Preliminary programme iscb2010 - febr 28

Preliminary programme (February 28, 2010)
Monday September 6th

08.00-09.00 Registration and coffee in the exhibition area

09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction
Dr. P.I. Johansson and Dr. J Stensballe
09.15-10.15 Session 1: Critical bleeding – overview of concepts

Physiology of massive bleeding (15 min) Damage Control Resuscitation (15 min)
10.15-11.45 Session 2: Coagulopathy of Critical Bleeding

Crystalloids vs. Colloids: What is the new evidence? (20 min) Case Questions & Discussions 11.45-12.30 Lunch in the exhibition area

12.30-13.45 Session 3: Monitoring of haemostasis
Platelet function analysers (15 min) The Endothelium - How close can we get (15 min)
13.45-15.15 Session 4: Coagulopathy of Trauma - a new entity or an old tale?

Chairmen: Dr. P.I. Johansson and Prof. J.R. Hess YES - Acute Traumatic Coagulopathy (20 min) NO - DIC with haemorrhagic phenotype (20 min) Cases Questions & Discussions Preliminary programme (February 28, 2010)
Monday September 6th (cont)
15.15-15.45 Coffee in the exhibition area
15.45-16.30 Session 5: Best Posters – oral presentations (5)

16.30-18.00 Session 6: Blood products and critical bleeding – what is the evidence?

Chairmen: Prof. D. Fries and Dr. S. Stanworth
19.30 Optional
Preliminary programme (February 28, 2010)
Tuesday September 7th
08.00-09.45 Session 7: Alternatives to blood transfusion
Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (20 min) Tranexamic Acid- CRASH-2 Breaking news! (20 min)
09.45-10.15 Coffee in the exhibition area

10.15-11.45 Session 8: Surgical and endovascular strategies in critical bleedings
Chairmen: Prof. B.A. Cotton and Dr. J. Stensballe Prof. K. Boffard Damage Control – Decision-making (20 min) Timing and communication of strategies (20 min) Endovascular intervention – definitive or damage control measures (20 min)
11.45-12.30 Lunch in the exhibition area

12.30-13.30 Session 9. Pre-emptive strategies – Avoiding critical bleeding!

Chairmen: Dr. T. Gaarder and Prof. D. Spahn Antithrombotics on board – what to do? (15 min) A multidisciplinary approach in obstetrics – Clot, Coil & Pack! (15 min) Preliminary programme (February 28, 2010)
Tuesday September 7th (cont)

13.30-15.30 Session 10. Resuscitation in Critical Bleeding – How do I do it!

Chairmen: Prof. R. Dutton and Dr. J. Stensballe Dr. P.I. Johansson
15.30-16.00 Coffee in the exhibition area
16.00-16.15 ISCB2010 TrygFonden Best Poster Award

16.15-17.15 Session 11. Future directions

Chairmen: Prof. K. Boffard & Prof. D. Spahn 17.15-17.30 Closing remarks by Dr. P.I. Johansson



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