Microsoft word - web booklet word master dementia and treatments feb 2013.doc
Hampton House 1b Dyne Road London NW6 7XG Tel: 020 7604 5177
Fax: 020 7604 5178 February 2013
Is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for about 60% of cases. During the
Dementia is the name for a group of diseases that
course of the disease the chemistry and structure
affect the normal functioning of the brain. It is not
of the brain changes, leading to the death of brain
an inevitable part of the ageing process
cells, which can’t be replaced. Alzheimer’s comes
on gradually to begin with - the first noticeable
Dementia is far more likely to affect older. About
sign is usually short-term memory problems.
20% of people over the age of 80 develop dementia, but younger people can also develop
the condition (less than 2% of people under 60).
Is the second most common cause of dementia
after Alzheimer’s disease, accounting for about 20% of cases of dementia. It is brought on by interruptions to the flow of oxygen to the brain
Loss of memory: such as forgetting the way home from the shops, forgetting
supplied through the network of blood vessels,
resulting in the death of brain cells. This may
occur suddenly fol owing a stroke or, more
gradual y, as a result of a series of mini-strokes.
Mood changes: because of damage to parts of the brain that control emotions,
There is often a settled period, or even an
improvement, after each episode of decline. You
may experience acute confusion, depression and epileptic fits. Usually it has less effect on
Communication problems: a decline in the ability to talk, read and write
personality than Alzheimer’s. High blood pressure, heart problems, high
The symptoms of dementia usual y get worse over
cholesterol and diabetes can increase the chances
time and can become quite disabling, so that it
of developing vascular dementia so your doctor
may be difficult for you to do some daily activities
should check these and whether you are very
overweight or whether you smoke or drink a lot of
alcohol. You should be offered treatment and help
Although dementia is a lifelong illness that usually
Is caused by abnormal structures, known as Lewy
gets worse over time, there are treatments that
bodies, developing inside the brain. They lead to
can slow its development or help with some of the
an abnormal build up of protein inside nerve cel s,
symptoms. There are two kinds of treatment
which interrupt the brain’s functioning. Memory,
concentration and language skil s are affected. It
(Including Pick’s disease) account for about 5% of
cases. The damage is usual y focused in the front
part of the brain. At first, personality and
Some of the treatments are recommended for
behaviour are more affected than memory and
specific types of dementia and some are for all
language skills. Typically problems tend to appear
kinds of dementia. If you have what is cal ed
mixed dementia (for example, Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease
and dementia with Lewy bodies), you should usually be treated for the type that is thought to be the main cause of your dementia.
There are other, rarer causes of dementia
including Korsakoff’s syndrome and Creutzfeldt-
Jakob disease. People with Parkinson’s disease
and Huntington’s disease are likely to develop
If you have mild or moderate dementia, you
dementia in the final stages. In the latter stages of
should be offered the chance to join other people
AIDS, a minority of people develop a form of
with dementia in a cognitive stimulation
The government’s National Institute for Health and
professionals should take into account any
Clinical Excel ence (NICE) recommends some
disabilities or difficulties in communicating you
drugs for the possible treatment of people with
Alzheimer’s. They are donepezil (commercial y
know as Aricept), galantamine (Reminyl),
Only specialists should start prescribing these
rivastigmine (Exelon) and memantine (Ebixa). They
drugs, and you should only continue to take them
treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, but
while you, your doctors and your family or carers
that do not slow the progression of the disease.
agree they are having a worthwhile effect on your
symptoms. You should have regular check-ups
Donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine prevent
while taking any of these drugs, and if you have a
the breakdown of a brain chemical cal ed
carer, they should be asked about how you are
acetylcholine, which is needed for the nerve cells
chemical called glutamate. High levels of glutamate
First, your care team should look at the situations
damage nerve cel s in the brain and stop them
that may affect your mood and the way you
behave (for example, things that make you upset
or agitated). They should look at things like your
You should be able to have donepezil, galantamine
physical and mental health, whether you are in
or rivastigmine if you have mild to moderate
any pain and side effects of medicines you are
taking. Your treatment and care should be planned
to suit your needs (including taking account of
You should be able to have memantine if you
your culture and beliefs), recorded in your notes,
and reviewed regularly by your care team.
moderate Alzheimer’s disease and cannot
If you are agitated, you should be offered
therapies to help calm you. These may include:
When assessing the severity of your Alzheimer’s
therapies that appeal to the senses, such
disease and your need for treatment, healthcare
carer. You may also be offered other help, such
You should be offered help and treatment without
drugs before you are offered medication, unless
you are severely distressed or are at risk of
If your non-cognitive symptoms are mild or
If you have depression and the treatments above
have not worked or are not suitable, you should
antipsychotic because they can have serious side
be offered antidepressant medicine. Your doctor
should explain the risks and benefits of the
treatment. He or she should also explain that it is
If you have severe symptoms (such as psychosis
important to take the drug as prescribed, that it
or you are very agitated), you may be offered an
will not start working straight away and that you
antipsychotic for a period of time, but only after
may have some withdrawal symptoms when you
your doctor has talked to you in detail about the
possible benefits and risks, which can include having a stroke or a heart attack.
If you start taking an antipsychotic, it should be at a low dose at first, and your doctor should
If it appears that the treatment described in this
booklet is suitable for you, but it is not available,
ask you doctor to explain why you cannot
If you have depression or anxiety you may be
offered a psychological treatment called cognitive
behavioural therapy, which may involve your
talk to your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
London HA0 4UZ Tel: 020 8795 6240
Drug treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. A free
factsheet from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Provides information, advice and emotional
Information about NICE clinical guideline 42 and
support to carers of people with dementia
Information about NICE technology appraisal
guidance 217. Both are available from NICE
(National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence) and SCIE (Social Care Institute for
You can be referred to the clinic by your GP
can request a ful assessment of your needs.
Contact your service office or Adult Care Services
Tel: 020 8965 7711
Support for African and Caribbean carers and
c : provides access to health information
The link below is to specific dementia information:
Advocacy Service for mental health service users
provides information and advice for carers.
n : :provides information and advice on mental
Mindinfoline: 0300 123 3393 (Monday to Friday
Advocacy for elderly disabled people, mental
health service users, and people with learning and
a comprehensive range of leaflets on every
aspect of dementia and has an online forum for
U : provides information on and services for
Dementia: support for family and friends. Dave
Caring for the person with dementia: A handbook
for families and other carers. Alzheimer’s Society
C (National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence): produces guidance for the NHS about
Becoming a carer of someone with dementia.
preventing, diagnosing and treating medical
Stil going strong – a guide to living with dementia.
C E (Social Care Institute for Excellence)
Chocolate rain: 100 ideas for a creative approach
to activities in dementia. Sarah Zoutewelle-Morris,
Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: answers at
your fingertips. Cayton, Graham, & Warner.
Class Publishing (London) Ltd. 3rd edition, 2008
And stil the music plays – stories of people with
Dancing with Dementia: My story of living
The fol owing titles are al concerned with
positively with dementia. Bryden. Jessica
dementia, ranging from personal accounts to ‘how
Kingsley Publishers (London & Philadelphia),
to’ guides. They are listed in date order. You can
also find useful books in your local library or from the Alzheimer’s Society’s library on their website.
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