March 14, 2005 Volume 77, Number 11 Rumen inert fat supplements reviewed for dairy cows
The mode of action for reducedintake when using calcium salts
1. Effects of feeding FFAs and CaSFAs to lactating dairy cows on milk production and milk components; means are differences between FFAs and CaSFAs (FFA-CaSFA)
2. Effects of feeding FFAs and CaSFAs to lactating dairy cows on DMI, fatty acid digestibility and bodyweight changes; means By L.C. SOLORZANO are differences between FFAs and CaSFAs (FFA-CaSFA) and A.F. KERTZ
countries of lactating dairy cow rations.
aData corrected for one cow that had low value. FFA and CaSFA comparison made at 680 g daily
intake of each fat source. Digestibilities were 87.4 and 84.9% for CaSFAs and FFAs, respectively.
The 910 g daily intake treatment for FFAs resulted in digestibility of 87.2%. Using marginaldigestibility measurements from Grummer (1998), each 100 g additional fat intake should result in
2.8% lower digestibility. Using 910 g versus 680 g of FFAs, digestibility at 680 g should be greater
than 90% [(910-680) = 230/100 = 2.3 x 2.8 = 6.44 + 87.2 = 93.64% digestibility at 680 g FFA intake]. However, the correction in Grummer’s study was used in this Table.
NA indicates data not available in paper. 3. Effects of CaSFAs and saturated fats fed to lactating dairy cows on DMI, 4% FCM, milk components and bodyweight change; means are differences between control and CaSFA or saturated fats
low (PHT), calcium salts of fatty acids(CaSFAs) and hydrogenated free fatty
4. Effects of CaSFAs and hydrogenated fat on DMI, expressed as percent DMI depression for each 1% added fat to the ration dry matter above control ration
■ Dr. L.C. Solorzano is with Milk Spe-
cialties Co., Dundee, Ill. Dr. A.F. Kertzis with ANDHIL LLC, St. Louis, Mo.
2005 Feedstuffs. Reprinted with permission from Vol. 77, No. 11, March 14, 2005.
■ 2 — FEEDSTUFFS, March 14, 2005 chemically altering them to be used in
a dry form, thus providing dairy pro-ducers with a more functional physical
5. Biohydrogenation (%) of unsaturated fatty acids in the rumen
form and facilitating on-farm handling. of cows fed CaSFAs at 3% of the ration dry matter
crease the melting point of the end prod-
uct. Tallow or vegetable fats may con-tain as much as 85% unsaturated fatty
6. Effects of abomasally infusing into lactating dairy cows 450 g of either PUFA or saturated fatty acids (SFA) on DMI, total fatty acid digestibility percent (TFADIG%) and DEI
No. of ------DMI, lb./day------ ------TFADIG, %----- -----DEI, Mcal/day-----
etable fats reduces negative effects fatty
aDMI linear contrast P < 0.02; DEI linear contrast P < 0.01.
uct and its potential for value in lactat-
bDEI orthogonal contrast of SFA versus PUFA P < 0.05.
cMeans with different superscripts within DMI or DEI differ by P < 0.05. 7. Effects of CaSFAs on DMI and milk production of lactating dairy cows
------------------------------% CaSFAs in DMI-----------------------------
oil or other fat sources are hydrolyzedand reacted with calcium to form salts,
8. Effects of CaSFAs in diets on reproductive parameters of lactating dairy cows
No. of --conception rate, %-- --Pregnancy rate, %--
extensively hydrogenated in the rumen.
meal or when manipulating pH in vitro. 9. Effects of mostly saturated dietary FFAs in diets on reproductive parameters of lactating dairy cows
men fermentation and possibly to DMI.
FFA treatment significantly differs from control at indicated P-level. 10. Effects of prepartum FFAs fed to dry cows during last three weeks of gestation on reproductive measures
March 14, 2005 FEEDSTUFFS — 3 ■ 11. Effects of FFAs fed to prepartum cows on early ovulation and pregnancy rates during subsequent lactation
---First ovulation prior to 50 days postpartum---
et al., 1984; Chan et al., 1997). Theyalso have been shown to have minimalor no negative effects on DMI
the remainder of this article will be de-
if a nutritionist or a dairy producer de-
cided to replace 0.5 lb. of corn, or 0.45
Effects on milk production
tively affected by both saturated fats (P
< 0.05) and CaSFAs (P < 0.05) but less
ing 50 lb. per day of dry matter and that
trol, a 2.5% DMI depression was found.
This finding is reiterated in the National
Effects on DMI
ity effects of four different fat products
ids delivered by either CaSFAs or FFAs.
cient for digested fat than digested car-
fat to the diet does not always result in
lished in the Journal of Dairy Science
(Chilliard, 1993; Allen, 2000), it is evi-
numerically greater DMI than CaSFAs.
■ 4 — FEEDSTUFFS, March 14, 2005
served to be inert in the rumen in an invitro trial (Sukhija and Palmquist,
CaSFAs were 58% biohydrogenated in
calving for lactating cows to reach posi-
total energy intake was the key factor.
(2000) estimated a reduction of only 3.5-
ible energy intake (DEI) was greater than
in DMI, the level of energy intake is lim-
ited, which, in turn, limits the return to
Effects on reproduction
effects of unsaturated fatty acids on fi-
showed significant positive effects of ru-
rations on services per conception, preg-
Sklan et al. (1994), Moallem et al. (1997),
nation of negative results, positive results
tide concentrations in lactating cows.
differences (P < 0.05) between treatments
for either first service conception rate or
bilization of body fat stores. This study
vidual fatty acids contribute very little
early-lactation cows in these studies.
90%) in the digestibility of dietary lip-
March 14, 2004 FEEDSTUFFS — 5 ■
centrations in the non-esterified fatty ac-
ids (NEFA) fraction of follicular fluid in
estradiol-active versus estradiol-inactive
or estradiol-less active follicles as deter-
efficient between these unsaturated fatty
follicular fluid suggested that preovula-
of the dry period (i.e., close-up cows).
physical properties, particularly for on-
crease in these two fatty acids and an in-
farm use. PHT is limited primarily by its
crease in the proportion of palmitic acid.
fraction of follicular fluid of estradiol-
active follicles over the inactive or less
in their diets had higher (P < 0.05) preg-
active follicles. Stearic acid in the phos-
cantly higher (P < 0.05) than the less
active or inactive follicles (26.4 versus
greater DMI and palatability of FFAs.
to be pregnant at 220 days postpartum.
highly correlated (r = 0.58, P < 0.0001)
These results are the first to show a ben-
efit when fat was fed to dry cows. A pos-
REFERENCES The extensive list of references may be found at or by contacting Tim Lundeen at ■
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