Approved minutes-strategicplanningcommittee 1-27-12

Friday, January 27, 2012 9:00 a.m.
Educational Services Center Board Room
770 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90017
Participants: Belinda Acuña, Dean, Institutional Effectiveness; David Beaulieu, President, District Academic Senate; A. Susan Carleo, President, Los Angeles Valley College; Ryan Cornner, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness, East Los Angeles College; Yasmin Delahoussaye, Vice Chancellor, Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness; Donald Gauthier, Vice President of Equivalency, District Academic Senate; Carol Kozeracki, Dean of Institutional Research, Pierce College; Jorge Mata, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology; Richard Moyer, Vice President, Academic Affairs, East Los Angeles College; Maury Pearl, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor, Institutional Effectiveness; Tom Rosdahl, Academic Senate President, Pierce College; Joanne Waddell, President, Los Angeles College Faculty Guild; Curtis Smith, AFT 1521; Sarah Master, Senior Researcher, District Office Review Minutes of the October 21st and November 29th Meetings Yasmin Delahoussaye passed out the minutes for the October 21st meeting that Laurie Green completed. She was unable to complete the November 29th minutes and therefore they did not reflect the entire meeting which David Beaulieu pointed out. The minutes were not approved but will be revised and brought back to the next meeting for approval after the tape of the meeting is review again. Yasmin agreed to review the tape and add in any missing discussions. Discussion- LACCD Strategic Planning Website Yasmin showed the committee the new LACCD Strategic Planning website that was created by Bradley Vaden from Trade Tech. She asked for feedback from the group. Several suggestions were made: 1) the link needs to be more noticeable. Perhaps surround it in a box, increase font, and/or delete some of the other items in “What’s new?” as they are no longer new. 2) Separate each item so they are distinct from one another and link directly to their own page (i.e. Student Success, Strategic Planning, and AtD) and 3) There needs to be a narrative description somewhere that helps people understand the three projects and how they interrelate. Additional Studies Maury’s office prepared additional studies for the committee to review. The first study was the success rates in online classes. Passing rates are lower for on-line courses than for traditional courses. It was noted that some students may need a specialized orientation or prep in advance of taking an on-line course to help facilitate their success in the course. One suggestion was that the district should develop a philosophical statement or policy clarifying what kinds of classes we offer on-line and why we offer them as on-line classes. Carol made the observation that the data seems to show that students are not as successful in completing on-line courses. She asked, “who is responsible for reviewing the data and making adjustments/ decisions?” Minutes – Strategic Planning Committee Meeting David Beaulieu responded that the Distance Ed committees on each campus reviews data, considers issues, and makes recommendations. The committee requested that Maury send out a data relating to on-line courses by campus and instructor. Ryan asked for clarification about the definition of hybrid. He noted there may be variations depending on frequency of face to face contact with instructors. Is there a district standard for what is considered hybrid? Exit point data- Maury shared with the committee an exit points study for the District and where we are losing students. There is a huge disparity between ethnic/racial groups. For example in transfer math, 37% of Asian students complete their transfer level math course within four years but only 5% of Black students do so. David and Yasmin met with the Math Council to discuss the Exit point data and the impact of the new Title 5 three attempts policy. The two courses in the District that will have the largest number of students blocked from a 4th attempt will be Math 115 (Beginning Algebra) and Math 125 (Intermediate Algebra). Math agreed to form Faculty Inquiry groups who will explore the redesign of courses and try pilots to move more students through to completion. Faculty Inquiry Groups and other actions of this nature are part of our AtD initiative and can improve success rates of students. FIG’s provide faculty with an avenue for dialogue, sharing of best practices, and collaboration. Don pointed out that the examination of exit points provides insight into places where we cannot conduct interventions. Maury explained the nature of the exit points study. He told the committee that ATD encourages us to examine the data to look at what is happening, when, and then design interventions based on the findings. Three attempts policy- The committee discussed projected revenue loss to the district due to this new repeatability policy. We may recoup some revenue from students who take courses they could not previously get seats for but eventually the pipeline of students will dry up. David asked if there was a way for us to grandfather students in? Yasmin replied that the state did not allow for grandfathering in and instead will require districts to look at a student’s entire enrollment history. Yasmin also said that colleges could allow a 4th attempt but that it was a local campus decision to do so since they cannot claim that student for apportionment. Ryan said that ELAC is already discussing this in Enrollment Management. The considerations for colleges will include budget implications, loss of FTES, etc. Yasmin told the committee that she prepared a PowerPoint to assist campuses in training staff. It has been widely disseminated to campuses. Hopefully it will be used to train faculty and staff so that they can answer questions. Joanne asked a question about how we get the word out to campuses and students. West L. A. has a good communication example on their website. New Threats: State and Federal Aid- The committee was informed that there will be an increase in student fees this summer from $36 to $46. The state is also considering verifying income and limiting who is eligible for a BOG. Meanwhile, the federal government has limited the maximum semesters that a student can receive a Pell grant to no more than 12 semesters. Reviewed program mission statements- Revisions were suggested by the committee. The concern is that the statement that we selected still needs to be wordsmith. Yasmin said she would do it and send it out to the group for final review. Minutes – Strategic Planning Committee Meeting Revision of vision statement- Group agreed on the types of phrases to be used. The vision statement will also be revised then sent out to group at later date -­‐ Key phrases to include: leaders in student success; equity; regional workforce, etc. Discussion of Core Values- A sub-committee was formed (Carol, Maury, Joe, Yasmin and an AFT Classified Representative) with Don as the chair. The sub-committee was asked to also look at the inclusion of the words access, equity, accountability, transparency, and diversity. Discussion about CTE/Workforce SWOT analysis- Yasmin passed out a CTE/Workforce SWOT analysis handout detailing the responses that she received from four campuses. Marvin was asked to interpret the SWOT for the group since Chito could not attend due to a prior commitment. Marvin said the Board needs to understand the concerns of CTE- specifically threats affecting maintenance of programs and innovation. For example, if a program like green programs doesn’t pan out, how will the campus use their labs? He went on to say that certain CTE programs are expensive and need funding for maintenance and that new programs should be given time to be promoted and grow. They should not be closed without sufficient time to see if they can be viable. Marvin suggested that people be brought in to obtain their feedback. Maybe Maury can assist by pulling data related to community needs, relevancy, etc? David suggested that faculty be surveyed to find out their issues. Also faculty need to be given time to research and write new curriculum. One suggestion was that consideration be given to regionalizing CTE programs with the net result being cost-savings and reducing duplication. A concern was express that while that may be practical for the district, it may not work for the students. Students may not have transportation of funds to travel to a regional center. Discussion of Strategic challenges/advantages- Revisions were made to this page of the strategic plan template. Increasing accountability requirements was changed to increasing accountability mandates from the state and federal government. Complex district systems was changed to complexity of district policies and procedures and weak employee development was changed to faculty, staff and administrative professional development. Discussion about revisions to goals: The committee discussed the creation of four broad goals for the next strategic plan: 1) Access and Preparation for Success 2) Teaching and Learning for Success 3) Organizational Effectiveness 4) Collaboration and Resources Minutes – Strategic Planning Committee Meeting


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Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / s l e e pThe factors associated with preferences for napping and drinking coffee ascountermeasures for sleepiness at the wheel among Japanese driversShoichi Asaoka, Takashi Abe, Yoko Komada, Yuichi Inoue ⇑ Department of Somnology, Tokyo Medical University, 6-7

NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INSURANCE LEGISLATORS (NCOIL) BEST PRACTICES TO ADDRESS OPIOID ABUSE, MISUSE & DIVERSION Adopted by the NCOIL Executive Committee on November 24, 2013, and by the Workers’Compensation Insurance and Health, LTC & Health Retirement Issues Committees on November22, 2013. Sponsored for discussion by Rep. Bill Botzow (VT) 1. BACKGROUND In early 2012, NCOIL began

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