts, “This ain’t
products, Kraft food products, Oscar Mayer
a Bible class—everybody cheats a little!”
The movie also boasts lots of profanity.
Jr., Pfizer, Inc., 235 E. 42nd Street, New
applied for her son Mickie’s admission to
before his birth. She lied on the applica-
tion blank that she was married, although
Chrm. Edwin L. Artzt, Procter & Gamble, P.O. Box 599, Cincinnati, OH
interview, she enlists the help of her pe-
45201, TOLL FREE: 1-800-543-7276,
Greisman and Peter Douglas. In addition to
diatrician to promulgate the lie. He goes
Bounce fabric softener, Crest toothpaste,
with her to the interview pretending to be
illicit and perverse sex jokes—bestiality,
Adulterous preacher show endo, and illicit bed scenes. The story
follows Irwin Fletcher and his trip to Loui-
the waiting list at Sheraton. End of story.
siana to settle his late aunt’s estate.
because his aunt had changed her will only
weeks prior to her death. The main suspect
Stafford, American Home Products, 685
Lee Farnsworth, local TV evangelist who’s
Crunch ‘N’ Munch snacks, Easy-Off oven
were: Chrm. D. Wayne Calloway, PepsiCo,
cleaner, Old English oil, Robitussin cough
Phone 914-253-2000, Diet Pepsi soft drink,
about 14. Darlene yells, “No!” when her
Pres. Richard A. Goldstein, Unilever
mother tells her to pick up a new dress the
United States, Inc., 390 Park Avenue,
drink, Ruffles potato chips, Taco Bell fast
child had thrown in the floor. She throws
New York, NY 10022, TOLL FREE: 1-
a shoe at her mother, and slams the door in
800-223-0392, Aim toothpaste, Lever
Chrm. Joseph D. Williams, Warner-
her face while Mom is still talking. There
2000 soap, Q-tips, Ragu’ Italian foods,
Lambert Company, 201 Tabor Road,
is no suggestion that this does not reflect
Morris Plains, NJ 07950, TOLL FREE: 1- 800-223-0182, Benadryl, Certs breath
mints, Halls cough drops, Listerine mouth-
Martin, Grand Metropolitan, Inc., 712
products, Pillsbury foods, Totino’s pizza.
family with traditional moral values mov-
Chrm. William E. LaMothe, Kellogg
ing to Beverly Hills. Moral values couldn’t
Company, One Kellogg Square PO Box
endure long, of course. The May 2 episode,
account of a Confederate soldier’s encoun-
Waffles, Kellogg’s cereals, Mrs. Smith’s
the high school daughter, in her first sexual
ABC’s April 21 movie. Written by Dennis
Brown and produced by Dorothea G. Petrie,
it was a refreshing contrast to the normal
held. After sex, Brenda could hardly wait
was. It is clearly a time for celebration
Atlanta family learned of his injury, Blair’s
don). No moral question was raised at all,
decision to have a baby. The “funny” lines
climactic scene features President Lincoln
coming to the prison hospital and visiting
bank jokes, illicit sex, promiscuity, sexual
dysfunction, etc. After she rules out the
recognize Mr. Lincoln.) Carter has read the
Calloway, PepsiCo, Anderson Hill Road,
and is visibly touched, wishing aloud that
times, to father the child. Eventually, she
decides not to have a baby.
Hut restaurants, Ruffles potato chips.
married man she’s just met. She lies in
Chrm. Michael A. Miles, Philip
order to avoid jury duty—until she spots
Morris, Incorporated, 120 Park Avenue,
support was: Chrm. Edwin L. Artzt, Procter & Gamble, P.O. Box 599, Cincinnati, OH
she’s obnoxiously rude to all others in an
45201, TOLL FREE: 1-800-543-7276,
Clarion cosmetics, Folger’s coffee, Pantene
Warner-Lambert Company, 201 Tabor
the latest in a growing list of prime-time
Road, Morris Plains, NJ 07950, TOLL
series and movies pushing “normal” homo-
FREE: 1-800-223-0182, Benylin cough
sexuality. The April 30 episode, written by
Brad Isaacs and produced by Al Lowenstein,
ing gum, Efferdent denture cleaner, Schick
between star Roseanne’s boss and his live-
tures crude and vulgar sexual innuendo in
a skit of a supposed AT&T commercial.
founded when Leon, their boss at the diner,
In addition, illicit sex is the subject of an
Leon’s friend Jerry come to pick him up. It
is clear that he is Leon’s lover. Roseanne’s
sewer for new episodes of the NBC series.
The April 4 episode featured the law firm
terms that had to be bleeped for television.
all—not even of surprise that her boss is
vindictive senior partner. The two groups
of most of the show. Just as with Anthony’s
racier.” Spring fever has everyone in town
then initiate litigation against each other.
lying, there is no suggestion that illicit sex
feeling sexually repressed, so sex is the
teach a law seminar; one of them pretends
Advertisers included: Chrm. Edwin L.
“prayer” of thanks (on the air) to Gaea, the
to be a student in a moot court designed to
Artzt, Procter & Gamble, P.O. Box 599,
test the class. Throughout, the attorneys,
Cincinnati, OH 45201, TOLL FREE: 1-
“friends” and partners for years, take great
800-543-7276, Coast soap, Duncan Hines
delight in calling each other “son-of-a-
foods, Luv’s diapers, Noxzema skin cream,
ing, Ford Motor Company, Post Office
bi---” and “bas---d and in pouring profanity
Chrm. Louis Gerstner, Jr., RJR Nabisco,
April 25, the series featured the case of
9 West 57th St., 48th Floor, New York, NY
10019, TOLL FREE: 1-800-932-7800,
automobiles, Motorcraft automotive parts.
Chrm. William E. LaMothe, Kellogg
Morton’s frozen foods, Ritz crackers, Wheat
Company, One Kellogg Square PO Box
included an ex-lover discussing his satis-
real, Nut & Honey cereal, Nutri-Grain
taking athlete who shot himself to death;
with a decidedly different slant—illicit sex,
on a father and his teenage son and their
straight one—asks C. J. for a date.
are Cheryl Bloch and Matthew Nodella. April 8—Dr. Joel Fleischman (practic-
nally trying to get Vinnie, about 20, into
however, think’s Abby is not ready yet.
school scholarships) gets a “Dear John”
(Charlie) talking about how long it’s been
cussing the same thing with a woman he’s
with a woman barely out of her teens. Joel
discusses with Maggie, his landlord, that
Chrm. Joseph V. Vittoria, Avis, Inc., 900
sex with Elaine had never been “wild”
line of “plot”—adultery jokes, safe sex
April 15—When disc jockey Chris loses
his voice, he is told to have sex with the
Chrm. Michael A. Miles, Philip Morris, Incorporated, 120 Park Avenue,
get his voice back. He sets out to seduce her
products, Kraft food products, Post cereals,
April 22—Hollings and his “teen-
Williams, Warner-Lambert Company,
after sex; she wants him to get circumcised. TOLL FREE: 1-800-223-0182, Certs breath mints, Dentyne chewing gum,
town’s discussion of Hollings’ upcoming
elaborate lies in order to impress a blind
April 29—Maggie and Joel begin hav-
ing dreams about each other. Maurice, single
and a former astronaut, continues his affair
scene. Chris the d.j. (who’s ordained by a
sizes the fact that Cicely’s founders—two
lesbians—“had a good thing and were lucky
Maurice’s affair and the promiscuity of
didn’t you use protection!?” (The line is
followed, irrationally enough, by a laugh
May 6—Maggie’s and Joel’s dream se-
“Joey,” explains Dad, “nothing is one
picks up his lingerie catalog at the post
office, the postmistress also gives him a
dreaming he is at Mt. Sinai with Moses.
The father’s sex life remains the focus
Playboy magazine and one that is “a little
The riotous living and idol-worship of the
TOLL FREE: 1-800-331-4331, Lexus
“Homer the Thief’s” conversation with
“Zoar the Adulterer,” who implies that hehas committed adultery with Homer’s
and a recurring “Christian” caricature in
the series, comes across as self-righteous
him get free cable TV dishonestly. Homer,
man, a member of a medical staff, leering
daughter Lisa’s campaign against cheat-
lustfully at other men and effecting man-
sexual character) goes for an AIDS test and
capitalizes on the situation and sells tick-
apparently tests positive for the AIDS vi-
scribing, with relish, for hospital personnel
ets to his friends to watch porn movies on
rus. The story rightfully appeals to viewers’
the details of a sexual attack. The Samuel
cable. Bart also uses profanity, once re-
sympathy for the suffering man. Ironically,
sponding to his father with, “He— yes!”
previous episodes or in this one—with the
peating the word “he—” again and again.
fact that Peter contracted AIDS because he
R. Albers, Dr Pepper/7-Up, Inc., Post
Near, Wendy’s International, Post Of- Chrysler Corporation, Post Office Box
drink, 7-Up soft drink, Welch’s Soft Drink.
cuits fast food, Wendy’s hamburgers.
Chrm. Louis Gerstner, Jr., RJR
Chrm. Richard L. Gelb, Bristol-Myers Nabisco, 9 West 57th St., 48th Floor, Squibb Company, 345 Park Avenue,
Pres. Richard A. Goldstein, Unilever
New York, NY 10019, TOLL FREE: 1-
New York, NY 10154, TOLL FREE: 1- United States, Inc., 390 Park Avenue, 800-932-7800, Care-Free chewing gum, 800-332-2056, Bufferin pain medication,
New York, NY 10022, TOLL FREE: 1- 800-223-0392, Dove soap, Pepsodent
toothpaste, Signal mouthwash, Snuggle liq-
sessed with losing their virginity before
their senior year ends in the NBC April 22
series. The episode, written by Katherine
Teen sex is the only subject in this Michael
fanity in a tawdry tale of politician and
Zinberg story produced by Randall Zisk.
illicit sex jokes, promiscuity jokes, and
prostitute. It was written by David Braff
letes it’s natural to “go all the way” while
of Nina, a hooker he has been seeing. He is
with Nina and they are expecting her friend
Callie to join them for a menage-a-trois.
tells teenage daughter Kelly to “take the
scene just before she discovers Nina’s body
in bed with Pearl. Thinking they’re both
wants to have sex with someone she’s not
dead, she goes to the police, but when they
Kelly’s reputation for promiscuity.
tion—if not overtly about illicit sex—is
series hero Jack Cole. Callie enlists his
nonetheless permeated with the theme.
seductively for them. Such is the typical
support to find the truth. Within days of
their meeting, Cole and Callie begin having
A. Miles, Philip Morris, Incorporated,
Itagaki, American Isuzu Motors, Ltd.,
2300 Pellishier Place, Whittier, CA 90601,
Advertisers included: Chrm. Edwin L. TOLL FREE: 1-800-326-9195, Isuzu
Artzt, Procter & Gamble, P.O. Box 599,
Cincinnati, OH 45201, TOLL FREE: 1-
Chrm. Edward A. Brennan, Sears, Roe-
Chrm. August A. Busch III, Anheuser- 800-543-7276, Crest toothpaste, Crisco oil buck and Co., Sears Tower, Chicago, IL Busch Companies, One Busch Place, St.
& shortening, Folger’s coffee, Max Factor
Louis, MO 63118, TOLL FREE: 1-800-
credit card, Sears stores & products,
325-1488, Break Cake snack cakes,
Pres. Y. Togo, Toyota Motor Sales,
Post Office Box 2991, Torrance, CA 90509,
Church, school ask members to join Kmart boycott
Pornography (WRAP). WRAP has provento be a very successful way of bringing
and the parents of children attending the
ribbon is used as a symbol of purity.
iaries because of Kmart’s refusal to stop
Life Service Company in Royal Oak, Michi-
through rape, incest and child molestation.
of the boycott and asked to participate.
stores, is one of the largest retailers of
magazines such as Penthouse and PlayboyCall Kmart and let them know you are joining the boycott. The
government officials and pastors involved,
service customer number is 1-800-
call their local Kmart store and their subsid-
63-Kmart or 1-800-635-6278. Be polite. You will probably be told that Kmart stores do not sell por-
the same. Always be polite when calling. nography. That is true. But Waldenbooks, owned by Kmart,
sell pornography in their stores. That is
is one of the leading retailers of CBS claims millions pornography in America. Kmart of kids almost starving can order Waldenbooks to get out
the authority to order Waldenbooks to get
of the pornography business at
out of the porn business at any time. any time.
leased preliminary findings of its study on
“We are against all types of pornographic
materials—whether that be child porn or
lets. Several liked it so much they further
the so-called soft porn like Playboy or
exaggerated its already questionable con-
hard core like that represented in anony-
if respondents answered “yes” to five of
eight questions about the previous year. Some questions didn’t necessarily indi-
Mars pulls ad after protest
cate hunger. “Do your children ever eat
Florida and Georgia; and C&W One Stop,
with 16 stores in San Angelo, Texas, have
there is not enough money for food?” and
more than 50 girls’ schools protested that
all gotten out of the pornography business.
“Do you ever rely on a limited number of
the commercial put girls’ schools in a bad
light. The actions ranged from boycotts of
cause “I think it enhances our image in the
community. We’re trying to present a more
children: two asked about the eating habits
not to offend parents of our younger cus-
tomers, I made the decision to do away with
talking to her child says, “Honey, your
Playboy and Penthouse. The sales (of those
Rather began the broadcast: “A startling
dad and I think you should attend an all-
girls school.” Right after that, a number of
dollars, but I think we can survive without
of eight American children is going hungry
Customers in areas served by these stores
should express appreciation and give them
not claim their “hungry” children were
hungry every night—just at least once a
Porn Awareness Week set More chains pull
Others also inflated FRAC’s claims. Newsweek erred in its April 1 issue: “Child-
porno magazines
children under 12 years old—5.5 million
planning for this event in local churches
ton Globe’s Stephen Kurkjian identically
Sources cited for News of Interest items
asserted: “The survey, the first nation-
indicate source of basic information only.
wide study of the level of childhood hunger
“socialist perspective” on health care for
U. S. Customs Service to drop enforcement
the Democratic Socialists of America. of child pornography laws as priority Poll: faith in God matters most
in recent months by the government’s own
of Americans’ lives, according to a new
poll by Princeton Research. Forty percent
of respondents said they valued their rela-
other category, as one of its five priority
only 2% said a job that pays well was the
Bush stated that fighting child pornogra-
most important thing in their lives.
phy and obscenity was a priority with his
reinstate child pornography to a priority
“That’s an astounding set of figures, it
level concern just as it was before Carol
Hallett became the Commissioner,” he said
University of California, Santa Barbara.
tion and exportation of child pornography
cannot be sloughed off and treated as just
than it really is,” said William McKinney,
Customs Service reinstate the enforcement
molestation and exploitation of our chil-
of child pornography laws as a top priority.
in a 1990 Associated Press poll conducted
heart and soul of America itself. Given the
gion was very important in their lives, and
pornographic and sacrilegious ‘art’ funded
86% said it was either very important orfairly important. Holiday Inns drop movie ratings from listing
so astounding is the fact that religion has
Holiday Inns, the leading retailer of in-
Holiday Inns included Stocks and Blondes,Emmanuelle in the Orient, The Erotic Ad-
egated to a back-page section once a week
ventures of Zorro, Ready, Willing and Able,
in most newspapers, and attacked by tele-
on the card describing their in-room mov-
The Marilyn Diaries starring Marilyn
vision programs and movies,” said Donald
Chambers, Curious Female, Melody in Love
and others. Each of the movies has a short
control of the media, but it does not have
description which we elected not to use in
Day Baptists, Southern Baptist Convention,
Dentists for Life organize
local conferences of the United Methodist
passed resolutions endorsing the boycott.
p.m. The service is called Nightlife mov-
individuals and groups to boycott Holiday
In writing Holiday Inns, be sure to ask if
vidual movies, the card simply says “All
the same as the X-rating used to be.
Nightlife features are rated by the Motion
Picture Association of America” without
concerned can also write to complain: Chrm.
President; 7866 Spring Avenue; ElkinsPark, PA 19117. Former moderators reject
ger in America.” This “comprehensive”
million—goes hungry each day.” Kurkjian
study by local activists included only ten
findings of Presbyterian sexuality panel
“It’s a joke,” said Heritage Foundation
leaders have written an open letter criti-
found that low-income kids receive roughly
porter who wrote the story run by most of
the country’s newspapers, also puffed the
children. But none of the major media sto-
ries included any critics, or labeled FRAC
ture as a “witness without parallel,” the
as liberal, even though the study’s technical
former moderators said, is a “fatal flaw”
adviser, Dr. Victor Sidel, recently wrote a
moorings in the Bible and the confessions
Pornography involved in molester’s crime
ing homosexuals be admitted to the clergy
Madden’s brain, heart and genitals were
he appeared to have been bound at the neck
emphasis upon “justice-love” as a pri-
Dressler’s attorney tried to prohibit the
activities with Jerry Ronald Wilson for at
mary concept for evaluating sexual activity
introduction of the material into the trial.
“makes all sexual conduct subjective and
Judge Gerald Ptacket rejected the bid, say-
ing the pornographic material “suggests a
plan, or motive, or method of operation to
ters said that Wilson “would take them to
carry out such a plan. Without the evidence,
voted on at their 1991 General Assembly.
it’s clear that the state’s case would be
Jackson (Mississippi) Clarion-Ledger, 4/3/91
of Atlanta, Kenneth Hall of Butler, Penn-
Cuomo wants Madison (Wisconsin) Journal Times, 3/6/91homosexual rights law Violent homosexuals force cancellation of pro-life rally
mosexual rights in his state. The bill would
Group begins new video
prohibit discrimination because of sexualorientation in employment, housing, edu-
service for families
was forced to cancel a pro-life rally at theUniversity of San Francisco March 27 after
a crowd of homosexual activists stormed a
way that current civil rights law forbids
ing videos suitable for family viewing.
bias pertaining to sex, race, age or religion.
Life. The angry demonstrators beat on doors
In his first year in office, Cuomo issued
and kicked in a plate-glass window before
police arrived and escorted Terry out the
utility entrance. University officials can-
celed the rally because of the disturbance.
editing. In other cases the group will takehigh quality PG, PG-13 and even some R-rated films and recommend changes sothey will qualify for a Dove Seal of
Resources from AFA Public School Sex Education: A Report. A documented study on sex education
programs and school-based health clinics.
Foundation, “The more we show Holly-wood that there is a strong demand for
A Guide to What One Person Can Do About Pornography. A step-by-step guide to
family friendly films, the sooner we will
how you can fight porn in your community—magazines, videos, cable TV, etc. Christianity and Humanism: A Study in Contrasts. A six-session study written by
AFA. Biblically based, good for Sunday school, bible study, evening worship. Pornography: A Report. An in-depth look at the effects of pornography. Some of the
quality family-scripted films from Holly-
finest material available on the subject. Anti-Christian Bias in America. Articles reveal bias in government, media and For Each of the above titles send:
released with the Dove Seal. See the ad on
One copy $2; 2-9 copies $1.50 each;
the back page of this issue of AFA Jour-10-49 copies $1 each; 50 or more copies 50¢ each Pornography introduced Bumper Sticker. “The American Family: Our National Treasure” (3.75'' x 10.5'') in as evidence in murder trial
attractive red, white and blue. Order in quantity only: 100/$21; 500/$85; 1000/$152. Bumper Sticker. “Porn banned” sticker (3.75" x 4.5") The word "PORN" on black
background with familiar red circle and cross bar superimposed. Order in quantity only:
100/$12; 250/$27; 500/$50; 1000/$90.
rial in the trial of Joachim Dressler,charged with killing 24-year-old James
Anti-Porn Billboard. Ready to apply to standard-size billboard. Red and black;
“Pornography victimizes women and children” slogan with photo of child. Has AFA
“It is almost as if his (Dressler’s) acts
Don Wildmon Books. The Home Invaders on TV’s influence in society. The Case Against Pornography explores all facets of the problem. Reg. $6.95, $3 each or $5 for
done in this case,” Weber told the court.
both. The Man the Networks Love to Hate, latest book gives history of AFA, $8.95.
“These pictures depict what was done to(Madden’s) body, in many instances.”
Send check with order to: AFA, P. 0. Drawer 2440,‘60 Minutes’ attack journalism: abortion By Nancy Myers NRLC Communications Director agenda more important than truth National Right to Life News March 26, 1991
This is not a story about abortion. This is a story about how
grief of her parents and Becky’s memory are being exploited by
producers at the popular television program 60 MINUTES
the Feminist Majority Fund to advance their arguments against
ignored a substantial controversy, distorted facts, and
misrepresented interviews in order to present a story which
The cruel irony of the Feminist Majority Fund’s campaign is
differed little from their original “concept.”
that if Becky had had an abortion and suffered complications,
Last October, 60 MINUTES contacted me to discuss Becky
then she would have died precisely because her parents did not
Bell, a young Indiana girl who tragically died in 1988. Abortion
know, and therefore did not seek proper medical care. And pro-
advocates, primarily the Fund for the Feminist Majority, claim
abortion groups are using the Bells’ tragedy to ensure that tens
that because Becky was afraid to tell her parents she was
of thousands of teens and parents are placed in similar situations.
pregnant, and Indiana law requires one parent’s permission
The tragic consequences of the absence of parental involvement
before a minor can undergo an abortion, she sought and died from
laws are well known, and continue to come to light.
an illegal abortion. Becky’s parents, Bill and Karen Bell, travel
I specifically pointed out, on the phone and in letters, that
and tell that story in the Fund’s visible campaign to defeat
Becky Bell’s death from an illegal abortion could not responsibly
parental notice and consent legislation.
be reported as fact since there was so much controversy
However, the circumstances surrounding Becky Bell’s death
surrounding the case. I suggested strongly that before Pearson go
forward with the story, she remove identifying names from the
• The autopsy report is inconclusive at best; several doctors
autopsy report and ask several, or even one, pathologist to
have said that there is negative evidence of an induced abortion.
determine, as best they could, the cause of death. Pearson assured
• An Indiana Planned Parenthood official told a Cleveland
me that she was very interested in that aspect of the story, and
Plain Dealer reporter, “I have some reservations about hyping
this whole thing when it’s so mixed about what actually went on.”
In the meantime, in ongoing efforts to assist our state and local
• According to news reports, at least one of Becky’s friends
groups (who had been inundated with press calls about the Becky
Bell case), another National Right to Life staffer had obtained
• The pathologist who signed Becky’s autopsy report had
letters from three doctors who had seen the autopsy report. All
played a minor role in the famous “Infant Doe” infanticide case
three had separately concluded that there is no solid evidence of
Over the past year or so, several newspaper reporters have
I have never before witnessed a
written fairly straightforward accounts of the controversy. case in which journalists who
Columnists in Indiana and elsewhere have written editorials.
Initially, I was interested in the proposal from 60 MINUTES. had all the information available
The program has an inordinate influence because it remains sopopular, although it has a reputation among those who know the
deliberately ignored the facts
media well as more entertainment than news. Still, there were too
to present a story they
many unanswered questions about Becky’s death and the autopsyto be ignored. wanted to air.
The 60 MINUTES producers I worked with were thorough;
they spent several months gathering information and asking meto gather information on the controversy. However, the final
an induced abortion, and no evidence that the pneumonia which
aired version differed little from the Feminist Majority Fund’s
killed Becky was a result of an abortion infection, since there was
story, despite substantial evidence that disproves, and certainly
no evidence of infection, or even instrumentation trauma, in her
complicates, their version of the events.
Like most people who work with the media, I have dealt with
Over the next several weeks, I spoke with Pearson several
many, many examples of sloppy journalism, as well as with
times and faxed and sent her volumes of information on parental
reporters who go the extra mile to report fairly. I have worked
involvement laws and the Bell case. I asked each time if she had
with journalists who are biased and broadcast producers who go
gone independently to a doctor with the autopsy report, and each
“quote-shopping.” Quite frankly, I thought I couldn’t be shocked
time she was noncommittal or said she was “taking care of it.”
That’s when I began to have my first nagging doubts.
60 MINUTES shocked me. I have never before witnessed a
The on-camera interview with NRLC President John Willke,
case in which journalists who had all the information available
M.D., was held in a Washington hotel. Before the interview, Dr.
deliberately ignored the facts to present a story they wanted to air.
Willke and I sat in the lobby with senior producer Richard Bonin
I first dealt with Elizabeth Pearson, a 60 MINUTES assistant
who went over some of the points he wanted Dr. Willke to stress.
producer, who said she was working on a story on Becky Bell,
This is what most people know as “quote-shopping:” a not-
who, Pearson said, had died of an illegal abortion. I explained the
uncommon but distasteful tactic reporters use to get people to say
controversy surrounding the case and sent her pertinent
a certain quote to fit a story line. In the hotel room, we met Morley
Safer (the 60 MINUTES correspondent who would be questioning
Throughout our numerous conversations, I repeated my main
Dr. Willke), Elizabeth Pearson, and two camera operators.
concern with the case; Becky’s death was a tragedy, but
Soon after the interview with Safer began, it became clear that
overwhelming evidence exists that she did not die of an abortion.
the interview was a transparent attempt to get Dr. Willke to
In fact, most evidence points to the fact that the understandable
malign the Bell family. Safer also questioned the credibility of
anti-abortion information provided to 60 MINUTES, saying
several times, “You’re playing fast and loose with the facts.”
It was not mentioned that the Fund pays a salary to Becky’s
For example, Safer attacked Dr. Willke’s use of Dr. John
father. The considerable controversy surrounding the case, which
Curry, former head of the tissue bank at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
has been detailed by numerous major secular newspapers and in
Curry had said the pneumonia germ that killed Becky is “unlikely
NRL News, was not even mentioned, except in the context of
to originate from a contaminated abortion procedure.” Safer said
on-camera to Dr. Willke: “[Dr. Curry] told us he’s never seen the
While Dr. Willke was clearly identified as a pro-life
autopsy, that he’s not qualified to make a judgment.”
spokesperson throughout the story, Dr. John Pless, the pathologist
Talk about “playing fast and loose with the facts”! In fact,
who signed the autopsy report, was presented as an objective
while Dr. Curry had not physically seen with his eyes the autopsy
scientist. No mention was made of Dr. Pless’ role in the 1982
report, the entire report had been read to him over the phone by
[Briefly, Dr. Pless performed the autopsy on “Infant Doe,” a
Some time after Thomas quoted Dr. Curry in a column last
Down’s Syndrome baby boy born in 1982 in Bloomington,
summer, a young man called Dr. Curry. The young man did not
Indiana. The boy died six days after birth after being denied food,
identify himself as a 60 MINUTES reporter or a media
water, and surgical aid to correct a malformed esophagus, and
representative at all, but told Dr. Curry he was “investigating” the
after his parents had obtained a court order barring doctors from
feeding or treating him. Dr. Pless told reporters that the exact
The young man asked specifically if Dr. Curry had physically seen the autopsy report. Dr. Curry responded, “No, the entire What is truly alarming in the
autopsy report was read to me over the phone.”
conduct of 60 MINUTES
Dr. Curry then spent several minutes explaining his concerns
with the autopsy report and his strong conviction that there was
producers is their concerted
no evidence of induced abortion. The young man asked him if hewas an expert in abortion procedure, and Dr. Curry responded
effort to present a clean, simple
that he was not, but it was apparent from the autopsy report that
story, even in the face of
there was no infection anywhere near the reproductive organs.
So, Safer’s statement, “He told us he’s never seen the autopsy overwhelming evidence
report, that he’s not qualified to make a judgment,” gave the
to the contrary.
untrue impression that Dr. Curry was unfamiliar with the case.
I leaned over to Elizabeth Pearson at one point during the
interview and said, “You didn’t take the autopsy report to a
cause of Infant Doe’s death was “natural causes,” and was
doctor independently, did you?” She glared at me and said,
attacked for misrepresenting the true cause—dehydration and
Several days later, Elizabeth Pearson called me. She said,
Throughout the story, anti-abortion people were not only
“You seemed pretty angry at the interview. I just wanted to let
identified, but openly attacked. At one point, Morley Safer
you know that we were tough on the other side, too.”
ridiculed Dr. Willke for citing Dr. Bernard Nathanson because,
“That’s not the point,” I told her. “You didn’t take the autopsy
Safer smiled and said: “He’s a known right-to-lifer. Don’t you
see how his diagnosis might be a little suspect?”
She told me not to tell her how to do her job. We argued for
My deep concern with the course of events in working with
several minutes about the central question of the case: that if
these “journalists” is not just frustration with how the Pro-Life
Becky Bell did not have an illegal abortion, or an induced
Movement is portrayed. Unsympathetic stereotyping is nothing
abortion, she could not have died from one. She finally said that
new to pro-lifers. What is truly alarming in the conduct of 60
she had read parts of the autopsy report to a doctor she knew over
MINUTES producers is their concerted effort to present a clean,
the phone. The doctor told Pearson that Becky Bell could have
simple story, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the
had either an induced abortion or spontaneous abortion
(miscarriage), but which type of abortion was not clear from the
Granted, the real Becky Bell story is not an easy one to tell; the
unanswered questions and twists and turns complicate the story
60 MINUTES producers and
tremendously. But the producers of 60 MINUTES knew allfacets of the story. They asked me many times to gather information
correspondents consider
on the case as they found new evidence, and I’m sure they didtheir own research on the case. themselves above the need for
Before the program aired, it was absolutely inconceivable to
objectivity and responsibility to
me that at least part of this truth would not make it into the story. And yet I was shocked. report the truth.
Ultimately, I learned from my experience what most people
do not know: 60 MINUTES producers and correspondents,
autopsy report. She assured me that this fact would be part of the
lulled by years of good reviews and good ratings, consider
themselves above the constraints of traditional journalism. These
Several weeks later, Richard Bonin called to ask me about
constraints include the need for objectivity and responsibility to
getting footage of a pro-life rally on parental involvement laws.
He said, “I know I’m not your favorite person right now, but I can
Instead, the producers come up with (or are sold by public
guarantee that the other side is not going to be happy with what
relations professionals) a “story.” They script the story and get
we air.” In so many words, I told him I’d believe it when I saw
people to say the lines 60 MINUTES have written for them. They
do not include anything that does not fit their “story” concept. To
Several weeks ago, 60 MINUTES aired the segment titled,
60 MINUTES, truth, messy and complicated as it comes, finishes
“Becky’s Story.” It was just as bad as expected. The Bells’ story
was told uncritically, and there were virtually no “tough questions”
I’m left wondering why 60 MINUTES is considered a news
asked of the Bells, none related to the many unanswered questions
Writer shares how Kmart type porn helped ruin his life Editor’s note: The following unsolicited letter came from an
it always comes back to haunt me and to possess me, and control
individual in Australia. The letter shows how porn magazines
me. I’m never free of it, and its tentacles reach out to me from
like Penthouse, which Kmart sells in their Waldenbooks stores,
wherever I am, and drag me back into the sin and darkness from
can have a lifelong negative effect on young children. Kmart iswell aware that their pornography causes such harm, but continue
I am still getting porno catalogues from movie companies that
to sell it because of the money they make.
sell porno movies, and I am endeavoring to tear them up and noteven look at the filth that they are peddling. This is a huge effort
Dear Sir, It is with much embarrassment and a great deal of
shame that I write this letter to you. I am a 25-year-old Christian
This time I want to get help, and if that means baring all, then
male currently involved in a relationship with a Christian girl and
that is what I will do. I want to be a father, a loving husband and
it is for this reason that I am writing you this letter.
someone that can love and make love to his wife with a true heart
I have just finished reading your book The Case Against
and a love for her and not for any of the filth that I have indulged
Pornography. I’ve had it for several years and yet I have never
been able to finish it. It is now 12:30 a.m. and I am writing this
As I write this the shame and the filth is welling up inside of
letter as I am powerless in my battle with pornography and with
me, 15 years to be in this sin, it seems impossible but it is not, and
it masturbation, and I desperately want release and renewal in my
I am a man, a Christian man that has gone badly wrong and as
My battle with pornography started when I was about 10 years
a result my mind and my body is not what it should be. It is
old and I found some Penthouse magazines under my brother's
decayed and dying, it is badly in need of light and renewing, I am
lounge. Ever since then I have gone from bad to worse, from
in need to a total overhaul, starting with my mind and then my
looking at soft porn magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse to
hard core pornographic magazines, to watching R rated movies
I have defiled my own body with my own hands, I have
to hard core pornographic movies and then to strip clubs and sex
masturbated over countless videos and magazines, each time
hating myself and the lust trap that I have walked into. Each time
I have never since my involvement with pornography and
that little bit more dead inside and a little more accustomed to the
masturbation, had any real release from its evil grasp since I was
filth and perversion that I see portrayed in the magazines and
10. I have steadily been getting more involved and becoming
more and more dependent on this type of material.
I no longer feel like a man, I feel like someone who is only half
a man. My girlfriend is lovely, she is attractive and she needs
The reason for my writing is so that I may get some help,
someone who is a complete person. She loves me and I am trying
possibly from those that you have treated, maybe from your
to love her, but until I get rid of this sin once and for all, I am no
intercession for me and those like me. It is very hard for me to
write this, baring my soul and my dignity, but I am at a position
I am a desperate man, I am someone who has tried everything,
of no return and I desperately need help.
from burning pornography, praying and fasting, trying to exercise
I became a Christian at 15 . Even my Christian life and
more, taking cold showers, and trying to avoid it wherever
rebirth has not stopped me from this sin and perversion. I know
possible. Nothing works, and I fall deeper and deeper into sin and
this is what it is, but I seem to be powerless to stop it taking over
I am involved in counseling sessions with my Pastor. However,
I don’t think he sees the desperation and the need that I have. I
My girlfriend is very attractive and very affectionate, we both
have tried to tell him how I feel, but it just doesn’t come out right.
want to wait for sex, but at this point in time, it is not even an
I really am trying to do something about this. I want this sin out
option for me. I don’t function the way that I should.
of my life and I want to send it and its demons back to Hell where
As I said, I don’t want to engage in premarital sex, but. I am
tired of being frustrated and confused.
I work in King Cross, the busiest red light area in Australia
I have tried explaining what has happened to me, and why I am
(and, I’ve been told, in the world). Here not only are crime and
like I am, and she is very loving and kind, but clearly, she is hurt
violence rampant but so is the sex and pornography industry. I
and confused by my inability to relax and enjoy her affections
might also add, that my work place really doesn’t have an effect
on me. I never involve myself in its vices, but I am still trapped
by pornography and masturbation, and I am no longer a child. I
Pornography in all its various disguises has ruined my life,
don’t want to continue life like this.
taken my innocence, and putrefied my thought life. I want to be
I have taken something beautiful and made it putrid. I want to
free from it all from when I was 10 until now. If there was any way
be released from this situation and I am prepared to work at it, if
that I could unblock my mind and let it all drain out, and take with
I have to. I wish to be able to return and enjoy my God-given
it all the preconceived thoughts, actions and turn ons I would do
sexuality and to just relax in the knowledge that my past is gone
it. Sadly I don’t think that it is possible.
and I am moving on to becoming what God really wants me to be.
I know that I am responsible for my actions, and it is through
I am in my 3rd year of my Criminal Justice Degree, I am a
my own lust and my sin that this has happened to me and my life.
decorated Policeman, and I am involved with a beautiful girl, but
I also know that my relationship with God has gone down and is
beneath all this lies a side very few people know. It is to my shame
continuing to do so, because I don’t seem to get any real victory
and my disgust that I reveal this side to you in desperation and in
the hope that you will be able to show me the way that I may be
I might go for a week, a month, sometimes several months, but
Morality governs ‘quality of life’ By Charley Reese The Orlando Sentinel
The trouble with many believers in free enterprise and in
socialism is that they mistake method for morality.
You find, of course, both socialist and free enterprise countries
There’s nothing moral nor immoral about free enterprise or
in which people are treated much more humanely and with
socialism. Like mathematics, both are amoral. Both are systems
compassion. Sweden is an example of a benign socialist state and
for the production and distribution of goods, nothing more and
the good old U.S. of A. is an example of a benign capitalist state.
But, and here’s meat of the nut, the compassionate treatment
Prostitution, illegal gambling, pornography, murder for hire,
of human beings does not derive from either economic system.
and the drug trade are all forms of free enterprise. A coal mine
It comes as a result of the moral codes of the people who are in
worked by children is free enterprise. A sweatshop in a city loft
the systems. Workers compensation insurance, Social Security,
is free enterprise. Leaving an injured worker to die on the streets
and unemployment insurance are not dictated by the free enterprise
is free enterprise. Slave trading is free enterprise.
system. The system would consider all of those as non-productive
Free enterprise means nothing more than private ownership of
the capital, the means of production, and control of distribution.
Nor is it socialism which executes millions in China and
It was free enterprise for the only railroad into a farm area to
provides good education and childcare in Sweden. Rather it is the
charge the farmers ruinous rates to carry their produce. It’s free
moral codes of the respective people in control of those societies.
enterprise when the more heavily capitalized businessman
The dilemma of modern man is this. In the West, the hard
bankrupts his competitors by selling below costs. Loansharking
edges of both capitalism and socialism were softened by Christian
morality. Europe, the mother of both North and South American
Socialism, on the other hand, is nothing more than a form of
civilizations, was once known as Christendom. It is Christianity
slavery. The state owns everything so those who control the state
in our case and other religions in other civilizations, not economic
own everything and the rest, totally at the mercy of the state for
ideologies nor reason, which taught compassion for human
Stalinism and Nazism are forms of socialism. Denying housing
But as modern man lost his faith, he also lost his moral
and medical care in order to produce weaponry can be socialism.
bearings, though some made the attempt to construct a non-
Denying people a job and home and then packing them off to
religious ethics system. It’s not that any of us can’t sit down with
prison for being vagrants is a form of socialism found in most
a paper and pencil and draw up a code of secular ethics. It’s just
hard to get great masses of people to learn of them, much less
The naive often fail to see that the great lever communist
oligarchs have is not so much the secret police, the gulag and the
As the modern history of communism, nazism and fascism
firing squad; those tools of control are used more or less
show, officially secular ideologies turn out to be especially
judiciously. The real control mechanism is socialism itself—
vicious and murderous. At any rate, we are, to generalize greatly,
denying people private property rights. Without them, no one can
a people with no faith floundering around trying to find a
find work without permission of the state. No one can find a place
to live without the permission of the state. No one can buy food
It’s a moral code, not an economic system, that we most
without permission of the state. That’s one heck of an incentive
Hustler found obscene
absolute that it is untenable to argue against
in Oklahoma
and was placed on probation for five years.
“There are many other things more prob-
lematic for patients that they don’t know
issue obscene because of written material
that instructed readers how to gouge out a
person’s eye, then sexually torture him.
Liberties Union opposed the ruling, saying
it could “mean a loss of privacy and jobs.”
year-old boy’s genitals were cut, and one
Leftwing groups help AFA efforts Judge says doctors can’t hide AIDS
tacting sponsors,” Wildmon said. “Without
they were responding to a letter from AFA
tisers not to help sponsor the movie.
“The ultimate risk to the patient is so
Anti-Christian bigotry By Don Feder Creators Syndicate, Inc. accepted by media, law
When a romantic mood was on them, ’60s activists spoke of
Justice Department investigation. Rep. Edwards, whose
“the student as nigger.” Here the racial epithet was employed as
subcommittee has oversight of the commission, threatened to cut
a generic term to signify any outcast minority subject to
funding in retaliation for its involvement.
Despite hundreds of complaints—notwithstanding hospital
In reference to collegiate brats, the concept was ludicrous.
records, eye-witness accounts and videotapes—no charges were
Never were obnoxious malcontents more pampered, given power
brought against any police officer in connection with these
out of all proportion to their merits.
sickening abuses. Says Operation Rescue founder Randall Terry:
Christians are the only group in our society who can be
stomped, slandered and otherwise victimized with complete
No one in Washington has
impunity. The Los Angeles police brutality scandal is a case in
expressed interest in
point, providing yet another instance of the double standard of
Demonstrators had arms and investigating the February ankles broken. Nunchukas used on burnings of 11 churches in a pregnant woman caused her to central Florida that authorities miscarry. Rescuers were kicked, are calling arson. punched in the face, dragged face
“The answer is simple: We are pro-life Christians.”
down through horse manure. No
Can there be another explanation? Recall the flurry of
congressional hearings on the bombings of abortion clinics a few
charges were brought against
years back. If the abortionists stub their toes, Congress bleeds. any police officer.
No one in Washington has expressed interest in investigating
the February burnings of 11 churches in central Florida thatauthorities are calling arson, or the suspicious fire last week at a
justice for favored vs. despised minorities.
Boulder, Colorado, church, which was picketed by homosexuals
The vicious beating of one black man has prompted an
after the dismissal of its lesbian choir director.
outpouring of concern. The amateur tape of the incident played
Such hatred does not exist in a vacuum. Fundamentalists,
endlessly on network television; more viewers have seen it than
evangelicals and Catholics are the entertainment media’s favorite
punching bags, regularly pounded on prime-time television as
After meeting with the Black Congressional Caucus, and
bigots, hypocrites, lechers, embezzlers and para-military nuts.
ascertaining the altitude they wished him to leap from, Attorney
Recently, a group of over 800 Christian leaders, including
General Thornburgh last week announced a Justice Department
bishops and other officials of the Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran
review of every police brutality complaint over the past six years.
churches, signed a statement calling on Hollywood to end anti-
The General Accounting Office will conduct its own inquiry, and
Rep. Don Edwards (D-CA) will begin hearings of his House
A January episode of NBC’s LAW AND ORDER had pro-
Judiciary subcommittee this week. L.A. Police Chief Daryl
life Catholics blowing up a clinic to kill one of their number who
Gates is keeping an anxious eye on the help-wanted pages.
was seeking an abortion. Don’t hold your breath waiting for an
Contrast this to the short shrift given complaints against the
same police department by members of Operation Rescue. I’ve
Fundamentalists, evangelicals and
seen a videotape of the 1989 Los Angeles rescue, where peacefulprotesters were lifted off the ground by fingers stuck in their
Catholics are the entertainment
nostrils. I saw pressure applied to the mastoid nerve and continued
media’s favorite punching bags,
after the demonstrator came to his feet. I saw a cop applyingpressure points on the neck of his victim, while another sat on his
regularly pounded on prime-time
Demonstrators had arms and ankles broken. Nunchukas used
television as bigots, hypocrites,
on a pregnant woman caused her to miscarry. Rescuers were
lechers, embezzlers and para-
kicked, punched in the face, dragged face down through horsemanure. These weren’t ex-felons who allegedly were involved in
military nuts.
high-speed auto chases with the police. They weren’t illegallyintoxicated. The “perpetrators” included grandmothers, teen-age
action show about militant atheists torching churches. You’ll die
girls, priests and other depraved desperados.
These human rights violations were repeated in Pittsburgh,
Can you imagine Ted Turner calling Buddhism “a religion for
Atlanta and Hartford. New York’s Cardinal John O’Connor was
losers,” or Hollywood making a movie like The Handmaiden’s
outraged. Hosea Williams, a veteran of the Selma civil rights
Tale, wherein an America ruled by blacks and Hispanics is
march (with scars to prove it), added his eloquent voice to the
Does a nightstick breaking the bones of a pro-life protester
Still, then-chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission
make a sound? Apparently not, if no one in the Justice Department
William B. Allen says he “had to move mountains” to get a
NEA gives homosexual film festival $12,000 tax grant
The National Endowment for the Arts, continuing the practice
Films shown at the festival in previous years included “Looking
of snubbing its nose at tax payers, has given a $12,000 grant of
for My Penis: The Eroticized Asian in Gay video PORN,”
tax dollars to support the 1991 San Francisco International
“Tongues Untied,” and “Blow Job.”
Frohnmayer will probably defend the grant to the homosexual
“The decision by Mr. Frohnmayer to support the homosexual
film festival by saying it was for “administrative” purposes.
film festival shows that he is totally out of touch with the vast
The tax money to support the homosexual film festival follows
majority of American taxpayers,” said AFA president Donald E.
public disclosure of a recent grant to homosexual film producer
Wildmon. “To support with tax dollars homosexual porn films
Todd Haynes to produce a movie called “Poison”. The Castro
indicates that this agency has no intention of stopping the misuse
Theater in San Francisco said the movie was “acclaimed as the
most important gay American film in years.”
NEA gave the $12,000 tax grant to Frameline in San Francisco.
Congressmen and Senators who voted to continue government
“Chrm. Frohnmayer knew that this money would be used to help
funding of the NEA last year had been informed that the NEA
promote homosexual films, yet he did not hesitate to give the
used tax dollars to support the homosexual film festival. But they
funds. While reducing other grants, Mr. Frohnmayer increased
voted to continue tax support for such NEA-funded projects
the amount of tax money supporting the homosexual film festival
anyway. Congressmen who voted to continue funding the NEA
feel that taxpayers should be forced to pay for such “art” as the
The NEA has been supporting the homosexual films for years.
homosexual film festival. For a complete list of Congressmen
In 1988, the NEA gave the homosexual film festival $6,800; in
and Senators who voted to continue spending tax money for the
NEA grants, see the November/December issue of the AFA
According to the Washington Blade, the homosexual film
festival “usually includes some homoerotic [homosexual
The address: Congressman: U.S. House of Representatives,
pornography] scenes.” The San Francisco Sentinel described the
Washington, DC 20515. Senators: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC
film Johanna d’Arc of Mongolia, shown at a past festival, as “a
20510. The phone number for your Congressman and Senators is
lesbian fantasy about travelers kidnapped by the Mongolian
equivalent of Amazons. Horny lesbians will want to see Susie
Concerned individuals can also write President George Bush,
Bright’s presentation of lesbian erotica.horny gay men will be
The White House, Washington, DC 20500. Mr. Bush appointed
primed for another peek at Bobby Kendall’s buns.”
Mr. Frohnmayer to his post and defends Frohnmayer’s actions. Church burns while Annual AFA Chapter Conference homosexuals protest July 19-21, 1991 Tupelo, Mississippi
worship ended recently when fire brokeout in their building. Outside the building,
Workshops designed for existing
they were greeted by demonstrators—including men dressed in women’s clothes,
and potential local chapters:
who protested the church’s firing ofCarolyn Val-Schmidt.
In January, church officials asked Ms. How to get started
Val-Schmidt to quit her volunteer post aschoirmaster for a singles group that met at
How to raise funds
the church. Church officials said that Ms. Utilizing resources of national AFA office
Val-Schmidt could remain in the congre-gation but was barred from any leadership
How to organize, execute a successful picket
position because of her homosexuality. How to involve others in your community
“Ladies in Support of Prejudiced Presby-
How to make your local chapter more effective
terians” paraded in drag in front of thechurch.
at the church, refused comment on the fire
and protest. He also refused to appear on
pastor may have been worried about be-ing photographed because of threateningcalls made to the church. “The music ministry of Steve and Annie Chapman has blessedpeople all over America. AFA is grateful to have this talented
love us, but they still see us as a behavior
couple among our strong supporters.”
and a lifestyle. We’re not a lifestyle. We’re
--Don Wildmon
a cultural minority,” said lesbian SueLarson of Boulder. Denver Rocky Mountain News, 3/20/91
AFA Chapter Office, P.O. Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803
Homosexual leaders laud Senator Hatch, get introduction of special homosexual rights legislation
A group of U.S. Senators and Representatives has introduced
inviting them to the White House for two bill signings and
legislation which gives homosexuals special rights because of
meeting with openly gay people with AIDS in 1989, some
activists suggest that the president may be giving Republican
According to Outweek, a publication oriented toward the
members of Congress ‘permission’ to be ‘more open-minded’
homosexual community, the legislation has a record number of
co-sponsors. Sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Alan Cranston of
“This, activists suggest, may in turn account for the increased
California and in the House by Rep. Ted Weiss of New York, the
numbers of Republicans who now are not only willing to vote for
measure “would extend to American lesbians and gay men the
gay interests, but who will take to the House and Senate floor to
protections of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, making discrimination
make speeches, sponsor pro-gay initiatives and help block anti-
on the basis of sexual orientation in the areas of employment,
public accommodations, housing and federally assisted programs
“‘Now it’s more than just [New York’s pro-gay Republican
Rep.] Bill Green,’ quips [Eric] Rosenthal [political director for
“I think we’re definitely off to a great start,” said Peri Jude
the Human Rights Campaign Fund]. ‘Until a few years ago,
Radecic, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s lobbyist.
virtually the only Republican we could count on was Bill Green.
Outweek reported: “Bolstered by the 1990 victories on the
Hate Crimes Statistics Act, which for the first time included a
“And with the help of many of those pro-gay Republican
provision on ‘sexual orientation’ in federal law; the Americans
members of Congress, most notable among them the pivotal
With Disabilities Act, which, among other things, banned AIDS-
Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, in 1990 every anti-gay
related discrimination nationwide; the removal of the United
initiative that was introduced to the 101st Congress eventually
States’ ban on AIDS and gay immigration; and several other
AIDS-related bills, gay and lesbian lobbyists are now suggesting
[Last year Hatch, a Republican from Utah, was a leader in the
that action on the gay rights bill is in the foreseeable future.”
Senate in opposing any restrictions on the kinds of art which the
Outweek went on to explain new support that homosexuals
National Endowment for the Arts could fund. The NEA annually
are receiving from Republicans. “Within the party, a newly
gives thousands of tax dollars to support pro-homosexual art.]
formed national group of gay Republicans, United Republicans
Hearings on the new bill giving special rights to homosexuals
for Equality and Privacy, has already achieved a number of small
is expected to be in 1992, according to Outweek.
but impressive victories. Among them was a 1989 meeting with
Listed below are the Senators and Representatives who are co-
Bush administration staffers, and official invitations from the
sponsoring the new pro-homosexual bill.
White House, secured through California’s former Republican
The address: Congressman: U.S. House of Representatives,
Sen. Pete Wilson, to the president’s signing of the Hate Crimes
Washington, DC 20515. Senators: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC
20510. The phone number for your Congressman and Senators is
“With Bush himself quietly signaling to gays and lesbians by
Senators: Representatives The decent majority is under siege By Don Feder Creators Syndicate Inc.
What will it take to rouse the decent majority? How long will
Among the prejudices exposed: “Heterosexism: oppression of
Middle America slumber while militant perversion advances on
those sexual orientations other than heterosexual, such as gays,
every front, securing political sanction, indoctrinating the young,
lesbians and bisexuals; this can take place by not acknowledging
forcing taxpayers to subsidize its bizarre life-style, unleashing a
torrent of hatred against dissenters. Unless we warmly embrace
The Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx just became the
largest private employer to offer spousal benefits to Ozzie and
homosexuals, tell them how
Harry families. “It very clearly sounds like they’re blazing a trailfor not-for-profit organizations,” said Dallas Salisbury of the
much we appreciate their
Employee Benefit Research Institute. A four-lane highway to
charming lifestyle in all of its
On the same day, Boston City Councilor David Scondras, a
delightful aspects (bathhouses,
homosexual, unveiled his domestic partners bill, requiringtaxpayers to cover health insurance premiums for the “non-
bars, sadomasochism, practices
traditional families” of city employees. too shocking to describe here),
Mockingly titled the Family Protection Act, it is intended to
“open up a debate about the American family,” Scondras discloses. we are oppressing them.
Ellen Zucker, president of the Boston chapter of NOW and anardent proponent of the legislation, insists: “It is a fantasy to saythat heterosexual marriage is the only kind of family that exists.
No longer is mere sufferance sufficient. Now, unless we
warmly embrace homosexuals, tell them how much we appreciate
A smiling George Bush signed
their charming lifestyle in all of its delightful aspects (bathhouses,bars, sadomasochism, practices too shocking to describe here),
the so-called Hate Crimes bill,
Such vile bigotry is being rooted out at the source. The
the first legislative recognition of
National Association for the Education of Young Children is the
homosexuality at the federal
largest accreditation agency for preschool institutions. ItsNovember, 1990 conference included a presentation by the Gay
level, while representatives
and Lesbian Caucus on “sexual preference, pride and the early
of gay groups looked
Among the reading material suggested for use in day-care
on approvingly.
centers is Daddy’s Roommate, a truly fractured fairy tale. “Mommyand Daddy got a divorce last year. Now there’s somebody new at
Nor, some would say, is it even the most desirable kind of
Daddy’s house. Daddy and his roommate Frank live together.
family.” Did you get that? First social poison is sanctified. Then
Sleep together. Being gay is just one more kind of love.”
After milk and cookies, kids can move on to Heather Has Two
The assault on nature racked up some impressive victories last
Mommies, wherein little Heather explains how Mama Jane and
year. The immigration ban on homosexuals and HIV-infected
Mama Kate decided to have her—by artificial insemination. The
visitors was overturned. A smiling George Bush signed the so-
erotic brave new world is just a story-time away.
called Hate Crimes bill, the first legislative recognition of
Their victories have emboldened the lunatic fringe of the gay
homosexuality at the federal level, while representatives of gay
rights movement (ACT-UP and Queer Nation) to freely assault
groups looked on approvingly. A White House staffer who
ancient faiths. In his essay in the April 1 issue of U.S. News, John
objected to their presence at the ceremony was sacked. And First
Leo refers to a recent demonstration outside St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Lady Barbara Bush wrote a letter of support to the Parents and
as “a classic hate rally, very likely the most bitter anti-Catholic
At the state and local level, the success of gay rights is
The decent majority is either too
premised on a two-pronged strategy: Browbeat legislative bodies
repulsed, averting their eyes
into approving the measures, then use a well-oiled machine toblock voter repeal. A committee of the Connecticut General
from a deeply disturbing
Assembly recently approved a statewide gay rights bill.
In Pittsburgh, a citizens group collected over 11,000 signatures
spectacle, or too scared
to force a repeal referendum of the city’s gay rights ordinance. to get involved.
Homosexuals with high-powered legal support and computeranalysis were able to disqualify enough signatures to deny themballot status. It’s an old story: ragtag family defenders (under-
one conducted since the heyday of the Know-Nothings.” Referring
funded, politically inexperienced) overwhelmed by homosexuals
to entertainment in gay bars and street-theater, Leo comments:
who’ve spent decades building a political network.
“Savage mockery of Christianity is now a conventional part of
But even their victories in the political arena pale compared
to their blitzkrieg advances on the social front. Smith College in
And why not? Who will openly oppose them? The decent
Northhampton, Massachusetts, gives incoming freshmen a two-
majority is either too repulsed, averting their eyes from a deeply
page handout to sensitize them to the myriad forms of persecution.
disturbing spectacle, or too scared to get involved.
allows God to “rekindle faith and hope for
Please feel free to use my letter to help
Porn involved in crime
others if it can, but please don’t use my
Road, Franklin, NC 28734; 704/524-5741.
enough, just having to write this in the first
Post-abortion sidewalk counselors sought
Carreon if Carreon had any video gamesthey could play. He said he “killed”
seeking to assist abortion-injured women,
failed—as the man in this song did—to
counseling as women leave abortuaries.
Our life is but a breath. Let’s make the
escorts, clinic personnel, or boy friends to
camera after the sexual assault and said he
employees are counting the day’s profits,and boy friends have disappeared.
contributed to “major pollution problems”
Pornography found
legal action against abortionists if they are
in possession of pair
experience is still fresh in their minds. For
charged with child porn
ing claims about the effectiveness of Plax
been arrested. John Borelli and his wife,
including child pornography; filming chil-
Ministry offers quality
dren in a sex act; perverted sexual practice;
Christian films, videos
$70,000 to cover the cost of the investiga-
second- and third-degree sex offense with
source for quality films, videos and books.
Films for Christ is a non-profit, interde-
that the advertisements for the mouth rinse
nominational, evangelical mission offering
victim, sodomy and incest with a minor.
unique, high-quality products. Videos may
be purchased or rented, and 16mm films are
disease and implied it is the only way to
home, they confiscated literally thousands
the product label and its advertisements.
“It is no surprise that Pfizer practiced
Salisbury (Maryland) Daily Times, 10/3/91
Christ, and features Dr. D. James Kennedy. Disney plans nationwide lottery
not care about the kind of filth they help
films, defends the Biblical view of creation.
sponsor on television isn’t likely to be
announced that they will try to televise a
is another current film title that appeals to
polluting of rivers,” said AFA president
is a classic children’s film telling the story
drugs other than those made by Pfizer.
as low as $19. For a catalog, write: Films
Ministry to ministers
saying that he was taking all the Feldene
counters stress, burn-out
Mesa, AZ 85202; or call 602/894-1300.
prescribing Feldene to any of his patients.
time apart with the Lord, whether to seek
renewal in their spirit, or healing of family
free from all that I have allowed myself to
record to others and asking them to do the
relationships,” says Larry F. Pons, director
of Christian Training Center International.
I apologize for the length of this letter,
state that I have allowed myself to fall to. I
cease prescribing Pfizer’s medicines.
wanted to let you know that I am desperate
defending their sponsorship of TV filth by
please, please pray for me, that I may return
saying that “personal values and standards
from the darkness and once again be able to
cannot satisfy all points of view.” The
policeman, lies, illegally occupies a home
broken, have no fear. The problem is all in
gunshots and five explosions fill the movie.
November 11) Much profanity, gory suicide
24) The police officer-heroes in this movie
and murder scenes, and illicit sex are the
features of this movie. Psychopathic Alex
and Pfizer, along with a card containing a
“Hemorrhoid.” Sleazy sex is introduced
list of the products to boycott. The cards
and his wife, in self defense, stab and shoot
psychiatrist in order to make a tape with
Individuals are urged to join the boycott,
and to write or call the companies and let
features a man electrocuted in a whirlpool
Programs which S.C. Johnson helped sponsor:
involved in a homosexual affair, and that a
husband Archie is having an affair with a
dies, college daughter Barbara pines, “I
and in three days they’re sleeping together.
wish I could have told him that I’m gay.”
Karate cologne, Iron cologne, Lady Stetson
She and her lesbian lover figure prominently
cream, Preferred Stock cologne, Shape’n
major characters. In a men’s room scene,
he remarks to two men, “If you two ever
racism is the over-all theme, the hour is
filled with some 20 uses of profanity. The
illicit affair between the police chief and
medicine, TZ-3 athlete’s foot ointment,
husband are going to a mate-swap event.
including explicit sex dialogue between the
and only rational character, says his father
& Sons, Inc., 1525 Howe Street, Racine,
can “go to hell” because he won’t accept
Richard’s homosexuality. The insensitive,
while riding his bike down the street, his
products, Curel skin lotion, Edge shaving
singing, “Why, Lord?” over repeated shots
L’envie perfume, Skintastic body gel, Soft
Programs Pfizer helped sponsor:
Carnu polish, Clean & Clear wax, Duster
rendezvous around their busy schedules—
and the schedule of Sara’s young daughter
Future floor coating, Glade room odorizer,
Molly. Both discuss their plans with close
Glo Coat floor coating, Glory rug cleaner,
has AIDS, attempts suicide in jail. Sympathy
protection. David’s friend Stan longs for
wax, Raid insecticide, Rain Barrel fabric
a great looking woman and ‘Wham!’ just
softener, Shout stain remover, Step Saver
have casual sex!” Ultimately, their plans
are thwarted, but the lesson is still clear:
of programs which S.C. Johnson and Pfizer
Neal, help me demonstrate this simple test.
sponsors of sex, violence and profanity.
[Here she takes two of Neal’s fingers to
represent a penis.] Just take a roll of ordinary
before helping sponsor the programs. Programs which both advertisers
stamps. [She licks the stamps slowly as she
none of the traditional religious bodies in
helped sponsor include:
sticks them around Neal’s fingers and as
behind-the-scenes men discuss her tongue.]
defender of pluralism, called the people of
intolerance of Christians in his programs.
Peoria, Illinois, “provincial” when they
tianity has failed. In his new found “spiri-
supported their television station’ s deci-
wanted to have his new grandson baptized.
Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu’s “Tao Te
along with his suggestion, Archie decided
that and other sources, Mr. Lear feels that
that our society is “rooted in tolerance
which allows for the diverse expression of
Archie said: “You gotta use force; that is
dium, television tries to reflect that diver-
and death of Christ. One character, Rev.
Bressan says that “a positive portrayal
died when the television set fell into his
critical act on the part of CBS, which has
of religion plays a crucial role in this se-
report about a plane crashing into a church.
ceeding episode is that many roads lead to
and others) to address the spiritual needs
the same destination . . . In our opinion
said: “He died for the 6:30 news, Lord.
For the sins of the 6:30 news.” Loretta,
to promote his religion on their network.
in no way denigrates, trivializes or ridicules
portrayed as utterly ignorant and stupid,
the beliefs or traditions of Christians or any
but equally sincere and well-intentioned,
delves into spirituality, and. well. gen-
erally questions the meaning of life. At the
root of each situation-of-the-week is Lear’s
trivialized or ridiculed the beliefs of Chris-
exploited his son’ s evangelistic work for
intention to provoke the audience to think
profit. He was involved in a shady housing
deal called “Condos for Christ.” After the
sion of Jesus by identifying Edith Bunker,
boy’s death, Merle planned to devote all
spiritual facilitator, Lear is hoping SUN-
his time to this semi-swindle while talking
being symbolic of Him. Edith, the charac-
about “spreading the message of Christ.”
attaining ‘nourishment for the soul’.”
The Rev. Mr. Steadfast, another character
on the show, carried a pint of whiskey in
the banks of that stream over those thou-
sand miles of varying stripes. Things would
Times, Lear said the key character in SUN-
be very different as they grew. Look at it
who talks to God. Sometimes she refers to
stream. Forget (emphasis in original)
God as “He,” sometimes as “She,” some-
what people find for themselves along the
times as “Someone” and, when personal,
stream. Whatever (emphasis in original)
they find is terrific. We don’t have to deal
with that. We can deal with what it is that
nourishes us. What is the stream about that
teresting but very straight in the way she
of her “visits .” It was Norman Lear’s way
reads scripture.” He uses Ben, the series
hero, to blame Christians for the holocaust:
concept in a speech to the American Acad-
adultery” and “Thou shalt not steal.” For
emy of Religion, “I had mainline religions
history with the amount of wars started for
Mr. Lear, sacred religious principles are
answer me after the talk. That’s what they
always good for a disparaging laugh.
were afraid of: that I was going to homog-
enize—not I, but the result of this kind of
thinking, I have to believe, would homog-
NER to proclaim his belief that we should
enize their jobs, their lives, their careers.”
put aside our Bibles: “I think we should
take the Bible and the Koran and the Tal-
to Lear, said that “words such as ‘da--’ and
mud, put those holy symbols aside until we
‘he--’ became commonplace in prime time
remember what we find sacred in that tree,
temptation of lust doesn’t mean he loves
in that butterfly and in each other,” he said.
Lear says his own spiritual odyssey began
“What’s wrong with a married man having
Group, is trying to defuse the controversy
in me, which has always been in me, which
Maude: “I want to go to bed with you.”
pluralism. Lear, who claims to be a great
lesbian affair while Merle slept with both.
Wanda told Merle: “That’s what marriage
is, concentrated lust.” On another episode,
your mother and sister, and you shall live.
If you do not come, I shall see to it that your
take measures to ensure that future exhib-
its of this nature will not be paid for by the
religious practice and teaching for which
assured her: “You’re sweet, you’re kind,
opportunity to defend in a court of law. In
and you’re fun. These are the things that
the past, PAW has continually stated that
church and state should be separate. Coors supports homosexual
occult religion in public schools, Lear’s
group does not seek to have it removed but
magazine with advertising
lead to an evil habit. Nancy told him not to
Murderers imitate porn film
worry, because “evil” spelled backward is
ana, said that Professor Robert David Little
magazine called Genre with advertising.
and alleged serial killer Larry Eyler watched
the porn movie Caligula together before
services. Instead, it is depending on sup-
creating and casting spells and charms to
Stephen R. Agan was remarkably similar to
a murder Little and Eyler saw in the hardcore
ing support to the homosexual community.
occult characters, and similar activities.
PAW has declared that this lawsuit “is the
Little’s attorney tried, unsuccessfully,
national test case over the ‘Impressions’
to suppress the videotape of the movie and
series.” Lear’s organization has sought to
be involved in the lawsuit from the time it
was first filed, calling it “contrived” and
slaying. Accounts said that he will testify
Joseph’s beer, Killian’s Irish Red ale.
“outlandish” even before the suit was de-
that after viewing Caligula, he and Little
livered to the school district. In ruling on
him, taped his mouth and tied his arms and
“Impressions,” Judge William B. Shubb
indicated that he questioned whether PAW,
or the parents for whom it is acting, have
to testify that he stabbed Agan repeatedly
Church drops opposition,
any legal right to participate in the suit, but
while Little photographed the scene. Little
homosexual rights bill passes
the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (which
includes California) to accede. The selec-
tions from “Impressions” which Lear’s
homosexual rights bill didn’t carry the
group defends as “imaginative” include:
Florida governor orders
• Have the students work in small groups
end to tax-supported
to create a spell to cure the ills of today’s
anti-Christian ‘art’
passage of that state’s homosexual rights
bill to the neutrality of the Roman Catho-
• Have the children sit in a circle, pass
Secretary of State not to help fund anti-
Connecticut’s first openly homosexual leg-
tacted by the Christian Coalition of Florida.
they have been transported to a different
The Florida Division of Cultural Affairs—
land. Tell the children that you’ve forgotten
which receives $400,000 from the National
earlier opposition to the bill and Sen. Dale
homoerotic exhibit entitled “Scents and
children prepare a magical chant that might
in Orlando. The exhibit included such im-
Observers speculated that the bill passed
child hold an imaginary candle in front of
ages as male sex organs draped with rosary
dropped their opposition because Gov.
their eyes, they will have returned to the
bating while wearing a crown of thorns—an
classroom. The magic will have worked.
witches (from a 3rd grade story). They can
sion, these pictures were quite disturbing,
and I was shocked to learn that the exhibition
the first time (where the witch tells the
was partially funded with state monies. I do
hero “You deserve to die for [seeing the
witch ceremony]. But I will spare your life
support such an exhibit, and I certainly do
9.Physical and chemical properties TOKUYAMA DENTAL CORP. TOKUYAMA DENTAL CORP. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (According to 91/155/EEC and OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200(g))(According to 91/155/EEC and OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.1200(g)) 1.Identification of substance 1.Identification of substance TOKUSO REBASE POWDER TOKUSO REBASE LIQUID Dentur
The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed drugs. It represents an abbreviatedversion of the drug list (formulary) that is at the core of your prescription-drug benefit plan. The list is not all-inclusive and does not guarantee coverage. In addition to using this list,you are encouraged to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate. PLEASE NOTE: The symbol * nex