Advice to cases: Treatment You have been identified as someone who may have human swine ‘flu’. Anti-viral treatment (Tamiflu® or Relenza®) is given to treat the infection. How is it spread? • Coughing, sneezing and talking • Contact – virus on surfaces can be picked up on other people’s hands which can then spread to their eyes, mouth and nose What should I do now? • Stay at home until the treatment is finished • Drink plenty of fluids • Rest • Take the anti-viral medication that has been prescribed for you • Contact your doctor if you start to feel more unwell. • Wash your hands regularly • Clean hard surfaces and frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, taps) regularly with normal cleaning products. Advice to household members: Prevention Although you have been in contact with someone who may have human swine ‘flu’ your risk of catching it is low. The risk of becoming unwell is low and most infections are mild. Anti-viral treatment (Tamiflu® or Relenza®) is given to prevent the infection. How is it spread? • Coughing, sneezing and talking • Contact – virus on surfaces can be picked up on other people’s hands which can then What should I do now? • If you have no symptoms you do not need to stay at home • Take the anti-viral medication that has been prescribed for you • Contact your doctor if you start to feel unwell • Wash your hands regularly • Clean hard surfaces and frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, taps) regularly with normal cleaning products • Watch for any symptoms especially in the next 7 days e.g. Fever, cough, runny nose Other symptoms including sore throat, aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhoea or vomiting Why am I taking antivirals (Tamiflu® or Relenza®)? They are not a cure but:
Stop the chances of catching flu from a confirmed case Reduce the symptoms if you have flu Warnings Speak to your pharmacist before taking if you Are pregnant or think you may be pregnant Have severe kidney problems (attending hospital) Already take either methotrexate or chlorpropamide Are asthmatic Allergic to lactose
Any side effects? Most people tolerate these medicines very well. During the first one or two days nausea and/or vomiting occur in about 1 in 10 people who take Tamiflu®. Taking the medicine with food is likely to help prevent this. Stomach ache and headache are reported in about 2 in 100 people taking Tamiflu®. For full information read the leaflet in the pack. What else can you do?
Wash your hands often Always use a tissue
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