242 perky pet antguard for hummingbird feeders (32g)
Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS No: Domestic Emergency Phone 800-424-9300 Woodstream Corporation International Emergency Phone 703-527-3887 69 N. Locust Street Information Phone 800-800-1819 Lititz, PA 17543 Intl Info Phone: 717-626-2125 SECTION I: MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION Product Number/Size: 242 Trade Name: Perky Pet AntGuard for Hummingbird Feeders Also Known As: Ant Guard Description: hummingbird feeder ant guard Chemical Composition: pesticide impregnated disk in guard Regulatory Licenses: 62451-3-50932 SECTION II: INGREDIENTS Hazardous Ingredient (s) OSHA/TWA PEL/STEL ACGIH/TWA TLV/STEL SECTION III: PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point: NA Viscosity: flexible disk Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): NA Odor: slight odor Vapor Density (AIR=1): NA Specific Gravity (Water=1): NA Bulk Density: NA Percent, Volitile by Volume %: NA Freezing Point: NA Evaporation Rate (Xylene=1): NA Solubility in Water: Not appreciably soluble in water Physical State: flexible disk Appearance: yellow/orange plastic disk SECTION IV: FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash Point (method): Not applicable NFPA Health Rating: 2 Autoignition Temp.: NA NFPA Fire Rating: 1 Flammable Lel: NA NFPA Reactivity Rating: 0 Flammable Uel: NA Extinguishing Material: water Hazardous Products of Combustion: CO, CO2, hydrogen chloride, phosgene, chlorine gas Special Fire Fighting
Fire fighters should wear full protective equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus. Procedures: SECTION V: HEALTH HAZARD DATA General Statement: This product contains permethrin, a synthetic Type 1 pyrethriod ester. Occupational exposure to permethrin has
induced temporary skin and facial numbness and tingling. Workers exposed to permethrin have also reported itching and burning of the skin, eyes, irritation of the upper respiratory tract and increased nasal secretions. Occupational Exposure Limit: See Section II Effects of Over Exposure: None Expected In This Impregnated Disk Form. Anaphylactic reactions including respiratory distress and shock may
occur in very sensitive individuals. Carcinogenicity: Not determined in humans. Chronic Effects: None Expected In This Impregnated Disk Form. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache,
dizziness, tingling, tremors, mild CNS depression, decreases in red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets in the circulating blood. Rec. Exp. Limits: See Section II Potential Health Effects: Moderately toxic if ingested. Acute Oral: 606 mg/kg rat Acute Dermal: >2000 mg/kg Acute Inhalation: 2.3 mg/L Eye Irritation: irritant Skin Irritation: irritant Sensitization: moderate sensitizer Monday, July 18, 2011 Page 1 of 3 Route of Entry Symptoms/Effects of Overexposure First Aid
While wearing gloves, carefully remove contaminated clothing and wash with soap and water. If irritation persists contact a physician.
Remove victim to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably mouth to mouth. Get medical attention.
Hold eyelids open and flush with a steady, gentle stream of water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention.
Do Not induce vomiting. Do not attempt to give anything by mouth to non-alert person. If alert, rinse mouth with water then drink a glass of water and IMMEDIATELY consult a physician. SECTION VI: REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Conditions to avoid: Excessive heat Materials to avoid: strong oxidizers, acids Hazardous Decomposition: chlorine gas Conditions to avoid: Excessive heat Hazardous Polymerization: none Conditions to avoid: Excessive heat SECTION VII: SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES Steps to be taken if material is Sweep up and wrap AntGuard device and place in trash if local disposal services allow it. released or spilled: Waste Disposal Method: Contact your local waste disposal services to determine appropriate disposal. Product Disposal Method: Contact your local waste disposal services to determine appropriate disposal. SECTION VIII: SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Respiratory Protection: In typical applications no special precautions are necessary. If industrial hygiene surveys show that occupational
exposure limits may be exceeded, use NIOSH approved respirator with organic vapor/dust/mist cartridges. Protective Gloves: Recommended Eye Protection: In typical applications, not necessary. Protective Clothing: In typical applications, not necessary. Ventilation: In typical applications, not necessary. Other Protective Equipment: In typical applications, not necessary. Protection Note: Personal protection information provided in this section is based upon general information on this products normal use.
Use this product only as instructions indicate. SECTION IX: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Storage and Handling: PESTICIDE STORAGE. Store only in cool, dry area inaccessible to children and pets. Protect from freezing and heat.
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage and disposal. Other Precautions: Store out of reach of children. Do not reuse container. Precaution Note: None SECTION X: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity: Toxic to fish. Don't contaminate any water with this product. Not for use where tidal water may reach. Environmental Fate: Not persistent. Monday, July 18, 2011 Page 2 of 3 SECTION XI: TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT HAZARD DESCRIPTION DOT Proper Shipping Name: Not Hazardous Identification Number: None DOT Hazard Class/Division: None Packaging Group: None Packaging Instructions: None Special Instructions: None Placard: None Emergency Response Guide#: None US Surface Freight Class: See NMFTA Manual IATA CLASSIFICATION IATA Proper Shipping Name: Not Hazardous IATA Identification Number: IATA Hazard Class/Division: None Packaging Group: None IATA Bulk Packaging Inst: None IATA Shipping Notes: None IMO CLASSIFICATION IMO Proper Shipping Name: Not Hazardous IMO Identification Number: IMO Hazard Class/Division: None Packaging Group: None IMO Shipping Notes: None IMO Bulk Packaging Inst: None IMO Stowage Category: None SECTION XII: REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA Title III: Not Regulated SARA Product Classification: Reporting not necessary unless TPQ exceeded in inventory Acute: N/A Chronic: N/A Fire: N/A Reactivity: N/A Pressure Generating: Not Pressure Generating 311/312 Hazard Categories: Not Subject 313 Reportable Ingredients: Not Subject TSCA Regulatory: Not Listed State Regulations: Woodstream Corp. is unaware of any local, state or federal regulations, which define the active ingredients as
hazardous. As of the preparation date, this product did not contain a chemical or chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372. Proposition 65 Statement: none listed European Classification: SECTION XIII: OTHER INFORMATION
While this information and recommendations set forth are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof, Woodstream Corp. makes no warranty with respect hereto and disclaims all liability from reliance thereon. Date MSDS Prepared: Contact: Supercedes Date: Title: Monday, July 18, 2011 Page 3 of 3
Roger Dmochowski, MD, FACS* and David R. Staskin, MD *Vanderbilt Continence Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, There is an emerging recognition that Q-T interval prolon-A-1302 Medical Center North, Nashville, TN 37232-2765, USA. gation induced by pharmacologic agents can producepotential adverse outcomes, including cardiac syncope and Current Urology Reports 2005, sudden death
CURRICULUM VITAE Nombre y Apellido: Diana Ester Fernández Calvo Estado Civil: casada Domicilio: Avellaneda 432 Capital (C.P.1405 ) Teléfono: 4903-4800 E-mail: dcalvo@fibertel.com.ar http://www.dcalvo.freeservers.com http://www.musicaclasicaargentina.com/tecnologia/index.htm c Fax: 4901-7710 Celular: 1551398188 TÍTULOS DE GRADO UNIVERSITARIO Licenciada en Música, especialidad Educaci�