CE Credit Article Clinical & Refractive Optometry is pleased to present this continuing education (CE) article by Ashlee D. Arlien et al entitled Horner’s Pupil in Patient With Ipsilateral Facial Pain. In order to obtain 1-hour of COPE-approved CE credit, please refer to page 100 for complete instructions. Horner’s Pupil in Patient
define more benign conditions. Recently, it has been
With Ipsilateral Facial Pain
suggested that more accurate terminology is warrantedin order to keep Raeder’s in its original sense distinct
Ashlee D. Arlien, BA; Craig M. McCormick, OD;
from other entities such as cluster headaches and migraine
Leonid Skorin, Jr., OD, DO, FAAO, FAOCO
Neuro-imaging, laboratory tests, pharmacological
ABSTRACT The definition of Raeder’s paratrigeminal syndrome
consultation are part of the management of this clinical
has generated confusion over the years. It has gone
entity. Finding the location of the lesion responsible for
from being characterized by a partial Horner’s
the Horner’s syndrome is crucial in differentiating
syndrome and persistent unilateral supraorbital pain
between a malignant or more benign condition. to being designated to any painful post-ganglionic
Traditional pharmacological testing for Horner’s
Horner’s syndrome. The earliest to most recent definitions given to Raeder’s are discussed in this
syndrome as well as alternatives such as 1% apraclonidine
article as are suggestions for more precise terminology
(Iopidine) and 1% phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) are
that reflects the anatomy more accurately. A case is presented of a patient with new onset Horner’s pupil of the right eye in combination with ptosis
(Tegretol) are both anticonvulsants that have proven to be
and ipsilateral facial pain. A diagnosis of Raeder’s
effective treatments for the pain associated with Raeder’s. paratrigeminal syndrome (pericarotid sympathetic
Gabapentin is promising in that it has fewer side effects
impairment not related to migraine-like recurrent
than previously prescribed carbamazepine and still offers
hemicrania) was made. Pharmacologic testing with
patients relief from severe neuralgia. 1% phenylephrine was performed to confirm the Horner’s pupil. Neuro-imaging was done to rule out other diagnoses. New treatment modalities in CASE REPORT the management of pain associated with Raeder’s Subjective syndrome are introduced.
A 50-year-old Caucasian male presented with a headachewhich started six days earlier. The patient stated he had
extreme pain behind his right eye. This pain would wax
In 1918, Raeder described a patient with a “para-
and wane. The pain was concentrated to the right temple
trigeminal” oculosympathetic defect characterized by a
and periocular region and at the time of examination had
partial Horner’s syndrome and unilateral persistent pain in
improved to a dull ache. The patient denied any phono-
the supraorbital region.1 Raeder’s syndrome has since
phobia, photophobia, nausea, or vomiting. He also noted
evolved from being an ominous, malignant diagnosis to
mild blurring of the right eye. His medical history was
having three different classifications including two that
positive for an umbilical hernia. The patient deniedhaving migraines or cluster headaches in the past. He alsodenied any trauma. He was a non-smoker and reported
A. D. Arlien — 4th-Year Optometry Student, Pacific University College of
minimal alcohol intake. The only medication he was
Optometry, Forest Grove, OR; C.M. McCormick — Staff Optometrist,
taking was Bayer Back and Body (Aspirin 500 mg and
Albert Lea Eye Clinic, Mayo Health System, Albert Lea, MN;
Caffeine 32.5 mg). He was not allergic to any medications.
L. Skorin, Jr. — Staff Ophthalmic Surgeon, Albert Lea Eye Clinic,Mayo Health System, Albert Lea, MN
His father had a positive history of depression, hyper-
Correspondence to: Dr. Leonid Skorin Jr., Albert Lea Eye Clinic, 1206 W.
tension, diabetes mellitus Type 2, and migraines; and his
Front Street, Albert Lea, MN 56007; e-mail: skorin.leonid@mayo.edu
sister had a history of migraines as well. 94 Clinical & Refractive Optometry 17:3, 2006 Fig. 1 Ptosis and pupil miosis in the right eye prior to pharmacological Fig. 2 Pupil dilation and eyelid elevation in the right eye in response
to instillation of 1% phenylephrine into both eyes. Some mild dilation isalso evident in the left pupil after instillation of 1% phenylephrine. Objective
before instillation of 1% phenylephrine to 8 mm at the end
Uncorrected visual acuity was 6/6 (20/20) and 6/6-1
of testing. The left eye dilated 0.5 mm from baseline after
(20/20-1) in the right and left eyes, respectively.
instillation of 1% phenylephrine (Fig. 2). The test was
Confrontation visual fields were full to finger count in
considered positive with the deficit located in the post-
both eyes. Extraocular muscle movements showed full
ganglionic (third order) neuron of the oculosympathetic
range of motion without pain on movement in both eyes.
pathway. The diagnosis of Horner’s syndrome was
In bright illumination, the pupils measured 4 mm in the
changed to Type 3 Raeder’s paratrigeminal neuralgia of
right eye and 5 mm in the left eye. In dark illumination,
the pupils measured 6 mm in the right eye and 8 mm inthe left eye. No relative afferent pupillary defect was
observed. The margin reflex distance from the top lidmargin to the pupil reflex (MRD ) and from the bottom lid
margin to the pupil reflex (MRD ) was also measured in
The ocular structures innervated by the sympathetic
each eye. The MRD for the right eye was 1 mm compared
pathway include the iris dilator and smooth muscle of
to 4 mm for the left eye. The MRD for both eyes was
the lids. The sympathetic pathway starts with the central
6 mm (Fig. 1). There were no visible vesicular lesions on
neuron which sends its fiber from the spinal cord to a
the scalp or periorbital region. Pressures with Goldmann
synapse with the pre-ganglionic neuron in the cervical
applanation tonometry were 18 mmHg and 20 mmHg for
dorsal column. The pre-ganglionic fiber leaves the spinal
the right and left eyes, respectively. Biomicroscopy and
cord at the level of T-1 to T-3 and passes into the chest,
courses over the apex of the lung, and loops around thesubclavicular artery to synapse in the superior cervical
Assessment and Plan
ganglion.4 The post-ganglionic fibers form the carotid
Horner’s syndrome of unknown etiology was diagnosed
plexus around the internal carotid artery and enter the
and the patient was scheduled to come back for pharma-
skull via the carotid canal.4 The fibers then take multiple
cological pupil testing. Magnetic resonance imaging
pathways to the target structures. An interruption along
(MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), carotid
this pathway could result in a Horner’s syndrome with
ultrasound, and chest X-ray were also ordered and all
pupil miosis, lid ptosis, and anhydrosis.
came back with no significant abnormalities. On his
In the sympathetic pathway the neurotransmitter
follow-up visit two days later, pharmacologic testing for
released by the pre-ganglionic fiber is acetylcholine and
the Horner’s syndrome was done. Baseline measurements
the neurotransmitter released by the post-ganglionic fiber
were taken and then two drops of 1% phenylephrine were
is norepinephrine. Therefore, adrenergic agonists are used
instilled into each eye. After ten minutes, measurements
in pharmacological pupil testing and include direct-acting
were repeated. The MRD for the right eye improved from
norepinephrine and epinephrine, and indirect-acting
1 mm to 3 mm, while the left eye continued to be 4 mm
hydroxyamphetamine and cocaine. Table I lists these
throughout testing. The right pupil dilated from 6 mm
Horner’s Pupil in Patient With Ipsilateral Facial Pain — Arlien et al 95 Table I Mechanisms of action of adrenergic agonists in the Table II Dilution of commercially available phenylephrine to obtain Direct-Acting Concentration (%) Desired Final of phenylephrine Concentration = 1%
Dilutions are prepared by mixing the number of drops of the commercially available
Indirect Acting
phenylephrine (the numerator of the fraction) with the number of drops of irrigating
solution or saline (the denominator).
that is released into synaptic junctionsof the iris dilator muscle
the presence of norepinephrine. If the post-ganglionic
pathway is compromised, the pupil will fail to dilate.
On the other hand, if the pupil dilates, this means thepost-ganglionic pathway is intact and has available
Cocaine Test
norepinephrine and the lesion is either central or pre-
In an intact sympathetic pathway, cocaine 10% produces
ganglionic. Third order (i.e., post-ganglionic) lesions are
dilation.5 If there is a disruption anywhere in the pathway,
considered to be benign, while first and second-order
norepinephrine is lacking in the neuromuscular junction
neuron (i.e., central and pre-ganglionic) lesions are
and therefore the pupil dilates poorly or not at all,
resulting in a positive test. One drop should be instilled ineach eye and then another several minutes later. Because
Phenylephrine Test
a compromised cornea may affect the concentration and
If hydroxyamphetamine 1% is not readily available, an
amount of cocaine entering the eye, procedures such as
alternative is to use a weak 1% solution of phenylephrine
tonometry, gonioscopy, etc. should not be performed
(Neosynephrine) to demonstrate that the pupil in post-
beforehand and there should be no other drops instilled
ganglionic Horner’s syndrome has denervation hyper-
prior to the testing. The pupils are then evaluated after
sensitivity. Solutions of 1% phenylephrine do not dilate
50 to 60 minutes. Testing with cocaine is used to verify
the normal pupil, but in the presence of sympathetic
the presence or absence of disruption along the
denervation, may produce mydriasis with the Horner’s pupil
sympathetic pathway. It does not localize the lesion to any
dilating more than the normal pupil.9,10 In a study of patients
with Horner’s syndrome, it was found that 71% of the
Recently, apraclonidine (Iopidine) 1%, an ocular
patients were sensitive to 1% phenylephrine.10
hypotensive agent, has been suggested as a substitute for
In our case, the patient was visiting from out of town
the cocaine test.7 This is because cocaine, being a con-
and was scheduled to leave shortly. A decision was made
trolled substance, may be difficult to obtain. There is also
to do the pharmacologic testing in one visit. The local
a potential for systemic absorption and difficulty distin-
pharmacy did not have cocaine, hydroxyamphetamine 1%,
guishing positive and negative test results when using
or apraclonidine 1% and therefore prepared a 1% solution of
cocaine. Apraclonidine 1% has a weak direct action on
phenylephrine. In the event where there are availability
alpha 1 receptors having denervation supersensitivity and
issues or time constraints, solutions of 1% phenylephrine
minimal to no clinical effect on pupil dilators of normal
can be made in the office. The dilution process is outlined
eyes.7,8 One drop is instilled into both eyes and significant
pupillary dilation occurs in the eye with Horner’ssyndrome whereas little or no dilation should occur in the
normal eye. Dilation of the affected pupil is seen with
Appropriate patient management depends on the accurate
pre-ganglionic and post-ganglionic lesions, making
localization of the lesion. A central or pre-ganglionic
apraclonidine 1% an alternative to cocaine that gives
lesion of unknown etiology should be referred to a
reliable results and is readily available.
thoracic surgeon or internist and neurologist because of
Hydroxyamphetamine Test
the risk of malignancy. Post-ganglionic lesions are most
If the cocaine testing is positive, the patient should be
likely associated with a benign vascular headache
brought back after at least 48 hours for instillation of
syndrome such as Raeder’s paratrigeminal neuralgia
hydroxyamphetamine (Paredrine) 1% to distinguish central
which is self-limiting.5 Laboratory testing and neuro-
and pre-ganglionic lesions from post-ganglionic lesions.
imaging should still be done, however, regardless of the
One drop is placed in each eye and repeated one minute
location of the lesion to help exclude life-threatening
later. The pupils are evaluated after 30 minutes.
causes such as carotid dissection, aneurysms, and
Hydroxyamphetamine 1% will cause dilation only in
tumors.11 A basic chemistry profile, complete blood count
96 Clinical & Refractive Optometry 17:3, 2006 Table III Medications used in the management of pain associated with Raeder’s paratrigeminal neuralgia Drug Category Drug Name Mechanism of Action Adverse effects including (but not limited to) the following:
reactions (aplastic anemia), skin reactions (Steven’s Johnson syndrome), and drowsiness
Sedation, ataxia, weakness, fatigue, and severe
withdrawal effects if not tapered off slowly
polysynaptic reflexes at the spinal level, by hyperpolarization of afferent terminals
Nausea, tinnitus, renal failure if decreased renal
Hypersensitivity, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer
disease, cataracts, hypertension, hyperglycemia,
anxiety, insomnia, depression, and masking of
excitability, decreased libido and appetite
*Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neurotransmitter in humans
(CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), antinuclear
Treatment is usually initiated with one drug, such as
antibody (ANA), and rheumatoid factor (RF) may be
carbamazepine or gabapentin.13 The dose is then increased
helpful in screening for inflammatory or infectious
as needed and tolerated by the patient. If any single drug
causes. Neuro-imaging should include MRI and MRA of
proves ineffective, alternative drugs may be tried alone or
the brain. A chest x-ray, specifically a lordatic view, is
in combination with other medications. For instance,
helpful in eliminating the possibility of a Pancoast tumor
agents such as baclofen (Lioresal) may add to the
effectiveness of the anticonvulsants. As with all of these
Raeder’s paratrigeminal neuralgia can be very painful
medications, rapid discontinuation should be avoided as
and may last from hours to weeks to months before it
severe withdrawal reactions may occur.
resolves spontaneously.12 In the past, several categories ofdrugs have been used for pain management. Table III lists
these agents, their mechanisms, and adverse effects. The
Nomenclature and Definitions
anticonvulsants have been found to be useful in treating
There has been some confusion regarding the nomenclature
this condition. These include carbamazepine (Tegretol),
and definition of Raeder’s paratrigeminal syndrome. In
phenytoin (Dilantin), oxycarbazepine (Trileptal), and
1918, Raeder1 described his first patient with a
gabapentin (Neurontin). The anti-convulsants are thought
“paratrigeminal” oculosympathetic defect suggesting
to reduce neuralgia by decreasing the hyperactivity of the
middle cranial fossa pathology. On autopsy of this patient,
trigeminal nerve nucleus in the brain stem.11 Phenytoin
an endothelioma was found in the middle cranial fossa.
was first introduced in 1942, and in 1962 carbamazepine
By 1950, an ominous malignant aura hung over the phrase
became the most commonly used drug.13 More recently,
“Raeder’s syndrome” and it strongly suggested serious
gabapentin has been widely used because of reduced side
effects, although it is more expensive and somewhat less
In 1962, Boniuk and Schlezinger1 described two
subtypes of this syndrome. The first group included
Horner’s Pupil in Patient With Ipsilateral Facial Pain — Arlien et al 97 Table IV Summary of earliest to most recent definitions of Raeder’s paratrigeminal syndrome
1. Horner’s syndrome plus periorbital pain
2. Horner’s syndrome, periorbital pain, and subjective Vth cranial nerve involvement
3. Horner’s syndrome, periorbital pain, subjective Vth cranial nerve, and objective signs of Vth cranial nerve involvement
4. Three categories of Raeder’s paratrigeminal syndrome
• Group 1: those with either multiple parasellar cranial nerve involvement (III, IV, V, VI) or involvement of the second, third, or all three divisions
• Group 2: those with a typical history of cluster headache• Group 3: those with a pain history atypical of cluster headache, in whom the first (ophthalmic) division of the trigeminal nerve only may be
5. In her book The Pupil, Irene Loewenfeld felt (1) Raeder’s syndrome in its original sense (2) cluster headaches and other migraine variants and
(3) pericarotid sympathetic impairment not related to migraine-like recurrent hemicrania should be kept distinct from each other and not groupedtogether universally under Raeder’s syndrome
6. Paratrigeminal Oculosympathetic Syndrome (POSS) (Goadsby)
patients with neuralgia, oculosympathetic paralysis, and
variants which she feels are more benign disease processes
parasellar nerve involvement as originally described by
of unknown nature and self-limiting. Pericarotid conditions
Raeder. In the second group, the condition occurred
with pain and ipsilateral sympathetic deficits but without
without parasellar involvement but was associated with
migraine-like features are benign as well and differ in
oculosympathetic paralysis and neuralgia. Cases that fell
location from the original Raeder’s syndrome.
into the second group were felt to be more benign than
With the help of modern neuro-imaging it has been
suggested that the use of the term Raeder’s paratrigeminal
Grimson and Thompson1 further delineated three
neuralgia has become imprecise because of the careless
major groups in 1980. Group I included patients with
attribution of cases that do not respect the anatomy. The
multiple parasellar cranial involvement or involvement of
key anatomical feature necessary to understand Raeder’s
any or all divisions of the trigeminal nerve. Group II
syndrome is the relationship between the trigeminal nerve
included those with cluster headache with an isolated
and the oculopupillary sympathetic fibers. The trigeminal
oculosympathetic paresis. Group III included those with
nerve lies in the middle cranial fossa and in close proximity
pain atypical for cluster headache with involvement of the
to other cranial nerves, specifically the fibers that
ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. Common to
innervate Müller’s muscle and the pupil dilator. Thesudomotor fibers innervating the sweat glands of the
all three groups was the association of unilateral headache
forehead are excluded. Therefore, a partial Horner’s
with a disruption in the post-ganglionic pathway along the
syndrome is a clinical sign of Raeder’s paratrigeminal
syndrome. According to Goadsby,2 this brings up a
Raeder made an interesting clinical observation
significant argument against using the Raeder’s
that pointed out the likely localization of a lesion adjacent
nomenclature because conditions such as carotid disease,
to the trigeminal nerve in the middle cranial fossa.
particularly carotid dissection, may give rise to pain and a
According to him, it was possible to have an oculo-
complete Horner’s syndrome. Also, cluster headaches may
sympathetic palsy without a complete Horner’s syndrome.
lead to oculosympathetic loss and impaired sympathetic
This meant that an intracranial lesion could produce all
facial sweating. In both situations forehead sweating may
the signs of a Horner’s syndrome except anhydrosis.
be impaired which is not consistent with Raeder’s original
Since then, however, the definition of Raeder’s syndrome
definition of miosis and ptosis without anhydrosis.
has encompassed other conditions such as cluster
Therefore, Goadsby2 felt a more accurate term may be
headaches and migraine variants producing painful
paratrigeminal oculosympathetic syndrome (POSS)
Horner’s syndromes. This is not consistent with Raeder’s
which reflects the anatomy more precisely. Table IV
summarizes the past to most current definitions of
Loewenfeld3 clarifies that the pain in the original
“Raeder’s syndrome” is trigeminal pain associated withdefects such as hypoesthesia, anesthesia, or dysesthesia,
whereas the pain in cluster headaches or other pericarotid
When a patient presents with a Horner’s syndrome,
conditions occurs without impairment of the fifth nerve
diagnostic pharmaceutical testing with 10% cocaine
function. She then argues that Raeder’s syndrome should
followed by hydroxyamphetamine has been the standard
be kept distinct from cluster headaches and migraine
for decades. However, in the event of availability and
98 Clinical & Refractive Optometry 17:3, 2006
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Horner’s Pupil in Patient With Ipsilateral Facial Pain — Arlien et al 99
Zodra je hebt besloten dat er een baby mag komen, is het nuttig jezelfeen aantal dingen af te vragen. Om stil te staan bij je gezondheid,voedingspatroon en leefwijze. Maar ook bij medicijngebruik, ongezon-de gewoonten of verslavingen. Door een gezonde life style draag je alvoor de bevruchting bij aan de gezondheid van je toekomstige kind. En kun je de kans op een zwangerschap verhogen. Dat
DIGITAL GOVERNMENT PROJECT Progress Report: April 24, 2000 The Research Team NISS: Alan Karr, Ashish Sanil, Jaeyong Lee [, James CMU: Adrian Dobro, George Duncan, Stephen LANL: Sallie Keller–McNulty MCNC: Bonnie Parrish, Karen Litwin, Syam Sun- Build a Web-based query system that 1. Is dynamic and history-dependent 2. Dispenses statistical analyses rather than3. Uses s