t a l k s w e r ed i s a p p o i n t i n g b u tt h i s h a s n o td i m i n i s h e d t h e
e n t h u s i a s m o fi n d i v i d u a l s t o d ow h a t t h e y c a n t oa v e r t g l o b a ld i s a s t e r . H e r e w e
h a p p e n i n g i n t h eJ e w i s h w o r l d
spoke about how, like many in his church,
to launch and discuss a series of ecological
he didn’t think ecology was an issue for
initiatives from religions across the world
realised that unless we learned to treat the
resources of the planet differently it would
spoke of the situation with the Himalayan
glaciers which are melting at a rapid rate
(the global temperature has risen by ¾ of a
Julian Sinclair and Michael Kagan. Hazon is
temperature of this area of the Himalayas
decade). This is placing the water systems
that support 1.5 billion people in jeopardy.
Melchior, leader of the Green Party list in the
Buddhists trying to explain the carbon cycle
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, founding father
of eco-kashrut. I attended on behalf of J-Hub
in getting polluters to clean up the polluted
presented at the conference is a vision of
river he lived near, jumped in, followed by
Jewish persistence, born out of thousands of
from around the world met in Windsor at an
13,000 of his followers. The result was some
years of ‘ever-dying’ but yet surviving, and
event hosted by HRH The Prince Philip and
Firstly – a belief in the importance of a
J E W I S H R E N A I S S A N C E J A N U A RY 2 0 1 0
that small steps count. The Jewish Climate
agriculture. By 2010, we will have 40 Jewish
CSAs around the country: it’s now the largest
concept of shmitah – sabbatical rest for theland. It calls for Jewish organisations to
faith-based CSA in North America. Nowwe’ve started talks with the Sikh community
where we want to be and for the short-term
As I take a seat opposite Nigel Savage in his
The easy part, at least for the religious
explains that one aspect is the moral good
leaders, is articulating where our traditions
of putting Jewish purchasing power behind
sensitise us to the needs of the environment.
local organic farms which are often barely
created Adam to ‘work and protect’ the
He has the energy and determination of a Wall Street
Garden of Eden, though Nigel Savage in his
broker but his objectives couldn’t be more different.
speech at the conference suggested, “You
could argue that the Jewish people have been
his objectives couldn’t be more different.
surviving. “A second moral good is that
thinking about sustainable energy ever since
Nigel is founder and executive director of
Hazon, a Jewish environmental organisation
grown organic produce at a fair price. It is a
third good that if you don’t pick up your
healthier life while at the same time opening
produce that week, it gets delivered to a
recycled his staff into a snake, got Egypt to
local food pantry. As of last year, we gave
turn off all its lights for three days, and
over 17,000 lb of goods to people in need.”
convinced an entire nation to go on a 40-year
A fourth good, he tells me, is the Jewish-
in the City of London, Nigel’s life changed
related activities, such as Tu Bishvat seders
out the small steps. So let me suggest three.
Jerusalem to learn at the Pardes Institute. He
discovered Planet Earth quite by accident,
while on a three-day hike in Israel. As a
emissions. This project provides a full survey
physically useless, he tells me, and this was
and report for £200 and costs and sources the
the first time that he started thinking about
eats far less meat than he used to. “In 2006,
we decided to shecht (slaughter in accordance
different amounts of energy that can be saved
physical world. He realized that, although
with Jewish ritual laws) a goat at our food
underutilised, outdoor education could be “a
experience and had a big impact on people. I
Green Jewish Website, look at some of the
grew up eating meat five or six days a week –
same time getting people to think about the
today, even though I’m not a vegetarian, I eat
consumables, spend less. Make do with what
you have and use the money saved to invest
environmental organisation in America.
in sustainable projects, sustainably produced
“Everything we do is about enabling and
electricity or secure the future of an acre of
difference in the world, and transforming
their life in the process. We have a number of
people who have become significantly more
Jewishly involved through taking part in our
destruction of the Temple, the expulsion from
programmes.” People have been inspired to
Spain or even the horrors of the last century.
ride their bikes to work, others quit their jobs
We adapt quickly and boldly and we refuse
to be scared into paralysis. Rabbi Yissocher
Frand has recently published a book with the
wonderful title, It’s Never Too Little, It’sNever Too Late, It’s Never Enough. I don’t
think the book is about the ecological state
we are in but with a title like that, it could be.
agreement between a farmer and a group ofurban members where members pay in
advance for a share of a farmer’s produce for
lead to human injustice. So on the one hand,
I really believe in free markets. At the same
community is better and bigger and so on.
like to see as his life’s main achievement.
time, free markets need intermediation in
And it’s true that in terms of size and
He doesn’t have a ready answer. Then he
resources you can’t compare them, but in
says, ‘If I was to die tomorrow, I think I
governments to establish rules that enable us
another sense, I think the British Jewish
would be proudest of the fact that there are
to create societies that are in everybody’s
community, particularly in London, is quite
a coherent, cohesive community. Interest in
the environment and in social justice has
they not come into contact with Hazon.
the first place. That’s what shemitah
People who are living richer lives, people
years) is about; that’s what yovel (the
or stronger or richer; people who are living
world, and we simply are our best selves,
doing it with arrogance, if we say we are
which relies on high levels of consumption,
religions, and here’s what it means to be
Jewish to this group of people in the 21st
learn from the US, he replies that there’s
century, here is a little piece of us at our
agree with the idea that private markets are
already a lot of ‘great stuff’ going on in the
best selves, the process of doing so will
the least bad of the available systems.
turn out to be good for the world and good
Centralised economies always sooner or later
Britain is often rather self-deprecating:
network of pilgrimage cities. “Cities should
Mayors of Jerusalem, an influential position
be providing facilities and services in as
because, as she says, “mayors in Israel are
green a way as possible. Pilgrimages all have
powerful”. She was asked to stand by Nir
spiritual leaders and this is how the message
can be communicated, by their preaching to
to be elected as mayor. “He wanted me on
their flock – how they should behave, travel,
his list because we had been so successful in
what to do with their garbage – and on the
reaching out to voters through the campaign
we waged against the The Safdi Plan. This
initiatives announced was a seven-year plan
recommended intensive housing in the green
Jerusalem Hills and would have encouraged
decentralising the city.” The campaign was
run through the SPNI, the Society for the
greenhouse gases, more responsibility will be
Protection of Nature in Israel, of which Tsur
placed on cities – and she is passionate about
the greening of Jerusalem. “It is a goal for
Jerusalem, a coalition of 60 environmental
organisations in the city. Naomi Tsur is now
responsible for planning decisions in the city.
she says: “Jerusalem has undertaken to cut its
Naomi Tsur Change conference and I meet her when she change. For example we are putting in a light
is on her way back to Israel. She feels the
rail system, we are encouraging bike riding –
conference served a useful purpose. She is
there are now more bike shops per thousand
happy that the Jewish delegation, (ranging
of the population than in Chicago. We will be
from Orthodox to Reconstrutionist) managed
to agree on a set of principles, and that it got
water gardens and encouraging people to use
on so well with the other faiths represented.
the water cisterns pre-1974 houses have in
Meeting Naomi Tsur brings several surprises,
The Sikhs particularly, she said, were keen to
their backyards as a source of water for their
the first is that she is an olah (immigrant to
work with the Jewish delegation. “Sikhs and
gardens – many have been neglected.
Jews have always got along well. I was asked
to chair a round-table – the people sitting
persuaded to change their behaviour. It is
achieved this office through green activism;
round included the head of the Franciscan
here she believes that religious communities
the third is that she has no sense of self-
order, the head of the Sikh environmental
are key. “People will take notice of what their
movement, a Ba’hai, and a member of the
being down-to-earth and practical, as well as
quietly passionate about her beliefs – and of
as a way of bringing together the religious
at the conference was to have initiated a
and the secular. (She sees herself somewhere
J E W I S H R E N A I S S A N C E J A N U A RY 2 0 1 0
between the two: “I am Shabbat observant –
that “when we were in exile we lost the link
though we are haves, we should behave as if
but I wouldn’t be observant enough for some
people, and perhaps too much so for others.”)
are side by side but they are not talking to
To this end she is facilitating a meeting of
sufficient impact. She feels there should be
more getting out and lobbying together.
“I want to bring about a meeting of the
When I tell her that at present in the UK
poles of Israeli thinking. The Liberals are
Jewish world there seems to be more interest
preaching love of the environment and the
in social action, she says: “There is an
lobbied to gain greater recognition of the role
religious Zionists are preaching love of the
cities can play in combating climate change.
land. Being ‘green’ is identified with the
environmental justice. Tikun olam (repairing
secular and Liberal camp. But aren’t love of
the world) should have a physical content.
decisive than we hoped it would be, cities
will once again have to take the lead.”
environmental assets should be in socially
other huge problems, Naomi Tzur is aiming
irresponsibility towards the environment was
that this city will be one of the leaders.
This is just a taster of what’s out there. Hopefully you’ll find at least some of the ideas and projects so
inspiring you’ll want to create something similar in your own community. Please let us know if you do!
positive change in the world – launched
teach Israelis “to take responsibility for
materials, as well as providing support to
Visit their website to sign up for action.
workers, and the way the land is treated.
and social justice, teaching “practical
Social Action Forum, founded in 2006 as a
Action Group) at The Board of Deputies of
involvement in environmental advocacy.”
“integrates organic farming, sustainable
interfaith environmental co-operation. SVIVA ISRAEL
traditions, and to act on that learning by
of the resistance arteries decrease with age.3 It has The Authors Reply: We agree with Duran and been suggested that endothelium-dependent dila- Taffet that coronary microvascular function chang-tation of the resistance coronary arteries evoked by es significantly with aging. Indeed, we stated, acetylcholine may decrease with age in humans.4 “In healthy persons, however, coronary flow re-
Publications list She co-authored more than 40 scientific publications including papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters. 1. F.Bordi, C.Cametti, T.Gili, D.Gaudino, S.Sennato Time evolution of the formation of different size cationic liposome-polyelectrolyte complexes. Bioelectrochemistry ( 2003), 59 , 99-106. 2. F.Bordi, C.Cametti, F. De Luca, T.Gili, D.Gaudino, S.Sennat