Mycotoxins and Indoor Molds Sean P. Abbott, Ph.D. Originally published in Indoor Envronment CONNECTIONS, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2002. INTRODUCTION
included irritation of oral/ nasal passages and
syndromes include "Hepatitis X" in dogs and swine.
necrotic lesions of respiratory and digestive tracts,
All are characterized by congestion and hemorrhage
With a growing awareness of the potential hazards
in various organs and histological lesions in liver
of chemical and biological agents in our homes,
schools and workplaces, a greater emphasis has
Alimentary Toxic Aleukia (ATA) caused by T-2
been placed on evaluating the role of mycotoxins
toxin, another potent trichothecene, reached
Recently, together with medical mycologist Lynne
and mycotoxin-producing fungi in our indoor
epidemic proportions during World War II in
Sigler (Univ. Alberta Microfungus Collection,
environments. Now, more then ever, the potential
Russia. In some districts 10% of the population and
Edmonton, Canada) and mycotoxicologist Jens
health effects of airborne molds and other biological
livestock contracted the often fatal illness. ATA was
Frisvad (Technical Univ. Denmark, Lyngby), I was
contaminants are being given serious consideration
caused by ingestion of grain infected with Fusarium
involved with the first confirmed report of human
poae and F. sporotrichioides that had overwintered
rubratoxicosis (Sigler et al. 1996). Three teens
in the field. Symptoms include subcutaneous
drinking toxic moldy homemade rhubarb winebecame critically ill with rapid onset of fever, chills
What are mycotoxins?
haemorrhages, leukopenia, lymphocytosis, and
and severe vomiting and were diagnosed with acute
Simply, a mycotoxin is any toxic fungal metabolite.
acute degeneration of internal organs.
liver failure. One received an immediate liver
Fungi produce a variety of secondary metabolites as
transplant. Mycotoxins in the wine were suspected
a byproduct of their metabolism. Those capable of
Aflatoxin, perhaps the most famous of all
since mold had been noted during the wine making
eliciting deleterious effects on other organisms are
mycotoxins, remains one of the most potent
classified as mycotoxins. Mycotoxicosis can be
carcinogens of natural origin known to man. In
defined as illness resulting from ingestion,
1952, an outbreak of 'moldy corn toxicosis' was
Initial inspection of the wine and containers showed
inhalation, or other involvement with mycotoxins.
caused by the consumption of mouldy corn by
no visible mold growth, but the wine was yellowish,
Mold mycotoxins of primary concern here elicit a
swine in southern USA. Another outbreak in 1960,
unlike the typical rosé color of rhubarb wine.
harmful effect on humans. Other substances such as
Turkey 'X' disease, caused the death of 100,000
those produced by poisonous mushrooms are also
portions of the wine to agar media. Colonies of a
mycotoxins, and mycetismus is the term applied to
hepatocarcinogens produced by Aspergillus flavus,
blue-green mold were isolated and identified by toxin
mushroom poisoning as a distinct category of
A. parasiticus, and A. nomius. Symptoms include
profile and by macroscopic and microscopic features
mycotoxicosis. The discovery of antibiotics
anorexia, lethargy, muscle weakness, liver
produced by fungi revolutionized the treatment of
haemorrhages and necrosis, engorged kidneys and
disease because the compounds are sufficiently non-
liver cancer. There is at least one human case of
Animal studies at the Univ. Alberta Hospitals
toxic to the host. In nature, mycotoxins are a
acute aflatoxicosis (severe hepatitis) in India. Long
provided evidence that a mycotoxin was responsible.
chemical defense for fungi and have evolved as
term effects of diets containing aflatoxin are
Two adult mice were inoculated with 0.5 and 0.2 ml
mechanisms for antiherbivory and to provide a
correlated with high incidence of liver disease in
of filter sterilized wine. The mouse that received the
competitive advantage when colonizing new
certain regions. While acceptable levels of aflatoxin
in food are about 15 ppm, samples of contaminatedfood in Nigeria measured 100 ppm, maize in India
Wine samples and a mold isolate were analyzed for
Historical Mycotoxicoses
15,000 ppm, and corn in USA reached 320,000
mycotoxins. The main mycotoxin in the wine was
The study of mycotoxins originally centered on the
rubratoxin B. Analysis of cultures showed the
health effects of ingestion of toxic fungal
presence of additional toxins, including rugulovasine
byproducts from growth of fungi on food and
Yellow Rice Disease, or Shoshin-kakke, was
livestock feed. A review of the historical
prevalent in Japan during Sino-Japanese war and
hepatotoxin, but these were not present in the wine.
significance of mycotoxins sets the stage for more
after World War II. This potentially fatal, agonizing
P. crateriforme is capable of breaking down colored
recent work with inhalation myctoxicosis studies.
disease resulted from consumption of rice infectedwith Penicillium citreoviride. The toxin,
matter from the rhubarb accounting for the winediscoloration . The high level of rubratoxin in the
Ergotism or St. Anthony's Fire, is one of the oldest
citreoviridin, causes paralysis, cardiovascular
wine may be due in part to the acidic environment
known mycotoxins. Early records attributable to the
disease inlcude the Spartan war with Athens in 430BC. In 1093 the Order of St. Anthony was
Ochratoxin mycotoxicoses is linked to endemic
Although ingestion of mold contaminated food rarely
established for victims of St. Anthony's Fire, a
Balkan nephropathy, a fatal kidney disease of young
has consequences as serious as the liver failure
crippling disease of unkown origin. In 1673 in
people living near the Danube River. Ochratoxin, a
reported here, this case demonstrates potential risks
France, the disease was linked to consumption of
powerful nephrotoxin and hepatotoxin, is also
associated with common indoor molds.
grain infected with ergot (sclerotia of Claviceps
implicated in an outbreak of procine nephropathy
purpurea), and in 1770 an epidemic resulted in the
(swine are extremely sensitive) in Denmark in the
first ergotism control measures. Today, the FDA
1920's. Aspergillus ochraceus, Penicillium
has set limits on ergotalkaloid levels, and food
verrucosum and related species commonly produce
grains are strictly monitored. Two forms of the
ochratoxin in grain, dried beans, peanuts, green
disesase, gangrenous and convulsive ergotism, are
coffee beans, and hay. Estimates suggest that most
European pork has trace amounts of ochratoxin,
primarily from Penicillium verrucosum and P. nordicum, species particularly prevalent in northern
Stachybotryotoxicosis was one of the first mold
mycotoxicoses to draw scientific study and pavedthe way for a broader understanding of the hazards
Case Study: Rubratoxicosis
posed by mycotoxins. It was first recorded in the
First recognized in the 1950's as ‘Hemorrhagic
Ukraine in early 1930's, primarily affecting horses
Syndrome in Poultry’, the mycotoxicoses caused by
fed hay infected with Stachybotrys chartarum
rubratoxins after consumption of moldy feed
Penicillium corylophilum
containing trichothecene mycotoxins. Symptoms
resulted in 40% mortality. Other agricultural
present on surfaces and in air allows for assessment
investigators to quickly and objectively identify the
of active growth within buildings and the potential
nature, extent, and distribution of building-related
for mycotoxin production based on the species
health complaints. Investigations (publications
identified can be inferred. In many cases, the
Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (ODTS)
pending) utilizing the EpIAQ software have
underlying question is simply “Is active mold
Inhalation exposure to mycotoxins was first
objectively demonstrated the direct association
growth occurring indoors”? A genus level
recognized in agricultural workers exposed to
between indoor toxigenic fungal exposure and
identification is sufficient in most cases, but for
extremely high levels of airborne molds. A variety
particular cases where correlations are being made
of fungal and bacterial toxins were potentially
to health effects it may be necessary to have all
involved in the acute toxicological disease termed
fungi identified to species. This can be especially
important in groups such as Penicillium orAspergillus where different species produce vastly
‘NIFIES’ and ‘Sick Building Syndrome’ (SBS)
differing types and quantities of toxins.
The health effects of mold exposure have been well
Referred to simply as ‘stachy’ in the trade,
described but the specific mechanism of disease
Stachybotrys chartarum has served as the flagship
remains incompletely understood. Extensive
attention has been given to airborne molds as
environments. The sinister reputation as the ‘toxic
potential allergens or infectious agents. However,
black mold’ may be well founded in the potency of
the few published studies of occupants of mold-
the suite of trichothecene toxins produced.
contaminated buildings have not convincingly
Trichothecenes, including the potent satratoxin, are
demonstrated the clinical syndrome is consistent
cytotoxic compounds, capable of killing cells.
with an immediate (e.g., allergic rhinitis, asthma) or
Carcinogenic effects are occasionally reported, but
delayed (e.g., hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
there is no evidence of carcinogenicity of these
hypersensitivity reaction, with no immunological
toxins. Other immune suppressive compounds have
markers correlating with clinical illness. Indeed, the
also been isolated from Stachybotrys. Although S.
consistent finding that most occupants of mold-
chartarum is by far the most frequently encountered
contaminated buildings experience rapid onset of
species, others such as S. cylindrospora and S.
symptoms upon entering the building and rapid
echinata are also found occasionally indoors and
resolution each time they leave strongly suggests a
are both known to produce similar toxins. The first
toxicological, rather than allergic mechanism. SBS
cases of human stachybotrytoxicoses were a result
was applied to unexplained symptoms of occupants
of inhalation exposure of the spores by handlers of
primarily in office buildings, and the disorder has
contaminated hay and straw. Without adequate PPE,
been described as a “building-related illness arising
remediators of mold-contaminated buildings are at
from microbial contamination of building materials
similar risk of high mycotoxin doses. (See the
caused by condensation and leaks” (AIHA 1996)
article devoted to Stachybotrys chartarum in the
and more vaguely as “building-related symptoms”
Chaetomium globosum
Infectious Fungal Indoor Exposure Syndrome
Indoor sampling protocols should involve a variety
(NIFIES) has been proposed to describe the illness
Other trichothecene producing molds can also be
of sample types to get a well-rounded assessment.
typically first called SBS (Craner 1999). Symptoms
found colonizing wet, cellulosic substrata in indoor
Areas of visible mold may be sampled directly by
include eye, nose and throat irritiation/ inflamation,
environments. These include Fusarium,
sending bulk material or tape-lift samples for
respiratory symptoms such as cough and chest
Myrothecium, Trichothecium and Cylindrocarpon.
identification. Sampling should include air
tightness, fatigue, papular rash, and neurocognitive
Additionally, Trichoderma species are known to
monitoring in selected problem and non-problem
symptoms such as short-term memory loss and
produce sesquiterpenes, toxins very similar to
areas with an outdoor comparison sample.
concentration problems. Medications such as
Culturable and non-culturable methods have
antibiotics, antihistamines, and asthma drugs are
differing sensitivities or capabilities. Although
ineffective because mycotoxicoses are non-
Penicillium and Aspergillus species are common and
either method will usually detect major problems, a
infectious, non-communicable, and do not elicit
important molds in the human environment and are
combination of the two provides for the most
among the main agents of spoilage in human and
reliable interpretation. The culturable method
individuals have complete clinical improvement
animal food. Many species are known to produce a
employs samplers such as the Andersen N6, Biotest
shortly after removal of the mycotoxin source,
diversity of toxins (Table 1), making them among the
RCS, SAS, EM Science MAS 100 and others that
either through relocation or remediation of the mold
most important indoor molds to recover and identify.
draw air across agar media, impacting the fungal
Carcinogenic effects of inhaling Aspergillus flavus
spores have been confirmed by animal studies.
identification of the fungi that grow. The main
Route of exposure
advantage is that precise identifications are
Mycotoxins affect occupants in buildings primarily
A number of common molds on decaying leaves
possible, crucial for species ID of Penicillium and
through inhalation. Many small mold spores (2-10
(phylloplane fungi) are able to colonize cellulosic
Aspergillus, and important for the recovery and
microns) are respirable into the alveoli, the terminal
building materials. Some species of Alternaria,
recognition of a wide variety of potentially
portion of the lungs where oxygen exchange
Cladosporium, Bipolaris and Arthrinium are known
toxigenic molds such as Paecilomyces, Fusarium,
between the lungs and blood occurs, and in which
to produce toxins. Moderate levels of these fungi
Trichoderma, Phoma, Acremonium, and Wallemia.
soluble toxins contained in the spores enter the
are common as a result of outdoor air exchange
Non-culturable or ‘spore-trap’ samplers such as the
blood stream. However, the toxicology and
with the interior of the building. Several species are
Zefon Air-O-Cell, Burkard, Allergenco, BioSIS,
also well known allergens and active indoor growth
cyclex-d and others have demonstrated excellent
distribute throughout the body and selectively
is potentially problematic. Other cellulose
ability to allow sensitive detection of Stachybotrys
produce symptoms remains poorly understood.
degrading species such as Chaetomium and Phoma
spores present in low levels. They allow for rapid
Currently, no reliable biological marker (e.g., blood
may produce toxins. Chaetomium is an ascomycete
analysis when required and adequately determine
test) has been developed to demonstrate the
that is especially common on water damaged paper
the levels and proportions of various spore types
presence of such agents in the body.
determined to genus or broad category. Althoughthey lack some specificity in identification, they
Epidemiology Sampling for fungi
recover types of spores that do not grow or compete
The validation and circumscription of widespread
Currently, the method of choice for assessing
well in culture. They have the additional advantage
health effects in cases of SBS has been hampered
potential exposures to mycotoxins in indoor
of collecting all airborne particles for microscopic
by inadequate occupant questionnaires, incomplete
environments involves the detection of mycotoxin-
observation and non-fungal biological elements
environmental investigations and small sample
such as pollen, insect parts, epithelial cells, fiber
sizes. New software, EpIAQ™ (Epidemiological
identification of fungal propagules. Determining
Indoor Air Quality) developed by at Verdi
types and prevalence of various species of fungi
Abbott, S.P. 2002. Mycotoxins and Indoor Molds. Indoor Environment CONNECTIONS. 3(4):14-24
glass and carbonaceous debris may be detected to
and lack of specificity tend to preclude its use in
Frisvad, J. and U. Thrane. 2000. Mycotoxin
further broaden the scope of the IAQ investigation.
production by common filamentous fungi. In:Introduction to food- and airborne fungi. CBS,
Analysis for mycotoxins SUMMARY AND CURENT STATUS
Although sampling for fungi is standard in IAQ
Kirkland, K. 2001. Health hazards from exposure to
studies, direct or indirect analysis for toxins is also
mycotoxic fungi in indoor environments. The
possible. Isolates recovered from indoor samples
can be assayed for toxin production, but given the
Despite a growing body of evidence linking
variable nature of toxin production based on
Sigler, L., S.P. Abbott, and J. Frisvad. 1996.
mycotoxins produced by indoor molds to adverse
Rubratoxin mycotoxicosis by Penicillium
effects on human health, a recent AIHCE/AIHA
temperature and competition with other microbes,
crateriforme following ingestion of home-
panel concluded that there is “at this time not
the presence or absence of toxins produced under
enough evidence to support an association between
experimental conditions does not confirm toxin
mycotoxic fungi and a change in the spectrum of
production was occurring in situ. Examination of
illness, severity of illness or an increase in risk of
Sean P. Abbott, Ph.D., is Analytical Director of
bulk material for toxins is also possible, but more
illness” (Kirkland 2001). Reminiscent of early
a.k.a.MOLDLAB in Sparks, NV, andoversees
complicated due to interference of background
doubts regarding health effects of other exposure
analysis of air and surface samples to determine
material and mixed species assemblages. Perhaps
related illnesses such as smoking, we await more
whether growth of fungi and bacteria is occurring
the most limiting factor is the enormous diversity of
detailed scientific studies to corroborate and explain
indoors and the level of microbial contamination
toxins produced by fungi (Frisvad and Thrane
the expanding pool of increasingly convincing
present. With over 15 years experience indoor air
2002), including many that remain uncharacterized
observational data that we are confronted with in
quality and mycology, Dr. Abbott has over 30
(Table 1). Toxicological tests utilize a comparison
publications and has written one book, from his
standard, so unknowns must be run for each
research projects on airborne molds as biological
individually profiled mycotoxin, making analytical
hazards, opportunistic human pathogens, andReferences fungal systematics. His current interests include
ACGIH. 1999. Bioaerosols: assessment and control
assessing methods of detecting mold contamination
Sampling for volatiles, or mVOC’s, given off by
in buildings, optimal sampling protocols and
microbes as a byproduct of their metabolism has
AIHA. 1996. Field guide for determination of
sample analysis methods, potential effects of
also been used to determine fungal growth in
airborne molds on human health, and the biology of
buildings. Many of these compounds are alchohols,
fungi in the human environment. You can reach him
aldehydes, ketones and other organic chemicals that
Craner, J. 1999. Building-related illness in
by calling (775) 356-6653 or by email at
are not mycotoxins and likely have little health
occupants of mold-contaminated houses. In:
effects on occupants at the levels present. mVOC
Bioaerosols, Fungi and Mycotoxins, Eastern
testing offers an additional parameter in cases
where traditional means are inconclusive, but cost
TABLE 1: Selected mycotoxins produced by some common indoor molds and other economically important fungi.
altenuene, altenusin, alternariol, altertoxin, tenuazonic acid
aflatoxin, austin, citrinin, cytochalasin, fumitoxin, nidulotoxin, ochratoxin, patulin, sterigmatocystin, tremorgenicmycotoxins (fumitremorgen, penitrem, territrem, verruculogen), viomellein, vioxanthin, xanthomegnin
cytochalasin, sporidesmin, sterigmatocystin
chaetoglobosin, chetomin, chaetochromin, chaetosin, cochliodinol, sterigmatocystin
ergotalkaloids (egrine, ergometrine, ergonovine, ergotamine, ergotoxine, lysergic acid), secalonic acid
fumonisin, fusaric acid, fusarin, fusarochromanone, moniliformin, trichothecenes (deoxynivalinol, T2 toxin), zearlenol,zearalenone
citrinin, citreoviridin, citromycetin, erythroskyrin, ochratoxin, griseofulvin, luteoskyrin, oxaline, patulin, penicillic acid,roquefortine, rubratoxin, rugulosin, rugulovasine, tremorgenic mycotoxins (penitrem, territrem, verruculogen),verrucosidin, viomellein, viridicatin, xanthomegnin
brefeldin, cytochalasin, secalonic acid, tenuazonic acid
griseofulvin, trichothecenes (isosatratoxin, roridin, satratoxin, trichodermol, trichoverrol)
roseotoxin, trichothecenes (trichothecin)
Abbott, S.P. 2002. Mycotoxins and Indoor Molds. Indoor Environment CONNECTIONS. 3(4):14-24
Gespräch zur Kunst im öffentlichen Raum “Vulnerability and Resistance The Public Dis / Appearance of Bodies” Vorträge und Diskussion zum Themenkomplex “Doing Art in the Public Realm“ am Donnerstag, den 30. Jänner 2014, 16.00 Uhr im Kunstraum Niederoesterreich konzipiert, kuratiert und moderiert von Elke Krasny mit Khan Adalat, Clifford Erinmwionghae, Mari