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Verschlüsselungstabellen zum basisdatensatz der gpoh, version 2.

Verschlüsselungstabellen zum Basisdatensatz der GPOH, Version 2.1 In diesem Dokument werden die im Basisdatensatz verwendeten Verschlüsselungen (Codes) und derenstandardisierter Klartext aufgelistet, sofern sie nicht in der Auflistung der Merkmale enthalten sind. DieVerschlüsselungstabellen sind alphabetisch nach einer eindeutigen Bezeichnung sortiert. Die unter derSchlüsselbezeichnung


Potential Downtown Housing Common Ground Case Study #16: Downtown Amory, Mississippi A Small Town Center Project Upper level housing has been a successful stimulant for other down- will be a point at which organizing efforts to provide serv- towns. An inventory of potential upper-level apartments with a propos- ices to support the residents will be necessary. al of needed imp

What to do if you get flu-like symptoms

Background The H1N1 flu virus is causing illness in infected persons. THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH expects that illnesses may continue for some time. As a result, you or people around you may become ill. If so, you need to recognize the symptoms and know what to do. Symptoms The symptoms of H1N1 flu virus in people are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include fever, cough, sore thr


T.E.D.™ Anti-Emboli Strømper Klinisk Referenceliste www.kendan.dk Klinisk Referenceliste Wille-Jørgensen P. Optimising thrombosis prophylaxis in acute and elective abdominal surgery. Presented at the World Congress of Gastroenterology,October 2-7,1994, Los Angelses, California, USA. Kierkegaard A. and Norgren L. Graduated compression stockings in the prevention of deep ve

Preparation and administration of subcutaneous injections

Preparation and Administration of Subcutaneous Injections By Jena Koshaish, PharmD Disclosure: This information is intended to educate parents and caregivers about the techniques of preparing and administering subcutaneous (SQ) injections to children. This information is not meant to replace specific instructions from your healthcare provider. We encourage all parents and caregiv

Taking care of the monthly visitor

TAKING CARE OF THE MONTHLY VISITOR TG/1.2.3 • Menstruation All women menstruate except during pregnancy, nursing a baby, is very underweight, ill or having problems with the reproductive system. Women start to menstruate between the ages of 9 to 18 years, and continue to menstruate till about age 45 to 50 years. Most women menstruate regularly every 21 to 40 days. However, some


Personal Computers In 1981, IBM introduced its IBM PC and it legitimized the personal computer as a business tool. Shortly after that, other manufacturers began making PCs that were 100% compatible with the IBM PC; that is, they basically worked like an IBM PC. Most of today's personal computers (over 80%) evolved from these original PC-compatibles. Long removed from the IBM PC, they are al

Jd_isef_export_list 1 .xls

Avia International, BP, Chevron UK, Mobil, Petrofina, Shell, Texaco, Texaco Inc. K65 - Insurance, reinsurance and pension funding, except compulsory social securityCEWAL & autres Conférences africaines C10.08.01 - Manufacture of sugarH51 - Air transport, H52.02.03 - Service activities incidental to air transportation35141 United Parcel Service / Deutsche Post AGH53.02 - Other postal a


Current Perspective Coronary Heart Disease: Reducing The Risk A Worldwide View Gerd Assmann, FRCP; Rafael Carmena, MD; Paul Cullen, FRCPI; Jean-Charles Fruchart, PhD;Fabrizio Jossa, MD; Barry Lewis, FRCP; Mario Mancini, MD; Rodolfo Paoletti, MD;for the International Task Force for the Prevention of Coronary Heart DiseaseWorldwide, cardiovascular diseases are now the most risk increases


Product Description Sheet 1001 Trout Brook Crossing Rocky Hill, CT 06067-3910 Product 635 Telephone: (860) 571-5100 FAX: (860) 571-5465 Industrial Products, December 2000 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION LOCTITE® Product 635 is a high strength, high viscosity, singlecomponent anaerobic retaining adhesive for cylindrical joints. The product cures when confined in the absence of air between T


Alphabetische Liste der von den Anordnungen des BGA zu kindergesicherten Verpackungen betroffenen Stoffe (-)-6-Dimethylamino-4,4-diphenyl-3-heptanon-hydrochlorid (Levomethadonhydrochlorid)(-)-Ephedrin-5-allyl-5-(2-cyclopentenyl)barbiturat (Ephedrin-Cyclopentobarbital)(+)-3-Methoxy-17-methylmorphinan (Dextromethorphan)(+)-3-Methyl-4-morpholino-2,2-diphenyl-1-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-butanon-(RR)-hydro


$ $ 11 .99 for 90 days Health Savings Pass ® 400+ generic Sign up now to save on prescriptions . Plus – 10% off at MinuteClinic® . ALLERGY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QTY DIABETES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QTY GLAUCOMA & EYE CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QTY C-PHEN DROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Microsoft word - new patient clinical information form, final, 14mar03.doc

William R. Klemme, M.D. Diplomat, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery Practice Limited to Spine Surgery Adult and Pediatric Spine Surgery Degenerative and Deformity Conditions NEW PATIENT CLINICAL INFORMATION FORM Is your problem related to: ‰ Job injury Briefly describe your main problem/complaint. Also, describe the injury that caused these symptoms, if applicable. How

Microsoft word - podmediiuncuedglossary for 2010

PODIATRIC MEDICINE II 100. 0 101. 0.5 102. 0.6 103. 1 104. 10 105. 100 106. 101 107. 110 108. 130 109. 15 110. 150 111. 18 112. 1000 113. 105 114. 12 115. 12.5 116. 120 117. 125 118. 126 119. 13000 120. 1500 121. 2 122. 20 123. 200 124. 2200 125. 24 126. 25 127. 250 128. 27 129. 3 to 4 130. 3.0 131. 3.1 132. 3.375 133. 30 134. 300 135. 35 136. 4 137. 40 138. 400 139. 4.5 140. 45 141. 5 142. 5


Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group Oct 2011 Editorial: on peace of mind . and more tales are being told where the converse is now true. Therefore, one should certainly not abuse their intake but whenappropriate and where use is targeted correctly, there is noprice for that peace of mind where, after a couple of days'treatment, one's child is back on his or her feet again. Indee


Strung-Out Knockout by Mitch Montgomery Escape From Bellevue and Other Stories reviewed December 16, 2005 "They haven't built a mental institution that can hold me," Christopher John Campion declares, standing atop a series of stepped blocks upstage, like an Olympic marathon runner receiving the gold medal. Campion's defiant, drug-riddled words reverberate off the walls

Georg-august-universität göttingen abteilung für

Georg-August-Universität GöttingenAbteilung für Zahnerhaltung, Präventive Zahnheilkunde undParodontologie, Zentrum ZMK Halitosis Göttinger zahnärztliche Studienschriftenausschließlich für den studentischen Unterrichtder Universitäts-Zahnklinik Göttingen 1. Einführung 2. Ursachen a) Mundhygiene und Parodontalerkrankungenb) Systemische Erkrankungen und Stoffwechself) Psychisch

Microsoft word - 2010 chip formulary updated 080110.doc

2010 Formulary Introduction from the Health Partners Pharmacy Prescription quantities cannot be altered Health Partners, Inc. is pleased to provide department when applicable. unless approved by the physician, and must be within the limits of the plan’s days supply. KidzPartners (Children’s Health Insurance The Health Partners P&T Committee will Prescribed medicat

Interpretation of results and summary of profile findings in steroid disorders

URINARY STEROID PROFILING SERVICE: Guidelines INTRODUCTION This national service originated at the MRC Clinical Research Centre and grew out of research by Dr. C.H.L. Shackleton from the Centre’s opening in 1970. Many steroid disorders were investigated by capil ary gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) for the first time and numerous new steroid metab




In u knie het die normale gewrigsoppervlakte Om die moontlikheid van komplikasies tot 'n minimum heeltemal weggeslyt; u loop dus been op been. Mette beperk, reël ons met 'n patoloog om 'n aantal 'n knievervanging word hierdie oppervlaktes met 'n spesiale ondersoeke te doen, spesifiek om die klein kunsmateriaal vervang; by die bobeen met 'n metaal, moontlikheid uit te sluit dat daar

Microsoft word - nofe-program.doc

Den 16. norske epidemiologikonferansen Bergen 11.-12. november 2008, med forkurs 10. november Mandag 10. november, 13:00-17:00 Kurs: Usikkerhet og sannsynlighet. En filosofisk tilnærming. Kursansvarlig: Roger Strand, professor i vitenskapsfilosofi, UiB Varighet: 13:00-17:00 Sted: Kalfarveien 31, Bergen, Institutt for Samfunnsmedisinske fag 17:00 Get-together (

Esther’s song

Note1: Everyone who does not have an official part should read the lines for the part "everyone". Note2: It is customary for everyone to boo and stamp their feet when Haman's name is mentioned. Similarly, people should cheer when Mordechai's name is mentioned. Purim Skit As we begin our story, the king of Persia has been holding a party with all of his buddies. He didn’t particular

Microsoft word - cv_degroot_final_20-11-2013.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE Akademischer Werdegang Medizinstudium an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel und der University of Sydney, Australia mit Aufenthalten in Bolton und Manchester, UK sowie Le Mans, Promotion (Mucopolysaccharidosis- & lipidosisartige Veränderungen in kultivierten Corneafibroblasten nach Behandlung mit Tiloronanaloga) Ärztin im Praktikum: Henriettenstiftung Hann


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ALSAN TRAFIK HP 510 LO PROTECTIVE CLOTHING TRANSPORT OF DANGEROUS GOODS NOT REGULATED SECTION I: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Waterproofing polyurethane primer single-component. Formula number: Manufacturer: Soprema Distributors: Soprema 1675 Haggerty Street 44955 Yale Road West 310 Quadral Driv


– forrás: www.kobanyaswimming.com Szakosztályunk elhatárolódik minden tiltott anyag használatától, ezért fontosnak tarjuk versenyzőinket tájékoztatni a következőkről: 1. A sportoló a felelős minden gyógyszer és hatóanyag használatáért. 2. Számos receptre kapható gyógyszer tartalmaz tiltott hatóanyagot. 3. Vétséget akaratotokon kívül, az eljárás során is elk


VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIEBLAD volgens 91/155/EG 1. IDENTIFICATIE VAN DE STOF OP HET PREPARAAT EN VAN DE VENNOOTSCHAP/ONDERNEMING Productinformatie Handelsmerk Mengsel van polyesterharsen en hulpstoffen in styreen/tolueen Telefoon Email adres Telefoonnr. Voor noodgevallen 0031-3027428888 2. SAMENSTELLEN EN INFORMATIE OVER DE BESTANDDELEN Bestanddelen CAS.No. Symbo(o)

Microsoft word - fru april 2012.doc

FMFUSDAF Food Regulatory Update April 2012 FOOD REGULATORY UPDATE I. U.S. ACTIVITIES FDA Presents Second Annual Reportable Food Registry Data FDA released its second annual Reportable Food Registry (RFR) report which shows anincrease of food safety problems in raw produce, seasonings and baked goods. The RFRrequires all responsible parties to report to FDA’s portal about a food

Microsoft word - fluids on race day.doc

Fluids On Race Day Water and sports drinks provide you with fluid. Follow these recommendations and you will remain healthy! BUT DON'T OVER-DRINK! Remember, too much is as bad as too little. Use your urine color as a guide (see below): • Drink at least 16 ounces of fluid 1-2 hours before the race. • Drink another 16 ounces of fluid in the hour before the race. • Check your urine 1/2


Uppdaterad familjehemsvård – ett bra alternativ till institutionsvård Familjehemsvård har långa traditioner i Sverige. Fördelarna gentemot institution är uppenbara. Umgänget och vardagen är mycket mer normal och sund. Steget mot det nya livet blir mindre, lockelserna mot det gamla livet blir färre. Man lever i en familj som bjuder på stöd, omtanke, uppmuntran och sin egen l


SOMA HAMUDURUWO AND THE SINHALA BUDDHISTS Hundreds of thousands of people who flocked to Maharagama and Colombo to pay their last respects to Ven. Gangodawila Soma Thero or Soma Hamuduruwo as the Ven. Thero was known to the general public should have reminded those totemic figures in the fourth estate and other pundits who know only to vomit the so called theories that they had learnt fro


CH-3094 (AUG 04) Page 1 of 4 INDIANA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL PHYSICIAN ORDER SET ADULT PROSTATECTOMY POST-OPERATIVE (Page 1 of 4) Confidential Information Protected USE BALL POINT PEN (PRESS FIRMLY) By Indiana Peer Review Act Orders must be signed and dated to be active. Pre-printed orders need to be checked by the physician to verify appropriateness for a particular patient an

Vor- und nachbehandlung vitreo-retinaler operationen

Vor- und Nachbehandlung vitreo-retinaler Operationen Vorbehandlung: Allgemein: Bindehautabstrich / TW-Spülung Mydriasis Lokale Antibiose • Bindehautdeshiszenz über Plombe oder Cerclage dann: Gentamycin oder Chloramphenicol Augentropfen Ultraschall B-Scan Bei erschwertem Einblick (allerdings wenig hilfreich in Silikonöl gefüllten Augen) Biometrie Narkosevor

Microsoft word - accumetrics.doc

Accumetrics Closes 2010 With Positive Outlook Pharmaceutical collaboration, GRAVITAS clinical trial results, distribution agreements, and capital financing position Company for continued growth in 2011 December 7, 2010, San Diego, Calif. – Accumetrics, Inc., a privately-held developer and marketer of the VerifyNow® System, the first rapid and easy-to-use point-of-care system for


(c) Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart Krankenhauspharmazie AABG: Preisgünstige Therapie- alternativen nach § 115c SGB V Vergleichstabellen zu inhalierbaren Glucocorticoiden und inhalierbaren Beta2-Sympathomimetika im Gesamtkontext der Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale Nils Keiner, Verena Handwerk und Dominic Fenske im Auftrag der AABG-Arbeits-gruppe ADKA e.V. Inhalierbare Glucoco

Microsoft word - deliriumprotocol thoracale heelkunde2.doc

Deliriumprotocol Thoracale Heelkunde KENMERKEN Delirium (Acute verwardheid) (Sub)Acuut begin De verschijnselen ontstaan in korte tijd (uren tot dagen) en hebben de neiging te wisselen gedurende de dag. Bewustzijnsstoornis Het belangrijkste symptoom van een delirium is een bewustzijnsstoornis. Het bewustzijn is, in wisselende mate, gedurende dag verlaagd, dit is het meest u

Microsoft word - harnsteinmetaphylaxe.doc

Urologische Klinik Städtisches Klinikum, Postfach 6280, 76042 Karlsruhe Tel. 0721 974-4101 Fax -4149 E-Mail: urologie@klinikum-karlsruhe.de Merkblatt für Harnsteinpatienten Sehr geehrte/r Patient/in Die Bildung von Harnsteinen in der Niere oder im Harnleiter erfolgt bei zu hoher Übersättigung des Harns mit harn- steinbildenden Substanzen. Es kommt zur Ausfällung vo

Kamagra oral jelly kaufen - week pack

Kamagra Oral Jelly kaufen - Week Pack > Kamagra Oral Jelly kaufen - Week Pack Potenzmittel- Beschreibung: Kamagra Oral Jelly günstig bestellen – Das flüssige Viagra für unterwegsDieses Potenzgel enthält den gleichen Arzneistoff wie Viagra. Darum wird es auchFlüssig-Viagra genannt. Sie bekommen das flüssige Potenzmittel inunterschiedlichen Sorten, wie Karamel, Erdbeer


Schwerpunkt: Steuerungen/ FOCUS: CONTROL SYSTEMS Kollmorgen Zielrufsteuerung LiftXpress Kollmorgen destination control LiftXpress Zielrufsteuerungen werden seit Jahren, vornehmlich in gewerblich genutzten Destination controls have been used for Gebäuden, eingesetzt. Hier kommt diese Technik, in der Regel, bei komplexen years, primarily in commercial y used Gruppen zum E

Prescriptions: why they're so complicated -- family practice management

Information from Your Family Doctor Prescriptions: Why They’re So Complicated Getting a prescription filled is usually easy. What’s the difference between a brand-name But because of the high cost of prescription drug and a generic drug? employers are trying to control drug costs. it gives it a brand name. Brand names are theSome of the things they are doing make ge


Termostato de temperatura ambiente 230/10 (4) A~ con contacto de apertura0390 . Manual de instruccionesTermostato de temperatura ambiente 230/10 (4) A~ con contacto de aperturaInstalación del termostato de temperatura ambienteÁmbito de aplicaciónEl termostato de temperatura ambiente sirve para la regulación de la temperatura en espacios cerrados, como viviendas, colegios, salas, talleres, e


Crime Prevention in Germany Selected examples of projects in the „Infopool Prevention“ database Kriminalistisch-kriminologische Forschungsgruppe Crime Prevention in GermanySelected examples of projects in the „Infopool Prevention“ databaseInformation from theResearch and Training Division ______________________________________ Bundeskriminalamt (ed.) Crime Prevention


Digital 240 Transducers Digital Fluid Damped Single Point Load Cell FEATURES • Fully Calibrated, filtered digital output • High A/D update rates (adjustable from 50 to 800 • Readings on request OR continuously output• Checkweigher function-reading acquired over period• Configurable filtering• Safeguarded access to calibration for approved• EMC compliant and surge p

Costs of inpatient treatment for multidrugresistant tuberculosis in south africa

Tropical Medicine and International HealthCosts of inpatient treatment for multi-drug-resistanttuberculosis in South AfricaKathryn Schnippel1, Sydney Rosen1,2, Kate Shearer1, Neil Martinson3,4, Lawrence Long1, Ian Sanne1,2 andEbrahim Variava5,61 Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty ofHealth Sciences,University

Jaargang 34 april 2000 nr 4 het gebruik van matrixmethoden in de farmacotherapie

Jaargang 34 april 2000 nr 4 het gebruik van matrixmethoden in de farmacotherapie Het gebruik van matrixmethoden in de farmacotherapie* * De redactiecommissie, met dank aan drs R.F. Brenninkmeijer en dr R. Janknegt Inleiding Bij de uiteindelijke beslissing voor een bepaald farmacotherapiebeleid spelen naast rationele overwegingen zoals werkzaamheid en veiligheid, ook andere, minder rationele

Date: / /

Patient's Last name _________________________ First name ________________________________ Middle initial ___ Prefers To Be Called ____________________ Hobbies, activities ______________________________________________ Birth date _____________________ Sex: Male School ______________________________ Grade ___________ E-mail address(es) _____________________________ Home address _______________




PROHIBITED LIST INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2014 The 2014 Prohibited List 11 September 2013 THE 2014 PROHIBITED LIST

Ttarp indust_gft-529.qxd

Designed for Success Based in Buffalo, NY, Ttarp designs and manufactures equipmentsuch as die cutters, laminators, band saws, and splitters for a widerange of fabricating applications for foam, plastic, rubber, textiles,adhesives and other non-metallic materials. The company, whichhas been privately owned and operated since 1978, prides itself onthe high quality equipment and personal ser


The BMA Rumble in Clondalkin annual fight show was held in the luxuriousCitywest Hotel in Saggart, Co Dublin as its previous location, the Louis FitzgeraldHotel had reached its full capacity on the last outing. Hosted by head coach of BMA Clondalkin Ilija Salerno, along with chiefinstructor of BMA Roy Baker, they promised to have a bigger, better and the mostexiting show yet. They certainly deliv


R E S E A R C H ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY January 2006 ISORDER (ADHD) Approximately 2 million American children, or Children diagnosed with the inattentive form of 3% to 5%, have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity perspective, this means that in a typical • Become easily distracted by sights or sounds classroom of 25-30 children, at least one of them will have ADHD (


Wichtige Informationen Telefonnummern: 0441 403-0 0441 403-2302 Urologische Ambulanz: 0441 403-2669 0441 403-12430 0441 403-12510 Sprechzeiten auf der Intensivstation: 11:00 – 12:00 und 16:00 – 20:00 Uhr und nach Absprache mit den Ärzten auf der Station Besuchszeiten auf der Station 251 und 243: 08:00 - 20:00 Uhr (Mittagsruhe von 12:00 – 14:00 Uhr) Eing


발표일 발표자 Effects of Melamine on Pregnant Dams and Embryo-Fetal Development in RatsPycnogenol® Prevents Hexavalent Chromium-Induced Dermatotoxicity in RatsProtective Effects of Pycnogenol® on Cyclophosphamide-Induced Developmental toxicity in RatsMelatonin Attenuates Doxorubicin-Induced Testicular Toxicity and Oxidative Stress in RatsExpression of Hephaestin and Beta-defensin


Georg Franzen (Hrsg.) Kunst und Seelische Gesundheit mit Beiträgen von Georg Franzen | Ruth Hampe | Karl HörmannMedizinisch Wissenschaftliche VerlagsgesellschaftMWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KGZimmerstr. 1110969 Berlinwww.mwv-berlin.de Bibliografi sche Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet d

Cefalea en r.

Revisión Acta Médica Costarricense,©2003Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos Cefalea en racimos J.A. van Vliet 1, J. Haan 1,2, M.D. Ferrari 1, E. Kors 1, J.M. Peralta 3, F Chaves-Sell 4, H. Raventós 3 Resumen: La cefalea en racimos (CR) o “neuralgia de Horton”, es un tipo relativamente raro de cefalea que se presenta en forma de ataques y cuya severidad le ha dado el nombre de “do

Publikationen pd dr. haberl

Publikationen von PD Dr. med. H. Haberl Adolphs N, Klein M, Haberl EJ , Menneking H, Hoffmeister B. Frontofacial advancement by internal distraction devices. A technical modification for the management of craniofacial dysostosis in early childhood. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Jun;41(6):777-82. Schulz M, Goelz L, Spors B, Haberl H , Thomale UW. Endoscopic treatment of isolated four

Berichten over papua in indonesische kranten, 29

Berichten over Papua in Indonesische kranten, 29 Honderden mensen demonstreerden in Jayapura , eisten een referendum. Ingez. brieven: - honderden? Ik telde duizenden. - slecht nieuws dat onze vroegere baas de finale verloor, vele Papua’s waren in tranen. - Het westen probeert Papua los te weken zoals ze dat met O Timor heeft gedaan. - We moeten voorkomen dat er nog een Pacific-staat wordt gec

Publikationsliste – originalarbeiten und buchbeiträge

PUBLIKATIONSLISTE – ORIGINALARBEITEN UND BUCHBEITRÄGE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS - ORIGINAL WORK AND BOOK CHAPTERS a.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Klaus Böheim Publikationen als Erstautor Publications as lead author [1] Böheim K., Rauchegger H., Böheim C. (1981) Zytostatische Induktionstherapie mit Cis-Platinum bei Kopf- Halstumoren. Erste klinische Erfahrungen und histologische Unte

Microsoft word - undefined

Books and 1. Lombardi E, Massai C, Orlandini D, Vierucci A. Patologia respiratoria associata Chapters of Books (Dal a dermatite atopica al ’asma/rinite). IN: Vierucci A, ed. “Edit-Symposia Al ergologia - Dal a dermatite al ’asma”. Editeam, Bologna, 2002;31-41. 2. Lombardi E, Orlandini D, Vierucci A. La patologia sibilante nel bambino. IN: Vierucci A, ed. “Al ergologia pediatr

Microsoft word - avoidacaffeineconniption.doc

Avoid a Caffeine Conniption -- Kori Propst, MS, LPC Ninety percent of Americans admit to regular use of caffeine. That makes caffeine the most widely used drug in America. More than 20% of Americans have more than 600 mg (more than 6 cups of coffee) each day! With its long list of positive benefits and few harmful side effects, why not? Well, despite its low risks, it’s easy to develop


KILLINGLY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Employee of the Month 2011-12 SEPTEMBER Employees of the Month Joanne Lefevre - As Administrative Assistant at Killingly Intermediate School, Joanne went above and beyond expectations during the summer. While another co-worker was out for most of the summer on medical leave, Joanne found herself having to do most of the scheduling for the upcoming school y


Publikationen A. Referierte Originalarbeiten (1995-2001) 1. Shakibaei M, Förster C, Merker H J, Stahlmann R (1995) Effects of ofloxacin on integrinexpression on epiphyseal mouse chondrocytes in vitro. Toxic in vitro 9:107-1162. Stahlmann R, Neubert R (1995) Value of non-human primate data (Intl. Workshop onEnvironmental Immunotoxicology and Human Health) Hum Exp Toxicol 14:146-147 3. F

The ninth wave continues after october 28, 201

The Ninth wave Continues after October 28, 2011 The Ninth wave Continues after October 28, 2011! In earlier articles I have promised to get back to the issue of how the energies wil continueand what Mayan calendar, if any, to use after its “end”. What the October 28, 2011 “end”means here is that the thirteen baktun Long Count and the other eighth sequences of thirteenheavens have now a

Microsoft word - einladung_2013-7-10

EINLADUNG zu einem Diskussionsabend für Patentanwaltskandidaten mit dem Titel: Vom Berufsanfänger zum erfolgreichen Praktiker: Die Weichen richtig stellen gleich von Anfang an! Die Veranstaltung ist für Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten geeignet, die sich persönlich über wichtige Themen beim Berufseinstieg informieren und ihr Netzwerk ausbauen wollen. Der Mehrwert unserer Vera

Microsoft word - care guide for individuals with suspected h1n1 29 oct 2009.doc

Typical H1N1 flu symptoms COMMANLY: Sore throat, Muscle ache, Joint pain, Headaches, Fatigue The H1N1 flu virus is spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes and the tiny droplets with the virus enter the nose, mouth, or eyes of another person. The H1N1 flu virus is also spread by hand-to-hand contact with an infected person and after handling objects contaminated by infected people


RGN / Administrator – SABBI R WARD TEL/FAX 01249 783750 GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE (HEARTBURN) AND LAPAROSCOPIC NISSEN Gastroesophageal reflux occurs when acid passes upwards (reflux) from the stomach into the gullet (oesophagus). This is caused by a lax muscle valve (sphincter) at the junction of the oesophagus and stomach, failing to close properly. This is frequently associated wi


J O U R N A L O F P E S T I C I D E R E F O R M / S U M M E R 1 9 9 8 • V O L . 1 8 , N O . 2 ● I N S E C T I C I D E F A C T S H E E T PERMETHRIN The insecticide permethrin (in the synthetic pyrethroid family) is widely used on cotton, wheat, corn, alfalfa, and other crops. In addition, over 100 million applications are made annually in and around U.S. homes. Permethrin, like all

Microsoft word - in018000eng

PRODUCT CODE IN018000 INFUSION SET FOR USE WITH PVC INCOMPATIBLE COMPOUNDS AND WITH STERILIZING I.V. SOLUTION FILTER 0.2 INFUSION SET COMPOSED OF: 1.1 Technical characteristics of the I.V. set: • Protective cap: Maintains the sterility of the fluid path. • Closure Piercing Device: The special design of the spike enables easy penetration of bottle and plastic


Krishna Ramnath director | developer | designer 535 Dean Street Apt. 223 Brooklyn, NY 11217 (631) 332-8024 View examples of my work at: http://www.kRamnath.com Creative. Technical. Talented. 16 years of experience fueled by a passion for creativity and problem solving; a unique technical and creative skill set; and the hands-on knowledge to confidently tackle a wide variety of challeng


periodistas se nieguen a hacer el papel de tontos útiles americana de Viena, apoyados en documentación que y dejen de ser manejados como marionetas…" dice tener en su poder. Un agente del FBI en esa emba- Llegamos pues a varias conclusiones: jada le aseguró que su denuncia había llegado a la cen- -Se nos dijo en un principio, que el virus de la Gripe A tral de Washi


Kaiser San Francisco Residency Program ProjectsName2003 Correlation of creatinine phosphokinase level elevation with myalgia, myositis, or rhabdomyolysis due to cholesterol lowering drugs. 2003 HIV GENOTYPE DRUG RESISTANCE ASSOCIATED WITH PREVALENCE AND POTENTIAL RISK GROUPS2004 Addition of Insulin Versus Actos in Patients Failing a Combination of Metformin and a Sulfonylurea2004 Effectiveness

Bgh i zb 52_09 maalox_melox-gry

Aktenzeichen Vorinstanzen BPatG München 25. Senat, 16. Juni 2009, Az: 25 W (pat) 54/08, Beschluss Rechtsgebiet Schlagworte Verwechslungsgefahr, gespaltene Verkehrsauffassung Leitsätze 1. Gehören zu den angesprochenen Verkehrskreisen sowohl Fachkreise (Ärzte und Apotheker) als auch das allgemeine Publikum (Endverbraucher), kann der Ge-samteindruck, den die verschied


Warranty Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier) KOSTAL CR, spol. s. r. o. Č ernín 89 264 51 Zdice Czech Republic and all other companies in the KOSTAL Group the following agreement is concluded relating to the reimbursement of warranty costs: Subject matter of the agreement This present warranty agreement is applicable to all products delivered by the Supplierdesignated fo


Nottingham Traffic Lights System of Prescribing DEVELOPMENT This document is now maintained and updated by the Nottingham Area Prescribing Committee (APC). The APC includes representatives from all three hospital trusts (Chair and Secretary of Drug and Therapeutics Committee), all of the Nottingham PCTs (GP prescribing lead, prescribing advisers, nurse lead), LMC and LPC. OBJECTIVE

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Christine Kohut make up + hair Advertising Roots, Holt Renfrew, Harry Rosen, The Body Shop, De Beers, Hazelton Hotel, Bluenotes, Randy River, Tall Girl, The Bay, Levi’s, Santana Jeans, Jean Machine, Coca Cola, Hennessey V.S.O.P, Petro Canada, Sunoco, Basic Red, Telvest Mutual Funds, TD Canada Trust, IBM, Linda Lundstrom, Samsung, Woodbine, Sunwing Vacations, KIA, Loblaws, Movieline.

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6 december 2007 De Codecommissie KOAG/KAG (Kamer II) heeft het navolgende overwogen en beslist naar aanleiding van de klacht in kort geding (KK07.003) op de voet van artikel 3.2, laatste volzin, juncto artikel 6 van het Reglement voor de Codecommissie KOAG/KAG (hierna: het Reglement) van: Keuringsraad KOAG/KAG GlaxoSmithKline B.V. Het verloop van de procedure in kort geding 1.1 De C

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We conclude the Megillah reading every year by singing "Shoshanas Yaakov." One would experience difficulty in finding a more appropriate poem to conclude our recital of the Megillah – the chronicle that epitomizes so many aspects of our miraculous history in two-thousand years of exile. "The rose of Yaakov was triumphant and joyous." But, ironically, the perfect concluding note

Foreign travel vaccination

TRAVEL CLINIC SCHEDULE (Please see read the patient information sheet before completing the schedule You may need travel vaccinations depending on the country you intend to visit. In order to provide this advice, please complete this form and return it to Reception as soon as possible prior to travel. You should allow at least 6 weeks prior to travel . You should contact us 14 days from the


2011 NEW Interpret Hasta manana Make you feel my love Promise this Rolling in the deep Set fire to the rain Someone like you Aggro Santos Feat Kimberly Walsh Like u like Alesha Dixon Drummer boy Alex Gaudino feat. Kelly Rowland What a feeling Alexandra Burke Start without you Alexandra Burke The silence Alexandra Stan Mr Saxobeat

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Acupuncture helps and I have now massage. Someone to lend a I now find it really helpful to accepted that pain is helping hand and ear. Finding listen to “soothing” music. I have Easy access to part of me, but I am in some posture to ease the pain along recently discovered a classical GP services, who charge of it and every d


PATIENTENINFORMATIE Een prospectief gerandomiseerd, open label, multicentrisch, fase 3 studie om de Duur van de behandeling met Anastrozol te onderzoeken, na 2 tot 3 jaar Tamoxifen als Adjuvante behandeling bij postmenopauzale vrouwen met borstkanker (DATA). Geachte mevrouw, Twee tot drie jaar geleden is bij u borstkanker geconstateerd. U bent daar destijds voor behandeld. Op dit moment kr


Tussen de groep (huurder) (naam + adres) Hier vertegenwoordigd door: aam + Voornaam En de verhuurder, VZW Oudercomité KSJ Merchtem vertegenwoordigd door ………. ………………………………., lid van KSJ Merchtem, hiertoe gemachtigd door de VZW Oudercomité KSJ Merchtem en de VZW Ten Anckere, werd het volgende overeengekomen: 1) De VZW oudercomité KSJ Merchtem stelt de aangeduide

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Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 (REACH) Druckdatum 05.01.2010 Überarbeitet 17.02.2009 (D) Killgerm Anti-Insekt RTU Stoff-/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Angaben zum Produkt Handelsname: Killgerm Anti-Insekt RTU Art des Präparates: A n we n d u n g s f e r t i g e s L a n g z e i t i ns e k t i z i d z u m S p r ü h e n Anschrift des Lie

Clinic panui

Health Clinic Panui Kia Ora Tatou K o k i r i M a r a e H a u o r a a n d S o c i a l S e r v i c e s By now we should all be feeling refreshed and moving into the me- dium/fast paced lane of life. We are almost into the first quarter of this year already. Some of us have chosen to take a new path and pace in life than that which exists at Kokiri Hauora and Social Ser- Feb

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PROPHETIC TIMES WEEKLY WORLD NEWS UPDATE OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA APRIL 01 2006 UN GIVES IRAN 30 DAYS TO HALT URANIUM SCHEME March 30, 2006 The EU Observer reported: “The 15 members of the UN Security Council on Wednesday (29 March) unanimously called on Iran to suspend uranium enrichment activities within 30 days and cooperate with UN nuclear watchdog the International Atomic


DR. MED. SIEGFRIED KRISHNABHAKDI ZITIERFÄHIGE PUBLIKATIONEN ALS ERSTAUTOR Siegfried S. Krishnabhakdi und Matthias Müller (1988) Processing bei inverted plasma membrane vesicles of in vitro synthesized major lipoprotein from E.coli FEBS Letters 231 , 99 - 101 M.Müller, B.C.Drees, B. Thome, U. Swidersky, S. Krishnabhakdi, B. Ahrem, A. Rienhöfer-Schweer und H.-K. Hoffschulte (1989)

Resolução da assembleia da república n

Decreto-Lei n.º 393/90 de 11 de Dezembro O Decreto-Lei n.º 353-A/89, de 16 de Outubro, estabeleceu as regras sobre o estatuto remuneratório dos funcionários e agentes da Administração Pública e a estrutura das remunerações base das carreiras e categorias nele contempladas, desenvolvendo os princípios gerais de salários e gestão do pessoal da função pública constantes do Dete


Molecular Ecology (2008) 17 , 1238–1247 Recombination and genetic differentiation among natural populations of the ectomycorrhizal mushroom Tricholoma matsutake from southwestern China J I A N P I N G X U ,*†‡ TA O S H A ,† YA N - C H U N L I ,* Z H I - W E I Z H A O † and Z H U L . YA N G ** Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese


Suomen Alzheimer-tutkimusseuran kokoama asiantuntijatyöryhmä: Jaana Suhonen, Kari Alhainen, Ulla Eloniemi-Sulkava, Pirjo Juhela, Kati Juva, Minna Löppönen, Markku Makkonen, Matti Mäkelä, Tuula Pirttilä, Kaisu Pitkälä, Anne Remes, Raimo Sulkava, Petteri Viramo, Timo Erkinjuntti Hyvät hoitokäytännöt etenevienmuistisairauksien kaikissa vaiheissaK Väestön ikääntymisen myöt

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SILAXOL KW-90 ist ein lösungsmit elhaltiges, of enporiges und trans-parentes Holzimprägniermit el für den Schutzanstrich von Holzteilen oder als holzschützendes Grundiermit el für einen nachfolgenden Lasur- oder Deckanstrich. KW-90 dringt tief in das Holz ein, schützt vorbeugend gegen holzzerstö-rende Insekten (Hausbock) sowie holzverfärbende Pilze (Sekundärbläue). KW-90 ist wasserabweis

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Project Information Note Date: 3rd May, 2006 For further information, contact Lisa Webb, Advisory Officer, RSPB Scotland CONSERVATION CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF AVERMECTIN ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS LISA WEBB, South and West Scotland Advisory Officer, RSPB Scotland DAVY McCRACKEN, Senior Agricultural Ecologist, SAC DAVE BEAUMONT, Senior Reserves Ecologist, RSPB

Download write up a storm! ÐŁÂ» diverse learner, wilda storm, dovetail house incorporated, 2007

Write Up A Storm! Е» Diverse Learner, Wilda Storm, DoveTail House Incorporated, 2007, , . . Irrefutable evidence derived from observations, years of experience, case studies, and data showthat students consistently fall short in the very foundations of writing. While it is every writingteacher’s dream for students to be able to write with control over the basics such as conventions,gramm

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26. LANDESWETTBEWERB ALTE SPRACHEN 2013/14 Teil A: Übersetzung Plinius als „Heiratsvermittler“ Plinius präsentiert in einem Brief seinen Freund Minicius Acilianus als einen in jeder Hinsicht idealen Heiratskandidaten für die Nichte seines Adressaten Iunius Mauricus. Petis, ut fratris tui filiae prospiciam1 maritum. Quod merito mihi potissimum iniungis2. Scis enim, qua

Press release

Malmö, 2013-06-20 Nytt insulin beviljas subvention – första basinsulinet som ger patienten möjlighet för flexibilitet i tidpunkten för administrering Tandvårds- och läkemedelsförmånsverket (TLV) har beslutat att det nya långverkande basinsulinet Tresiba® (insulin degludek) ska ingå i läkemedelsförmånerna för alla patienter med typ 1-diabetes och för patienter med typ 2

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Program at A Glance 5 November 2010 Workshop Chemical Pathology 8.00 - 4.00 pm Facilitator: 4 November 2010 Cytopathology Workshop Thursday 8.00 - 4.00 pm Lab Techniques and Instrumentation in Chemical PathologyAssociate Prof New York Medical College NY; USA Moderator: Prof Dr Dilshad Ahmad Khan 5 November 2010 Workshop Microbiology Friday 8.00 - 4.00 pm 3. A

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Dissertation guido kruse

T H E R A P E U T I S C H E S D R U G M O N I T O R I N G V O N N R T I 1 Einleitung In den deutschen (DAIG 2004) und US-amerikanischen (DHHS 2005) Leitlinien zur Therapie der HIV-Infektion wird das Therapeutische Drug Monitoring (TDM) bisher nur für bestimmte antiretrovirale Substanzklassen und klinische Fragestellungen empfohlen. Die Empfehlung betrifft Protease Inhibitoren (PI) und Nicht


Minoxidil was first used exclusively as an oral drug Hair disorders cause psychological distress but to treat high blood pressure.It was found to have are generally poorly controlled. Minoxidil is very the interesting side-effect of hair growth and effective in frontal areas of the scalp, and also in reversing baldness. Since 1988, Minoxidil has been the vertex area in male-pattern hair l

Mit beginn der dekolonisations-behandlung: handtücher, bett- sowie unterwäsche bei mindestens 60 °c waschen, pflege- und hygieneutensilien (z

Behandlungsplan: MRSA-Besiedlung bei Kindern Mit Beginn der MRSA-Sanierung: Handtücher, Bett- sowie Unterwäsche bei mindestens 60 °C waschen, Pflege- und Hygieneutensilien (z.B. Zahnbürste, Duschgel, Creme, Taschentücher, Feuchttücher etc.) entsorgen. Zudem häufig genutzte Gegenstände wie z. B. Spielzeug, Kinderwagen, Türklinken, Telefonhörer, Fernbedienung desinfizieren. Stoffti

Md consult: gout: patient education

http://www.mdconsult.com/das/patient/body/342205871-2/0/10. K-W URGENT CARE CLINICS INC. Westmount UCC 751 Victoria Street South, Kitchener, ON N2M 5N4 519-745-2273Fairway UCC 385 Fairway Road South, Kitchener, ON N2C 2N9 519-748-2327OPEN Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sa & Su 8am-3pm, Holidays 8am-3pm CLOSED Dec25, Jan1Onsite Xray, Ultrasound, MRI, Laboratory Services, Foot Clinic, Physio, MassageWe t

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Svangerskabskløe Baggrund: Intrahepatisk galdestase (DO266) . Utilstrækkelig metabolisering af galdesyrer og galdefarvestoffer. Genetisk prædisposition. Inci-dens 2 – 5%. Efterfølgende graviditeter vil oftest være forbundet med recidiv. Der eksisterer lille risiko for intrauterin fosterdød, formentlig som følge af toxisk virkning af gal-desyrer. Disse dødsfald optræder s


Bacterial lysate in the prevention of acute exacerbation of COPD and in respiratory Abstract: Respiratory tract infections (RTIs) represent a serious problem because they are one of the most common cause of human death by infection. The search for the treatment of those diseases has therefore a great importance. In this study we provide an overview of the currently available treatments for

Medical treatments for period problems

Tranexamic Acid (CyclokapronR) This is only taken during bleeding and can reduce the menstrual flow by up to half. It is not a hormone but acts on blood clotting inside the womb. It does not increase the risk of thrombosis (unwanted blood clots) elsewhere in the body although you would not be offered it if you have had a thrombosis in the past. Some people feel nauseous with the tablets but oth


European Journal of Echocardiography (2008) 9, 426–427doi:10.1093/ejechocard/jen022Cardiac complications in Whipple’s diseaseDepartment of Cardiology, Klinik Koesching, University Heidelberg, Krankenhausstr. 19, D-85092 Koesching, GermanyReceived 2 November 2007; accepted after revision 23 December 2007; online publish-ahead-of-print 30 March 2008Whipple’s disease or intestinal lipodys


Original Paper Accepted: September 11, 2006 Published online: November 27, 2006 Use of Sedation for Routine Diagnostic Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy: A European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Survey of National Endoscopy Society Members S.D. Ladas L. Aabakken J.-F. Rey A. Nowak S. Zakaria K. Adamonis N. Amrani J.J.G.H.M. Bergman J. Boix Valverde S. Boyacioglu I. Cremer

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