Gender Differences in College Students’ Future Aspirations
Materials and Measures M = 1.70, SD = 1.33, Females M = 1.42, SD = 1.18), but for other events (e.g., having a career), they felt a lot of pressure (Males M = 2.63, SD =
Gender studies show that men and women prioritize different life goals.
The demographic portion of the questionnaire consisted of four questions
1.22, Females M = 2.98, SD = 1.10).
Blakemore, Lawton, and Vartanian (2005) found that women had a higher
identifying the participant’s age, gender, class standing, and race/ethnicity. The
drive to marry than did men. Greene and Wheatley (1992) found that
rest of the survey was based on an adjusted version of Abowitz and Knox ‘s
Hypothesis 4
females also expected to marry and become parents at younger ages than
(2003) survey. Besides using Likert-scales to rate different aspects of life, the
what males anticipated. An example of another aspiration that women have
current study included ranking of these values as well. With permission of the
The fourth hypothesis tested if men and women would differ in their
rated more important to them than men is being well educated (Abowitz &
authors, this adjustment was included to identify how participants would rank six
rankings of various future events, specifically focusing on stereotypical
Knox, 2003). In addition to the significant difference between the way men
possible future goals from one to six, with one being the most important to six
gender aspirations. The data was analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U
and women rated being well educated in Abowitz and Knox’s study, the
being the least important. A couple of examples of a life value that were ranked
nonparametric test for independent groups. Results showed that men and
researchers also referred to a study conducted by the American Council on
include, “having a career and work” and “getting married.” The survey included
women did not differ significantly in their rankings of the various future
Education and the University of California (2001). In American Council on
nine items total with some items having multiple sub-parts for ranking or rating.
events (p>.05), except for the importance they placed on completing a
Education and University of California survey of more than 280,000
graduate program. Women ranked completing a graduate program much
undergraduates, 79% of the women estimated that they would earn a
lower in terms of importance (mean rank = 42.09) compared to men (mean
bachelor’s degree. Whereas, only 74% of men shared this expectation,
rank = 62.14), Z-value = -3.48, p < .001. However, women in the sample did
which is a finding similar to Abowitz and Knox’s study. Furthermore, Singer,
Prior to completing in-person questionnaires, a consent form briefly explaining
find future occupational and family events equally important as men. See
Cassin, and Dobson (2005) showed that more women than men anticipated
the survey and granting the researcher to use their responses as well as a
child rearing would disrupt their career, which begs the question, do women
referral to the University’s Counseling Center was given to participants to sign.
expect to delay pursuing their careers and educational goals because they
The nine-item survey (including the demographic section) took a maximum of
anticipate that their investment in child rearing would disrupt their careers, or
twenty minutes for a participant to complete.
Mean Ranking of Life Goals’ Importance
do women still expect to pursue their career and educational goals despite
It is believed that women, more frequently and consciously than men,
incorporate marriage and parenthood in their future goals. This desire for
Hypothesis 1
family life, possibly influenced by a lifetime of expectations from society,
family, and peers, is so deep-rooted among many women that they prioritize
An independent samples t-test was conducted to examine the first hypothesis
it before any other future aspirations, although this does not suggest that
that women would frequently think about all future aspirations, including domestic
most women do not have educational and occupational aspirations. It is
and occupational aspects of life, more often than men. Results showed that
believed that men aren’t as pressured from society, family, and peers to get
women thought about all future aspirations, including domestic and occupational
Marriage Children Advance.
married and have children. This would allow them to invest in and prioritize
aspects of life more often compared to men, supporting the first hypothesis.
other future aspirations, such as their education and career, before family life.
Specifically men (M = 7.98, SD =2.60) and women (M = 9.18, SD= 2.75) differed
The current study examines whether there is a gender difference in
significantly in how much they thought about stereotypical feminine goals, t(102)
prioritizing and ranking life goals.
= 2.29, p<.05, r2 = 0.02, such as developing friendships, getting married, and
becoming a parent. However, results showed no difference in how men and
women thought about educational and career goals, which did not support the
Results indicate that part of the first hypothesis was supported. Women
2nd part of the first hypotheses (p>.05).
frequently think about various future aspirations in comparison to men.
1. Women would frequently think about all future aspirations, including
Women also tended to think more about stereotypical feminine goals such
domestic and occupational aspects of life, more often than men.
Hypothesis 2
as relationships and child bearing than men. The second hypothesis
2. Women would plan to accomplish future aspirations by a younger age
regarding gender differences in expected goal completion was not
A Pearson’s chi-square analysis was used to test the second hypothesis that
supported. Instead, results showed that the majority of both men and
3. Men and women would differ in their perception of social pressure
women would plan to accomplish future aspirations by a younger age than men.
women expected to accomplish various life goals by the time they are thirty
regarding future aspirations in marriage, family, education and careers.
Both men and women answered similarly regarding what age they planned on
years old. This included completing a graduate program, getting married,
4. Men and women would differ in their ranking of various future events.
accomplishing future goals (p>.05). Most men and women planned on
becoming a parent, having a career, and being financially secure. In
completing graduate school, getting married, becoming a parent, having a
addition, the third hypothesis was not supported. Both men and women feel
career, and becoming financially stable before the age of thirty or younger. This
an equal amount of social pressure regarding accomplishing educational,
occupational, and domestic aspirations. The last hypothesis examining
gender differences in ranking importance levels of various future goals had
Hypothesis 3
some significant differences. Men ranked completing a graduate program
One-hundred and four traditional undergraduate students at a small,
much higher than women. But the women did equally rank the importance of
private university in Southern California participated in this study. The 50
An independent samples t-test was conducted to examine the third
female and the 54 male participants were conveniently recruited in
hypothesis that men and women would differ in their perception of social
Limitations to the study include the sample and its characteristics.
classrooms and around campus and participants ranged in age from 18 -28
pressure regarding future aspirations in marriage, family, education and careers.
Undergraduate students in this study reported majors of study that highly
years (Males M age = 20.30, SD = 2.03; Females M age = 19.96, SD = 1.44)
No significant differences were found in the perception of social pressure that
encourage graduate study, whereas if other students in fields not
Ethnicities of participants varied, with 42.3% White (n = 44), 33.7%
each gender felt about the various future goals (p>.05), which did not support the
encouraging this would have yielded different results. Future research may
Latino/Hispanic (n = 35), 11.5% African American/Black (n = 12), 6.7% Asian
hypothesis. Means for all 6 questions relating to social pressures ranged
consider incorporating the participants’ declared major in the demographic
American/Asian (n = 7), and 5.8% “Other” (n = 6). A majority of the students
between 1.42 to 2.98 for both men and women, which suggests that for certain
section. It would also be interesting to analyze the students’ race in relation
(39.4%) were juniors, 25% were sophomores, 24% were seniors and 11.5%
life events (e.g., developing life-long friends) they felt very little pressure (Males
to their life goals. Additionally, collecting data on participants’ self-esteem
levels in relationship to their future aspirations would also be important.
Presented at the 87th Annual Western Psychological Association Convention, Vancouver, Canada May 3-6, 2007
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