
Suret say
Gönderenin ad ve adresi
Name and address of consignor:
Koyun ve Keçi semeni ihracat için sa
k ve orjin sertifikas
Health and origin certificate to export ovine and caprine semen n ad ve adresi
Orijin Ülke / Country of origin :
Yetkili yerel otorite/Local veterinary services of :
Semen toplama merkezinin ad , adresi ve onay numaras /
Nakliye Arac
Approved numbers, names and addresses of the artificial Identification of the mean of transportation : Yükleme yeri
Dozlar n Miktar
Toplama tarih(ler)i
Verici hayvan n tan
Do um Tarihi
Toplam dozlar n miktar / Total number of doses
Toplama / enjeksiyon tarihi
Tüberküloz / Tuberculosis
Deri testi / Skin test
Brusella/ Brucel osis
EAT + FC / BBAT + CFTELISA / ELISA Leptosipira / Leptospirosis
MAT (australis, grippotyphosa, pomona, tarassovi)2 injections dihydrostreptomycine or LA tetracycline Ben resmi veteriner yukar da tan mlanan mallar n a
daki bütün sa
onaylar m.
I hereby official veterinarian certify that the good described above meet all the health requirements that follow. Yer / Place
Tarih / Date
Resmi mühür
Resmi veterinerin imza ve ka esi ( mza ve mühürün rengi yaz lar n renginden farkl olmal
Signature and personal stamp of the official veterinarian (signature and stamp must be of a different colour to that of the printing) Resmi mühür ve imza tüm sayfalarda olmal The Official stamp and the signature must appear on all separated pages. N ÜLKE VE BÖLGE / COUNTRY AND ZONE OF ORIGIN
1. ……………………….(ihracatç ülke) semenin ilk toplanmas ndan en az 12 ay öncesine kadar ap, s
vebas , koyun keçi vebas vesicular stomatitis, contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, Rift valley
,koyun ve keçi çiçe i, lumpy skin disease ve akabane virus infeksiyonlar ndan ari dir. Türkiye’ye
gönderilen semen ve donör hayvanlar ………………….(ihracatç ülke) orijinlidir ve bu periyot süresince
bu hastal klara kar hiçbir a uygulanmam

Semen and donor animals originate from ……………….(exporting country), which has been free from foot andmouth disease, rinderpest, peste des petits ruminants, vesicular stomatitis, contagious caprinepleuropneumonia, Rift valley fever, sheep and goat pox, lumpy skin disease and Akabane virus infections for atleast 12 months prior to the first collection of the semen destined to Turkey, and no vaccination against thesediseases has been practiced during this period. Ya semen ve hayvanlar n orijin bölgesi ( ………………….(ihracatç ülke) ) enaz 12 ay süreyle mavi dil ve
geyiklerin epizootik hemorojik hastal

ndan aridir.
Either the zone of origin of the semen and animals (……………….(exporting country)) has been free frombluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease of deer for at least 12 months. Yada hayvanlar n mavi dil hastal
ndan ari oldu u test sonucu
Or animals must test free of bluetongue. B. SEMEN ÜRET M MERKEZ / SEMEN PRODUCTION CENTRE
Semen resmi veteriner yetkilileri taraf ndan onaylanan ve denetlenen bir suni tohumlama merkezinde
topland , i lendi ve donduruldu. Belli bir bölgede tüm binalar ve hayvanlar içeren merkez, ayr bak

makinas ve ekipman yla kendi kendine yeten bir ünitedir.
Semen was collected, processed and frozen in an artificial insemination centre approved and supervised byofficial veterinary authorities. The centre, which comprises all buildings and animals within a given perimeter, isa self-contained unit with separate stockmen, machinery and equipment. 2. Merkez, semenin toplanmas
, i lenmesini, paketlenmesini, dondurulmas
ve karantinas
denetleyen bir akridite veterinerin sorumlulu u alt ndad r. Semenin toplanmas , dilue edilmesi ve
paketlenmesi için kullan lan tüm ekipmanlar ya yenidir yada kullan mdan önce temizlenmi ve
dezenfekte edilmi tir.
The centre is under the responsibility of an accredited veterinarian who supervises the collection, processing,
packaging, freezing and quarantine of the semen. All equipment used for collection, dilution and packaging of
semen is whether new or has been cleansed and disinfected before use
3. Türkiye’ye ihraç edilecek semenin ilk toplanmas ndan 1-2 gün öncesindeki dönem merkezdeki tüm
hayvanlar tuberkuloz, bruselloz ( B.abortus, B.melitensis ve B.ovis dahil ), Johne's disease, kuduz,
scrapi, maedi/visna, contagious agalactia ( M.agalactiae, M.capricolum ve M.mycoides subspecies
mycoides large colony type, M.mycoides subspecies Capri, M.bovis ve M.putrefaciens ile infeksiyonlar
dahil ) Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, Corynebacterium ovis infection, ovine or caprine enzootic
(chlamydeous) abortion , Campylobacter fetus infeksiyonu, ,

lumpy skin disease, Akabane, Border
disease (ruminant pestivirus) ve Leptospiroz’un klinik veya di er bulgular ndan aridir.
During the period of 1-2 days preceding the first collection of semen for export to Turkey all animals at the
centre have been free from clinical or other evidence of tuberculosis, brucellosis, (including B. abortus, B.
melitensis and B. ovis), Johne's disease, rabies, scrapie, maedi/visna, contagious agalactia (including infections
with M. agalactiae, M. capricolum, and M. mycoides subspecies mycoides large colony type, M. mycoides
subspecies Capri, M.bovis and M.putrefaciens), contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, Corynebacterium ovis
infection, ovine or caprine enzootic (chlamydeous) abortion, Campylobacter fetus infection,
, lumpy skin
disease, Akabane, and from clinical evidence of leptospirosis and border disease (ruminant pestivirus).

Verici hayvanlar semen toplamadan 1-2 gün önce burusella (B. abortus, B. melintensis ve B. Ovis)
testine tabi tutulmu tur.
Donor animals will be tested 1-2 days before semen collection and must test negative for brucellosis (B.
abortus, B. melintensis and B. ovis).

4. Türkiye’ye ihraç edilecek semenin topland
süre zarf nda semen üretim merkezindeki hiçbir hayvanda
hastal k belirtisi yoktur.
During the period of collection of semen for export to Turkey, there have been no signs of contagious disease inany animals at the semen production centre. 5. Her y l merkezin tüm hayvanlar (k zd
hayvanlar dahil) Bruselloz için Br. Abortus ve B.melitensis
antijenleri kullan larak complement fixasyon testine ve BBAT veya EL SA ya tabi tutuldu ve Avrupa
Birli i standartlar na göre negatif bulundu ve negatif sonuç al nmayan hiçbir hayvan merkeze
al nmad .(2)
Every year, all animals of the centre (including teaser animals) are subjected to a complement fixation test and
BBAT or ELISA, for brucellosis using Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis antigens and interpreted as
negative according to EU standards and no animals entered the centre unless similarly tested with negative
results (2)

Resmi mühür ve imza tüm sayfalarda olmal The Official stamp and the signature must appear on all separated pages. 6. Semen toplama, hayvanlar n semen toplama ünitesine getirilmesini müteakip hayvanlar n hastal klardan
(scrapie, mavi dil, v.s.) ari oldu unu belirten veteriner sertifikas gerçekle tirilebilir. Hayvanlar d ar ya
kapal sürü olup direk olarak semen toplama ünitesine nakledilecektir. Verici hayvanlar CAE için AGID
yada ELISA negatif sonuç için teste tabi tutulacakt r.

Semen may be collected any time after arrival at facility with veterinarian certification that flock is healthy andfree of disease (scrapie, bluetongue, etc.). They are a closed flock not exposed to outside sheep or goats andwill be transported directly to semen collection facility. Donor animals will be subjected to AGID or ELISA test forCAE with negative results. C. DONOR HAYVANLAR VE KIZDIRICILAR / DONOR ANIMALS AND TEASERS
1. Verici hayvanlar semen toplanmadan önce klinik olarak önceki iki paragrafta de inilen hastal klar

ndan muayene edilecektir.
Donor animals will be clinically examined prior to collection of semen and not show signs of the diseases mentionedin the previous two paragraphs. 2. Belirtilen testler semen toplamadan bir kaç gün içinde yap labilir.
The following tests may be run any day before semen collection (even 1-2 days prior to semen collection is

leptospira serotip australis, grippotyphosa, pomona ve tarassovi için mikroskopik aglutinasyon testi (
MAT ) (negatif sonuçlar; e er 1/100 lük serum dilüsyonunda aglütinasyon %50 den daha azsa ).(2)

A microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for leptospira serotypes australis, grippotyphosa, pomona and tarassovi(negative results, if less than 50% agglutination at a serum dilution of 1 in 100); (2) Yada / OR (1)
14 gün arayla 2 enjeksiyon dihydrosteptomycin ( 25mg/kg ) uygulan r, yap lan ikinci enjeksiyonla ihraç
edilecek semenin ilk toplama zaman aras nda enaz 24 saat olmal

2 injections of dihydrostreptomycin (25 mg per kg live body weight) at an interval of 14 days, the secondinjection being given not more than 24 hours before the date of the first collection of semen for export. Yada/ OR
Uzun etkili tetracycline enjeksyonu
Long acting tetracycline injection 3. Bovine tuberculin kullan larak intradermal test yap ld ve Avrupa Birli i standartlar na göre negatif
Tuberculin intradermal test using bovine tuberculin and interpreted as negative according to EU standards.
4. Semen toplama, hayvanlar n semen toplama ünitesine getirilmesini müteakip hayvanlar n
hastal klardan (scrapie, mavi dil, v.s.) ari oldu unu belirten veteriner sertifikas gerçekle tirilebilir.
Hayvanlar d ar ya kapal sürü olup direk olarak semen toplama ünitesine nakledilecektir.

Semen may be collected any time with veterinarian certification that flock is healthy and free of disease providedthey are a closed flock not exposed to outside sheep or goats and are transported directly to semen collectionfacility. donörler
kay tlara
As far as it can be ascertained, and the donor having been examined:
Genetik kusurlar n hiçbir bulgusunu göstermez;
It shows no sign of genetic defects; letal resesif faktörleri ta yan hiçbir nesil üretmedi ve böyle faktörleri ta mas ndan
It has not produced any progeny showing any evidence of lethal recessive factors and is not suspectedof carrying any such factors; - Önemli genetik anormallikler donör hayvanlar n atalar nda veya sonraki nesillerinde
kay t edilmemi tir.
No significant genetic abnormality has been recorded in the ancestry or progeny of the donor animal. D. HRAÇ ED LEN SEMEN / EXPORTED SEMEN
Semen, IETS standartlar na uygun olarak ve sa
artlar alt nda ( infeksiyöz ajanlar taraf ndan
kontaminasyona kar tam koruma sa layabilen ) topland , muayene edildi, i lendi, depoland ve ta nd .
Semen has been collected, examined, handled, stored and transported in compliance with the IETS standards
and under sanitary conditions, which can secure complete protection against contamination by infectious

Resmi mühür ve imza tüm sayfalarda olmal The Official stamp and the signature must appear on all separated pages. Dilue semende enaz a
daki konsantrasyonlar olu turmak için antibiyotikler semene ilave edildi.
Antibiotics have been added to the semen to produce not less than the following concentrations in the diluted
500µg/ml dihydrostreptomycin veya 50µg/ml tylosin
500 ug/ml Dihydrostreptomycin or 50 ug/ml Tylosin 500 µ/ml penicillin 250µg/ml gentamycin
500 iu/ml Penicillin 250 ug/ml Gentamycin 150µg/ml lincomycin
300µg/ml spectinomycin
Semen silinmez tan mlama i areti olan ‘straws’ da paketlendi.
Semen was packed in straws bearing an indelible identification marking.
Semen yeni s
azotlu temiz ve dezenfekte edilmi konteyn rda tutuldu.
The semen has been kept in a clean and disinfected container with fresh new liquid nitrogen. 5-
Semen toplama ünitesinde herhangi bir hayvanda bula
hastal k belirtisi yoktur
There are no signs of contagious disease in any animals at semen production center. Semen konteyn
n° . ta yan resmi bir veterinerin gözetimi alt nda resmi mühür
ile mühürlendi.
The container of semen was sealed with a marked official tamper proof seal in the presence of an official
veterinarian, bearing the n°: ………………………………

(1) Uygun olarak siliniz./ Delete as appropriate
Bütün testler onaylanm laboratuarlarda yap ld ./ All tests are performed in approved laboratories
Resmi mühür ve imza tüm sayfalarda olmal The Official stamp and the signature must appear on all separated pages.

Source: http://www.tarim.gov.tr/GKGM/Documents/Veteriner%20Hizmetleri/SaglikSertifikasi/ithalat/05_abd_koyun_keci_semeni_sertifikasi.pdf

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Accumetrics Closes 2010 With Positive Outlook Pharmaceutical collaboration, GRAVITAS clinical trial results, distribution agreements, and capital financing position Company for continued growth in 2011 December 7, 2010, San Diego, Calif. – Accumetrics, Inc., a privately-held developer and marketer of the VerifyNow® System, the first rapid and easy-to-use point-of-care system for

Pii: s0928-4257(00)00154-6

J. Physiol. (Paris) 94 (2000) 135−138© 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. Published by Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reservedS0928425700001546/FLA Modulation by GABA and delta opioid receptors of neurally induced responses in isolated guinea-pig taenia coli and human colonic circular muscle Éva Makóa,b*, András Z Rónaia, György Ádámb, Gábor Juhászb,L

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