Parabens detection in different zones of the human breast: consideration of source and implications of findings
Published online in Wiley Online Library: 7 March 2012
( DOI 10.1002/jat.2743
Parabens detection in different zones of thehuman breast: consideration of source andimplications of findings
ABSTRACT: This article is a discussion of the recent study by Barr, Metaxas, Harbach, Savoy and Darbre (2012; J. Appl. Toxicol. 32;doi: 10.1002/jat.1786) reporting residues of five paraben esters in the human breast, at concentrations up to the microgram pergram tissue range and with highest concentrations in the axilla area (closest to the underarm). The conclusion is that the detectionof intact esters that have escaped the action of esterases is consistent with a local (dermal) exposure source since the metaboliccapacity of the gut and liver would produce p-hydroxybenzoic acid as the common metabolite. Whereas the zone concentrationdifferences (propylparaben was found at highest concentrations in the axilla) support an underarm exposure model, sevensubjects reportedly never used underarm cosmetics, and other exposure sources, including other cosmetic product types, arediscussed. The findings are placed into context with the limited regulatory toxicology database on parabens, oestrogenic actionof the parabens, and status of the parabens, cosmetics and human health debate. Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords: axilla; breast; cosmetics; deodorant; estrogenic; human health; parabens; paraben esters; propylparaben; underarm;xenoestrogen
and medial giving a total of 160 samples) to provide informationon potential concentration gradients from areas nearest the
A recent study reports that paraben esters are detected in the
underarm across to the sternum. Results showed that one or
human breast (Barr et al., 2012) with highest concentrations of
more paraben esters were detected in 158/160 breast tissue
some esters in the axillary zone adjacent to the underam.
samples and that all five of the paraben esters that were investi-
This is a contribution to the general debate on the safety of
gated were detected in 96/160 breast tissue samples. The overall
parabens, their use as anti-microbial preservatives in a variety
median values in nanograms per gram (ng gÀ1) tissue for
of consumer applications, including food, pharmaceuticals and
the 160 tissue samples were highest for n-propylparaben
cosmetics, and potential health risks, particularly relating to their
[16.8 (range 0–2052.7)] and methylparaben [16.6 (range 0–5102.9)]
oestrogenic activity. The health risks of parabens have focussed
and overall median value for total paraben was 85.5 ng gÀ1 tissue
on breast cancer because of the role of oestrogen in this disease
(range 0–5134.5). In addition, there were reported differences
(for background see Miller, 1996; Beral, 2003; Easton et al., 1993;
in paraben concentrations across the four regions of the
Lipworth, 1995) and the detection of these synthetic oestrogenic
breast: n-propylparaben was found at significantly higher
chemicals in the breast, and this latest study raises some
levels in the axilla than mid or medial regions. Given the
interesting questions that are worthy of comment and perspec-
previous hypothesis that a potential source of parabens in the
tive. It is important to point out at the outset that the tissues
breast is from the dermal application of underarm body/personal
studied were from mastectomy patients. Such patients had
care products, the finding of highest levels in the axilla region is
breast removal for medical reasons following diagnosis. It is not
consistent with this route of exposure. However, the authors also
possible to obtain healthy breast tissue from ‘controls’ requiring
report that ‘the source of the paraben cannot be identified, but
donation of a healthy whole breast for obvious and ethical
paraben was measured in the 7/40 patients who reported never
reasons. The Barr et al. (2012) study is a contribution to the liter-
having used underarm cosmetics in their lifetime’. This finding
ature on human exposure and body burdens of parabens, and
indicates sources of paraben esters other than underarm
can be viewed as a sample of the population as a whole, and
cosmetics, but as discussed below, the fact that intact esters were
does not correlate tissue concentrations of parabens with cause
detected is consistent with a dermal exposure route rather than an
of breast disease in the patient donors studied (discussed later).
oral route. The data from this latest study, the most extensiveexamination of parabens in human breast so far published,
The paper by Barr et al. (2012), extending earlier work (Darbre
*Correspondence to: P. W. Harvey, Toxicology Department, Covance Laboratories
et al., 2004), reports that a range of paraben esters (methyl, ethyl,
UK Ltd, Otley Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG3 1PY, UK. E-mail:
n-propyl, isobutyl and n-butyl) were detected in breast tissuesamples derived from mastectomies from 40 women. Tissue
Toxicology Department, Covance Laboratories UK Ltd, Otley Road, Harrogate,
was analysed from four zones of the breast (axilla, lateral, mid
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
confirms previous work and raises a number of questions on the
technical regulatory instrument of GRAS (Generally Regarded
entire parabens, personal care product and human health de-
as Safe) not specifically requiring further work.
bate, particularly relating to the source and toxicologicalsignificance of the paraben esters.
Oestrogenic Potency of Parabens Compared with TissueConcentrations
Consideration of Potential Sources of Paraben Esters in the
Another central argument on the safety of parabens revolves
around their weak oestrogenic activity and this is relevant to
Concerning the source of the paraben esters, the fact that 7/40
reproductive and developmental toxicity and carcinogenicity.
women report never having used underarm cosmetics, yet had
All the parabens have been shown to have oestrogenic activity
measurable parabens levels, indicates that there are other
in human breast cancer cells and other models (e.g. Routledge
sources of environmental exposure and indeed the paraben
et al., 1997; Darbre et al., 2002, 2003; Gomez et al., 2005; Vo
esters are ubiquitous, and used as preservatives in a variety of
et al., 2010; and see Darbre and Harvey, 2008 for summary of
products from food to pharmaceuticals. It is important to note
approximately 20 studies). The safety database is lacking in regu-
that they are used extensively in a variety of cosmetic types that
latory standard toxicology, and it is even further weakened by
may be applied to the skin, such as moisturizers and sun lotion
the lack of data on toxicity by the dermal route, which is most
(discussed later), and which are not specifically underarm cos-
relevant to risk assessment for cosmetics; this has been
metics or deodorants. Additionally, the dermal route of exposure
previously discussed (Harvey, 2003; Harvey and Darbre, 2004;
is considered more plausible when intact esters are detected,
Darbre and Harvey, 2008). The main defence raised for the
and other authors reporting human exposures and body fluid
absence of toxicological risk concerns the potency of the
concentrations of paraben esters consider cosmetics of some
paraben esters in comparison to oestradiol [generally quantified
form or another as the likely sources (Calafat et al., 2010). This
in the region of 10 000–100 000 times less, e.g. Routledge et al.
is because the metabolic esterase activity of the gut and liver
(1998); and WHO (2007) record potency of propylparaben and
(relevant to oral exposure) is considered to greatly exceed that
butylparaben as 30 000 and 10 000 times less than oestradiol,
of the skin, and oral exposures would result in rapid liver
respectively, for their evaluation purposes]. However, oestradiol
metabolism of the esters to produce the common metabolite
occurs in breast tissue in the picogram per gram of tissue range
p-hydroxybenzoic acid (e.g. Abbas et al., 2010; Lakeram et al.,
(Clarke et al., 2001 reports endogenous oestradiol concentrations
2006; Jewell et al., 2007). Paraben esters typically used in cos-
in normal human breast adipose of 0.203 nM or 55.3 pg gÀ1 of
metics pass through human skin in vitro/ex vivo (El Hussein
tissue) but the results reported by Barr et al. (2012) show tissue
et al., 2007) and Ishiwatari et al. (2007) has shown persistence
concentrations of parabens, in the worst cases, in the microgram
of unmetabolized methylparaben in the skin. Controlled human
per gram of breast tissue range, which is 1 million-fold higher
dermal dosing studies have shown absorption of intact paraben
than that of oestradiol. Clearly, the magnitude of exposure would
esters through the skin (Janjua et al., 2007, 2008). The Barr et al.
seem to more than compensate for the reduction in potency.
(2012) study was designed to analyse tissue residues, not to
The question then arises of whether this concentration of
monitor sources or control exposures, thus the relative contribu-
chemical could result in oestrogenic stimulus within breast
tion from different types of body care cosmetics, even in the
tissue. Harvey and Everett (2006) present a calculation of
women who did use underarm cosmetics, is unknown in the
potential oestrogenic potency of paraben esters detected in
context of their study. That the highest concentrations of propyl-
the breast using data from the original Darbre et al. (2004)
paraben were detected in the axilla is also consistent with a der-
study: the values used were generally lower than those
mal/local site of application rather than systemic biodistribution,
reported in the latest study (Barr et al., 2012), but the conclu-
even assuming that paraben esters survived metabolism intact.
sion was that the detected paraben ester concentrations couldprovide an oestrogenic stimulus based on corrected oestro-
Toxicological Significance of the Concentrations of Paraben
genic potency equivalents. As is pointed out in Barr et al.
(2012), the influence of multiple esters, and the interactions
An important consideration concerns whether the concentra-
with other xenoestrogens and chemicals to which humans
tions of parabens found in the breast are toxicologically
are exposed (and also reported to be detected in human
significant. The answer to this question is confounded by
breast, e.g. Guttes et al., 1998, or human breast milk, e.g.
the lack of modern toxicology studies on the paraben esters
Solomon and Weiss, 2002) remains unknown in a human
and particularly that there has been no adequate evaluation
health context, but all are factors which add to oestrogenic
of carcinogenicity (see Soni et al., 2001, 2002, 2005). None
burden. However, it is important to record that data exist on
of the studies referred to in Soni et al.’s reviews follow an
the paraben esters that, when combined, they provide an
acceptable regulatory standard carcinogenicity study proto-
additive oestrogenic stimulus at concentrations where each
col in terms of dose groups, number of animals, duration
ester alone was ineffective (Darbre, 2009; Darbre and Charles,
of treatment, breadth or depth of evaluation, and one study
2010), and this has an important bearing on the biological
on rats (Mathews as cited in Soni et al., 2005) dates to 1956
activity of multiple chemical residues and additive ‘mixture’
yet is used as a pivotal evaluation upon which human safety
effects. As oestrogens, both natural and synthetic, are a
is judged. This may be acceptable for certain chemicals
primary risk factor for breast cancer (see Miller, 1996; Beral,
for which there is limited human exposure but not for chemi-
2003; Easton et al., 1993; Lipworth, 1995), then the additional
cals such as parabens for which such a large population is
stimulus of xenoestrogenic residues in breast tissue can be
exposed, and which show significant tissue concentrations.
considered potentially adverse. Research is lacking concerning
Almost all the toxicology is by the oral route. Thus risk
the quantification of any increased risk. It should be noted
assessment is largely based on assumption, opinion and the
that the toxicological concern with paraben esters in the
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
breast is not confined to oestrogenic activity: Goodson et al.
cancer in underarm cosmetic users. Both studies have design
(2011) report that methylparaben promotes cell cycling and
limitations that confound interpretation. The tenet that there
apoptosis evasion in human breast epithelial cells, which could
‘is no evidence that personal care products (antiperspirants or
provide the molecular basis for malignant transformation,
deodorants) are related to breast cancer’ is technically correct,
Pugazhendhi et al. (2007) report on the gene expression
but only because studies have not been conducted to investi-
profiles of methyl and butyl esters in MCF7 cells and Tayama
gate any relationship. Such arguments provide false reassurance
et al. (2008) report that propylparaben and butylparaben
by masking the inadequacies of empirical evidence and knowl-
cause DNA damage detectable in comet assays and induction
edge. The entire debate on whether xenoestrogens, including
of chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges.
chemicals in cosmetic products, affect human health hascertainly reached no conclusion in the last decade, yet theoestrogenic chemicals in body care cosmetics scenario provides
The Parabens, Personal Care Product and Health Debate
one of the few examples for controlled study of environmental
The hypothesis that personal care products containing oestrogenic
exposures and health effects (compounds can be identified,
chemicals, such as the paraben esters, may be detrimental to
exposures quantified and controlled, biological monitoring in
health and potentially contribute to increased breast cancer risk
urine and dose–response evaluation, large population of users,
(Darbre, 2001, 2003, 2009; Harvey, 2003; Harvey and Darbre, 2004;
amenable to prospective design and follow-up, etc). Parabens
Darbre and Harvey, 2008; Darbre and Charles, 2010) has a root basis
are not the only compounds used in underarm cosmetics with
in two observations. The first concerns the marked increase in
oestrogenic activity or other toxicological concerns: aluminium
breast cancer cases over recent decades (see references in Darbre,
is the primary ingredient in antiperspirants and has been
2001, 2003, 2005b), which is strongly suggestive of environmental
detected in the human breast (Exley et al., 2007; Mannello
or lifestyle aetiological factors. This rise in incidence correlates with
et al., 2009, 2011), is oestrogenic (Darbre, 2005a, 2006), and
many factors of lifestyle that show change over the past few
has recently been shown to promote anchorage-independent
decades, including diet, obesity, acceleration of menarche and
growth and other changes in human breast cells relevant to can-
other endogenous oestrogen-related factors, and alcohol, but they
cer development (Sappino et al., 2012). Sappino et al. (2012)
also correlate with use of personal care and underarm products
report that aluminium chloride (AlCl3) has actions similar to an
(Darbre, 2001, 2003, 2005b). Only a small proportion of breast
activated oncogene, inducing proliferation stress, DNA double-
cancer can be related to ‘nonenvironmental’ biological, genetic or
strand breaks and senescence in normal human mammary
inherited factors (Easton et al., 1993; Lipworth, 1995). The second
epithelial cells. Additionally, long-term exposure to AlCl3
is the location of tumours, with a disproportionate predominance
generated and selected for cells able to bypass p53/p21Waf1-
very specifically in the upper outer quadrant and the left breast
mediated cellular senescence, thus providing the molecular
which has been suggested to be related to locality of applied
basis for transformation to cancerous cells. Interestingly,
products (this quadrant borders the underarm) and handedness
methylparaben shows dose-dependent apoptosis evasion and
of application (Darbre, 2005b; and see Darbre, 2001, 2003).
induction of cell cycling in human breast epithelial cells, inter-
The argument is that there should be a random distribution, or at
preted as consistent with the functional changes that are
least equal distribution across breast quadrants of cancers in the
attributed to malignant onset in breast tissue (Goodson et al.,
breast, if an endogenous biological–genetic factor is operative.
2011). It should be stressed that this is not evidence that
Breast tissue is derived from common progenitor cells and cells
parabens, aluminium salts or personal care products in general
comprising a tissue are essentially clones that should share a
cause breast cancer; however, there are signals of concern
common genotype and propensity to develop cancer. The fact that
that such compounds are not as safe as previously generally
tissue in different regions of the breast does not share the same
considered and further research is warranted.
incidence of cancer suggests that an external or environmentalinfluence is operative. Ellsworth et al. (2004a) report higher
genomic instability in the outer quadrants of the breast andsuggest that environmental chemicals/carcinogenic agents could
Concerning the source of the parabens esters in Barr et al.
contribute to fields of genomic instability localized to specific areas
(2012), the data contain interesting patterns. The fact that intact
of the breast (Ellsworth et al., 2004b). Behavioural and hygiene
esters were detected more strongly suggests a dermal route
factors are not unusual in human cancers related to dermal
of exposure rather than oral. The gradient of concentrations with
exposures, as evidenced by the cases of scrotal cancers in various
highest levels found in the outer axillary (underarm) area
occupational groups related to soot, mineral oil and other
for some esters is consistent with local exposures (or application)
hydrocarbon exposures (reviewed in Azike, 2009). As such, a differ-
to this area. This region of the breast also has highest cancer
ential environmental factor, such as a chemical input variably
incidence (e.g. Darbre, 2003, 2005b). That 7/40 women with
applied across and between breasts from the application of
parabens residues were reported as never having used
personal care products, is certainly plausible.
underarm cosmetics suggests other sources of exposure in these
Whether breast cancer is related to underarm cosmetic or
subjects. Parabens are used in a variety of other personal care
personal care product use is a separate question to the probable
products (Rastogi et al., 1995; Rastogi, 2000), not just underarm
source of the parabens esters reported in Barr et al. (2012). It is
antiperspirants or deodorants, and such lotions, sun creams
also a question that will remain unanswered unless properly
and moisturizers are commonly applied to the breast, chest
constructed and controlled large-scale investigations are con-
and upper arms. It is considered less likely that oral exposures
ducted since the current data set of two studies (Mirick et al.,
contribute to the reported parabens residues because of
2002; McGrath, 2003) report conflicting results. Mirick et al.
the metabolic arguments previously outlined [additional
(2002) report no difference in breast cancer incidence in antiper-
evidence supporting a nonoral source is that n-propylparaben
spirant users and McGrath (2003) reported earlier onset of breast
and n-butylparaben have effectively been withdrawn from food
Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
use (WHO, 2007 see below) and yet n-propylparaben is detected
and butylparaben from the specification of Acceptable Daily
in the breast at highest concentrations in the axilla], but
Intake for parabens collectively (essentially excluding them
oral exposures are relevant in total body burden scenarios. By
as approved food use additives), based on toxicological
logical extension, the source of parabens in the women who
concerns, and it is surprising that there is a lack of consistency
did report using underarm products cannot be considered to
applied to the evaluation of data by agencies regulating
be exclusively from underarm products either and may include
other consumer products, since the latest SCCS (2011) still allows
other sources. There is no information in the data concerning
their use at 0.19%, in addition to other paraben esters, in body
bioaccumulation or half-life of the paraben esters. However,
calculations based on percentage use of parabens in cosmetics,estimated application rates and measured residues (e.g. Harvey
and Everett, 2006) would seem to indicate that the concentra-tions reported in Barr et al. (2012) would be from unrealistically
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Copyright 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
CIC (Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación) 2004, 9, 101-116 Televisión, actos de mirada y 11-S Daniel DAYAN 1 ABSTRACTS Cet article se propose d´étudier quels sont les enjeux et la nature des actes communi-catifs que la télévision est maintenant en train de développer dans sa relation avec lasociété de nos jours. L’ auteur en profite de sa profonde connaissance dans la théo
The Hypnotic Centre Hypnotherapy & NLP Frequently Asked Questions eBook Some benefits of quitting tobacco use: . 3 Positive Physical, Psychological and Environmental Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal . 4 Preparing to Reduce and Quit . 5 The 10 Stages of Reducing or Quitting . 5 Managing Your Feelings . 6 Causes of Depression When You Reduce or Quit Using Tobacco . 6 Causes of Anxiety When You