Microsoft word - literatuurlijst-interacties-hansiem.doc

Referenties bij Mogelijke interacties tussen voedingssupplementen en
antistollingsmiddelen? door drs. H. Siem
1. Holbrook AM, Pereira JA, Labiris R, et al. Systematic overview of warfarin and its drug and food interactions. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:1095–1106. 2. Haines ST, Zeolla M, Witt DM. Venous Thromboembolism. In: DiPiro JT, Talbert RL, Yee GC, Matzke GR, Wel s BG, Posey LM. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiological Approach. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hil Companies, Inc.; 2005:373-413. 3. Micromedex Healthcare Series. Drug-REAX System. New York: Thomson Reuters; 4. Yuan CS, Wei G, Dey L, et al. Brief communication: American ginseng reduces warfarin's effect in healthy patients: a randomized, controlled Trial. Ann Intern Med 2004;141(1):23-27. 5. JiangX, Wil iams KM, Liauw WS, Ammit AJ, Roufogalis BD, Duke CC et al. Effect of StJohn's wort and ginseng on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of warfarinin healthy subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol 2004;57(5):592-599. View Abstract 6. What to do when warfarin therapy goes too far-Shailendra Prasad, MBBS,MPH; Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota 7. Beyth RJ, Quinn LM, Landefeld CS. Prospective evaluation of an index for predicting the risk of major bleeding in outpatients treated with warfarin. Am J 8. Crowther MA, Douketis JD, Schnurr T, et al. Oral vitamin K lowers the international normalized ratio more rapidly than subcutaneous vitamin K in the treatment of warfarin-associated coagulopathy. A randomized, control ed trial. Ann Intern 9. Fan J, Armitstead JA, Adams AG, et al. A retrospective evaluation of vitamin K1 therapy to reverse the anticoagulant effect of warfarin. Pharmacotherapy. 2003;23:1245–1250. 10. Ansel J, Hirsh J, Hylek E, et al. Pharmacology and management of the vitamin K antagonists. Chest. 2008;133(suppl):160S–198S. 11. Micromedex Healthcare Series. Drug-REAX System. New York: Thomson Reuters; 12. Interaction between warfarn and coenzyme Q10; Landbo C,Almdal TP.Hvidovre 13. CBO. Diagnostiek, Preventie en Behandeling van veneuze trombo-embolie en secundaire preventie arteriële trombose. Utrecht, 2009. 14. Derry S, Loke YK. Risk of gastrointestinal haemorrhage with long term use of aspirin: meta-analysis. BMJ 2000; 321: 1183-7 15. van Geest-Daalderop JHH, Sturk A. Omvang en kwaliteit van de antistollingsbehandeling met coumarinederivaten door de Nederlandse 16. Reduces effect of warfarin caused by ubidecarenone. the Lancet 1994 Nov 12; 344 17. Holbrook AM, Pereira JA et al. Systematic overview of warfarin and its drug and food interactions. Arch Intern Med. 2005; 165: 1095-1106 18. Commentaren Medicatiebewaking. 2011-2012. Stichting Healthbase.ISBN: 978-90- 19. Farmacotherapeutisch kompas 2012; 20. Natural Standard: 21. Goodman @ Gilman 2011: Drug Toxicity and poisoning; Kevin Osterhoudt 22. Access Medicine. Principles of Clinical Pharmacology: Introduction 23. Clinical Pharmacokinetics 1980;Therapeutic response and toxicity


Press release

Sandoz Inc. 506 Carnegie Center Drive, Suite 400 Princeton, NJ 08540 Phone +1 609 627 8500 Fax +1 609 627 8682 Sandoz initiates voluntary recall in the US of all 50mg/2mL and 250mg/10mL vials of Methotrexate Injection, USP due to the presence of glass particulates FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 27, 2010 - Princeton, New Jersey - Sandoz Inc. announced today it has initiated a voluntary

Microsoft word - Ärzte-zeitung artikel vom 24.10.05 - vogelgrippe .doc

Ärzte-Zeitung, Nr. 190 vom 24.10.2005 Die Vogelgrippe - das Wichtigste auf einen Blick Das Vogelgrippevirus mit der Bezeichnung H5N1 hat inzwischen auch die Türkei und Rumänien erreicht - zuvor hatte es sich in Asien ausgebreitet. Bald könnte es auch in Deutschland sein. Doch selbst dann sind hier nur Menschen in Gefahr, die beruflich mit lebendem Geflügel zu tun haben. Und selbst

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