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Non Hazardous Active Microbiological material in a lyophilised (freeze dried form). COMPANY DETAILS: Company: IDENTIFICATION Megan Vac 1
An active biological agent for the immunisation ofPoultry against Salmonella typhimurium Infection. Physical Description / Properties
Information unavailable, not thought to be flammable
Other Properties Ingredients:
Gene deleted Salmonella typhimurium antigen solution
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Vaccine is composed of live, gene deleted bacteria which have notbeen found to be harmful to humans and are fully susceptible to thefollowing antimicrobials:
Ciprofloxacin (Quinolones) by mouth or iv3rd generation cephalosporins ivtrimethoprim – sulfamethoxazole
May cause mild diarrhoea following ingestion.
Not considered to be an eye irritant. In the event of accidental contact, immediately flush with water continuously for a minimum of 15 minutes. If an irritation develops, consult a medical practitioner.
Not considered to be a skin irritant. Thoroughly wash with soap and water following prolonged contact. If an irritation develops consult a medical practitioner.
Not considered hazardous, however the operator should always weara face mask and goggles suitable to prevent spray entering the eyes,nose or mouth.
Not considered a normal route of potential exposure. First Aid
Vaccine is composed of live, gene deleted bacteria which have notbeen found to be harmful to humans and are fully susceptible to thefollowing antimicrobials:
Ciprofloxacin (Quinolones) by mouth or iv3rd generation cephalosporins ivtrimethoprim – sulfamethoxazole
May cause mild diarrhoea following ingestion.
In the event of accidental contact, immediately flush with watercontinuously for a minimum of 15 minutes. If an irritation developsconsult a medical practitioner.
Thoroughly wash with soap and water following prolonged contact. If an irritation develops, consult a medical practitioner.
Persons affected by an allergic type reaction due to inhalation of thevaccine should be removed from the Poultry Facility and MedicalAssistance should be sort immediately.
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Advice to Doctor:
Repeated exposure to the Spray Aerosol administration of Megan
Vac 1 may result in an allergic type reaction in sensitive individuals. Use of a face mask andgoggles will limit exposure to vaccine particles. See Other Information Section. PRECAUTIONS FOR USE
Persons administering Megan Vac1 vaccine by spray aerosol
should wear a face mask and goggles that are suitable toprevent the spray entering the eyes, nose, or mouth.
Data unavailable, not thought to act as an accelerant. SAFE HANDLING INFORMATION
Not listed as a Dangerous Good. Transport in a Chilly Bin
to maintain temperature between 2 - 7˚, do not freeze.
Incinerate container and all unused contents, or neutralise
vaccine container and remaining contents in a suitabledisinfectant solution prior to disposal in appropriate garbagesystem.
The adjuvants and vaccine components to which humans have been previously sensitised can cause Allergic or anaphylactic (Type 1 Hypersensitivity) reactions. These reactions usually occur shortly after inhalation and are characterised by difficulty in breathing, sometimes rapid skin eruptions or rashes and shaking. Immediate inoculation of Epinephrine is recommended. CONTACT POINT:
LA VOCAZIONE DI AMOS E L'APOSTATA AMATSIA: FEDE E CORRUZIONE A CONFRONTO Come gli altri profeti, anche il profeta Amos ha avuto, in tutta la pienezza del termine, un ministerio profetico e ha sostenuto un'azione rilevante su coloro che lo circondavano, esortando di continuo e rimproverando nel Nome di Dio e compiendo appieno l'ufficio di araldo del Signore. Il profeta Amos è uno dei d
Stellungnahme der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsökonomie (dggö) zum Vorbericht „Kosten-Nutzen-Bewertung von Venlafaxin, Duloxetin, Bupropion und Mirtazapin im Vergleich zu weiteren verordnungsfähigen medikamentösen Behandlungen“ Da es sich um die erste Kosten-Nutzen-Bewertung des Instituts für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) handelt,