SHAUGHNESSY NEWSLETTER PROPERTY OWNERS’ FALL, 2004 ASSOCIATION “Working to enhance the value and quality of living in historic Shaughnessy” CURRENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CURRENT MEMBERSHIP: 550 AND GROWING ! York House School Expansion Rezoning
is willing to do and what the neighbours need to protect the livability of their neighbourhood. Primarily, the
commitments made by the school in the revised Good Neighbour Pledge, including their proposed Traffic
York House School is asking the city for a rezoning in
Management Plan, have no enforcement mechanisms
order to build a major expansion, including a 300-seat
built in, despite the fact that the last time around (1992),
performance theatre, and further increasing their site
the school made certain promises to the neighbours and
density. This is a major concern not only for the
never lived up to all of them. Furthermore, if the
neighbours of York House School, but for all of us
neighbours have a problem in the future, there is no
living in Shaughnessy as well. We value the peace and
tranquility of living in Shaughnessy, yet York House School wishes to reserve the option of using its proposed
theatre for commercial purposes in the future, which will
Please visit our website:
bring excessive traffic and parking into an already extremely congested area. Furthermore, it will set a
precedent of allowing a high density development right in the center of Shaughnessy, where no neighbouring
It is continuously updated and contains the
property is anywhere as densely built up as what the
most up-to-date information on the various
school proposes to do. At the very least, the additional
issues facing our community. Our members have also been receiving emails from us if a
traffic and parking problems around the school as a
matter requiring urgent action comes up. IF
result of the expansion are likely to spill out to a wider
neighbourhood, especially if the city puts in resident-
only parking in the immediate vicinity of the school.
AS SOON AS POSSIBLE by emailing us at
Therefore, we must unite and help the York House, or contacting us by
neighbours preserve the livability of their
fax or mail as listed at the end of this
neighbourhood, because in doing so, we will be
preserving the livability of Shaughnessy for all of us and
In the future, we hope to be able to send general meeting notices to you by email or fax, but that will involve a slight amendment
Over the summer, York House School proposed a
of our bylaws. We are awaiting the release of
revised Good Neighbour Pledge, and amended their
the new Societies Act by the government,
expansion plans to include 22 additional underground
which may have an effect on our bylaws,
parking spaces. While the new Pledge looks good on the
before we make any further amendments.
surface, there is still a wide gap between what the school
The proposed school theatre remains the biggest
Our Input to the Police Department
concern, because its seating capacity is high in demand these days by commercial production groups, so that the
On March 27 this year, the Vancouver Police
lure of renting it out will be very tempting. The amount
Department and the Vancouver Police Board co-hosted a
of on-site parking, even with the additional proposed
workshop called “Community Dialogue”. The purpose
spaces, will be grossly inadequate, and the traffic
of this workshop is to seek input on what the top
brought to the neighbourhood will be unacceptable.
community safety issues are, and the preferred methods
Some time in the new year, city staff may decide to put
of police service delivery. They invited participants
this matter to a public hearing. Please look out for such
from 23 geographical communities from the city to
a date in the newspapers, and attend the public hearing
participate, including SHPOA. Our directors Sandra
Kelly and George Chow represented us at this workshop and voiced the safety and security issues in our
Meanwhile, because this matter is of such importance to
Shaughnessy, our board has approved a $2,500 matching fund to the York House Neighbours Steering Committee
This workshop was meant to help determine the
for legal consultation to protect the interests of the York
priorities and goals of the Vancouver Police Department
in striving to improve community safety, and help formulate their 2004-2008 Strategic Plan, which has now been released and can be found at:
Filming Activities in Shaughnessy
At the last AGM, some members complained about
Proposal to make Angus Park dog
excessive filming activities at some locations in Shaughnessy. We talked to the city staff responsible for
approving where film crews could work, and obtained assurance that they would try to avoid overly disturbing
Parks Board staff has proposed to make Angus Park dog
the same neighbourhood over and over again. If you
off-leash and invited comments from us and from the
have a problem with the film crews or their shooting
park’s immediate neighbours. A majority of the
schedule in your area, please directly contact Ms. Muriel
feedback they received was against the proposal. It is
Honey, Manager, Film & Special Events Office, City of
not known at the moment when Parks Board will make a
Vancouver, phone: 604-871-6447, fax: 604-871-6139, or
email: You may also obtain from her the City’s guidelines for approving
New SHPOA bylaws
The new bylaws adopted by our members at the last AGM are now posted on our website. If you would like
Street Tree Replacement
to have a hard copy of the new bylaws, please contact us.
A member also commented that the city is not replacing deceased street trees with new ones of the original
Contact Us
species, thus upsetting the uniformity on certain streets. We found out that the City has a new policy of striving
If you have any questions or comments, please contact
for variety rather than uniformity, and part of the
Peter Kwok, President (tel: 604-730-8223, fax: 604-730-
rationale is that if a fatal disease hits a certain kind of
2979), or email us at
trees (as is now happening on King Edward), not all the
Our mailing address is: P. O. Box 62059, #147 - 4255
trees on the same street will die if there is a variety of
Arbutus Street, Vancouver, B. C., V6J 1Z1.
“Happy Holidays”
(Chinese Translation of the complete Newsletter will be available upon request)
(如有需要取得此份會訊的中文翻譯版, 請與我們聯絡)
APPENDIX A: SUMMARY OF PRE-CLINICAL AND HUMAN DATA ON OI DRUGS IN PREGNANCY FDA PREG- PLACENTAL CONCERNS IN HUMAN RECOMMENDED USE IN REPRODUCTION PREGNANCY PREGNANCY CATEGORY (NEWBORN/M teratogenicity in mice, rats, or rabbits at human levels. mice later in the neonate with use in later pregnancy. reported with streptomycin but not with amikacin. good out
Name:________________________________________________ Date:_____________________Period:__ Nervous Study Guide Know all parts of the brain location and functions Classification of Neurons Synaptic Knob location Vital Centers location Parts of autonomic system Brain Stem Parts of the meninges and location of each The main divisions of the central nervous system Know the different glia and their func