University of Salahaddin College of Science Department of Biology Dr. Hero Mohammad Ismael Academic year: 2011-2012 Course objective: The course will cover Microbial Physiology texts topics with print media and internet articles including schematic diagrams, images and movies that deal with the field of microbial physiology that expanded at an incredibly rapid pace since the last edition of this text. To give full measure to the extraordinary advances made in microbial physiology. The development and implementation of new, highly sophisticated, techniques to study the molecular genetics and physiology of an ever broadening range of microbes has prompted to study this field of the science. The lectures consider with the bacterial structures, microbial growth, nutrition requirements, the factors that affecting growth, micro and macronutrient, enzymes and the metabolism pathways of the microorganism, intermediary metabolism; also deals with antibiotics and toxins production by these microbes. One of the benefits of students taking Microbial Physiology course is that they will become more familiar with the microbial metabolism, and to better appreciate the elegant simplicities and the intricate complexities of microbial physiology, while at the same time realizing that there is still much to be learned. Forms of Teaching: Different forms of teaching will be used to reach objectives of the course: power point presentations for the head titles and definitions and summary of conclusions, metabolisms pathway. The lectures content will be in English language, in addition to discussions and clearing in English, Arabic and Kurdish language if necessary, the lecture will give enough background to translate, solve, and analyze problems sets and different issues discussed throughout the course. Grading: The students are required to do two closed book exams during the academic course, beside the attendance, classroom activities count 25 marks, and there will be final examination on 60 marks as the followings:
Mean of three examination 25% Practical examination 15% Final examination 60% Course material
1- A. G. Moat, J. W. Foster, and M. P. Spector (2002). Microbial Physiology, 4th edition.
2- D. H. Griffin (1981). Fungal Physiology. 3- G. N. Cohen (2011). Microbial Biochemistry. 2nd Edition, Springer 4- T. D. Brock (1990). Biology of Microorganisms, 2nd edition, prentice-
5- G. C. Ainsworth and A. S. Sussman (1969). The Fungi (The Fungal Cell), Academic Press
6- D. T. Wicklow and B. E. Soderstrom (1997). The Mycota (Environmental and Microbial Relationships). Springer.
7- L. M. Prescott, J. P. Harley and D. A. Klein (2005). Microbiogy, 6th
8- R. W. Bauman (2007). Microbiology with diseases by Taxonomy, 2nd
Introduction, course outline of the Science of Microbial PhysiologyMicrobial GrowthGrowth curve
Week 2:Factors affecting growthChemical factors:FungicidesAntibioticsPhysical factors:TemperatureOsmotic pressurepHRadiationCO2
Week 3:Nutritional requirementsMacronutrientCarbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus,, Sulfur, Potassium, MagnesiumMicronutrientCopper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Molybdenum
Week 4:Transport of solutesPassive diffusionFacilitated diffusionActive transport and co-transportGroup translocation
Week 5:Microbial metabolismEmbden-Meyerhof-Parnas (EMP) pathwayHomofermentative organismHeterofermentative organismRespirationThe Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA)The Respiratory chain
Week 6:Entner- Duodoroff (ED) PathwayPhosphoketolase Pathway (Warburg-Dickens- Horecker)Pentose Phosphate Pathway (PPP)
Week 8:Energetic of biosynthesisGluconeogenesisMetabolism of AutotrophsChemolithitrophyPhotoautotrophy
Week 9:Fungal toxinsToxins drived from aminoacidsErgotamine, Lysergic acid and Ergot alkaloidAromatic and Phenolic toxinsAflatoxinsTrichothecens
Week 10:Bacterial toxinsExotoxinsEndotoxins
Week 11:Mechanism of survival:SporulationEndospores and mutationsSpore dormancy, activation and germination
Week 12:Interaction between organismsNeutralismCommensalismMutualismSynergismCompetitionParasitism
Week 13:Microbial pathogenisityBacterial virulent factorsFungal virulent factors
Charles R. Savini, D. V.M. Rhiannon A. Kauffeld, D.V.M. Zachary A. King, D.V.M. 8225 Walnut Grove Road Troy, Ohio 45373 Practice Limited to Equine Medicine and Surgery A SAMPLE ROTATIONAL DE-WORMING PROGRAM December 1 It is recommended that either ivermectin (Zimectrin, Equimectrin, Rotectin 1, etc.) or moxidectin (Quest) be used at this time to kill migrating bot lar
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