- The Dynamics of Political Candidate Evaluation
Sung-youn Kim (sung-youn.kim@stonybrook.edu)
Department of Political Science, Stony Brook University
Milton Lodge (mlodge@notes.cc.sunysb.edu)
Department of Political Science, Stony Brook University
Charles Taber (ctaber@notes.cc.sunysb.edu)
Department of Political Science, Stony Brook University
John Q. Public, a computational model of political
mind on the spot influence the evaluations of ob-
cognition which incorporates both cognitive and affective
The accessibility of situational factors, to-
mechanisms, is employed as a voter facing political cam-
gether with the content and structure of prior beliefs
paign information. A series of hypothetical, computa-
determine what considerations and feelings come to
tional experiments show that the model successfully re-
produces a set of well-known empirical phenomena found
– (Attitude Construction and Colorization) An atti-
in electoral research and research on political cognition.
tude toward an object is constructed and/or up-
Specifically, in response to issue and candidate infor-
dated continuously in real time. That is, it is colored
mation, the model reproduces 1) practice, recency, and
by those thoughts and feelings that come to mind
spreading activation effects on recall, 2) cognitive and
at the time of information processing.
attitude priming effects, 3) question order and word-
– (On-line Processing) An affective summary evalua-
ing effects in survey research, and 4) both on-line and
tion (valence) is linked to every object in memory
that has been evaluated in the past and is updated
Given the space limit, only some of axiomatic char-
continuously on every exposure to new information,
acterizations of the model and some of the simulation
thereby reflecting the weighted influence from all
results were presented here. (For formal presentation
momentarily accessible information. That is, the
and full discussion of the model and simulation results,
valence of the new information at the time of up-
see Kim, Lodge, & Taber, MPSA 2004 Conference Pro-
dating is colored by the respective valence of those
thoughts and feelings elicited at the time of expo-sure.
The model is built using ACT-R. Together with the cog-
nitive mechanisms embedded in ACT-R, an affective, at-
The computational experiments consisted of three exper-
titudinal mechanism was incorporated into the model
iments that were identical except for the model’s initial
based on a set of axioms, some of which are the follow-
ideological beliefs - typical conservative, moderate, and
liberal beliefs. The initial ideological beliefs were derivedlargely from the NES (National Election Survey) 2000.
• (Hot Cognition) Most social concepts in memory are
Within each experiment, an identical set of 24 pieces of
affectively charged. The affective evaluation linked to
campaign information were presented to the model, with
a concept in long term memory can be positive or neg-
varying order and wording and with three intervals. Im-
ative or close to zero, indicating either a non-attitude
portant parameter values used for the experiments were:
1) anchoring and adjusting (ρ = 0.7); 2) the parametergoverning the effect of affective strength of chunks on
• (Attitude Priming) The information in memory that
their decay rates (α = 0.1); 3) affective congruence ef-
is affectively congruent to the information being pro-
fect parameters. All other parameters were left to their
’common’ values (e.g. d = 0.5). In the below, some ofthe results were briefly presented.
• (Primacy of Affect) Affect can not only be triggered
The Figure 1 shows the changes in attitudes towards
automatically without conscious appraisal of an at-
two fictitious candidates, James and Edwards, and two
titude object, but also is primary in the sense that
political parties, Republican and Democratic Parties, as
it comes into working memory before other conscious
the set of campaign information is processed (with mod-
thoughts and appraisals enter into the judgment pro-
erate initial belief). As expected, the valence of attitudes
towards and the preference over the objects change over
• (On-line and Memory-based Processing)
time as the campaign information is integrated into theattitudes towards the objects. In the end, the model
– (Memory-based Processing) Different, often con-
was slightly positive toward Democratic Party, slightly
flicting considerations and feelings that come to
negative toward Republican Party, but positive towards
Changes in Attitudes towards selected Nodes in Memory with moderate initial beliefs Changes in Full Activations of Concepts (Cognitive and Attitudinal Priming)
Figure 3: Activation Levels of Chunks with ”Republi-
Figure 1: Changes in Candidate Evaluations Over Time
later. When the information were presented later, the
both candidates, though slightly preferring the Demo-
model’s attitudes toward both James and Edward in-
creased mainly due to the changes in influences of the
The Figure 2 shows the changes in full activation lev-
information on its attitudes towards candidates.
els of two chunks, ”James” and ”Democrat”, over time,which is the sum of base-level activation, spreading of
Changes of Attitudes in Survey Response Changes of Attitudes in Survey Response
activation, and the attitude priming effect. Changes in Full Activations of Nodes James and Democrat in Memory
Figure 4: Changes of Attitudes due to Order Effect
Figure 2: Changes in Full Activations over Time
This paper is drawn from Kim, Lodge, & Taber (MPSA2004 Conference Proceeding).
The Figure 3 shows cognitive and attitude priming
effects with liberal initial belief. It shows the full acti-
vation levels of four chunks in memory when the model
Kim, Lodge, & Taber (2004). A Computational Model
processes the word ”Republican” (i.e., ”Republican” is
of Political Cognition: The Dynamics of Candidate
a prime). At the moment of processing, ”rich” was both
Evaluation. Proceedings of Midwest Political Science
semantically associated with and attitudinally congruent
to the prime. ”dumb” was only attitudinally congruent
to the prime. ”Edward” was not related to the prime in
Campaign Information and the Dynamics of Candi-
any way (a base case). ”intelligent” was only attitudi-
date Evaluation. APSR 89. (pp. 309–326).
nally incongruent with the prime. Consistent with cog-nitive and attitude priming effects, the order of chunks
Lodge & Taber (2002). The Primacy of Affect for Politi-
in terms of their activation levels, from the highest to
cal Candidates, Groups, and Issues: An Experimental
the lowest, were ”rich”, ”dumb”, ”Edward”, and ”intel-
Test of the Hot Cognition Hypothesis.
The Figure 4 shows a question order effect in survey re-
Zaller & Feldman (1992). A Simple Theory of the Sur-
sponse. It compares the expressions of attitudes toward
vey Response: Answering Questions versus Revealing
the fictitious candidates with those when the informa-
Preferences. APSR 36. (pp. 579–616).
tion about candidates’ party affiliations were presented
Título:Crisis Hipertensivas. Tratamiento y manejo. Autores: Ignacio Sáinz Hidalgo*. Trinidad Carrera Fernández** *Servicio de Cardiología. Hospital de Valme. Sevilla. **Servicio de Cuidados Críticos y Emergencias. Hospital de Valme. Sevilla. Key Words: Hypertension. Emergencies.Treatment. Resumen. La prevalencia de la hipertensión hace que sea frecuente las
Chronic stress, glucocorticoid receptor resistance,inflammation, and disease riskSheldon Cohena,1, Denise Janicki-Devertsa, William J. Doyleb, Gregory E. Millerc, Ellen Frankd, Bruce S. Rabine,and Ronald B. TurnerfaDepartment of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; bDepartment of Otolaryngology/ENT, Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh,Pittsburgh, PA 15224; cDepartment