Curriculum vitae



United States
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ph.D. Social Psychology (Mathematical Statistics Minor), 1978. (Diploma date: 1979) Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, M.A. Psychology, 1975. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, B.A. Psychology (Math Minor), 1973.
Professor, Department of Psychology, Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania,
Faculty Development Officer, Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, July 2004 – Fulbright Visiting Lecturer in Psychology, Korea University and Sungshin Women’s University, Chair, Department of Psychology, Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, July Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, July 1987 - 1992, tenured 1988. Fulbright Visiting Lecturer in Psychology, University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria, September 1989 – August, 1990. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, August 1983 - June 1987. Scientist, Associates for Research in Behavior, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Oakland University, Rochester, Research Associate, Reproductive Biology Research Foundation, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1977 - August 1978, Research Assistant, January 1977 - May 1977. Instructor, Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USPHS Predoctoral Fellow, September 1975 - December 1976. Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Teaching Assistant, Department of Psychology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Supervisor, Developmental Skills Tutorial Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Mentor, Developmental Skills Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale,
COURSES TAUGHT (Past 10 years):

Psychology Capstone: Senior Studies I & II Inquiry 101 – Laptop (Pilot and subsequent years) From 1983 through 2004 annually advised four to eight Senior Theses (including Honors Theses)
Westminster College Drinko Center Faculty/Student Collaboration Grant. E-Prime Application for the Study of Facial Emotions in Context. 2012. Westminster College Diversity Climate Survey. Drinko Center Grant for faculty/student collaboration. Role: Project Director. 2012 Westminster College Faculty Research Grant. E-Prime Experiment the Agency and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (Rural Arts Alliance) Grant to fund Koop Retrospective field trips for school students in Lawrence and Beaver counties. With Patrick Krantz and Kathy Koop. 2010 Consortium of College and University Media Centers Donald A. Reick Research Grant. WikiKlips: Student Generated Mini-Lab Demo Podcasts. 2009. With Gary Swanson.
Westminster College Faculty Research Grant. E-Prime experiment on the Dimensions of National Science Foundation, CCLI-Phase 1. Integrating a Psychology Curriculum Through the Incremental Building of Computer Skills. 2009 – 2011. McCandless Scholar Award to investigate extension of Han research to Chinese samples. Westminster College Research Award. 2004-05. Fulbright Scholar University Lecturing Award to teach Psychology Research Design and Statistics at Korea University and Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea. 2000-2001. National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education, Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement, grant # DUE-9461206. Neural, Social and Electronic Networks: A Cluster Course Approach. Role: Project Director. July 1996 – June 1998. Fulbright Scholar University Lecturing Award to teach Psychology Research Design and Statistics at the University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria. 1989 - 1990. National Science Foundation, Division of Teacher Preparation, grant # TEI-875-1223. High School Psychology Teachers' Science Skills Equipping Project. Role: Westminster College Faculty Research Grant. Data Analysis of Stress Cycles. Role: Westminster College Faculty Research Grant. Path Analysis of reactions of victims of spouse abuse. Role: Principle Investigator. 1983 - 1984. Department of Defense (MRA&L) contract awarded for the Tracking of Attitudes toward the Reserve components. Role: Co-Technical Director and Data Analysis Bio-Medical Research Grant awarded for the study of gender and deception. Role: PUBLICATIONS:

Webster, S.K. (2012) Pursuing Han. The Korea Fulbright Infusion, 5,
Knupsky, A.C. & Webster, S.K. (2012) Sustaining success: 40 years of the Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference. CUR Quarterly, 32(4), 28-32. Hoffman, R.L., Webster, S.K., & Swanson, G.L. (2010). WikiKlips: Using vodcasts on wikis for student team lab reports, CCUMC College & University Media Review. 16, 43-51. Medvin, Mandy, Alan Gittis, Kirk Lunnen, Jamie McMinn, Sherri Pataki, Sandra Webster (2011). CURQ vignettes: Additional examples of undergraduate research for all - Undergraduate research in a psychology/neuroscience curriculum. CUR Quarterly, 32(1), 4-5. Medvin, M. B., Webster, S. K., McMinn, J. G., Lunnen, K. M., Pataki, S. P., & Gittis. A. G. (2011). Undergraduate research for all works well: A psychology/neuroscience curriculum. CUR Quarterly, 32(1), 4. Koop, Kathy. RetroSpectacular: Variations in Clay and Wood from 1973 to 2010. (2010) Exhibition Catalog edited by J.A. Perkins, with S.K. Webster, K. McConnell, R.G. Webster. Westminster College: Dawn Valley Press. Webster, S. K., McMinn, J., Lunnen, K., Medvin, M., Pataki, S., & Gittis, A. (2007). Multi-level integration of student research in a psychology/neuroscience curriculum. In K. Karukstis and T. Elgin (Eds.), Developing and sustaining a research-supportive curriculum: A compendium of successful practices. (pp. 379-387). Washington, D.C.: Council on Undergraduate Research. Webster, S.K., McMinn, J.G., Lunnen, K., Medvin, M., Pataki, S., & Gittis, A. (2006). “Multi-level Integration of Student Research in a Psychology/Neuroscience Curriculum.” CUR Quarterly, 26(3), 133-139. Webster, S.K. (2007). Hand in hand: Research design and statistics for the behavioral sciences. Cincinnati, OH: Thomson-Atomic Dog Publications. Webster, S.K. (2004). Teaching psychometrics in South Korea through a reunification attitude study. East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teacher Learning. (Eric Document Reproduction Service No. ED461813CG031575) Webster, S.K., Kim, Hee-woung, Kim, Soyeon, Jeon, Jin-su, & Lee, Jung-im. (2001). University of student attitudes toward reunification. The Korea Fulbright Review, Summer 2001, 4-9. Webster, S.K. (2001). Hand in hand: Research design and statistics for the behavioral sciences. Webster, S.K. (2001). Sharing secrets and counter narratives. Psychology of Women Quarterly, Webster, S.K. & Kelliher, T.P. (1998). Intro through internet psychology. Resources in Rothenberger, S.A. & Webster, S.K. (1998). Gender, group status and importance as determinants of conflict response. Resources in Education. (CG029219) Webster, S.K. (1995). Laboratory manual and printouts to accompany Hand in hand: Research Design and Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences. Self-Published. Webster, S.K. (1990). Hand in hand: Research design and statistics in the behavioral Webster, S.K. (1991). Integrating computing into the psychology curriculum. The Joe Wyatt Challenge: 101 Success Stories of Information Technologies in Higher Education. EDUCOM: Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K., & Webster, R.G. (1990) A Fulbrighter's guide to Nigeria. USIS: Washington, Webster, S.K. (1990). A short guide to ethical principles for undergraduate psychology experiments. The Psychologist, II(2), 4-7. Rosenberg, P.A., & Webster, S.K. (1983). Drug therapy decision rules among physicians: Decision rule segmentation: Advances in Consumer Research, 10. Bauman, J.E., Kolodny, R.D., & Webster, S.K. (1982). Vaginal organic acids and hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle. Fertility and Sterility, 38(50) 572-579. Webster, S.K., Weiner, B., & Feldman, S. April, (1982). Reserve components attitude study, Wave IV: 1981 data tables. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number: MDA903-79-C-0617. Webster, S.K., Feldman, S., & Wolf, A. May, (1982). Reserve component attitude study: Major findings and implications 1981 tracking study. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number: MDA903-81-C-0617. Feldman, S., Wolf, A., & Webster, S.K. April, (1981). Issues related to recruitment of enlisted personnel for the reserve components: Major findings and recommendations 1980 tracking study. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number: MDA903-79-C-0491. Webster, S.K., Stigelman, M., & Feldman, S. (1981). Issues related to recruitment of enlisted personnel for the reserve components: Data tables 1980 tracking study. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number: MDA903-79-C-0491. Webster, S.K., Robertshaw, W.G., & Feldman, S. June, (1981). Issues related to recruitment of enlisted personnel for the reserve components: Focus group report 1980 tracking study. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number: MDA903-79-C-0491. Webster, S.K., Feldman, S., & Wolf, A. July, (1981). An issue paper: Prior satisfaction with military service and propensity for further service. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number:MDA903-79-C-0491. Webster, S.K., Feldman, S., & Wolf, A. July, (1981). An issue paper: Social influencers of youth propensity for military service. Prepared for the Assistant Secretary of Defense (MRA&L), Contract Number: MDA903-79-C-0491. Bauman, J.E., Kolodny, R.D., Dornbush, R., & Webster, S.K. (1979). Efectos endocrinos del uso cronico de la mariguana en mujeres. In Cuadernos Cientificos Cemesam 10: Simposio Internacional Sobre Actualizacion En Mariguana, M. Souza y Machorro, M.A. Espel, & J. Viroldo, (Eds.) Centro Mexicano de Estudios en Salud mental, Tlalpan, Mexico. Webster, S.K., Martin, H.J., Uchalik, D., & Gannon, L. (1979). The menstrual symptomquestionnaire and spasmodic/congestive dysmenorrhea: Measurement of an invalid construct. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2(1), 1-20. Webster, S.K. (1979). Problems for diagnosis of spasmodic and congestive dysmenorrhea. In A. Dan, E. Graham, & C. Beecher (Eds.), The menstrual Cycle: A Synthesis Of Interdisciplinary Research. New York: Springer. Dornbush, R.L., Kolodny, R.D., Bauman, J.E., & Webster, S.K. (1978). Human female chronic marijuana use and endocrine functioning. Neuroscience Abstracts, 4:490. Webster, S.K. (1978). Attributional approaches to the relationship of symptoms to cognitive performance across the menstrual cycle. Doctoral Dissertation. Frank, D., Dornbush, R.L., Webster, S.K., & Kolodny, R.D. (1978). Mastectomy and sexual behavior: A pilot study. Sexuality and Disability, 1(1), 16-26. Webster, S.K. (1975). The effects of suspicion and sex of experimenter in a social psychological experiment. Master's Thesis. Webster, S.K., DiMicelli, A.J., & Reid, E.C. (1976). Human aggression in a social motivational context: An integrative approach. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. Ed 138 906). McNeel, S.P., Webster, S.K., & Hausfeld, J. (1976). An application of the geometric model of social motivation. Bulletin for The Psychonomic Society. 8(3),215-217.
Webster, S.K., & Guman, N. (2013, August). The Effects of Personal Engagement on
Perceptions of Facial Emotion in Others. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI. Webster, S.K. (2013, August). Using COEUR to Assess the Institutional Context for Undergraduate Research in Psychology. Paper presented as part of the panel Using COEUR to Improve Undergraduate Research in Psychology at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu, HI. Webster, S.K. (2013) Undergraduate Research: Strategies for Avoiding, Overcoming or Circumventing the Obstacles. Invited pre-conference workshop for the Southeastern Conference on the Teaching of Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1-2, 2013. Webster, S.K. (2013). Real Teaching + Real Research = Real Learning, Keynote Address, Undergraduate Research in Psychology Society for the Teaching of Psychology Online e-Conference, January 25, 2013. Webster, S.K., & Struthers, D. (2012, August). The Dominance Dimension of Emotion: Agency Tangled with Outcome. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida. Webster, S.K., Nicholson, D. & Struthers, D. (2012, August). McSTEP: Metacognition Self Test with E-Prime Project. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, Florida. Webster, S.K., Lenox, T, Armstead, D., Robertson, K, & Kennedy, S. (2012, June). Preparing Women for Success in STEM Graduate Education. Workshop presented at the Council for Undergraduate Research Conference, The College of New Jersey. Lenox, T., Struthers, D. & Webster, S.K. (2012, June). Parallels in Research Design and Computer Programming Skills Development for Beginning Undergraduate Researchers. Workshop presented at the Council for Undergraduate Research Conference, The College of New Jersey. Flint, J. & Webster, S.K. (2012, March). Safe Crisis Management: Investigating Trainers’ Violence Intervention Error Detection. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K. Barcus, M.K. & Struthers, D.M. (2012, March) Embodiment of the Data vs. Practice Calculations. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Walters, A. & Webster, S.K. (2012, March). Exploration of the Hemispheric Differences in Number Processing of the Brain. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K., Barcus, Mikayla-Katrina C., Hoffman, R.L. & King, Justin, and Taylor, Jack . (2011, August). Applying the IAT to Measuring the Dimensions of Emotion. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K., Barcus, Mikayla-Katrina C., and Baker, Adam J. (2011, August). Integrating E- Prime into Undergraduate Research Projects: Year Two. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Gittis, A., Webster, S.K., Lunnen, K. and McMinn, J. Integrating a Psychology Curriculum Through The Incremental Building of Computer Skills. Poster presented at the NSF CCLI Project Director’s Conference, Washington, D.C. January 27-28, 2011. Gittis, A., Schatz, M. & Webster, S.K. Workshop on Adapting Computation into Undergraduate Stem Curricula. Presented at the NSF CCLI Project Director’s Conference, Washington, D.C. January 27-28, 2011. Webster, S.K., Swanson, G.L. & Hoffman, R. L. WikiKlips: Using Vodcasts on Wikis for Student Team Lab Reports, 2010 Consortia of College and University Media Centers, Buffalo, New York, October 7, 2010. Webster, S.K. Metacognition, Student Learning and the LMS, 2010 Penn State Shenango Teaching Conference Meeting the Challenges of the 21st-Century Classroom, Sharon, PA, October 15, 2010. Webster, S.K., Hoffman, R.L. & Baker, A.J. (2010, August). Inducing dominant and subordinate emotions with E-Prime. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. Webster, S.K. (2010, August). God is Up: Undergraduate E-Prime Lab Activity Replicating Maier, et. al (2007. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. Webster, S.K., Swanson, G. & Hoffman, R. (2010, July). WikiKlips:Using Vodcasts on Wikis for Student Team Lab Reports. Digital Showcase presentation at the Improving University Teaching Conference, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K., Oxenford, C., Zubizaretta, J. & Hensel, N. (2010, July). Two Birds, One Stone: Learning with our Students through Collaborative Scholarship. Panel member at the Improving University Teaching Conference, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K., Larson, S., Armstead, D. Resendes, K. Siefert, P. (2010, June). Finding the Fit of Undergraduate Research in Early Faculty Career Development. Workshop presented at the Council for Undergraduate Research Conference, Ogden, Utah. Webster, S.K. & Altman, J. (2010, June). Wiki Work with Undergraduate Research: Collaboration, Supervision and Networking. Workshop presented at the Council for Undergraduate Research Conference, Ogden, Utah. Webster, S.K. & Lenox, T.L.(2010, March). Institutionalizing ‘Hurricane-Strength’ Undergraduate Research Programs. Presented as part of the panel “Supporting Faculty in High-Impact Practices” at the Association of American Colleges and Universities meeting, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K., DeSalvo, Nancy, Ade, Andrew, King, Jacque, Robertson, Kathy, Lenox, Terri & Koop, Kathy (2009, May) Integrating Undergraduate Research across the Curriculum through the Senior Capstone. Workshop Panel presented at the Teaching Professor Conference, Washington, D.C. Webster, S. K. (2009, August). Multidimensional scaling of emotion into pleasure, arousal, and dominance dimensions. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Webster, S. K. and Baker, A. (2009, March). The effect of target agency and target gender on emotion perception. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Convention, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S. K., Postema, J., Perttu, D., and Fleming, S. (2009, March). Side by side: The Westminster Moodle and Sakai Pilot Project. Poster presented at the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education Summit, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Webster, S. K. (2008, August). Experimentally inducing dominance and pleasure through agency and essay valence. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Webster, S. K. (2008, August). Culturally sensitive research and teaching in Nigeria and South Korea. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Webster, S. K. (2008, August). Making meaning: The Fulbright experience and transformational learning. Panel member at the Improving University Teaching Conference, Glasgow, Scotland. Webster, S. K. (2008, June). Finding the fit of undergraduate research in early faculty career development. Workshop presented at the Council for Undergraduate Research Conference, Saint Joseph, Minnesota. Webster, S. K. (2008, June). Getting started early with APA scientific writing style. Workshop presented at the Council for Undergraduate Research Conference, Saint Joseph, Minnesota. Webster, S. K. (2007, October). Creating and maintaining a classroom culture of respect. Interactive workshop presented at the 2007 Professional Organization of Developers Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S. K. (2007, August). Be the data: Class exercises on dispersion and the t-test. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. Webster, S. K. and Ko, Y.G. (2006, August). Linguistic analysis of Korean and English emotion descriptors for Han. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. Webster, S. K. (2005, July). Teaching on three continents: Lessons learned from research methods and statistics students. Paper presented at the 2005 International Improving University Teaching Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S. K. & Ko, Y. G. (2005, August). Ways to ease the pain: Korean and American men and women. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K. & Ko, Y.G. (2004, August). Gender and generation effects on perceived consequences of Han. Poster presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Beijing, China. Webster, S.K. & Ko, Y.G. (2003, August). South Korean and American negative emotion attributions: Gender and age. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada. Webster, S.K. & Ko, Y.G. (2002, August). Generational and gender effects on Korean perceptions of Han. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois. Webster, S.K. (2001, August). Teaching psychometrics in South Korea through a reunification attitude study. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. Webster. S.K. (2001, March). Pursuing Han: A psychological investigation of Korean College Student Perceptions. Fulbright Forum, Korean American Education Commission, Seoul, South Korea. Webster, S.K. & Carney, M. (2000). Perceptions of parent conflict styles predict adult psychological well being. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Psychological Association, Taejon, Korea. Webster, S.K. & Hershell, A.D. (2000, August). Incoming freshmen coping styles and college outcomes four years later. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K. (2000, June). Multivariate statistics in undergraduate research. As part of the Panel, Research methods and statistical procedures that foster scientific reasoning in undergraduates—and those that don’t. Council on Undergraduate Research, CUR 2000, Wooster, Ohio. Webster, S.K. & Webster, R.G. (2000, March). Distributed learning applications in Laptop Inquiry 101. Double workshop presented at CIC/EDUCAUSE/C-CUE 2000, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K. (1999, August). Technology Integration: Hitting a moving target. Part of the symposium, Toward a well-integrated, research rich undergraduate psychology curriculum: One department's journey. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Kelliher, T.P., Zimmerman, J. & Webster, S.K. (1999, June). Cyberfluency in the 21st Century: Vive le cyberspace. ASCUE-99, Association of Small Computer Users in Education, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Webster, S.K. & Kelliher, T.P. (1998, August). Intro through Internet Psychology. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. Webster, S.K. (1998, October). Coping and the class of '98. 1998 Westminster College Henderson Lecture, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. Rothenberger, S.A. & Webster, S.K. (1998, August). Gender, group status and importance as determinants of conflict response. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. Pontius, A. & Webster, S.K. (1999). The effects of unconscious transference on the accuracy of eye witness testimony. Poster presented at Posters on the Hill, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. Grove, L.B. & Webster, S.K. (1999, April). Couples in conflict: An examination of relationship, power and gender. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, Rhode Island. Stover, A., Webster, S. K. & Park, K. (1998). A path model to predict role conflict and psychological well being in non-traditional students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts. Webster, S.K., Burns, J., & Rothenberger, S. (1996). The interaction of presentation ear and music training on spatial performance. Paper presented at the XXVI International Congress of Psychology, Montreal, Canada. Webster, S.K., Herschell, A.D., Foulkes, R.T., & Carr, M. (1995). Self concept, coping strategies, and perceived stress among entering college students. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society Association, New York, New York. Herschell, A.D., Webster, S.K., Foulkes, R.T., & Carr, M. (1994, March). Self-concept, coping strategies and perceived stress among college students. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. Webster, S.K. (1993). The effects of rhythm complexity on mood and cognitive performance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Webster, S.K., Radjenovic, L., & Woods, A.M. (1992, October). The connections between music, cognition and emotion. Paper presented at the Annual Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, Lincoln, Nebraska. Webster, S.K., & Ojiji, O.O. (1991, August). A cross-cultural comparison of music lateralityeffects on spatial learning. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. Webster, S.K., Gittis, A.G., & Stanczak, R.J. (1991, August). Training high school teachers to teach psychology as a science. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California. Webster, S.K., & Ojiji, O.O. (1990, April). The effects of bilateral presentation of music on a spatial reasoning task. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Nigerian Psychological Association, Enugu, Nigeria. Webster, S.K. (1990). American values viewed by an American in the Nigerian context. Paper presented at the Nigerian American Studies Association Meeting, Jos, Nigeria. Webster, S.K. (1990). Statistical Modeling: A tool for policy makers. Paper presented at the Nigerian Statistical Association Meeting, Northern Zone, Maiduguri, Nigeria. Webster, S.K. (1990). Microcomputer Applications in U.S. psychology. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Nigerian Psychological Association, Enugu, Nigeria. Webster, S.K., Gittis, A.G., & Stanczak, R.J. (1989). High School Psychology Teachers' Science Skills Equipping Program. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. Webster, S.K., & McFadden, K. (1986). Powerstat. Benedum Regional College Computer Enrichment Program, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Grimes, J., Segatto, H., & Webster, S.K. (1986). PsychLearn. Benedum Regional College Computer Enrichment Program, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K. (1986). Powerstat Demonstration. Benedum Regional College Computer Enrichment Program, Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K., & Cranford, J. (1986). Use of computers in student research. Benedum Regional College Computer Enrichment Program, Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K. (1985). Computer equity: Academic computer equity. Paper presented at the Tenth National Conference on Feminist Psychology, New York, New York. Scott, W., & Webster, S.K. (1984). Gender differences in the attributional effect of videotape self-observation. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Webster, S.K. (1982). The triumphant victim: Alternative models of victim reactions from science fiction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K., Sicilia, G.T., Wolf, A., & Feldman, S. (1982). Veteran's satisfaction with military service and propensity for further service. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K. (1981). Young women's and young men's perceptions of military service. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California. Webster, S.K. (1979). Attributional approaches to the relationship of symptoms to cognitive performance across the menstrual cycle. Paper presented at the Sixth Annual National Conference on Feminist Psychology, Dallas, Texas. Webster, S.K., Bauman, J.E., Kolodny, R.D. (1979). The biochemistry of dysmenorrhea. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York. Bauman, J.E., Kolodny, R.C., Dornbush, R.L., & Webster, S.K. (1979). Effect of chronic marijuana use on endocrine function of the human female. Paper presented at the New York University Post-Graduate Medical School Second Annual Conference on Marijuana: Biomedical Effects and Social Implications, New York, New York. Bauman, J.E., Kolodny, R.D., Dornbush, R.L., & Webster, S.K. (1978). Endocrine effects of human female chronic marijuana use. Paper presented at the Simposio International Sobre Actualization en Majihuana, Mexico City, Mexico. Dornbush, R.L., Kolodny, R.D., Bauman, J.E., & Webster, S.K. (1978). Human female chronic marijuana use and endocrine functioning. Paper presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, Missouri. Webster, S.K. (1978). Politics of menstrual cycle research. Paper presented at the National Conference on Feminist Psychology: Research, Theory and Practice, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Webster, S.K. (1978). Problems in drawing policy implications from menstrual cycle research. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Brown, L., & Webster, S.K. (Co-Chairs) (1978). Open Symposium: Issues and research on psychology of women. Symposium chaired at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Webster, S.K. (1977). Feminist and traditional research methodology. Paper presented at the National Conference on Feminist Psychology: Research, Theory and Practice, St. Louis, Missouri. Webster, S.K. (1977). The pragmatics of program evaluation; The interface between evaluator and practitioner. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Social Psychology Graduate Student Conference, St. Louis, Missouri. Webster, S.K. (1977). Problems for diagnosis of spasmodic and congestive dysmenorrhea. Paper presented at the Menstrual Cycle Conference, Chicago, Illinois. Dornbush, R.L., Frank, D., Webster, S.K., & Kolodny, R.C. (1977). Mastectomy, sexual behavior and attitudes: A pilot study. Paper presented at the International Academy of Sex Research, Bloomington, Indiana. Bauman, J., Kolodny, R.D., Trivedi, L., Webster, S.K., & Dornbush, R.L. (1977). Aliphatic acid levels and hormonal correlates in human vaginal secretions. Paper presented at the International Academy of Sex Research, Bloomington, Indiana. Kolodny, R.D., Bauman, J., Biggs, M.A., Webster, S.K., & Dornbush, R.L. (1977). Endocrine and sexual effects of female chronic marijuana use. Paper presented at the International Academy of Sex Research, Bloomington, Indiana. Webster, S.K., & Liss-Levinson, N. (1976). Police and community attitudes toward rape. Paper presented at the Association for Women in Psychology Mid-Winter Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee. Webster, S.K., McNeel, S.P., & Hausfeld, J. (1976). Measuring social motivation; Applications of the geometric model. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Social Psychology Graduate Student Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana. Webster, S.K., DiMiceli, A.J., & Reid, E.C. (1976). Human aggression in a social motivational context: An integrative approach. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Webster, S.K., Nelson, R., & Wells, B. (1975). The effects of suspicion and sex of experimenter on some behaviors in a social psychological experiment. Paper presented at the Third Annual Social Psychology Graduate Student Conference, Lawrence, Kansas.

Webster, S.K., Wolf, A., & Feldman, S. March, 1982. The market potential for a PCA
tax preparation service. Prepared for FICB of St. Louis, Missouri. Rosenberg, P.A., & Webster, S.K. May, 1982. A focus group report on current perceptions of Loniten and reaction to the new Loniten platform. Prepared for UpJohn, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Rosenberg, P.A., & Webster, S.K. May, 1982. A preliminary assessment of the impact of formulary exclusion on Percoset-5 retail sales. Prepared for Endo Labs, Wilmington, Delaware. Rosenberg, P.A., & Webster, S.K. August, 1982. Major findings of the Anti- depressant study. Prepared for Burroughs-Wellcome, Research Triangle, North Carolina. Rosenberg, P.A., Wilbur, C., & Webster, S.K. August, 1982. Tenormin angina positioning study: Summary of major findings. Prepared for Stuart Pharmaceutical, Wilmington, Delaware. Rosenberg, P.A., Webster, S.K., & Wilbur, C. November, 1982. Graphics II - Summary of major findings. Prepared for Lederle Laboratories, Wayne, Webster, S.K., & Rosenberg, P.A. December, 1982. Major findings of the Tenoretic positioning study. Prepared for Stuart Pharmaceutical, Wilmington, Delaware. Webster, S.K., & Rosenberg, P.A. December, 1982. Major findings of the Loniten positioning study. Prepared for UpJohn, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Miksovic, A., Feldman, S., & Webster, S.K. March, 1982. The market image of Production Credit Associations: Report on phase II. Prepared for FICB of St. Louis, Missouri. Webster, S.K., Zuckerkandel, S., & Feldman, S. December, 1981. A focus report: The market potential for Agrifax refinements and new financially related services. Prepared for FICB of St. Paul, Minnesota. Webster, S.K., Zuckerkandel, S., & Feldman, S. September, 1981. A focus group report on the image of Production Credit Associations. Prepared for FICB of St. Louis, Missouri.

• CUR (Council on Undergraduate Research) Psychology Representative- Elected 2006, • Review Panelist for the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship • Advanced Placement Psychology Reader, 1995 - present.
COLLEGE SERVICE (Past 10 years):

Long Range Planning Committee – 2010-2013 Faculty Development Officer – 2004- 2010 Faculty Development Committee (Ex Officio) – 2004 - 2010
Civic Engagement Task Force (Convener) – 2004-2006
Curriculum Operations Committee – Chair 2002-2004
Ad Hoc Teaching Load Committee, 2002-2005
Chair of the Department of Psychology, 1992-2004
Council of Chairs Secretary and Representative to the Board of Trustees – 2002-2004 Project Director: Koop RetroSpectacular, January –April, 2010. Weiner Blut with Opera Westminster, October 31, 2009. Played the role of Countess Eleonore von Kaunitz.
• Henderson Lecturer Award for outstanding research and scholarship presented by • Distinguished Faculty Award for continued excellence in teaching, scholarship, service and leadership presented by Westminster College in 2012


NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF INSURANCE LEGISLATORS (NCOIL) BEST PRACTICES TO ADDRESS OPIOID ABUSE, MISUSE & DIVERSION Adopted by the NCOIL Executive Committee on November 24, 2013, and by the Workers’Compensation Insurance and Health, LTC & Health Retirement Issues Committees on November22, 2013. Sponsored for discussion by Rep. Bill Botzow (VT) 1. BACKGROUND In early 2012, NCOIL began

terza domenica del tempo ordinario

Commento biblico – musicale dell'introito e traduzioni Il libro di Ester è una delle cinque Meghillôt (in ebr. “rotoli”) e viene letto durante la festa dei Purim. Narra l’avventura di una giovane ebrea che assurge al rango di regina e grazie a questa sua posizione riesce a scongiurare una persecuzione contro il suo popolo all’epoca del re persiano Assuero/Serse. Il testo dell�

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