AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 1 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE; Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) GENERAL USE:Insecticide PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:Clear amber liquid with an aromatic solvent odor EPA Registration Number: 5481-479 MSDS No.: Current Revision Date: 15 April 2002 MANUFACTURER: EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS: AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION MANUFACTURER: 323-264-3910 4100 E. Washington Blvd. TRANSPORTATION (24 HOURS) Los Angeles, CA 90023-4406 CHEMTREC: 800-424-9300 Ph: 323-264-3910 OTHER (24 HOURS) FAX: 323-268-1028 323-264-3910 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS COMPONENT
Naled (1,2-Dibromo-2,2-dichloroethyl dimethyl phosphate)
dichloroethyl dimethylphosphate)(300-76-5)
DIBROM is a registered Trademark of AMVAC Chemical CorporationLegion is a Trademark of AMVAC Chemical Corporation
AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 2 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: DANGER! POISON! CORROSIVE! An off-white to straw yellow liquid with a sharp, pungent odor that causes irreversible eye and skin damage. May be fatal if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed through skin and eyes. Is a cholinesterase inhibitor. Rapidly absorbed through skin. Repeated inhalation or skin contact may, without symptoms, progressively increase susceptibility to organophosphate (including Naled) poisoning. May be an aspiration hazard. May cause an allergic reaction. Product is combustible. Toxic to fish, birds, and other wildlife. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: May be fatal if absorbed through the eye or skin, is ingested or is inhaled.
May produce acute cholinesterase depression. May cause corrosive destruction of the skin,mucous membranes and the eyes. SIGNS OF ACUTE OVEREXPOSURE: Acute cholinesterase depression may be evidenced by
headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, excessive sweating, salivation andtearing, constricted pupils, blurred vision, tightness in chest, weakness, muscle twitchingand confusion; in extreme cases, unconsciousness, convulsions, severe respiratorydepression and death may occur. This product is expected to be corrosive to the eyes. The degree of injury will depend on theamount and duration of the contact and the speed and thoroughness of the first aidtreatment. Expected adverse health effects resulting from direct exposure to the eye mayinclude pain, tears, swelling, redness, blurred vision, irreversible eye damage and possiblyblindness. This product is expected to be corrosive to the skin. The degree of injury will depend on theamount and duration of the contact and the speed and thoroughness of the first aidtreatment. The expected adverse health effects resulting from a direct exposure to the skinmay include pain or a feeling of heat, discoloration, swelling, blistering, and irreversibletissue damage. This product is expected to be corrosive to the digestive tract, and, if ingested, may causenausea, vomiting and diarrhea. This product is expected to be corrosive to the respiratory tract, and, if inhaled, may causesymptoms that include nasal discharge, sore throat, coughing, bronchitis, pulmonary edema,and difficulty in breathing. SIGNS OF CHRONIC OVEREXPOSURE: Repeated exposures to small doses of Naled and other
organophosphates may lower the cholinesterase to levels where the above symptoms ofacute overexposure are observed.
AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 3 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION, cont'd CARCINOGENICITY: EPA under its 1999 proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment has
classified DDVP, an impurity in Naled, as having "suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential.". IARC lists DDVP (Dichlorvos) as being possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). CARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED IN HANDLING THIS FORMULATION. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Preexisting conditions which lower
cholinesterase levels increase vulnerability to cholinesterase depression. These include: (forplasma) genetic cholinesterase deficiency; advanced liver disease; chronic alcoholism;malnutrition; dermatomyositis; existing toxicity from exposure to carbon disulfide;benzalkonium salts, organic mercury compounds, ciguatoxins or solanines; and (for RBC)hemolytic anemias. FIRST AID MEASURES DIBROM® 8 Emulsive CONTAINS A CHOLINESTERASE INHIBITOR (NALED). A PHYSICIAN SHOULD BE CONTACTED IN ALL CASES OF EXPOSURE TO NALED AND ITS FORMULATIONS. THIS PRODUCT IS CORROSIVE TO EYES AND SKIN. EYES: Immediately flush the eyes with copious amounts of clear, cool running water for a minimum
of 15 minutes. Hold the eyelids apart during the flushing to ensure rinsing of the entiresurface of the eyes and lids with water. Contact a physician immediately. If there will be adelay in getting medical attention, rinse the eyes for at least another 15 minutes. INHALATION: Remove victim to fresh air. If breathing has ceased, clear the victim's airway and
start mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Contact aphysician immediately. INGESTION: DO NOT induce vomiting. If victim is conscious, administer an 8 oz. glass of water
containing 2 tbsp. activated charcoal. Have person lie on their left side to slow downabsorption of the ingested material. Never give anything by mouth to an unconsciousperson. Contact a physician immediately. SKIN: Immediately flush all affected areas with large amounts of clear water for at least 15 minutes.
Remove contaminated clothing. Do not attempt to neutralize with chemical agents. Washclothing before reuse. Contact a physician immediately. NOTE TO PHYSICIANS: This is an Organophosphate (OP) Insecticide. Do not wait for laboratory
confirmation to treat patients with strong clinical evidence of poisoning. In the USA and other countries, contact your local or national poison control center for more information. Do Not handle the patient without the following protective equipment in place: chemical resistant gloves and apron (preferably nitrile). Remove contaminated clothing and do not reuse without thorough cleaning with detergent and hot water. Dispose of heavily contaminated clothing, including shoes, as a hazardous waste. AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 4 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 FIRST AID MEASURES, cont'd
Establish airway and oxygenation. IV Atropine sulfate is the antidote of choice. Moderatelysevere poisoning: use 0.4-2.0 mg in adults or 0.05 mg/kg in children. Repeat every 15minutes until atropinization is achieved. Severe poisoning may require larger doses. Cholinergic toxicity may recur as atropinization wears off; monitor patient closely. Drawblood for RBC and plasma cholinesterase. In addition, Pralidoxime (2-PAM) is indicatedduring the first 36 hours in severe poisonings. Slow IV administration (no less than 2minutes) of 1 gm in adults or 20-50 mg/kg in children may be repeated in 1 to 2 hours if muscleweakness, twitching, and/or respiratory depression persist. Avoid morphine, aminophylline,phenothiazines, reserpine, furosemide and ethacrynic acid. Bathe and shampoo contaminated skin and hair. If ingested, empty stomach. Due to thepresence of aromatic solvents, gastric lavage should be considered following intubation witha cuffed endotracheal tube to prevent aspiration of vomitus. Activated charcoal is useful tofurther limit absorption.
Flash Point: 149°F (Closed cup)Autoignition Temperature: No data availableFlammable Limits:
Lower flammable limit: No data availableUpper flammable limit: No data available
This is a combustible liquid that will burn when heated (NFPA rating = 2)
EXPLOSIVITY HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: This product will emit toxic fumes when burned,
including hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, phosphorous oxides and carbon monoxide. Vapors of the unburned product may also be hazardous. Contact with the fumes and vaporsshould be avoided by staying upwind and by wearing impervious clothing and positivepressure self-contained breathing apparatus. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray (fog). FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Evacuate nonessential personnel from the area. Keep upwind.
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and impervious clothing, including gloves and eyeprotection. Clean all clothing before reuse. AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 5 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES GENERAL: Evacuate personnel and thoroughly ventilate the area. Use adequate ventilation and air-
supplied respirators, as well as impervious clothing and safety goggles. Keep bystandersupwind and away from the spill. SMALL SPILL: Cover with nonflammable absorbent (clay, sand, oil dry, kitty litter, etc.) to absorb
the liquid. Sweep into an open plastic drum. Decontaminate the area and equipment withdilute alkali or ammonia (less than 5% solution) and detergent. Flush the area with water. Absorb and sweep into the same open plastic drum. Close the drum and dispose of as ahazardous waste. LARGE SPILL: Dike the spill to prevent contamination of local water sources. Siphon the majority
of the liquid into drums for use or disposal, depending on the circumstances. Clean the areaas described for a small spill.
HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Prevent skin contact. Do not breathe fumes. Wear appropriate personal protective
equipment. (See Section 8) Wash thoroughly and change clothes after handling. Keepproduct away from food drink, cosmetics, and tobacco products. See product label for moredetailed handling procedures. STORAGE: Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Store product in a cool,
dry, locked place out of reach of children. Store in original container. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS: A well-ventilated area is recommended for handling DIBROM® 8
Emulsive. Use of mechanical or local exhaust systems is recommended.
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: When respiratory protection is required, or concentrations may
exceed the PEL, use a NIOSH/MSHA approved air-purifying respirator equipped with neworganic vapor cartridges or canisters. A maximum use of eight hours is recommended. Foremergency and other conditions where the exposure limit may be greatly exceeded, use anapproved positive-pressure, self-contained breathing apparatus or positive-pressure airlinewith auxiliary self-contained air supply. SKIN PROTECTION: Chemical resistant gloves (preferably nitrile), body covering clothing that has
long sleeves and long pants, and chemical resistant shoes or boots, are required to preventskin contamination. Replace gloves every eight hours or sooner if exposure has been heavy. A chemical resistant apron is required when there is a risk of spillage or splashing. Wearclean clothes daily. Wash well with soap and water after handling this product. See the labelfor more specific instructions. AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 6 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION, cont’d EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses should be worn whenever working with chemicals. Goggles or
a faceshield are required if there is a chance of splashing. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical State: Appearance: Odor Threshold: Boiling Point: Freezing/Melting Point: Specific Gravity(Typical range):
1.424 to 1.454 @ 25°C/4°C (77°F/39°F)
Density: Vapor Pressure (mm/Hg): Vapor Density: Percent Volatile by Vol: Solubility in Water: Solubility (Other):
This product is soluble in aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinatedhydrocarbons, ketones, and esters. Partition Coefficient (O/W):
approx. 100 (a.i.) at ambient temperatures
Evaporation Rate: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITY (Conditions to avoid): This product is stable under normal use and storage
conditions. It may be photochemically reactive. INCOMPATIBILITY: Unstable in the presence of iron or alkaline media. Corrosive to iron, aluminum
and magnesium. Hydrolyzes slowly under neutral or acid conditions. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Heating product to decomposition will cause
emission of acrid smoke and fumes of hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, phosphorousoxides, carbon oxides and unknown organic compounds. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: This product will not polymerize. AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 7 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION
Data below are either for Naled Technical or for related formulations:
Corrosive (DIBROM® 14)Toxicity Category I
Corrosive (DIBROM® 14)Toxicity Category I
SENSITIZATION: CORROSIVENESS (DOT): A study run with Naled Technical showed that it is considered non-
corrosive by DOT criteria when applied to the intact skin of albino rabbits. TERATOGENICITY: Maternal toxicity in rats was observed at 40 mg/kg/day (body weight loss,
tremors, painful or difficult breathing, and decreased activity) using Naled Technical (a.i.). No developmental effects were observed at this dose level. The maternal NOEL was 10mg/kg/day. The developmental NOEL was 40 mg/kg/day. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICITY: In a two-generation rat reproduction study with Naled Technical (a.i.),
a decrease in male body weight gain was observed at 18 mg/kg/day; however, no effects onreproduction were found in adult animals. Decreases in offspring survival, number of pupsborn and decreased pup weights were noted at 18 mg/kg/day. The NOEL for both adults andoffspring was 6 mg/kg/day. MUTAGENICITY: No evidence of mutagenicity activity in in vitro and in vivo tests, using Naled CARCINOGENICITY: No evidence of carcinogenicity in laboratory animals with Naled Technical.
However, EPA under its 1999 proposed Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment hasclassified DDVP, an impurity in Naled, as having "suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity,but not sufficient to assess human carcinogenic potential.". TOXICOLOGICALLY SYNERGISTIC PRODUCTS: No data available. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION
This product is toxic to fish, birds, and other wildlife. Keep out of any body of water. Do not
contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters or wastes. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Waste Disposal: Pesticide wastes are acutely hazardous. Improper disposal of excess pesticide,
spray mixture or rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed byuse according to label instructions, contact your nearest State Pesticide or EnvironmentalControl Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA regional officefor guidance. Open dumping is prohibited. AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 8 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS, cont’d Container Disposal: Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or
puncture and dispose of container in a sanitary landfill or by incineration, or, if allowed byState and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke. Contact the State orlocal authorities to determine the current regulations. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION
: Organophosphorus pesticides, liquid, toxic (Naled)
: 1 qt, 1 gal, and 2.5 gal bottles; 5 gal, 15 gal, 30 gal and
This product is registered under EPA/FIFRA Regulations. It is a violation of Federal Law touse this product in any manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read and follow all labeldirections. This product is excluded from listing requirements under EPA/TSCA. SARA TITLE III DATA Section 311 & 312 Hazard Categories: AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 9 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 REGULATORY INFORMATION, cont'd Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances: DDVP (Dichlorvos, 62-73-7) Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: Naled (300-76-5); DDVP (Dichlorvos, 62-73-7); CERCLA /EHS Reportable Quantity (RQ): DDVP (Dichlorvos) - 10 lbs; Naled - 10 lbs;
Naphthalene - 100 lb; Product (calc'd) - 15 lbs
STATE REGULATIONS: CALIFORNIA (Proposition 65): This product contains a chemical known to the State of California OTHER INFORMATION MSDS Status: Date This Revision: 4/15/02 Date Previous Revision: 6/22/01 Person Responsible for Preparation: Gary A. Braden Reasons for Revision: Changes have been made in sections 2, 4, 8, 11 and 14 to update information
or to clarify information in these sections. DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for the limited guidance to the user. While AMVAC
believes that the information is, as of the date hereof, reliable, it is the user's responsibilityto determine the suitability of the information for its purposes. The user is advised not toconstrue the information as absolutely complete since additional information may benecessary or desirable when particular, exceptional, or variable conditions or circumstancesexist (like combinations with other materials), or because of applicable regulations. Noexpress or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwiseis made hereunder with respect to the information or the product to which the informationrelates. AMVAC CHEMICAL CORPORATION Page 10 of 10 DIBROM® 8 EMULSIVE Legion™ Insecticide (High Flash) AMVAC MSDS No.: 254_8 OTHER INFORMATION, cont’d ABBREVIATIONS:
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
Mark used to indicate European Approval for the Transport of DangerousGoods by Road
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
This is the last page of this MSDS. There should be 10 pages.
1. Introducción. Los cursos de razonamiento crítico surgieron en los EE.UU. hará cosa de 30 años como reacción a las dificultades prácticas de la enseñanza de la lógica. La denominación razonamiento crítico se refiere a una actividad y no a una disciplina, a diferencia de denominaciones como lógica formal, lógica informal o teoría de la argumentación. En consonancia, el obje
Ferndale City Council Meeting Held Monday, February 7, 2011 City Hall Annex – Council Chambers 6:00 p.m. PRESENT BY ROLL CALL: Councilmember Steve Malpezzi Councilmember Mel Hansen Councilmember Connie Faria Councilmember Paul Ingram Councilmember Jon Mutchler Councilmember Lloyd Zimmerman Councilmember Brent Goodrich STAFF: City Administrator G