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e By James L. Borders, MD
p Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Medications are unable to modify the long-
o leading cause of death in the US. Because
smoking, the incidence of this disease is inhalers that dilate the airways or inhaled increasing. The rate of rise of this disease c of increasing smoking rates among women airway muscle spasm.
Pulmonary rehabilitation programs include education and training to improve exercise tolerance and reduce anxiety, shortness of therapy programs offer this form of therapy.
patients who have reduced oxygen levels.
Disease Collaborative Effort of the World whom it is required will prolong survival.
health professionals and the general public. sensation of shortness of breath is not due but, rather, increased carbon dioxide levels.
that is not fully reversible (as opposed to asthma). It usually progressively worsens Hypertension (continued from page 3)
inflammatory response to noxious particles From recent clinical trials such as the Life HealthScope is published by
Trial with Cozaar, it has been established Omega Medical Research
that angiotensin receptor blockers such as angiotensin system. Other agents are being monitoring COPD is office spirometry.
utilized that change sterol metabolism and lth This is a simple breathing test which thickness of heart muscle which is seen in have a potential benefit in reducing blood hypertensive patients. With the utilization pressure and reducing obesity at the same time. These drugs are currently in active The primary risk factor is cigarette smoking and stay in close touch with their personal a although occupational dusts and chemicals physician at the first sign of any formof development of strokes. Other studies with reducing blood pressure to target goals so decision to quit. It is helpful to set a quit receptor blocker class have shown a major e important and cost-effective measure at thereby reduce the incidence of congestive his family and friends the quit date, and to function especially in hypertensive diabetic patients who are spilling protein in their infarction in the future. In addition, by about smoking cessation, improving coping targeting therapy as we are currently doing, skills in those who have the disease, and have been shown to reduce the proteinuria in diabetic hypertensive patients and also hypertrophied heart or thick heart muscle in hypertensive patients and also protect the kidneys, especially in diabetic patients.
released in this country for approximately means of not only lowering blood pressure Omega Medical Research is seeking patients for the following studies. Compensation is available.
By Lynne A. Haughey, FNP, Omega Medical Research, Warwick, RI
We always need volunteers so we can conduct studies to learn more about important new pain, redness, heat, swelling, stiffness, investigational or marketed drugs for diseases. When you volunteer to participate in one of our drug trials, you contribute to the development of medical therapies that can ultimately help thousands of people. Please let us know if you would like to have your name added to our mailing their life. People with insomnia report that going through menopause will, at one time or list. If you have a known chronic condition, it is very likely that you will be asked to participate in they can’t fall asleep or can’t stay asleep. This a study. Please contact our office if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.
leads to unsatisfactory sleep, followed by We are currently enrolling individuals for these research studies: Study Compensation up to:
OA, or degenerative joint disease, is the more than 20 million adults in the US.
Some call OA “wear and tear” arthritis. It Postherpetic Neuralgia (pain after shingles) Cucumber Salad
great pain and restriction of movement.
previously injured by trauma, infection or people at any stage of life, it is reported more hereditary. The quality of life of people often in women and the elderly. In seniors, up for an underlying condition can be considered.
to 25% are affected. Thus, poor quality sleep So remember, it is important to talk to your For more information, call 401-739-3573. Ask for Patty Feole, RN.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
health care professional about your sleep patterns and to have any health problems or the joint lining. It most frequently affects considered a normal part of aging. Continual spoon cucumbers over sliced tomatoes.
loss of sleep can lead to depression or affect other health conditions. Hot flashes are the Peach Shortcake
Melvin J. Tonkon, MD, FACC, FACP, Apex Research Institute
Some tips to help you fall asleep:
Over the years, hypertension has been treated 1. Visualize something peaceful:
Hypertension remains the silent killer in the by numerous and various classes of medications.
Just lie in bed with your eyes closed and imagine you are in your favorite, most peaceful place.
Americans have hypertension. The majority Thirty years ago, blood pressure medications It may be a sunny beach, or swinging in a hammock. Whatever it is, imagine you are there. See of patients with hypertension are now at least invariably consisted of high dose diuretics or the surroundings; hear the sounds. Just relax and enjoy, and, drift off to sleep! diagnosed which is a major improvement in the water pills as well as combinations with other last thirty years. However, only 25% of the agents. Quality of life was not the issue and 2. Quiet Ears:
hypertensive population is controlled to the many patients dropped off of anti-hypertensive This is an ancient Eastern meditation used as a great way to fall asleep. Lie on your back with goal levels now set at less than 140/90 for most medication because of intolerable side effects. tating, and life-changing joint damage.
your hands cupped behind your head, fingers interlocked, and palms cupping the back of patients but less than 130/80 for diabetic your head-get relaxed. Place your thumbs on your ears so you are pressing the outer flap of With the arrival of Ace inhibitors in the mid- your ear and blocking the entrance to the ear canal. Lie quietly and listen for a high-pitched standard and most clinical research trials and oil, stirring just until dry ingredients sound that you will gradually hear inside your head. Lie there for 10-15 minutes and angiotensive receptor blocks first released in concentrate on that sound, then put your arms to your side and go to sleep! the mid-1990’s, we now have effective anti- lightly floured surface, and knead lightly hypertensive drugs are looking for these goals.
hypertensive medications that do not adversely that lasts for 30 minutes or less, and the 3.Toe Wiggling:
Hypertension is known as the silent killer stiffness decreases with activity. Patients dough into a 1⁄2-inch-thick round. Bake at This will assist you to relax your body. Lie on your back and wiggle your toes up and down 12 because many do not recognize its ramifications In fact, when we evaluate new investigational times. Wiggle the toes of both feet at the same time. This will relax your body inside and out by lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack.
for many, many years. The number one cause that can last for an hour or longer.
anti-hypertensive agents today, it is not only Cut shortcake in half horizontally; place creating a relaxing free energy flow.
for hospital admissions for those over 65 years getting patients to the goal blood pressures of of age is congestive heart failure and the less than 140/90 or less than 130/80 in diabetic leading cause for congestive heart failure is patients but also to have medications that have poorly or inadequately treated high blood including juice, over top of shortcake.

Source: http://www.omegastudies.com/omr_news_sum06.pdf


she may experience and have direct access to the treatment centre by telephone or local occurred during the period of organogenesis. An increased incidence of skeletal abnormalities was observed with an oral dose of 1 mg/kg/day in rabbits (possibly due to maternal toxicity) while Clinical efficacy of early medical abortion is defined as complete abortion without surgical an increased incidence


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