If you are prescribed antibiotics after surgery, please What to Watch For
Please contact our office for any of the following: medications for 1 week before and 2 weeks Oral temperature greater than 100.5 ° F Excessive redness, swelling, or drainage at the You will need to avoid blood thinners (Aspirin, Coumadin, Lovenox, Plavix) for 1 week prior to surgery. In most For general medical problems such as sore throat, cases, you may restart them (at the doctor’s discretion) 4 cough, nasal drainage, etc., please contact your days after surgery or 4 days after drains are removed. primary care physician. You should also contact Remember, ABSOLUTLEY NO MEDICATION
your primary care physician regarding in questions REFILLS WILL BE PROCESSED ON THE
about your routine medications not prescribed by WEEKEND. Please plan accordingly. Contact your
pharmacy to process all refill requests. For medical emergencies, please call 911 or report Exercise/Activity
Avoid riding in a car for 2 weeks – unless medically The best exercise is walking. Small amounts done frequently are best. Try to set a goal to walk a little more each day. This of course will depend on your Kyphoplasty/Vertebroplasty
Wear the white compression stockings given to you at the hospital for 2 weeks following surgery. You 6160 Windhaven Pkwy, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75093 can take them off when walking but should wear Successful surgery depends not only on the success them at night and when inactive for prolonged of the procedure, but also on your cooperation and compliance during the post-operative period. To DO NOT SMOKE. Smoking may delay the healing
assist you in this process, below are instructions and of your surgical wound. See your primary care guidelines to fol ow during your recovery period. physician if you need assistance to quit smoking. You will not be able to drive for approximately 2 weeks after this type of surgery. There will be a small incision on your back. Your incision will be assessed at your post-operative It is the policy of this office to advise you not to drive while under the influence of pain medications. Begin changing your dressing daily after discharge from the hospital unless directed otherwise by Return to Work
If you can work from home, you can begin doing light desk/phone work as tolerated about 1-2 weeks You may shower but you need to cover the incision
with a plastic covering to keep it dry. Do not soak
the incision in water for 6 weeks.
If you have to report to the office to perform your job, you will be able to do this at 2-3 weeks after surgery. Do not put creams or ointments on the wound for the first 3 weeks – or until incision is healed well. You will be restricted to light desk/phone type work. Pain Relief
If your job requires heavy physical activity, you will be unable to perform this type of work for at least 12 Our office will provide you with prescription pain medication to help with your surgical pain. You should use these medications sparingly and only as Follow-up
directed. It is expected that most of your pain can You have a follow-up scheduled with one of our be managed with over the counter medications such ___________________________. Please arrive at least 10 minutes early to check in. As your incision heals, we would expect you to begin weaning from prescription medications. This should begin about a week after surgery. Date of Surgery: _____________ Scheduled Surgery Time: ____________ Hospital Arrival Time: _____________ No food or drink after midnight day prior to surgery.


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CNA International Life Informacion General Escribir toda la información en letra deimprenta o en máquina de escribir 1. Nombre del asegurado propuesto 2. Dirección residencial del asegurado propuesto 3. Pagador de las primas (si es distinto al asegurado propuesto) 4. Plan de seguro Si es Universal Life, y beneficio por fallecimiento (Si es Universal Life) El primer pago de

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