
Have you ever received any medication(s) for osteoporosis treatment, such as alendronate Question: (Fosamax), risedronate (Actonel), zoledronic acid (Zometa), calcitonin (Miacalcin), raloxifene Frequency
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - a. Medication Frequency
Notes: Osteoporosis medication names were converted to categorical codes B4O5A1B
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - a. Begin Age Frequency
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - a. End Age Frequency
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - a. Ongoing? Frequency
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - b. Medication Frequency
Notes: Osteoporosis medication names were converted to categorical codes Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - b. Begin Age Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - b. End Age Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) B4O5A2CO
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - b. Ongoing? Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) B4O5A3AM
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - c. Medication Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) Notes: Osteoporosis medication names were converted to categorical codes Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - c. Begin Age Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) OR = 99) Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - c. End Age Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) OR = 99) B4O5A3CO
Question: If YES, what medication(s) and for how long (Ex. Ages 47-now)? - c. Ongoing Frequency
Backward: ('B4OAVL' = 2) OR ( = 2) OR = 99) OR = 99) Have you ever taken/had any of the following medications/treatments? - a. Medication to treat Frequency
Notes: Coding is in progress for Epilepsy "medication name" and "when".
Have you ever taken/had any of the following medications/treatments? - b. Chemotherapy for Frequency
Notes: Coding is in progress for Chemotherapy for cancer "medication name" and "when".
Have you ever taken/had any of the following medications/treatments? - c. Immunosuppressive Question: therapy (to treat auto-immune diseases or to prevent transplant rejection) Frequency
Notes: Coding is in progress for Immunosuppressive therapy "medication name" and "when".
Question: Have you ever taken/had any of the following medications/treatments? - d. Prednisone (cortisone) Frequency
Notes: Coding is in progress for Prednisone "medication name" and "when".
Question: Have you ever taken/had any of the following medications/treatments? - e. Birth control pills (oral) Frequency
Notes: Coding is in progress for Birth Control "medication name" and "when".
Have you ever taken/had any of the following medications/treatments? - f. Post-menopausal Question: hormone therapy (estrogen, progesterone) or in men: testosterone therapy Frequency
Coding is in progress for Post-menopausal hormone therapy (estrogen) or in men: testosterone Notes: therapy "medication name" and "when".

Source: http://midus2-project4.ssc.wisc.edu/BoneQuestionnaire-MedicationHistory.pdf

Microsoft word - cholesterol et statines.docx

Jean-Paul BLANC Diététicien – Nutritionniste Neuilly Sur Seine CHOLESTEROL ET STATINES Le cholestérol et ses traitements suscitent la polémique en ce moment. Les statines sont à la mode et plébiscitées non seulement dans le traitement de l’hypercholestérolémie, envisagées par certaines études de manière élargie en traitement de prévention du risque cardiaque, évoquées auss


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