
The warm humid conditions and abundant food in the Pest Monitoring
greenhouse are ideal for pest build up. Problems can be Early detection and diagnosis of pest infestations will chronic unless recognized and corrected. While allow you to make pest control decisions before the insecticides are important tools, successful control of problem gets out of hand. It is good practice, therefore, greenhouse ornamental pests relies primarily on to make weekly inspections of plants in all sections of cultural factors. Proper cultural practices can minimize the chance for initiation and build up of infestations.
Early detection and diagnosis are key to greenhouse Insect monitoring devices are also available. Yellow pest management, as well as, the proper choice and sticky cards (PT Insect Monitoring & Trapping System, application of pesticides when pest outbreaks occur. Whitmire) are highly attractive to winged aphids, leafminer adults, whiteflies, leafhoppers, thrips (blue Cultural Controls
cards can also be used with thrips), various flies and Pests may enter the greenhouse in the summer when the other insects. These can be used to alert you to the ventilators are open. Others may be brought into the presence of a pest and identify hot spots in the greenhouse on new plant material or in soil. Many are greenhouse. One to three cards per 1000 sq. ft. in the able to survive short periods of time between harvest or greenhouse is recommended and should be changed plant removal and production of the next crop. Cultural weekly. If you cannot identify a trapped insect, contact controls are the primary defense against infestation. your county extension agent for assistance. Mass trapping products such as sticky tapes are also available Proper cultural practices which will help prevent pest
for thrips, whitefly, leafminer and fungus gnat detection infestations include:
• Maintain a clean, closely mowed area around the greenhouse to reduce pests that develop in rank Insecticide Resistance Management
Many of the most serious greenhouse pests tend to be • Remove all plants and any plant debris, clean the small insects (or mites) with short life cycles and high greenhouse thoroughly after each production cycle. birth rates. This includes spider mites, aphids, whiteflies • Keep doors, screens and ventilators in good repair. and thrips. Development of insecticide resistance is a • Use clean or sterile soils or ground media, tools, flats potential problem with these pests. Susceptible individuals in a pest population are wiped out when • At the conclusion of the season remove all plants and chemicals with the same mode of action are applied any plant debris, clean greenhouse thoroughly and repeatedly. The proportion of resistant individuals in a population increases and they become more difficult to • Inspect new plants thoroughly to prevent control. Unfortunately, a grower may increase usage of introduction insect or disease infested material into the pesticide in response to this until it no longer • Watch for leaks or pooled water that can lead to As a greenhouse manager, there are several tactics to • If possible allow the greenhouse to freeze in winter to prevent, delay or reduce insecticide resistance.
eliminate tender insects like whiteflies. Countermeasures include reducing the frequency or • Avoid wearing yellow clothing which is attractive to extent of insecticide treatments, reducing the use of many insect pests which can be carried into the insecticides with long residual action, avoiding treatments which act upon both larva and adults, and • Eliminate infestations by discarding or removing including nonchemical methods of biological and cultural control into an integrated pest management C O O P E R A T I V E E X T E N S I O N S E R V I C E
Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND KENTUCKY COUNTIES COOPERATING Phytotoxicity to Pesticides
Not all varieties of each plant species has been tested
with these registered pesticides. Plant response to these pesticides may vary in your greenhouse. Specific environmental factors in your greenhouse greatly affect phytotoxicity. All pesticides should be tested on a small group of plants to be treated at the recommended rate under anticipated growing conditions for phytotoxic symptoms. Signs of phytotoxicity may take 1 to 14 days Alphabetical listing of common insecticides (trade names), the pests they control, and a listing of safe and sensitive plants, comments also. Common Name (Trade Name)
Pest controlled
Safe plants
Sensitive plants
Abermectin (Avid 0.15EC)
Acephate (Orthene Turf, Tree
snapdragons, fuchia, lantana, NewGuinea impatiens, ivy, geraniums,boston fern, dracaena, ficus, schefflera,philodendron, lillies, african violets,hibiscus, begonia, azalea, viburnum,yew Bacillus thuringiensis var
A biological insecticide that attacks the gut azawai (XenTari)
and must be injested. Does not kill adults.
Toxic to the predatory mite Metaseiulusoccidentalis and green lacewing Bacillus thuringiensis var
A biological insecticide that attacks the gut kurstaki (Dipel 2X, Javelin WG,
and must be injested. Does not kill adults Bacillus thuringiensis
A biological insecticide that attacks the gut Serotype H-14 (Gnatrol)
and must be injested. Apply as a soildrench. Does not kill adults Bendiocarb (Dicarb, Turcam)
begonia, calathea, calendula, camellia,carnation, celosia, chrysanthemum,coleus, cottoneaster, Croton,daffodil, dahlia, dianthus, dieffenbachia,dracaena, epipremnum, episcia, fatsia,ferns, ficus, fountain grass, fuchsia,gazania, geranium, gladiolus,gloxinia,hydrangea,hypoestes, impatiens, iris, ivy, ixora,leucothoe, lily of the vailey, maranta,marigold, mondo grass, nandina,nasturtium, nicotiana, pansy,peperomia, petunia, philodendron, photinia, pieris, poinsettia, portulaca,pothos, primrose, rose, sago palm,salvia, sansevieria,schemera, shastadaisy, sinningia, snapdragon,spathiphyllum, spirea, sycamore,verbena, viburnum, vinca, wanderingjew, and zinnia. Bifenthrin (PT 1800 Attain,
A synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. Apply and temperature is between 60 - 80 F.
treatment program to delay or preventresistance. Chlorpyrifos (Dursban 50 WP,
petal drop. Do not use additional wetting fig, Cuban laurel, yellow hibiscus, red/Chinese hibiscus,impatients, Boston fern,petunia, and some roses. Cyfluthrin (Tempo 2, Tempo 20
crickets, fungus gnats, sowbugs,ants, aphids, flea beetles,leafhoppers, plants bugs,mealybugs, thrips, scales,whiteflies Cyromazine (Citation 75 WP)
An insect growth regulator. It has somesystemic effects, but should be applied asa high volume spray. Diazinon (Knox-Out 2FM PT
Dibrom (Naled 8 E)
Dicofol (Kelthane 35, Kelthane
Dienochlor (Pentac Aquaflow,
roses, chrysanthemum, carnation, gardenia, poinsettia, snapdragon,zinnia, delphinium, palms, maranta,zebra plant, schefflera, dieffenbachia,aphelandra Endosulfan (Thiodan T&O 3EC,
A chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide. On Fenoxycarb (PT 2100 TR
plants, foliage and flowering plants, and Fenpropathrin (Tame 2.4 EC)
gladiolus, impatients, liriope, lilly,mrigold, poisettia, snapdragon, azalea,croton, camellia, cotoneaster, gardenia,hibiscus, rose, viburnum Fluvalinate (Mavrik Aquaflow)
work slowly on some species. Allow 3 to 4 days to evaluate performance. Piperonylbutotoxide will aid in the control of somepest species such as whiteflies, aphids,thrips, and mealybugs. Horticultural oil (SunSpray
Most effective on whitefly during immature stages. Kills insect by suffocation.
Imadacloprid (Marathon 1G)
soils which are water-logged, or saturatedwhich will not allow penetration of waterinto the root zone of the plants. Do notover-irrigate or allow excessive runoff tooccur following application. Insecticidal soap (M-pede,
camellias, crown of thorns,fuchias, gardenia, impatients,jade plants, lantana, lilies,palms, or sweet peas. Do notuse on transplants or rootcuttings. Test on euphorbias,chrysanthemums, dracaena,dieffenbachia, ivies, palms andsucculents before using. Do notapply to open blooms. Kinoprene
conditions, apply in the prebloom stage. dracaena compacta, emerald gemnephthylis, English ivy, epipremnumaureum, exotica perfection dumbcane,false aralia, fluffy ruffles fern, fuchsia,geranium, gerbera, gloxinia, heartleafphilodendron, hydrangea, kalanchoe,lantana, lily, marigold, pelargonium,petunia, purple passion plant,red-veined prayer plant, Sandersdracaena, snapdragon, table fern,variegated oval leaf peperomia, waxplant, weeping fig, areca palm,aucubifolum [cotton], coleus varieties,coral ardisia, grape ivy, neanthebellepalm, and sprengeri fern, zebra plant Neem (Azatin, Margosan-O)
Nicotine (Nicotine Smoke
Permethrin (Pounce T&O 25
sensitive to permethrin. Treat asmall number of plants todetermine plant safety prior tocommercial use. Pyrethrin + PBO (PT 1100
A botanical insecticide and a synergist. mealybugs, moths, plant bugs,scale, spider mites, whiteflies Resmethrin (PT 1200 TR, PT
gnats, lacebugs, leafhoppers,mealybugs, milipedes, plant bugs,scale, sowbugs, thrips, whiteflies Steinernema carpocapsa
Biological larvicide containing parasitic nematodes. Incompatible with some otherpesticides. See label for guidelines. Sulfotep (Plantfume 103)

Source: http://baniameri.entomology.ir/SciRef/SciRefEng12.pdf

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