All other inhalers / puffers and other medications should be taken as usual. All other inhalers / puffers and other medications should be taken as usual. Skin Allergy T Skin Allergy T
essants also contain anti-histamines and should be ceased for 48 hours prior
essants also contain anti-histamines and should be ceased for 48 hours prior
e the test. No HISMANAL for 4 weeks befor e the test. No HISMANAL for 4 weeks befor e the test. elfast for 5 days befor No Claratyne or T e the test. elfast for 5 days befor No Claratyne or T
etide, Oxis or Symbicort for 12 hours befor
etide, Oxis or Symbicort for 12 hours befor
ovocation and Hypertonic Saline Challenge Histamine Pr ovocation and Hypertonic Saline Challenge Histamine Pr
etide, Oxis or Symbicort for 12 hours befor
etide, Oxis or Symbicort for 12 hours befor
olumes, Body Plethysmography , Static Lung V fusing Capacity olumes, Body Plethysmography , Static Lung V fusing Capacity DO NOT SMOKE DO NOT SMOKE 8202 7272. nside Respiratory Centr 8202 7272. nside Respiratory Centr
e unable to manage without your medication or have any questions r
e unable to manage without your medication or have any questions r
e you to cease some medications for a period of time.
e you to cease some medications for a period of time. APPOINTMENT APPOINTMENT to follow the instructions given for each test to follow the instructions given for each test Please read this information carefully as it is important Please read this information carefully as it is important est Instructions Patient Pr est Instructions Patient Pr Email: respiratorycentre@burnsidehospital.asn.auEmail: respiratorycentre@burnsidehospital.asn.auBURNSIDE RESPIRATORY CENTRE BURNSIDE RESPIRATORY CENTRE Patient and Test Details Patient and Test Details PATIENT DETAILS PATIENT DETAILS REFERRING DOCTOR REFERRING DOCTOR TESTS REQUIRED TESTS REQUIRED IMPORTANT: Please see overleaf for pre-test instructions IMPORTANT: Please see overleaf for pre-test instructions
Diffusing Capacity (Transfer Factor)
Diffusing Capacity (Transfer Factor)
(Clinpath Pathology Form Required)
(Clinpath Pathology Form Required)
RELEVANT MEDICAL HISTORY (including Communicable Diseases) RELEVANT MEDICAL HISTORY (including Communicable Diseases)
Doctor’s Signature: . Date:././.
Doctor’s Signature: . Date:././.
Onchocerciasis Position Paper SightFirst Long Range Planning (SFLRP) Working Group May 2008 Introduction The mission of the Lions’ SightFirst program is to build comprehensive eye care systems to fight the major causes of blindness and care for the blind or visually impaired. The program funds high quality, sustainable projects that deliver eye care services, develop infrastructure
First Name:__________________________ M.I. _____ Last Name:____________________________ Male / Female D.O.B:_________________ Employer: _____________________________ MARRIED / SINGLE / OTHER Home Phone: _______________________ Cell: _____________________ Work: ________________________ Address: ____________________________City/State/Zip Code: _____________________________________________ Prim