Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
Evidence-based treatment: Why, what, where, when, and how?
William R. Miller, (Ph.D.)a,b,T, Joan Zweben, (Ph.D.)c,d, Wendy R. Johnson, (M.S.)a,b
aDepartment of Psychology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1161, USA
bCenter on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA), University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1161, USA
c14th Street Clinic and East Bay Community Recovery Project, Oakland, CA, USA
dUniversity of California, San Francisco, CA, USA
Received 19 May 2005; received in revised form 29 July 2005; accepted 10 August 2005
Research and clinical perspectives are blended in this commentary on the rapidly emerging requirement for evidence-based treatment
(EBT) in substance abuse programs. Although, historically, it has not been a standard of care in behavioral health, there are sound scientific,ethical, and compassionate reasons to learn and deliver an EBT as it becomes available. This article explores a series of issues, including thefollowing: (1) Why should EBTs be used in substance abuse treatment? (2) What kinds of treatment are EBTs, and how are they determined?(3) Where can EBTs be implemented—at what levels of service delivery? (4) When should EBTs be used? and (5) How do clinicians learnEBTs? Potential pitfalls in implementing EBTs are also considered. D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Treatment; Evidence; Efficacy; Effectiveness; Policy
1. Why use empirically supported treatments?
treatment, incentives to change and update one’s practicehave been minimal. Third-party payers have reimbursed for
Suppose that you have a life-threatening illness and went
generic contexts of mental health and substance abuse
for health care to a physician who told you, bI really don’t
treatments, such as evaluation, group therapy, inpatient
pay much attention to medical research. I’ve been treating
treatment, and case management. What goes on behind
people like you for 30 years, and I know what works.
closed doors has been left to professional judgment, and
Medical research isn’t all that relevant to my practice, and,
practitioners have preferred it that way.
besides, I’m too busy to read journals.Q Would you go back
Standards of care are changing, however, with the
or would you find yourself another doctor?
recognition that not all btreatment worksQ (
Although we do expect primary care and specialist
States and cities are beginning to mandate that behavioral
physicians to keep current in their field and to provide us the
health care providers observe the same evidence-based
most current and effective treatment that science has to
treatment (EBT) standards that are expected in health care
offer, the same standard has not been applied in behavioral
more generally. Reimbursement is gradually being tied to
health care. In treating substance use disorders, practice has
the delivery of EBTs and even to the outcomes of treatment.
been largely guided by whatever approach a provider was
The handwriting is on the wall: Those who are not
trained in or preferred. Because providers are inclined to
providing empirically supported interventions are going to
believe that their services are effective, and because
have a harder time getting paid for their services. bAnything
payment for services has not been linked to the content of
There are good reasons for moving toward EBT. All
treatments are not created equal. There is consistent
T Corresponding author. Department of Psychology, University of
evidence that the outcomes of specific approaches vary
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-1161, USA. Tel.: +1 505 925
widely in treating alcohol and other drug problems (
E-mail address: (W.R. Miller).
1998; Miller, Wilbourne, & Hettema, 2003) and that
0740-5472/05/$ – see front matter D 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2005.08.003
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
therapists differ significantly from one another in their
effect sizes, estimates of how large treatment effects really
effectiveness in delivering a particular form of treatment
are. Effect sizes level the playing field, being less affected by
factors such as the number of clients studied. Many outcome
McLellan, Woody, Luborsky, & Goehl, 1988; Najavits &
studies, however, do not report the detail that is necessary;
Weiss, 1994; Project MATCH Research Group, 1998).
therefore, effect sizes must be inferred from available
Certain types of treatment are rather consistently found to
information. Even meta-analyses can require dozens if not
produce no benefit or worse yet continue to be delivered and
hundreds of judgment calls in estimating effect sizes. A way
of protecting against such bias is to show the detailed work by
we do in treatment and how we do it.
which studies were rated and conclusions drawn.
If that is the case, then we owe it to our clients to keep
abreast of what works best for whom and to provide, as
much as possible, the treatment services that are most likelyto be beneficial. Courts are upholding clients’ right not only
A distinction is often drawn between efficacy and
to treatment but also to effective treatment. Again, this is a
effectiveness. Efficacy studies evaluate the benefits of a
common expectation in medicine. Physicians who provide
treatment when delivered under ideal and highly controlled
outdated or ineffective treatments are vulnerable to claims of
conditions. Interventions in efficacy trials are often delivered
malpractice. Furthermore, trends toward person-centered
by highly qualified clinicians with modest caseloads who
care highlight the right of clients to have sufficiently
receive intensive training plus ongoing supervision and
accurate information about their therapeutic options to
fidelity monitoring, working within a well-funded university
allow them to make informed choices about their own
research clinic rather than in a busy and underfunded
community practice setting. The efficacy of a treatment
Finally, there are clear trends toward the integration of
under such conditions does not guarantee its effectiveness
substance abuse treatment with mainstream health care
when implemented in real-world treatment programs. There
are many fewer clinical trials on EBTs delivered under
disorders frequently have concomitant mental and physical
normal practice conditions in the community. The National
health problems as well and are best served by integrated
Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Clinical Trials Network
1990; Hubbard et al., 1989; McLellan et al., 1997, 1998). As
CTN/about.html) is addressing this issue, testing EBTs on the
the management of substance use disorders becomes more
frontlines, in community treatment programs, with regular
closely integrated with health care systems, it is inevitable
program staff delivering EBTs to their ordinary clients.
that EBT will increasingly become the standard of treatment.
Furthermore, multisite trials often reveal significant site-
by-treatment interactions, such that an EBT works well in
1.1. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
one location but not in another. If this is true under thehighly controlled conditions of a multisite trial, surely it is
Few clinicians have the time and expertise to analyze and
the case that the effectiveness of an EBT will vary con-
integrate hundreds of clinical trials. We therefore rely on
siderably across clinical populations and programs in which
knowledgeable reviewers to summarize evidence and derive
it is implemented. Using an EBT is a sensible place to start,
its implications for practice. Narrative reviews about what
but it does not ensure effectiveness in a particular case or
bstudies show,Q however, involve a substantial amount of
context. Dissemination research is exploring what it takes
subjective judgment, and reviewers do not always show
for a treatment shown to be effective in clinical trials to be
effectively delivered in community practice (
Two refinements have emerged to reduce selective or
Rawson, Guydish, & Zweben, 2003).
otherwise biased presentations of reviews and to makereviewers’ work more transparent and reproducible. Thefirst of these is the systematic review, in which standard
elements are examined and reported for each study and cleardecision rules are specified for reaching conclusions.
Although most practitioners would endorse the statement,
Thorough literature search procedures are also used to
bWe should offer our clients the best treatment we can,Q there
ensure that reviewers have identified most or all of the
is minimal consensus and substantial confusion as to what
bbest Q means. The move toward EBT is shaping a new
The second refinement is statistical meta-analysis, which
definition of what constitutes optimal treatment, one that
seeks to use a common yardstsick in comparing study out-
moves beyond best practice guidelines developed by practi-
comes. In treatment outcome studies, for example, a meta-
tioner consensus. There is a test of efficacy higher than
analytic review might identify for each study the best measure
clinician judgment that can be found in scientific evidence.
of substance use and use this common metric for comparison.
What, then, constitutes evidence? Courts of law have
A standard feature of meta-analyses is the computation of
clear standards as to what is and is not admissible evidence,
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
and such guidelines, although less clear cut, are emerging
receiving counseling in addition to medication, and this
with regard to substance abuse treatment as well.
Broad agreement points to a hierarchy of scientific evi-
Postier, & Kenny, 2004). Similarly, studies rather consis-
dence, with different types constituting stronger or weaker
tently indicate the importance of providing for children to
demonstrations of efficacy. In most EBT systems, the
attract and retain women in residential or outpatient treat-
highest level of credence is given to randomized clinical
ment. Such evidence-based practices represent a broader
trials, the gold-standard research design of the U.S. Food
perspective than EBTs alone and should be considered in
and Drug Administration (FDA) for approving new
pharmacotherapies. No single clinical trial is conclusive,
A fourth level of evidence is found in anecdotal case
of course, and evidence strength grows as the number of
reports, professional opinion, and best practice guidelines
well-controlled studies increases. The FDA approves new
developed by clinician consensus with minimal basis in
treatments based on clinical trials that are logically capable,
research, often because of the absence of relevant studies.
by design, of demonstrating efficacy, taking into account the
methodological quality of each study and the relative weight
Addiction Medicine (2001), which offer decision rules for
placing patients into various levels of treatment intensity,
There is good reason for higher credence given to
began as a professional consensus document; subsequent
randomized clinical trials. Few other research designs can
studies have shed light on the reliability, validity, and utility
control for the beliefs and expectancies that can substan-
of these criteria and helped refine them (
tially bias outcomes. Human beings are highly susceptible
Magura et al., 2003). Professional consensus is also the
to paying selective attention to information that confirms
standard used to develop the Treatment Improvement
preexisting beliefs and to ignoring conflicting information.
Protocols published by the U.S. Center for Substance Abuse
Some clinicians assert that, bThe therapy I do is more
Treatment. Although often most persuasive to practitioners,
effective than any of those EBTs. I just don’t have the time
this level of evidence is typically given least credence in
and resources to study it.Q Well-designed randomized trials
provide a persuasive, although imperfect, correction for
When, then, does a treatment become an EBT? Various
authorities have established different and sometimes
Even in medicine, of course, many treatments that have
conflicting standards for when there is enough evidence
not been validated by randomized trials are provided
to constitute an EBT. Part of the problem here is drawing
a discrete line (EBT or not) on what is actually a
from quasi-experimental studies that offer some degree of
continuous dimension (amount, type, and strength of
control over factors that can confound the interpretation of
available evidence). Various definitions of evidence have
results but fall short of the rigor of controlled clinical trials
been used to generate lists of EBTs for substance use
same pattern of behavior change across multiple cases or
ing lists from the American Psychiatric Association, the
groups given the same treatment, for example, offers some
American Psychological Association, Cochrane collabora-
evidence of consistency of outcomes but no basis for
tions, meta-analyses, and the NIDA. It is useful to have a
comparison with other treatment approaches or no treat-
compilation of the strengths of evidence for (or against)
ment. Some EBT reviews include such quasi-experimental
different approaches to inform and demystify the dichot-
omous and somewhat arbitrary decision as to which
Hettema, Steele, & Miller, 2005).
treatments are evidence based and which are not.
A third tier of evidence is found in correlational studies
As a starting point, we examined the conclusions of
with systematic observation across cases or programs.
10 reviews of EBTs from seven research groups (
Although randomized trials represent a gold standard for
Thelander, & Jonsson, 2003; Carroll, 1998; Finney & Moos,
demonstrating efficacy, there are clinically important ques-
2002; Mattick & Hall, 1993; Mattick & Jarvis, 1992;
tions for which this design is not optimal. When patients are
McCrady, 2000; McCrady & Ziedonis, 2001; Miller &
randomly assigned to different levels of treatment intensity
Wilbourne, 2002; NIDA, 1999; Rawson, 1996). As shown
or duration, clinical trials typically show no main effect of
in some treatments are found on most lists of EBTs
whereas others appear on only one or two. This illustrates
clinical studies, however, rather consistently show a positive
the extent to which EBT lists can differ depending on the
correlation of retention in treatment with better outcomes.
procedures and criteria one uses. A further source of
The latter finding has laudably discouraged the practice of
variance in this list is that some reviews focused only on
prematurely discharging people for the same reason that
alcohol problems whereas others did only on illicit drug use.
they were admitted (drug use) and has encouraged the
Given these, the amount of convergence across reviews is
search for effective motivational strategies to improve
encouraging, albeit inconclusive. Reviewers do not work in
retention. Field studies have shown that clients undergoing
isolation, and they read each other’s work. Some of these
methadone maintenance programs tend to fare better when
reviews are more transparent than others, showing their
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
Table 1Convergence of 10 summaries of EBTs
Community reinforcement approach plus vouchers
Day treatment with abstinence, contingencies, and vouchers
Multidimensional family therapy for adolescents
Voucher-based reinforcement therapy in methadone maintenance treatment
The reviews (5) Ziedonis (2001); (6) (7) (8) (9) and (10) (2000). (+) indicates that the review identifies the treatment as evidence based; (++), the review differentiates strong evidence base for the treatment; A, total numberof (+) ratings for the treatment across the 10 reviews.
work and clearly articulating the review procedures so that
able research. There are, of course, many gaps in treatment
they could be replicated. Others (e.g., simply
outcome research, although not as many as was the case
name EBTs without specifying the criteria and processes
even 10 years ago. With more than a thousand controlled
clinical trials in the literature for alcohol, tobacco, and illicit
provide statistical meta-analyses to compare the absolute
drug use, it is no longer defensible to say that there is
impact of treatments. Other summaries rely on the
limited research from which to draw any conclusion (
Farrell, & Ali, 2004). points to treatment methods
Neither are treatment approaches randomly selected for
with good evidence of efficacy. Like health care more
testing in clinical trials. There has been concern that certain
generally, substance abuse treatment can now be guided by
approaches (e.g., behavioral) are favored by researchers or
easier to test in randomized trials and, therefore, have the
So perhaps a better question is when one would not use
opportunity to accumulate greater evidence of efficacy. We
an EBT. One obvious answer is, bWhen there is no EBT
examined this within a review of published clinical trials on
available.Q It is the case that there is currently insufficient
research evidence to indicate a specific approach in treating
Pharmacotherapies were tested 106 times (20%); cognitive–
certain substance use disorders. The inhalation of solvents
behavioral treatments, 231 times (43%); and other psycho-
such as glue or gasoline is clearly a serious concern, and, at
present, there is not enough research evidence to guidepractice with confidence. Should one then leave inhalantabuse untreated? Certainly not. The same is true for specific
combinations of disorders. Treatment methods are beingdeveloped and tested for the combination of substance
When should we use EBTs? One reasonable answer is,
bWhenever possible,Q recognizing the limitations of avail-
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
This means, of course, that providers need to learn how
disorder (and borderline personality dis-
to deliver EBTs. Beyond the challenge of changing
established practice habits, developing competence in a
approach is to use EBTs that are indicated for each of the
new treatment method may not be a simple matter. Studies
clarifying effective dissemination methods are gaining
Clinicians are often concerned that available clinical
trial evidence may not apply to the population they treat.
practitioners and programs to rely on conferences, work-
It is reasonable to question the generalizability of EBTs
shops, and in-service trainings. Yet such one-shot methods
across groups with which they have not been tested. In
tend to be ineffective in changing practice behavior and
the interest of internal validity, efficacy studies often
increasing clinical skillfulness. In one study, reading about,
exclude patients with a concomitant psychiatric diagnosis
viewing videotapes, and attending a 2-day workshop
or multiple substance use or dependence, medically ill
resulted in a minimal increase in skill in motivational
patients, and, possibly, clients less motivated for change
interviewing and in no apparent change in client response,
(by virtue of self-selection into a demanding trial). In
although participants believed that they had developed
short, clinical trials may exclude a majority of the clients
seen in community practice. Furthermore, very limited
providing ongoing feedback and coaching significantly
clinical trial evidence is available on how to treat
improved posttraining clinical proficiency in the EBT
substance use disorders in specific populations who may
constitute most or all of those seen in particular agencies:HIV-positive patients, Native Americans, adolescents,Hispanics, or African Americans. Although it is unrea-
sonable to expect all EBTs to be tested with all popu-lations, the external validity of existing studies remains a
EBTs can be implemented at various levels. At the
simplest level, an individual practitioner may learn and
What should one do in this case? In the absence of an
provide one or more particular EBTs as part of her or his
EBT for the specific population one treats, it is
service delivery. The use of EBTs is quite compatible with
reasonable to start with EBTs that have been supported
individualizing treatment to patient needs and preferences,
in multiple trials with other groups. There is no particular
reason to withhold EBTs from clients based on their
Teague, Bartels, & Torrey, 2003). Acquiring competence in
racial/ethnic background, and to do so is a form of
the delivery of EBTs is likely to enhance a practitioner’s
discrimination. In the nationwide Project MATCH trial,
prospects for future employment and for referrals from
no differences were found in the responses of African
Americans, Hispanics, and Non-Hispanic Whites or of
At a program level, an agency can make a policy
women and men to the three treatments tested: 12-step
decision to deliver preferentially, as much as possible,
treatment or prevention interventions that are based on solid
scientific evidence. This is a commitment to EBT in general,
as distinguished from the provision of particular EBTs.
DiClemente, & Rychtarik, 1992). Native Americans,
Consider these three policy statements adopted by com-
however, did show significantly better outcomes with
motivational enhancement therapy (& Miller, 2005). Other studies have shown no differential
The Board of Directors of the South Central
response of Hispanic and Non-Hispanic clients to sub-
shall operate only those mental health treatments,
Whereas 25 years ago there were no EBTs for substance
services, and programs for which there exists
use disorders, we are now blessed with a variety of
evidence in the professional literature of their
evidence-based approaches. One reasonable policy, then,
efficacy in their application under conditions and
is to provide EBTs to most people seeking treatment for
circumstances similar to those existing in the
substance use disorders while also meeting their other needs
communities and populations served by the center.
(Adopted in 1990 by SCCMHC, operating public
seem to be responding to one EBT, there are usually other
mental health and substance abuse service programs
good possibilities to try. Clients can therefore be given
informed choices among good options. A public treatment
The ChangePoint mission is to provide the most
program directed by the first author (W.R.M.) offered clients
effective substance abuse, mental health, and domes-
a menu of EBTs. New clients were given a description of the
tic violence intervention treatments using culturally
options available to them and were actively involved in
competent evidence-based approaches designed to
choosing the treatment they preferred.
give the best possible outcomes to clients. (Adopted
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
in 1998 by ChangePoint, which operates six treat-
different conclusions depending on the range of studies
examined and the methodology used to do so. Systematic
The Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and
review and meta-analysis necessarily invoke certain
Addictions (CASAA) shall operate only those treat-
assumptions and are variable and fallible processes.
ments, services, and programs for which there exists
Furthermore, lists of approved methods necessarily reduce
evidence of efficacy in the current scientific literature.
quite complex information to a binary decision: EBT or not.
Services with unproven efficacy will be designated as
Suppose, however, that we could develop at least a short
experimental procedures and offered only within the
list of EBTs that have been shown to be more effective than
context of appropriately designed research to deter-
no treatment or alternative treatments. There are still some
mine their efficacy. (Adopted in 1994 by the
reasonable grounds for concern. First, such lists can change
University of New Mexico CASAA, operating a
substantially as new evidence emerges and, thus, should
large public substance abuse treatment system.)
always be considered a work in progress. Second, it isimportant to remember that the absence of efficacy studies
Most EBTs are treatments and not programs; they
does not constitute evidence of ineffectiveness. It may be
describe specific procedures but do not prescribe the de-
useful, then, to compile and inform practice by enumerating
tails of the many day-to-day operational decisions within a
treatment methods for which there is strong evidence of
program that must be made to accommodate EBTs.
Implementing EBTs may require significant changes in
some danger that EBT lists could ossify research and
program philosophy, procedures, and training and hiring
practice and, thus, stifle innovation.
practices. In programs where EBTs are new, this involves a
Social policy regarding EBTs should take into account
commitment to train or retrain clinicians to deliver EBTs.
not only scientific evidence but also the feasibility of putting
New hires provide a particularly important opportunity to
an EBT into practice. For example, although covert
increase a program’s capability to deliver EBTs. Programs
sensitization (verbal aversion therapy) has a positive balance
can consider specific policies for: (1) hiring, training, or
of evidence for efficacy, it is an inherently unpleasant
retraining of clinicians to deliver EBTs; (2) determining the
therapy for counselors and clients alike and is unlikely ever
clients, problems, and situations for which EBTs apply and
to be widely adopted in practice. Contingency management
how to proceed clinically when no EBT is available; and (3)
programs that pay clients for drug-free urine are reasonably
supervising and monitoring the practice of clinicians within
effective but face substantial opposition from political and
the program to promote and ensure appropriate use of EBTs.
public opinion. An EBT that requires individual therapy is
At a treatment system level, the complexity of EBTs is
difficult to deliver if programs are reimbursed only for group
greater still. A treatment system may make a policy decision
counseling. It is wise to anticipate such obstacles before an
for differential provision and funding of an EBT among its
EBT is promoted for adoption and runs into a solid wall,
multiple programs and providers. Here the vexing chal-
undermining the credibility of EBT implementation more
lenges include (1) defining which EBTs are to be provided
generally. The identification of EBTs to be implemented in
or reimbursed; (2) defining and educating programs as to
practice is, thus, a process that best involves both scientists
when EBTs apply, how providers are to proceed when EBTs
with treatment research expertise and clinicians with
are unavailable, and the conditions under which clinician
wisdom about feasibility in community programs.
judgment may override the use of an established EBT; and(3) determining how to monitor and audit provider practices
to ensure adherence to EBT standards.
It is true that substantial gains have been made through
clinical research on substance abuse treatment. It is also
important to maintain an appropriate level of humility aboutour current knowledge. Clinical scientists and practitioners
One of the aims of this article is to represent both clinical
are both susceptible to the tendency of nondepressed people
and scientific perspectives on EBT. This involves consid-
to overestimate their efficacy. In general, our treatment
ering not only the strengths and advantages of EBT but also
interventions show small to moderate effects and repeated
the limitations and emergent problems as social policy
episodes of care are the norm. Substance abuse treatment
yields outcomes at least comparable with those for otherchronic conditions such as diabetes, asthma, and hyper-
tension (andthere are no magic bullets to cure addiction in one acute
Clinical practice ought to be guided by the best science
care episode. Studies appropriate to a comprehensive and
available, but there are good reasons to be cautious about
continuing care model may yield insights about how
blessing lists of EBTs. As is evident in well-
intentioned and qualified reviewers can and do reach quite
Forman, Cacciola, & Kemp, in press).
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
5.3. Cost– effectiveness of implementing EBTs
or he actually does so in routine practice. It is one thing tomandate that providers deliver EBTs and quite another to
Specific treatment methods are evaluated for the extent to
determine through quality assurance that they are really
which they improve outcomes, relative to the cost of
doing so competently. Mandates without quality assurance
delivery. Similar questions can be asked at program and
are likely to have more effect on verbal reports about
system levels regarding the cost–effectiveness of adopting
EBTs. Relative to current practice, how much better wouldclient outcomes be after implementing one or more EBTs?
The costs of training and supervising new EBTs, which canbe substantial, must be weighed against the degree of
As discussed, an absence of research is not proof of
ineffectiveness. This raises the conundrum of what to do
There is a temptation for policymakers to require the
about treatment practices for which limited or no scientific
delivery of EBTs without providing support for the
evidence is available. Some common interventions lack
substantial effort and costs required to convert programs
evidence of efficacy precisely because they are more
and systems to new standards of practice. Comprehensive
challenging to study in a rigorous manner (e.g., group
intervention at a system level, although currently underway
therapies and the use of 12-step programs). Other inter-
in specific areas (takes time and resources
ventions remain unstudied because clinical scientists have
to accomplish. Helping staff learn and competently deliver
not had sufficient interest in them. For example, should art
even a single EBT is likely to require far more than
therapy, for which there is no single outcome study, be a
providing a treatment manual and a one-shot workshop
reimbursable substance abuse service unless and until it is
shown to be ineffective? What about age regression
mandates to implement EBTs are predisposed to fail.
Even with good training and support for implementation,
The FDA standard is that the burden of proof is on the
the effectiveness of an EBT in practice is not ensured.
purveyor of a treatment to show that it is effective before it
Because the outcomes of EBTs vary across sites and
is approved for delivery. It is an unreasonable standard that
populations, it is desirable to study the impact of EBTs
any intervention must be proven ineffective (itself a
when implemented, which converges with increased
challenging task) before delivery and funding can be denied.
demands from funding sources for outcome monitoring.
At the same time, there are pressing everyday practice
This, too, requires dedicated time and effort, and funders
challenges with no EBTs to provide clear guidance but for
may fail to provide the requisite resources to collect reliable
which communities have developed intervention methods.
outcome data. Contract funds are frequently mandated to be
Research should be encouraged to evaluate community-
spent for direct services only, without supporting an infra-
supported approaches that are widely practiced (e.g., within
structure for the quality assurance and outcome evaluation
a particular population) and for which outcome knowledge
needed in systemic adoption of EBTs.
5.4. Quality assurance: How do we know if an EBT is being
5.6. The National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs
It is easier to determine whether certain medical
A variety of federal initiatives are in process or under
procedures (e.g., surgery) have been properly performed
development to address some of the issues in this article.
than to verify when a substance abuse provider is actually
One of the most significant is the National Registry of
delivering a psychosocial EBT. The delivery of even a
Evidence-Based Programs and Practices (NREPP), initiated
pharmacotherapy is in doubt without tests to verify
in 1998 by the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
medication blood levels. Without ongoing monitoring,
Services Administration (SAMHSA) and currently under
individual clinicians and programs only need to report that
expansion. Originally focused on substance abuse preven-
they are delivering EBTs and indeed may incorrectly believe
tion programming, it is broadening its scope to include
interventions to treat substance abuse disorders and to
author (W.R.M.) once delivered a community lecture on
prevent and/or treat mental illness. The vision in expanding
EBTs for alcohol problems. The following week, a local
the NREPP is that the system becomes a leading national
treatment program listed in a newspaper advertisement the
resource for contemporary and reliable information on the
services that it provided—the very same list of EBTs for
scientific basis and practicality of interventions to prevent
which, to our knowledge, they had received no training.
and/or treat mental and addictive disorders. Plans are
It is challenging to verify, from chart review alone,
underway to align technical assistance with this expansion.
whether an EBT was actually delivered. Even a taped work
The SAMHSA obtained public comment on its plans for
sample of a clinician providing an EBT demonstrates only
expanding the NREPP and will plan to relaunch the
that she or he is able to deliver the treatment, not that she
W.R. Miller et al. / Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 29 (2005) 267 – 276
As of this writing (August 2005), the NREPP policies
available resources. Clinicians also benefit from access to
and procedures are still being formulated, but treatment and
new methods, and an evidence-based standard for practice
prevention programs can apply online and achieve
promotes self-examination and stimulates new ways to think
status as model evidence-based programs (
about care and service delivery. The introduction of new Although we laud the effort
interventions may further generate new enthusiasm and
to provide the public and funding agencies with a reliable
consumer’s guide to evidence-based substance abuse
Busy providers and program managers cannot be
services, the devil is going to be in the details. First, a list
expected to digest the entire treatment outcome literature
of approved practices must be developed, which involves all
and come to their own conclusions about EBTs. A
the abovementioned complexities of deciding how much of
seemingly simple approach for encouraging or requiring
which kinds of data constitute evidence.
the use of EBTs is to develop a list of treatments that are
To complicate matters further, programs are to be
evidence based (and, by omission, those that are not).
registered as actually providing evidence-based practices,
However, the processes and criteria for arriving at an EBT
apparently based on the self-report of program admin-
list are by no means straightforward and different review
istrators. Even individual providers themselves are not
reliable reporters of their own proficiency and delivery in
Neither is it clear where the responsibility and authority lie
reimbursement at stake, the second-hand assurance of
Retraining providers with established habits is consid-
administrators regarding providers’ adherence to evidence-
erably more challenging than shaping the practice of
based methods is unlikely to reflect actual practice. Quality
clinicians in training. In the new wave of enthusiasm for
assurance measures are imaginable, albeit complex, but no
EBTs, surprisingly minimal attention and priority have been
such checks have been proposed for the NREPP. No list at
given to ensuring that future substance abuse treatment
all would be preferable to a registry that provides the
professionals will be prepared to competently deliver EBTs.
public with unreliable consumer information about pro-
Special attention should be given to EBTs in any training
program to prepare the next generation of clinicians to workwith substance use disorders.
Perhaps the proper attitude toward EBTs is one of
respect but not reverence. Evaluating scientific evidence isa complex and evolving process. There is danger that
The issues discussed here are not new. More than three
funders and regulators will take action prematurely, with-
out good understanding of the state of the evidence and the
Most clinical psychologists I know would be outraged to
practical constraints inherent in implementing worthy
discover that the Food and Drug Administration allowed
goals. A solid evidence base for the treatment services
a new drug on the market without sufficient testing, not
we provide is perhaps the best defense against extinction,
only of its efficacy to cure or relieve symptoms, but also
and funding agencies are understandably impatient. For the
of its short term side effects and the long term effects of
field of substance abuse treatment to move forward, there
continued use. Many of these same psychologists,
should be cooperative dialogue among the stakeholders,
however, do not see anything unethical about offering
with EBT implementation plans developed through
services to the public. . .which could not conceivably
He further warned that in the absence of an evidence base
for treatment, clinicians bwill find themselves restrained
from the outside (as are drug companies by the FDA) as aresult of their own failure to do what ethical and scientific
The preparation of this article was supported in part by
Grants U10-DA015833 and U10-DA15815 from the NIDA
Clinical Trials Network; Grants TI10377, TI15802,
TI16005, and TI16246 from the Center for Substance
As long as psychotherapies resist pressure to produce
Abuse Treatment; and Grant K05-AA00133 from the
scientific evidence that they work, the economic squeeze
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
will tighten. After all, if psychotherapy is really an art, itshould be supported by the National Endowment, not byMedicare. The first to face extinction will be the longer-term therapies. . .Where it ends, though, is not clear.
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PATIENT INFORMATION SHEET What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people? The symptoms of swine flu (influenza) in people are similar to the symptoms of regular seasonal human flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhoea and vomiting associated with swine flu. Severe illness (pneumonia and respiratory fai