J OURNAL OF TON GJ I UN IV ERSIT Y (M ED ICAL SCIENCE) 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. The Investigation of Tooth2missing and Dental Prosthesis
of 853 Residents in Shangha i
L I U Y i2m i n1 , HA N Jie2 , ZHU Y an2 , L I Hua3 , W A N G Hong2ru3 (1. Dept . of Prevention Medicine ,Medical College , Tongji University , Shanghai 200092 ,China ; 2. Tongji Oral Hospital , Tongji University , Shanghai 200072 ,China ; 3. Medical Student of Class 99 , Tongji University , Shanghai 200092 ,China) ABSTRACT :Objective
To evaluate t he stat us of toot h2missing and dental restorations of residents in Shanghai. Methods
Different aged resident s was surveyed by questionnaire and oral examine. Results
853 resident s. There are significance of incidence rate of toot h2missing and dental prosthesis of different aged , gender , in2 come , cult ure background in resident s. Dentition defect is 91 . 8 % , edentia is 8 . 2 %. Caries is 80 . 6 % , periodontal disease is 14 . 7 % in reason of toot h2missing. Conclusion
Oral healt h education should be provided to resident s by preventing and t reating caries , periodontal disease actively and give dental restoration early and effectively.
edentia ; dentition defect ; dental prost hesis Cl inical Study on Oral Administratin of Misoprostol
f or Decreasing Post2Partum Bleeding
Y A N G J i an2pi ng , He Zi2qi u , L i u X ue2yi n , Hong Fu2qi ng (Dept . of Obstetric & Gynecologic , East hospital , Tongji University , Shanghai 200120 , China) ABSTRACT :Objective
To investigate t he clinical value of reducing t he amount of post part um bleeding by oral miso2 prostol . Methods
200 vaginal delivery cases ( TAZA , Moroco , J une ,2004 to Sep . 2004) were randomrised divided into t wo groups. The researched group (106 cases) has been given misoprostol 600ug right after t he delivery of fetal shoulder in t he second stage. meanwhile t he cont rast group (94 cases) has been given exytocin 20U t hough venous after t he fetal shoulder delivery. Then , observation was performed 2 hours after delivery for amount of bleeding , t he incidence rate of post2partum bleeding and the side2effect of the medication. Results
The amount of bleeding 2 hours after delivery : re2 searched group and cont rast group are (140 68) ml respectively. The incidence rate of post2partum bleeding is 1 % and 4 % respectively. There is a statistic difference bet ween t wo groups. Conclusion
prostol plays an important role in reducing t he amount of post part um bleeding and decreasing it s incidence rate. More2 over , t he medication met hod is less complicated , safer and more economical .
post part um bleeding ; misoprostol ; exytocin 1994-2008 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.


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The 59th annual Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin presents POSTERS Ewout M. Baerveldt1,2 , Armanda J. Onderdijk1,2, Chris Wohn2, Marius Kant1,2, Eddy F. Florencia1,2, Jon D. Laman2, H. Bing Thio1, Johann E. Gudjonsson2, Errol P. Prens1,2 1Departments of Dermatology and 2Immunology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann


Gynaecologie Miskraam / vaginaal bloedverlies Bron: teksten zijn grotendeels overgenomen van NVOG 2005 Wat betekent vaginaal bloedverlies in het begin van de zwangerschap? Bloedverlies in de eerste maanden van de zwangerschap is meestal onschuldig en kan verschillende oorzaken hebben. Veelal is het bloedverlies onschuldig en stopt vanzelf. In de helft van het aantal keren

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