Microsoft word - tender for procurement of drugs and consumables.docx
1. The Tender will be received by the undersigned on or before dt. 12.12.2011 up to 12 Noon and will be opened on the same
date at 4 P.M. in presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives. If any bidders fails to be present there is no bar for opening of tender.
2. The tenderer can obtain tender papers by depositing Rs. 500/- only towards cost of tender paper in any working day within
office hours from DPMU, NRHM, O/o CDMO Boudh. Such bidder can down load the tender paper from the website: & and the bidder have to enclose a non refundable demand draft
of Rs.500/- in favour of ZSS/NRHM, Boudh with the bid documents. The envelope contains tender documents should be
super scribed “Tender for supply of drugs and consumables” on the top of the envelope.
3. Earnest Money deposit(EMD) is Rs. 5,000.00( Rupees five thousand only) in shape DD in favour of ZSS/NRHM, Boudh
drawn on SBI, Boudh, which will be refunded back to unsuccessful bidder after finalization of tender. The EMD of successful
bidders will be kept as Security Deposit & will be refunded only after successful completion of the assignment.
4. Up to date VAT clearance certificate (Renewed up to 31.03.12) and income tax PAN card must be submitted along with
quotation otherwise the quotation liable to be rejected.
5. The quoted price is inclusive of all taxes and duties i.e. freights, insurance and transportation charges.
6. The purchase committee reserves the right to reject any or all the quotations without any reason thereof.
7. Delivery of the drugs should be FOR destination i.e Central Store, O/o CDMO, Boudh.
8. If any information or document furnished by the tenderer is found to be incorrect or misleading at any stage the tender will
The drug will be procured directly from the manufacturer, if no manufacturing unit is participating in the tender or willing to supply, their authorized distributor will be considered.
The drug manufacturer must have valid GMP/WHO certificate and proof of this must be submitted at the time of submission of tender.
All the tablets / capsules must be supplied in blister or aluminum packing. No loose drugs will be procured.
At the time of receipt of drugs at least 5/6th self life must be there in each item.
The supply should be completed within 30 days from the date of issue of the purchase order.
All the strips/ boxes/ pouches/vials/packing should be stamped with labeling “GOVT SUPPLY NOT FOR SALE” in indelible ink. MRP if mentioned any where must be erased.
All drugs must be of generic formulation. If generic formulation of that drug is not available then brand name may be considered for exigency of public service.
At the time of supply, the supplier must submit a test report of the batches being supplied from a NABL approved laboratory that supplied drugs are of standard quality, basing on which the drug can be used / distributed.
The Supplier has to deposit 2% of order value with CDMO Office Boudh towards quality testing, packing & forwarding charges of the drugs supplied immediately after receipt of purchase order.
The Tenderer shall furnish the following documents with the tender paper.
• Original money receipt for purchase of tender paper / demand draft of Rs. 500/- ( Rupees five hundred only) (
Xerox copy of valid sales tax (VAT) clearance certificate & PAN Card.
Earnest Money Deposit(EMD) is Rs. 5,000.00 (Rupees five thousand only) in shape of DD in favour of
Authorization letter of manufacturer if any distributor is the tenderer.
Valid GMP/WHO certificate of the manufacturer.
Chief District Medical Officer, Boudh Rate should be quoted including all taxes & FOR destination Rate should be quoted including all taxes & FOR destination
Inj.Xylocaine with Adrenaline(30ml/vial)
Inj. Fortified Procaine penicillin(4 Lacs/vial)
Rate should be quoted including all taxes & FOR destination
Absorbent Cotton (Net weight 500 gms, Absorbency
Tab Cotrimoxazole TMP 20mg + SMZ 100mg /tab
Much of this material is cited from the web page What is low-dose naltrexone and why is it important? > Low-dose naltrexone holds great promise for the millions of people worldwide with autoimmune diseases or central nervous system disorders or who face a deadly cancer. Naltrexone itself was approved by the FDA in 1984 in a 50mg dose for the purpose of helping heroin or opium ad
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