Jeffrey M. Spivak MD Director, NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases Spine Center
Following lumbar disc surgery, patients typically return home the evening of surgery
or after an overnight stay if the surgery is performed later in the day. Generally the
discharge time has been discussed between yourself and Dr. Spivak prior to surgery, but
this can be changed based on how you feel shortly after the operation.
In general, you can expect your back to be sore immediately following surgery, and
this should improve day-to-day over the first postoperative week. Your leg pain may be
immediately improved or even gone, or you may continue to experience some leg pain
for a number of days to weeks. Even if your leg pain is completely gone after surgery,
you can expect some intermittent pain in the affected leg over the first six weeks after
surgery, as the surrounding tissues heal and inflammation subsides. Do not worry if this
happens; it is a normal occurrence. Severe persistent leg pain should not recur, and
During the first few days home, contact Dr. Spivak’s office to schedule your first
postoperative office visit, generally at 2-3 weeks from the time of surgery. The second
visit will usually be six weeks after surgery, and future visits only as needed after that
At the time of hospital discharge, your wound is being covered by an outer gauze
dressing held on by clear plastic, and an inner dressing of white tape strips applied
directly to the skin. You may shower with the outer dressing still on, but this should be
covered by an additional protective barrier of plastic wrap or a plastic bag taped to the
skin over this dressing. Bathing should be avoided until after the first postoperative office
The outer dressing should be removed on the morning of the third day after surgery. If
the gauze on this dressing is completely clean or with only dried blood, this dressing can
be left off. If there is any fluid draining from the wound, a new sterile gauze dressing
should be applied and changed twice a day. Persistent drainage lasting more than two
If there are tape strips on the skin, they should be left in place. They may get wet in the
shower, but should not be rubbed with a washcloth or a drying towel or they may fall off.
Carefully pat this area dry. The tape strips will fall off on their own, or if they are still in
place they will be removed at the time of the first postoperative office visit. The wound
stitches (sutures) are absorbable. The ends of the suture may be protruding from the skin
at the top and bottom of the wound. These should be left alone, or covered with a gauze if
they are irritating under your clothes. These ends will be removed at the first
postoperative visit, if they have not fallen off on their own. Again, do not bathe or soak
the wound site until after the first postoperative visit.
Discharge medications may include antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and
pain relievers. Patients may or may not need medications from these three broad
categories, but all patients should have at least one prescription pain reliever prescribed
for discharge for use if needed at home. Antibiotics (such as Keflex) may be needed for
an additional few postoperative doses. If an antibiotic is prescribed, it should be used
Many patients will be prescribed Decadron (dexamethasone) using a decreasing
dosage schedule for 3-6 days. This is a potent steroid anti-inflammatory, and should be
used in the diminishing dosing as prescribed. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
medications such as Motrin, Naprosyn (Aleve), and aspirins should not be used at the
same time, but can be restarted after the last day of Decadron use.
Pain relievers include non-narcotic medicines such as Toradol and Tramadol, and
narcotic medications such as Tylenol with Codeine, Vicodin (hydrocodone/apap), and
Percocet (oxycodone/apap). These should be used only as needed for pain, usually
diminishing in need over the first few days after surgery. When you are comfortable
enough, only over-the-counter pain relievers such as Tylenol (acetaminophen), Advil
(ibuprofen), Aleve (naproxen), or aspirin should be needed.
All patients should be up and walking, including going to the bathroom, the evening of
surgery. In general, over the first 6 weeks after surgery lifting and bending at the waist
should be avoided. Walking is strongly encouraged, including up and down steps and on
a treadmill. Use of a cross-training or elliptical machine is allowed as well. Upright
sitting, especially unsupported such as on the side of the bed, should be limited for the
first 2 weeks after surgery, except as needed for eating meals and bathroom use. This
position puts additional pressure on the low back, and may increase pain and risk for
reherniation of a new disc fragment before initial healing of the disc can occur.
Outpatient postoperative physical therapy may be prescribed at the first postoperative
office visit if needed. This tends to be more useful in patients with preoperative muscle
weakness, patients who are deconditioned by a longer preoperative period of symptoms,
and patients with greater than average postoperative muscle spasm and tightness. Many
patients, however, can exercise at home on their own and do not need prescribed physical
In general, most patients will be cleared for driving after the two-week postoperative
visit. Persistent leg pain and muscle weakness, especially in the right leg, may delay the
return to driving. Return to desk-type work can be allowed 2-6 weeks after surgery,
depending on postoperative symptoms and expected commute. Return to physical labor is
usually at 6-12 weeks after the operation. Resumption of previous recreational physical
activities is generally begun at 6 weeks postoperatively.
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