"V" - Articles Finder:


It is likely that veterinary practices will encounter animals that are colonised or infected with methicillin (formerly called methicillin) resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) or other methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus species. It is also possible that staff may act as a reservoir for such methicillin resistant infections. The animals most at risk include those that have been acutely ill in


RTESÍTŐ ÉRTESÍTŐ a Budapesti Városvédő Egyesület lapja 2011. május XXIX. évfolyam, 4. szám Májusban különösen gazdag programajánlatunk várja a városvédőket: két új kötetet is megjelentetünk, kiál ítást rendezünk a középkori pesti városfal ma is látható emlékeiről, kerekasztal-beszélgetést tartunk a városfal bemutatási lehetőségeiről.

Microsoft word - colonoscopy_miralax_prep.docx

MiraLAX and Gatorade Colonoscopy Prep Warning Some of your medications such as blood thinners (e.g.: Coumadin/warfarin, xarelto, Aggrenox, pradaxo, Plavix/clopidregel) may need to be stopped for a few days before your procedure. At the time your procedure was scheduled, we would have given you specific instructions of how to manage these changes – you would also want to check with the pres


Name. Date. DIAGNOSIS of HEART DISEASE o Clinical Examination, and regular check-up with the vet. o Chest X-Ray , and repeat X-ray 3 mo. later. o Blood Tests to assess general health. o E.C.G. (Electrocardiogram), repeated as required for monitoring. The HEALTHY HEART The two most common types of o Ultrasound examination may be necessary. heart disease in dogs are :-


CURRICULUM VITAE BIELLI DATI PERSONALI Luogo e data di nascita: Angera (VA) 31/03/1965 Residenza: Via Adriatico, 23 28100 Novara (NO) Per qualsiasi comunicazione scritta scrivere presso: Ambulatorio Veterinario, V.le M. Buonarroti, 20/a 28100 Novara. Contatti: 0321/624480 (ambulatorio Novara) 335/6687471 (portatile) e-mail SCOLARITA’ Maturità scientifica conseguita presso il Liceo


Animal Health Care Products Animal groups | Products for Livestock Animals | Endoparasiticides| Item Name Pack Size Closantel [as HCL] 50mg/ml + Levamisole [as HCL] 100mg/ml Oxibendazole 350mg + Niclosamide 3650 mg 30 boluses Albendazole 10% Suspension 200ml,1 litre can Albendazole 1000 mg Bolus Albendazole 2.5% Suspension Albendazole 3000 mg bolus 50 boluses

Microsoft word - krankenordnung.doc

Amtliche Verlautbarung der österreichischen Sozialversicherung im Internet: www.avsv.at Vorarlberger Gebietskrankenkasse Die Vorarlberger Gebietskrankenkasse verlautbart gemäß § 456 Abs. 1 ASVG: Krankenordnung 2003 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Abschnitt – Ärztliche Hilfe und gleichgestellte Leistungen 1. Unterabschnitt – Ärztliche Hilfe Allgemeines Ärztliche Hilfe mit Überwe

Use of online services

Terms and Conditions for the Use of Online Services Ed. (04⁄2010) 1. Online Services The credit card issuer provides various services which are accessible on the internet (www.viseca.ch) (hereinafter referred to as "Online Services"), in particular the display of transactions ("MyAccount"), the provision of monthly statements in paperless, electronic format ("Self

Dear sirs,

3. Responses to the Remarks and Proposals of the Department of Environment of the Republic of Latvia Remark 1: The documentation about influence on the environment does not contain a qualitative and quantitative estimation of the possible radiation contamination which may influence on the territory of Latvia in case of the accident. Such estimation is required for assessment of the condi


loss. A spinal tap yielded an opening pressure of 17 cm Intracranial Pressure Returns to Normal H2O. Acetazolamide treatment was discontinued and fol- About a Month After Stopping low-up examinations showed eventual resolution of the Tetracycline Antibiotics Case 2 . An 18-year-old woman received minocyclinefor 2 months. This was stopped when she developed head- T etracyclineantib





Programma israel

VAN ROMPAEY TRAVEL Rode kruislaan 7 2400 MOL 014 31 38 51 Met SN Brussels naar Tel Aviv. Ontvangst op de luchthaven door de gids en transfer naar Dan Panorama Tel Aviv voor overnachting. Ontbijt in het hotel. Daarna kennismaking met de kosmopolitische stad Tel Aviv. We maken een tour door de stad en bezoeken ook Jaffa, volgens de Bijbel na de zondvloed gesticht door Jafet, de zoon van Noach

Zoonotic potential in the veterinary work place:

MRSA Information for Veterinarians What is MSRA? MRSA stands for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a type of bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics, most commonly methicillin. However, isolates should also be considered to be resistant to all penicillins, carbapenems, cephems, and !-lactam/"! -lactamase inhibitors. Hospital acquired MRSA (HA-MRSA)


Off-Label-Indikationen in der Neurologie Liste betroffener Substanzen Alphabetische Ordnung; kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit der Substanzen und Indikationen Quelle: Rote Liste online (www.rote-liste.de) Stand Februar 2009 Epilepsie, Hirnödeme, Morbus Menière (nicht alle Präparate) leichte bis mittelschwere Alzheimer-Demenz Frühdyskinesie, Akathisie, Parkinsonoid (einige Präparate)


Address: 16 Polaris Close, P.O. Box 2290, Coffs Harbour NSW. Australia 2450 Phone: 02 6651 8138 Freecall: 1800 35 35 99 Fax: 02 6651 3154 NZ Phone: 0061 2 6651 8138 Freecall: 0800 262 800 Fax: 0061 2 6651 3154 Website: www.virtualparenting.com.au Email: sales@virtualparenting.com.au Baby Cleaning Procedure Removing pen marks, clothing dye and staining. You

Cv prof steven nisticò it

PROF. STEVEN PAUL NISTICO’ CURRICULUM VITAE ET STUDIORUM Dati anagrafici Titoli di studio e accademici Esperienze di Ricerca e Professionali Lingue straniere Appartenenza a società scientifiche Attività Scientifica e di Ricerca Attività Didattica Attività Organizzativa Pubblicazioni Capitoli di volumi » 12 Dati anagrafici Luogo e Data


Órgano oficial del Comité provincial del Partido en Guantánamo. Lunes 6 de junio de 2011. Año 53 de la Revolución. Se trata de estar alertas, poner LOS PIES Y LOS OÍDOS sobre la tierracultades que retardan el proceso, entre las quelas formas de producción con la industria,se encuentran la deficiente contratación, atra-mejoraron la eficiencia en la entrega. ! S í n t e s


rung des Hirn-Dopings verstärkt, wäre es nicht weit zum Szenario Wettrüsten im Kopf Eine Tagung in Oxford über Doping fürs Hirn eines panchemischen Zeitalters, in dem ein pharmakologisches Ein latenter Normierungsdruck lastete dann auch auf all jenen, Als die Zeitschrift "Nature" vor zwei Jahren einer Reihe von die sich medizinischer Zurüstung entziehen wollen, aber im me


SHINE magazine Implant offer terms & conditions  Appointments subject to availability  Consultation with the Dentist does not include x-rays  Timing of procedure, duration or treatment and number of appointments to be agreed  Offer available to new and existing patients  Consent form to be signed prior to treatment  Tomography and surgical guide may be required at an

Microsoft word - tesi valeria aiello.doc

Bibliografia 1 T. D. Brock, J.M. Martinko, J. Parker , Biology of microrganism, Eight edition, Prentice Hall (1997) 2 C Huang., D. T. Chaleff, M. E. Ruppen., J. Stephens, Cloning genes for Streptomyces cyaneogriseus subsp. noncyanogenus for biosyntesis of antibiotics and methods of use, United States Patent Application (2005) 3 R. A. Maplestone, M.J. Stone, D.H. Williams, The

Pii: s0140-6736(01)06254-7

Direct-to-consumer advertisements for prescription drugs: whatare Americans being sold? Steven Woloshin, Lisa M Schwartz, Jennifer Tremmel, H Gilbert Welch prescription drug appeared in Reader’s Digest in 1981billion on direct-to-consumer advertisements forprescription drugs in 1999. Our aim was to establish whatadvertisements were published, and the US Food andmessages are being commun


Available online at www.sciencedirect.comThe Veterinary Journal xxx (2007) xxx–xxxUse of domperidone in the treatment of canine visceral leishmaniasis:P. Go´mez-Ochoa a,*, J.A. Castillo a, M. Gasco´n a, J.J. Zarate a, F. Alvarez b, C.G. Couto ba Department of Animal Pathology, Veterinary Faculty of Zaragoza, c/ Miguel Servet 177, CP 50013 Zaragoza, Spainb Veterinary Teaching Hospital ,D


Aripiprazol en pacientes ancianos: una revisión de la evidencia Luis F. Agüera-Ortiz, Jorge López-Álvarez, Alberto Segura-Frontelo Introducción. El aripiprazol es un antipsicótico de aparición reciente. Por su perfil favorable de efectos secundarios parece Servicio de Psiquiatría; Hospital una opción razonable en el manejo de aquellas situaciones clínicas en la edad avanzada que r


BOLETÍN OFICIAL DE LA PROVINCIA DE MÁLAGA — 16 de abril de 2003municipal, por el que se comprueba que en Edificio Guetaria, aparta-nación vigente, se acordará la demolición de las obras a costa del inte -mento número 9, sito en la calle Juan Sebastián Elcano, 10, la baran-dilla del balcón ha sido retirada no siendo reemplazada por otra; es2. Incoarse procedimiento sancionador para d


Het nieuwe Influenza A (H1N1) oftewel de mexicaanse griep is een virus dat griep veroorzaakt. Het griepvirus verspreidt zich via de lucht en via de handen.De door dit virus veroorzaakte griep staat op dit moment bekend als mild. Dat betekent dat het nieuwe griepvirus en de symptomen niet veel afwijken van de normale seizoensgriep. De meeste mensen herstellen binnen een week. De gevolgen van Ni

Pm-off-label 020502

Jakobikirchhof 920095 HamburgTel. 0 40-33 09 09Fax 0 40-33 57 44E-Mail: jungck.hh@t-online.deInternet: vdaea.de PRESSEMITTEILUNG Zum Verhalten einiger Krankenkassen bei „off-label-Verordnung“ für Schmerzpatienten Das Bundessozialgericht (AZ B I KR 37/00) hat kürzlich entschieden, daß Medikamente außerhalb des Anwendungsbereiches, auf das sich die Zu- lassung erstreckt, nicht bz

Microsoft powerpoint - drug-induced acute renal dysfunction - rx mar10.ppt [read-only]

„ Pseudo Renal Failure„ Acute Renal Failure„ NSAIDs, CyA/Tacrolimus, ACEI/ARB, Diuretics„ ATN – Aminoglycosides, Amphotericin B, „ ↑ BUN due to protein catabolism „ ↑ SCr due to competitive inhibition of creatinine „ 15-35% rise SCr fully expressed after 3 days„ More sig in pts with pre-existing renal dysfunction „ Completely reversible when drug is discont

Microsoft word - seeon meeting report 2009.doc

2nd International Kloster Seeon Meeting “Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Tumor Progression and Metastasis” Hosted by the Nationwide DFG Priority Research Program 1190 “The Tumor-Vessel Interface” with support from the Verein für Wissenschaftliche Fachtagungen in der Biomedizin e.V. Session 1: ANGIOGENESIS AND TUMOR PROGRESSION “Reversing Angiogenesis in solid

Opistorchis 25agosto

Caratteristiche della patologia Informazioni Opistorchiasi Opisthorchis felineus, (O.viverrini, Clonorchis sinensis). Trematode sottile e trasparente di 7 x 1,5 mm, lanceolato, appiattito in senso dorso-ventrale, con una ventosa orale ed una ventrale, ermafrodita. Le uova sono giallo brunastre, opercolate, di 27 x 15 µm, contengono il miracidio già al momento dell’eliminazione.

Artigo dermatologia parte ii.pmd

DIAGNÓSTICO DIFERENCIAL DAS PRINCIPAIS PARTE II - ATOPIA: DIAGNÓSTICO E 1. Introdução ESTRATÉGIAS lulas de Langerhans, os quais são captu- TERAPÊUTICAS. linfócitos T alérgeno-especificos. Há umaantígenos ambientais (ácros de poeira do-conseqüente expansão preferencial de cé-○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○


腎功能不全時應監測濃度,調整藥物劑量(但常被忽略)之藥物 項次 藥物 ClCr <15 ml/min--2 mg on dailysis day <3 mg/min: 100 mg at extended intervals <10 ml/min-- in fast acetylators Q8-16H ClCr 30-50: 0.25 mg QD or 0.5 mg QOD (treatment-naive) ClCr <10: 0.05 mg QD or 0.5 Q7D (treatment-naive) 10-50 ml/min Q6-12H; <10 ml/min Q12-18H Clcr<25


Exercise and depression Exercise referral and the treatment of mild or moderate depressionInformation for GPs and healthcare practitionersThere is a substantial body of evidence to show a causal link between physical activity and reduced clinically defined depression, and comparative studies have demonstrated that exercise can be as effective as medication or psychotherapy. Trea

Microsoft word - vc_japan2.doc

A Technology Review on Virtual Colonoscopy Virtual Colonoscopy: An Alternative Approach to Examination of the Entire Colon Departments of Radiology, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA Abstract We have developed a virtual colonoscopy system aiming toward mass screening for polyps through the entire colon. This wor

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BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES BEHAVIORAL HEALTH UNIT PATIENT HANDBOOK INTRODUCTION & WELCOME Entering treatment is stressful for you and your family/loved ones. The staff want to make the process as easy and as comfortable a possible. To facilitate this, we provide you with this handbook. Please feel free to talk to staff about any qu


State of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection NARCOTICS & VARIOUS OTHER CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES January 2000 Prepared by: Drug Control Agent Sharon Milton-Wilhelm Drug Control Agent Gerald J. DeStefano TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER Amphetamines (Methamphetamine, ICE, CAT) Marijuana (including Sinsemilla, Hash, Hash Oil) Amphetamine Variants

Microsoft word - malaria is a serious.docx

MALARIA: Malaria is a serious, infectious disease spread by certain kinds of mosquitoes. It is common in tropical climates and is characterized by chills, fevers, and an enlarged spleen. These symptoms reappear again and again. The disease can be treated with medication, but it tends to come back even after being cured. Malaria is endemic in many developing countries. CAUSES OF MALARIA. Malaria i

Wheeling board of health

WHEELING BOARD OF HEALTH January 24, 2012 SCHEDULED MEETING I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Gross. II. ROLL CALL Commissioners Bieber, Dzierzynski, Ebeling, Gross, Weides, Shannon, Simon. Also present was Health Officer Beverly Slaby. Commissioners welcomed new Commissioner Ellen Simon to the Board. III. APPROVA

Microsoft word - datasheet vwisp cortex.doc

DATASHEET: NEOCORTEX-1 PULSED NEURAL CO- PROCESSOR 140 Synapses x 10 Neurons © vWISP Pty. Ltd. The vWISP NeoCortex-1 is a research version a new type of coprocessor. Like signal processors that appeared in the 1980’s, the NeoCortex-1 is set to revolutionize the way neural networks are built. The device is stackable and contains 140 dynamic synapses and 10 neural processing junctions.


One-year Results of Photorefractive Keratectomy With and Without Surface Smoothing Using the Technolas 217C Laser Sebastiano Serrao, MD, PhD; Marco Lombardo, MD ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy, predictability, Several factors can affect smoothness of the stability, and safety of a smoothing technique in patients with myopia immediately after photore- laser beam diameter1, l


Bullying has claimed our attention as Youth Advocates over the past two years as we attempt to bring updated education to schools in Vermont. Sandra Brauer was one of the first to become familiar with and committed to the Olweus Method , attending a weeklong training in Portland, Maine and then working with various schools in her district. I interviewed her recently to glean her wisdom on


What is Influenza? Influenza, also known as "the flu", is a viral infection of the respiratory system, which includes the nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs. Influenza viruses are divided into three types, designated A, B, and C. Types A and B are responsible for nearly all of the influenza illness that occurs almost every winter. Infection with type C influenza usually causes eit

Microsoft word - checklist tourism_feb2014.doc

Tourism/ Sports Event/ Concert This information leaflet has been generated by the German Missions in South Africa. This leaflet stipulates the legal requirements of a Schengen Visa application. Applicants are requested to read it carefully and follow the regulations as stated below – see I. until IV The following documents have to be submitted / completed Intergate One complete


Please RegisteR at least 72 HOURs PRiOR tO sURgeRY Your Checklist 3-5 Days Before Surgery Call the Pre-Operative Nurse to schedule an appointment for Pre-Procedure Registration and Testing at (702) 477-6520. Your procedure or surgery may need to be cancelled if your pre-admission testing is not completed beforehand. This will require 1-2 hours of your time. If required, you will b

Hitesh gupta

HITESH GUPTA MPH (UNC-USA), M.Phil (BITS-Pilani), Ph.D (BITS-Pilani) Project Director of HIV/AIDS programme for Long Distance Truck Drivers for last three years at Project Implementation Unit (PIU) working at Jaipur as part of the Kavach project, under the Umbrella of Avaahan. The Primary Objective of the project is to arrest the growth of HIV/AIDS among long distance truckers by cr

Foglio illustrativo

Foglio il ustrativo VICKS SINEX 0,05% SPRAY NASALE SOLUZIONE LEGGERE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE che potete usare per curare disturbi lievi e transitori facilmente riconoscibili e risolvibili senza ricorrere all’aiuto del medico. Può essere quindi acquistato senza ricetta medica ma va usato correttamente

Microsoft word - national journals.doc

National Journals Centre for Disaster Mitigation & Management Bhandari, R.K. (2007): Landslide Disaster Management –Policy, Strategy and Action Plan. Journal Disaster & Development, Vol1, No2 Vasantha Kumar, S., Bhagavanulu DVS (2008): A Study on the Effect of Deforestation on Landslides in Nilgiri District – A Case Study. Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Mar 200

Microsoft word - intellectual property article for sc.doc

The Rules have Changed The management of electronic research records is more important than ever before Michael H Elliott Published in Scientific Computing May 2007 A patent provides rights to an inventor to restrict The use of Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) the ability of others to make, use, or sell an technology has risen sharply in the past four years, invention. To obtain a pa

D:\kri\2 004 1 szam\pdf\9 petendi noni 48-53.ps.pdf

K O M P L E M E N T E R F I T O T E R Á P I AA NONI (MORINDA CITRIFOLIA) ÉS A TAHITIANNONI® JUICE HATÁSAI A TUDOMÁNYOS . bromelain és a xeroninrendszer – amely egyúttal a Morinda citrifo- A BROMELAIN ÉS A NONI NONI – A MARVELLOUS A lia-készítmények hatásmechaniz- HATÁSÁNAKKAPCSOLATA MEDICAL PLANT musát is érthetôvé teszi – nagyon szoros MORINDA CITR


Microbiological Hazards in the Vegetable Industry - a review Robert Premier and Julia Behrsing Microbiological Hazards in the Vegetable IndustryThe purpose of this review was to identify the human microbial pathogens that havebeen associated with fresh vegetables and which are known to pose a risk or aresuspected of doing so. Three classes of organisms were examined, bacteria,


PATIENTENINFORMATIONEN ZUM AMBULANTEN VENENEINGRIFF prof. Hon. (univ. puebla) dr. med. z. Böhm Sehr geehrte Patientin,sehr geehrter Patient,wir haben mit Ihnen einen operativen Eingriff an Ihren Krampfadern vereinbart. Hierzu einige Informationen zum Ablauf:Blutverdünnende Medikamente, wie aspirin, aSS etc. (sämtliche Me-dikamente mit dem Wirkstoff Acetylsalicylsäuere) bitte 5 tage

Microsoft word - agbvitaclic_en_12 2008.doc

ONLINE EASY AG General Terms and Conditions of Trade (GTCT) of the “VitaClic” community platform” Version 1.0 – November 2008 1. Preamble The purpose of the VitaClic platform is to network Internet users in the health field (patients/insured persons, service providers and insurance companies). Online Easy AG (OLEAG) makes a community platform available to users permitti


Victorian Open Championships - Pre-entry List E/LION Mt Buller, Jeffery's KTM E/LION Prince Excavations E/LION CRASHGUARDRAIL,ACP, 0175888 JPC Engineering and ThoughtPatterns http://www.thoughtpatterns.com.auVictorian Open Championships - Pre-entry List Clubman Heavy E/LION Crash Guardrail E/LION LEEVERTEK, PRO E/LION J&A TUNING &SHAMICK E/LION Silhouette Race Karts

Microsoft word - 7 - 2003-gt20_tx01.rtf

INTERLOCUÇÕES ENTRE PSICOLOGIA E EDUCAÇÃO QUEIROZ, Daisy Seabra de – FAFIMA GT: Psicologia da Educação /n.20 Agência Financiadora: Não contou com financiamento. Introdução As questões e reflexões discutidas no presente texto referem-se à interface da Psicologia com a Educação na atualidade. As aproximações complexas entre ambas remontam aos primórdios da


VisionQwest Healthcare Group Emergency Room – Skills Checklist Name: ______________________________Date:__________ Years of Experience: _________________________________ Directions for completing skills checklist: The following is a list of equipment and/or procedures performed in rendering care to patients. Please indicate your level of experience/proficiency with each area and, wh

Microsoft word - small animal parasiticides 05.doc

PARASITICIDES USED IN SMALL ANIMALS APPROVED SPECTRUM SUPPLIED (Ivermectin) Pre-cleaning of ears not required Water-based formula For adult ear mites; Effectiveness against eggs and immature stages has not been proven (Epsiprantel) Logarithmic dosage; (*increase dosge for Mesocestoides, (Praziquantel) Spirometra , Diphyllobothrium, flukes like Paragonimus, Platyn

Er skills

VANTAGE NURSING SERVICES, INC EMERGENCY ROOM SKILLS CHECKLIST LEVEL OF EXPERIENCE Date: Years of Experience: No Experience : Needs Training The purpose of the following checklist is to assist in matching your skills, Some Experience : May need review and assistance or supervision interests and capabilities with available assignment, hence meeting your needs and the needs of our cl

Microsoft word - publikationen_drriedel1.doc

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Riedel Publikationen I. Originalarbeiten II. Fallberichte III. Übersichtsartikel IV. Buchkapitel I Originalarbeiten 1. Müller N, Dobmeier P, Empl M, Riedel M. , Schwarz MJ, Ackenheil M: Soluble IL-6 Receptors in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid of paranoid schizophrenic patients. In: European Psychiatry, 1997, 12, 294 - 299 2. Müller N, Empl M,

Rules & regulations

2013 Travel Intentions Survey Official Contest Rules & Regulations 1. This Contest is governed strictly and solely by the laws of Prince Edward Island and the laws of Canada applicable in Prince Edward Island. By entering this Contest, the entrant agrees that the courts of Prince Edward Island shall have sole jurisdiction to entertain any legal proceedings. 2. The online survey must be co


VIEUX-MONTRÉAL LUGAR A LA MEMORIA, MEMORIA DEL LUGAR Presentada por el Arquitecto Mario Brodeur, Consultor en patrimonio De los 25 espacios exteriores públicos catalogados en el Quartier Historique du Vieux- Montréal, algunos datan de mas de 300 años. Desde la declaración de “arrondissement historique” de ese barrio en 1964, todos esos espacios fueron objeto de importantes

01-01 ip routing overview

Quidway NetEngine40 Configuration Guide - IP Routing Contents Quidway NetEngine40 Configuration Guide - IP Routing Quidway NetEngine40 Configuration Guide - IP Routing 1 IP Routing Overview About This Chapter The following table shows the contents of this chapter. Description This section describes the information of the IP routing This section describes the information of the

Boehringer ingelheim animal health supporting the rescue of asian vultures

Rescue of Indian vultures - role of meloxicam? ‘Meloxicam to Prevent Rabies’ was the title of a provocative editorial in the renowned medical journal ‘The Lancet’ in 2006. Meloxicam to prevent rabies? How can that be? In the past, millions of vultures populated India and determined its face like rickshaws, fakirs and the Taj Mahal – until the end of the last century. In the early 19

Microsoft word - 2012-11-08-tdf-gs-033-cln.doc

PATIENT INFORMATION VIREAD® (VEER-ee-ad) (tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) tablets and oral powder Read this Patient Information before you start taking VIREAD and each time you get a refill. There may be new information. This information does not take the place of talking with your healthcare provider about your medical condition or your treatment. What is the most important inf


Psychiatric Times. Vol. 29 No. 3 February 28, 2012Psychiatric Times. Vol. 29 No. 3VANGUARD ISSUES IN PSYCHIATRY Are Animal Models Relevant in Modern Psychiatry? By Andre Menache, BSc(Hons), BVSc, MRCVS | February 28, 2012Dr Menache is Director of Antidote Europe and is a Member of the Belgian Deontological Committeeon Animal Research. The use of animals in medical research became firmly

2007 midwest dental conference

AVOID LIABILITY: KNOW YOUR PATIENT’S MEDICATIONS AND THEIR IMPACT ON DENTAL TREATMENT Second District Valley Forge Dental Association King of Prussia, Pennsylvania October 10, 2012 ********************************************* No. 1 HYDROCODONE WITH ACETAMINOPHEN (generic) - More efficacious than codeine, less nausea & vomiting 2nd mo


Reise-Checkliste Wertvolle Reisetipps für Ihren Urlaub Damit Sie entspannt und sicher am Urlaubsort ankommen, haben wir hier für Sie die wichtigsten Reisetipps zusammen- gestellt. Speziell bei Autoreisen † Prüfen Sie zeitgerecht, ob Reisepass bzw. Personalausweis den Einreise- bestimmungen Ihres Urlaubslandes entsprechen. † Reiseunterlagen (Ticket, Hotelvoucher etc.) und Personaldo


KNEE ARTHROSCOPY/ACL PACKET Patient Name: ______________________________________________ Pre-Op Appt: (if applicable): ___________________________________ Your surgery will be scheduled at: ______________________________. The facility staff will contact you the night before your surgery (anytime between 4:00 pm-7:00 pm), to inform you of your arrival time. You will enter the hospital through


metabolic and sexual/reproductive adverse events asso-Comments: The finding of an isolated hymenal in-ciated with antimanic agents and co-prescribed psycho-jury without bruising or injury to the external genita-tropic medications. Carbamazepine, and co-prescribedlia is diagnostic of a penetrating injury, and raisesselective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and antipsy-suspicions of sexual abus


Diabetes Mellitus Classification Diabetes Mellitus ( DM ) is a group of disorders characterized by hyperglycemia ( that is, high blood sugar ). Factors that contribute to hyperglycemia include reduced insulin secretion, decreased blood sugar ( glucose ) usage by the body, or increased glucose production. Chronic hyperglycemia adversely affects the body. In the vascular system, there

Safety tip of the month – may 2007

Safety Tip of the Month – May 2007 VSI Safety Committee “Take a Deep Breath!” As Nancy completes her 200Y Individual Medley event, you notice her gasping for breath as she crawls out on the edge of the pool. Her lips have a blue tinge. Her eyes are closed, and she is grimacing as she fumbles in her swim bag to locate her inhaler. Nancy is having a bad day with her asthma. Wha

Erectile dysfunction - your choices

Reference Summary Impotence is a common condition. A man who The third tube-like structure is the “corpus is impotent is persistently unable to achieve or spongiosum,” located between the two corpora maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual The urethra is the tube through which urine and About 30 million men in the U.S. have erectile semen exit the body. It does not play a role

Bp 5141.33 head lice

Students HEAD LICE The Governing Board believes that the district’s head lice management program should emphasize the correct diagnosis and treatment of head lice in order to minimize disruption of the education process and to reduce the number of student absences resulting from infestation. In consultation with the school nurse, the Superintendent or designee may establish a routine scr


Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol (2011) 249:715–721DOI 10.1007/s00417-010-1612-6Retinal functional changes measured by frequency-doublingtechnology in patients treated with hydroxychloroquineLucia Tanga & Marco Centofanti & Francesco Oddone & Mariacristina Parravano &Vincenzo Parisi & Lucia Ziccardi & Barbara Kroegler & Roberto Perricone &Gianluca ManniReceived

Summer 2004 derm newsletter

The Virginia Dermatological Society Volume 6 Number 5 B U L L E T I N Summer 2007 I have enjoyed serving as president of thefortunate to have Virginia dermatologists asVirginia Dermatological Society this pastleaders in the American Academy of Dermatol-ogy: David Pariser, MD is President-Elect anddermatologists in Virginia. In the fall, IEvan Farmer, MD is Vice President. We are

Patiënteninformatie vitamine c m

Applicatie-instructies voor het gebruik van natuurlijke progesteron gel genaamd Darstin. Dosering: 1/2 of 1 hele spatel tot 2 spatels per keer. Darstin kan op de volgende plaatsen worden aangebracht. Verdeel de gel iedere keer over verschillende gebieden of wissel de plaatsen af: 1.Handpalmen (handen daarna 1 uur niet wassen). 2. Borsten / borstgebied/ onder de oksels 3.Gezicht en hals.

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Nombre: LEY ESPECIAL CONTRA ACTOS DE TERRORISMO Materia: Derecho Penal Categoría: Derecho Penal Origen: ORGANO LEGISLATIVO Estado: VIGENTE Naturaleza : Decreto Legislativo Fecha: 21/09/2006 D. Oficial: 193 Tomo: 373 Publicación DO: 17/10/2006 Reformas: S/R Comentarios: La presente ley tiene como objeto prevenir, investigar, sancionar y erradicar los del

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Young NIS Scientist Fellowships Programme 2002 First Name: Patronic Name: Family Name: Organisation: Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), National Academy of Sciencies of Ukraine (NASU), 2, Nakhimov ave., Sevastopol 99011, Scientific Field & Expertise (half a page maximum) In broad terms, I specialise in marine microbial ecology. A crucial realisation fo


Motion to Form a Quorum behavior in chemotaxis has been modeled usingthe Keller-Segel equations ( 7 ). Our analysis ofthese equations indicates that for a small volumeSungsu Park,1 Peter M. Wolanin,2 Emil A. Yuzbashyan,1connected by a small opening to a large volume,Pascal Silberzan,3 Jeffry B. Stock,2* Robert H. Austin1such as our enclosure within a relatively largemicrofluidic chamber (

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A CATEGORIA DE FORMAÇÃO OMNILATERAL EM MARX E O TRABALHO ENQUANTO PRINCÍPIO EDUCATIVO Magda Gisela Cruz dos Santos1-UFPel / PPGE Eixo: 5 Trabalho-educação e a formação dos trabalhadores (educação profissional, tecnologias da educação, trabalho como princípio educativo) Resumo: O presente texto discute a relação entre a categoria de formação omnilateral de Marx e a

Scheduling surgery

PREPARING FOR SURGERY Introduction The information provided in this packet was designed to help prepare you for your upcoming surgery. Please carefully review the material, if you have any questions; please contact our office for clarification. Questions for patients undergoing surgery in Charlottesville should be directed to Victor Somers (RN) at 434-977-8040 & Culpeper to Jamie C

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d’attesa – altri aggiornamenti minori Responsabile Day Hospital Psichiatrico CARTA DEI SERVIZI DI VILLA CAMALDOLI PARTE PRIMA.3 Regolamento interno della Casa di Cura. 6 Consenso, Collaborazione e Rifiuto del trattamento. 8 Riconoscimento del Personale di Assistenza . 9 PARTE SECONDA.13 Ricovero a ciclo diurno: day hospital. 16 Prestazioni in regime ambulatoriale . 17 Ser

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Asian Fisheries Science 19 (2006):15-20 Asian Fisheries Society, Manila, Philippines Available online at www.asianfisheriessociety.org Induction of Triploidy in Indian Edible Oyster Crassostrea madrasensis (Preston) Using 6-Dimethylaminopurine P.C. THOMAS1* 1 and P. MUTHIAH2 1Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, PB No.1603, Kochi, Kerala, India. 682 018 2TRC of CMFRI, T


Patienteninformation des Arzneimittel-Kompendium der Schweiz® Voltaren Dolo® forte Emulgel® NOVARTIS CONSUMER HEALTH AMZV Was ist Voltaren Dolo forte Emulgel und wann wird es angewendet? Voltaren Dolo forte Emulgel enthält den Wirkstoff Diclofenac, welcher zu einer Gruppe von Arzneimitteln gehört, die als nichtsteroidale Antirheumatika (schmerzstillende und entzünd

Newsletter march 2012

DURBANVILLE AND GOEDEMOED ANIMAL HOSPITAL 4 De Villiers Drive Durbanville Emergency number : TEL: (021) 976-3031 9 Portulaca Street (021) 7126699 Goedemoed ask for Vet on duty Durbanville TEL: (021) 975-6385 Dr. I. MENDELSOHN B.V.Sc. Dr. M.THOMAS B.V.Sc. Dr.G. MILLS MVB MRCVS Dr. S.MABERLY B.V.Sc (Hons.) Dr E.ROSSOUW B.V.Sc 1. Lead PoisoningThe mos

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Racial Differences and the Probability of C2orf16 rs191912 to be the Major Gene Locus of General Cognitive Ability By applying the logic of genetics and available knowledge on allele frequencies it is possible to put forward hypotheses on genes underlying IQ by data mining. At the present state of knowledge the probability of a false positive finding that C2orf16 rs1919128 is the ma

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八十三學年度研究所碩士班入學考試 In each of the following 15 sentences, there is a word underlined. Below each sentence are four other words, marked A, B, C, and D. You are to choose the one that best keeps the meaning of the original sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word. Choose the best answer and write its corresponding letter on 1.These students are greed


Evaluation of the Aura 532nm laser and the Lyra 1064nm laser for non-invasive skin rejuvenation and toning Min-Wei Christine Lee, M. D., M. P. H. Director, The East Bay Laser & Skin Care CenterWalnut Creek, California Background Non-invasive techniques for skin rejuvenation are being quickly established as a new standard in the treatment of mild rhytids and overall skin toning

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Product Information A PRODUCT OF THE VALVOLINE COMPANY A DIVISION OF ASHLAND INC. Valvoline Dipperstick Valvoline Dipperstick Grease is very adhesive to metal surfaces, resists water washing and prevents rust and corrosion. The product possesses excellent wear-resisting properties and contains graphite which makes it suitable for working in damp, or even wet conditions. It with


VoSpire ER® (Albuterol Sulfate) Extended-Release Tablets are indicated for the relief of bronchospasm in adults and children 6 years of age and older with reversible obstructive airway diseasePatients 6 to 12 years of age: 4 mg every 12 hoursPatients over 12 years of age: 8 mg every 12 hours**In some patients 12 years of age and older, 4 mg every 12 hours may be sufficien

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Dra. Deborah Levine Boston, MA, USA Postmenopausal pelvis Objectives: • Review the normal appearance of the postmenopausal ovary including a discussion of postmenopausal adnexal cysts • Present an algorithm for evaluation of postmenopausal bleeding, including discussion of hormone effects on the endometrium • Demonstrate the use of sonohysterography in women with abnormal b

Agomelatine and sertraline for the treatment of depression in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Agomelatine and sertraline for the treatment ofdepression in type 2 diabetes mellitusD. Karaiskos,1 E. Tzavellas,1 I. Ilias,2 I. Liappas,1 T. Paparrigopoulos1Objective: The present study compared the efficacy of agomelatine and sertralineFifteen per cent of patients with diabetes mellitusPsychiatry, Eginition Hospital,Athens, Greecein the treatment of symptoms of depression/anxiety, diabetes


Gynaecologie Miskraam / vaginaal bloedverlies Bron: teksten zijn grotendeels overgenomen van NVOG 2005 Wat betekent vaginaal bloedverlies in het begin van de zwangerschap? Bloedverlies in de eerste maanden van de zwangerschap is meestal onschuldig en kan verschillende oorzaken hebben. Veelal is het bloedverlies onschuldig en stopt vanzelf. In de helft van het aantal keren


West-ward Doxycycline Hyclate Caps Size: 6-3/4 x 12-3/8 Fold: 1-1/8 x 1-3/8 Type: 5.4 pt Page 1 3/25/08 DCof these patients took medications immediately before going to bed. (See DOSAGE AND ADMIN- DOXYCYCLINE HYCLATE CAPSULES, USP ISTRATION. ) Skin: maculopapular and erythematous rashes. Exfoliative dermatitis has been reported but isuncommon. Photosensitivity is discussed above. (See W


Appendices Table 1: Full NP queries detained in a police cell in northern Japan committed suicide by stuffing toilet only the British apparatus in the cellar of the Jumet house Gendarmerie spokesman Major Jean- toxic to nerve cells and activates immune cells in the brain markets two types of machines for growing cell cultures used by drug and biotech companies customers to u

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Declaración Conjunta ¡LA UNIDAD INTERNACIONAL DE LOS COMUNISTAS EXIGE LA DERROTA DEL REVISIONISMO Y DEL CENTRISMO! El impetuoso ascenso de la lucha de clases en el mundo, ha dejado al descubierto la capitulación sumisa del revisionismo prachandista en Nepal y la desaparición del papel dirigente del Movimiento Revolucionario Internacionalista – MRI. Ha quedado a la vista, que el Part


Eros Abandoned: Chastity as Communal Preservation in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Jeremiah Webster – jeremiahdwebster@gmail.com Of the four loves outlined by the Greeks, eros (at least in English Departments) reigns supreme. Questions of sexual identity, gendered spheres, and heteronormativity are dominant features within the Humanities today. Hopes and desires for self, for community


Bijlage 7: Begrippen waarvan zelf pictogrammen gemaakt worden Vraag 11: Maakt u zelf pictogrammen in de stijl van de Vijfhoek: ja, van de volgende begrippen: sportschoenen, zwembroek, tijdschrift, electrisch mes, bordje, vleeswarenbakje, bestek, chocopastaAanpassing bestaande begrippen voor individuele cliënten, speciale picto van belang. t-shirt, gezicht wassen, handen wassen, hoopje, puzz

Ils ne vont pas tarder

Ils ne devraient pas tarder Rita se réveille à cinq heures trente comme tous les matins, même le dimanche. Elle se lève, enfile ses pantoufles en tissu posées bien parallèles en bas du lit, puis sa robe posée sur la chaise, et se dirige vers la cuisine. Elle allume la radio, musique classique — peut-être le Piano Concerto No 5 de Beethoven — met de l’eau dans la cafetière, p


(Computational Prediction of Drug Cardiac Toxicity) Predicting Drug Interactions The preDiCT project will model and ultimately predict the impact of pharmaceutical compounds on the heart’s rhythm using computer simulation. Using this information, the project hopes to identify new biomarkers which will provide more reliable indication of harmful drug side effects. Problem or Conte

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Ärzte-Zeitung, Nr. 190 vom 24.10.2005 Die Vogelgrippe - das Wichtigste auf einen Blick Das Vogelgrippevirus mit der Bezeichnung H5N1 hat inzwischen auch die Türkei und Rumänien erreicht - zuvor hatte es sich in Asien ausgebreitet. Bald könnte es auch in Deutschland sein. Doch selbst dann sind hier nur Menschen in Gefahr, die beruflich mit lebendem Geflügel zu tun haben. Und selbst

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Curriculum Vitae David E. Ross, M.D. Narrative summary Dr. Ross is the director of the Virginia Institute of Neuropsychiatry and clinical assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). He completed medical school and residency in psychiatry at VCU. After that, he finished a fel owship in neuropsychiatry at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, University of Mar

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Nystagmus by Stephanie Williams What is Nystagmus It is characterized by an involuntary movement of the eyes, which may reduce vision or be associated with other, more serious, conditions that limit vision. Nystagmus has undulating movements of equal speed, amplitude, and duration, in each direction or jerky with slower movements in one direction, followed by a faster return to the

Julie grover

Yours, Mine and Ours: Reproductive Issues YOURS, MINE AND OURS: REPRODUCTIVE ISSUES I think that it’s kinda fitting that I was asked to speak on reproductive issues since I’m about 2 or 3 weeks away from reproducing again. So, I’m happy to be here though talking to people about getting pregnant or not getting pregnant and ways that they can stay healthy both before, during, and after pr

Mmcap updates -- october 2008

Minnesota Multistate Contracting Alliance for Pharmacy 651-201-2420 www.mmcap.org MMCAP NEWS MMCAP News is issued monthly to provide members with the latest information on the MMCAP program. The newsletter is sent to the MMCAP State Contacts, and they forward it to the member facilities in their state. NATIONAL MEMBER CONFERENCE MMCAP 2014 National Member Conference


PACKAGE LEAFLET: INFORMATION FOR THE USER NorLevo 1.5 mg tablet Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start using this medicine. (Statement to be used when product is delivered without a medical prescription) This medicine is available without prescription. However, you still need to use NorLevo 1.5 mg tablet carefully to get the best results from it. - Keep this leafle

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Please read this document before using the medicine. If you do not understand something or have doubts, consult your doctor. What does SILDENAFIL TABLET contain? Does the ability to drive vehicles or operate machines reduce by The active ingredient is known as Sildenafil. Each tablet contains Sildenafil Citrate corresponding taking SILDENAFIL TABLET? to 50 or 100 mg Sildenafil.

Chemwatch msds 6597-83

MIROTHANE PU 5747 HARDENER Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 19-Mar-2007 CHEMWATCH 6597-83 CC317SCP Version No:2 CD 2007/1 Page 1 of 9 Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME MIROTHANE PU 5747 HARDENER SYNONYMS PROPER SHIPPING NAME RESIN SOLUTION, flammable RESIN SOLUTION PRODUCT USE Hardener for polyurethane coati

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VIAGRA™ Tablets – Combined 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg version. 23.12.2007 The format of this leaflet was determined by the Ministry of Health and its content was checked SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT VIAGRA™ 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION VIAGRA 25 mg: Each tablet contains sildenafil citrate equivalent to 25 mg sildenafil. VI

Microsoft word - pace bulletin vol 6 no 4 pacef january 2012.doc

Volume 6; Number 4 February 2012 What’s new this month? Both tapentadol immediate release tablets (Palexia) and tapentadol prolonged release tablets (Palexia SR) have been designated RED-RED (see page 3). Atorvastatin chewable tablets (Lipitor) are designated RED-RED, although it is recognized that there are exceptional circumstances where they may have a limited role (i.e. hyperc

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