[2006] 5 Env. Liability : Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast 181 Food supplements and fortified foods: the EC’s patriarchal precautionary perspectives on public health
Maastricht University, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Rejoinder context
1. Where there are not yet scientifically established
In a ‘Discussion Paper on the Setting of Maximum and
numerical tolerable upper intake levels for several
Minimum Amounts for Vitamins and Minerals in Foodstuffs’
nutrients, what should be the upper safe levels for those
(DP), issued in June 2006, the European Commission (EC)
nutrients that should be taken into account in setting
seeks advice on micronutrients added to food and present in
food supplements.2 The DP looks at two regulatory
2. For some vitamins and minerals the risk of adverse
instruments, a directive and a regulation, both of which address
effects, even at high levels of intakes, appears to be
the use of vitamins, minerals and ‘other substances’ as
extremely low or non-existent according to available
supplements to conventional diets: the Common Position
data. Is there any reason to set maximum levels for these
(EC) No 2/2006 regarding the Regulation on Fortified Foods
(FFR) and the 2002 Food Supplement Directive (FSD).3 In
3. Where we set maximum levels, do we inevitably also
the DP, the EC invites stakeholders to provide answers to its
have to set maximum amounts for vitamins and minerals
questions, in particular regarding the execution of Article 5
separately for food supplements and fortified foods in
of the FSD and the similarly worded Article 6 of the FFR. In
order to safeguard both a high level of public health
both articles, the EC has undertaken the actual management
protection and the legitimate expectations of the various
of risk (the separate and further step to risk assessment) by
food business operators? Are there alternatives?
setting minimum and maximum levels of vitamins and
4. Taking into account all the above-mentioned
minerals for fortified foods and food supplements. These
considerations, how far should PRIs/RDAs (population
key articles concern a number of issues which we will address
reference intakes/recommended daily allowances) be
with the aid of the following questions, as formulated in the
taken into account when setting maximum levels for
DP. We have numbered the questions for ease of reference:
To put the questions asked by the DP and the answers we putforward in this paper in perspective, we will first address theimplementation possibilities of a food supplements policy
1 Correspondence should be addressed to hjaap@xs4all.nl,
and show some key inconsistencies generated by the
tel +31 (0)793 460304. The information herein is dated to
precautionary perspective the EC usually takes on regulation.
29 September 2006. The authors would like to thank the
International Nutrition Company BV in Loosdrecht, The
This will clarify the embedded presuppositions behind the
Netherlands for providing a grant towards the writing of this
questions asked in the DP. We then propose a new approach
2 http://ec.europa.eu/food/food/labellingnutrition/
to policy in view of current scientific knowledge. In this article,
the term micronutrients refers not only to vitamins and
minerals but also to ‘other substances’ (as referred to in the
FSD as well as in the FFR), such as amino and fatty acids,
carotenoids, and polyphenols, that are all part of the human
3 http://europa.eu.int/eur–lex/lex/LexUriServ/site/en/
diet. Although bioactive food compounds such as polyphenols
are usually not categorised as micronutrients, and although
(28 September 2006). Council Directive 2002/46/EC of 10
they are not placed within the framework of the classical
June 2002 on the Approximation of the Laws of the Member
States Relating to Food Supplements [2002] OJ L183 51–57.
deficiency symptoms (as is the case with vitamins and certain
182 Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast : [2006] 5 Env. Liability
minerals), consumption may well be advantageous in terms
intended to provide a framework within which consumers
of long-term health benefits (eg in relation to the incidence
can make informed decisions about safe intake limits.
of cancer, inflammatory responses and ageing).
Separation of assessment (EFSA) and management (EC), as abasic approach of European regulation, governs the broadercontext of the FSD/FFR construct against the background
Inconsistencies in the DP, FSD and FFR
of what is presented as an ‘adequate and varied diet’ . Some of
The FSD, the oldest (10 June 2002) of the two regulatory
the relevant parts from the FSD are cited below and pertinent
instruments addressed here, concerns food supplements
marketed as foodstuffs and presented as such for the purposeof supplementing the human diet.4 We define food
(3) An adequate and varied diet could, under normal
supplements similarly to the FSD. By definition, food
circumstances, provide all necessary nutrients for normal
supplements are marketable finished products that are
development and maintenance of a healthy life in quantities,
explicitly presented to the public for supplementation of the
which meet those established and recommended by generally
diet. Food supplements cannot be presented as medicines or
acceptable scientific data. However, surveys show that this
as substitutes for medicines. The recommended dosages of
ideal situation is not being achieved for all nutrients and by
the micronutrients contained in food supplements may or
all groups of the population across the Community.
may not exceed the average intake of food-endogenous
(5) In order to ensure a high level of protection for consumers andfacilitate their choice, the products that will be put on to the
As the DP shows, the central issues revolve around safety
market must be safe and bear adequate and appropriate
(see also FSD (13) below). Safety in the FSDand theFFR is,
roughly, defined in terms of trying to prevent, by way of risk
(9) Only vitamins and minerals normally found in, and
management, over-exposure to micronutrients and ‘other
consumed as part of, the diet should be allowed to be
substances’ by taking into consideration safe upper limits
present in food supplements although this does not
(SULs) previously established by way of risk assessment.
mean that their presence therein is necessary.
SULs are doses of vitamins and minerals that potentially
Controversy as to the identity of those nutrients that
susceptible individuals could take daily on a life-long basis in
could potentially arise should be avoided. Therefore, it
reasonable safety, without medical supervision. The European
is appropriate to establish a positive list of those vitamins
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) defines the SUL as the ‘tolerable
upper intake level’. In EFSA terminology, this means:
(13) Excessive intake of vitamins and minerals may result in
adverse effects and therefore necessitate the setting of
The maximum level of total chronic daily intake of a
maximum safe levels for them in food supplements, as
nutrient (from all sources) judged to be unlikely to pose
appropriate. Those levels must ensure that the normal
a risk of adverse health effects to humans. ‘Tolerable intake’
use of the products under the instructions of use
in this context connotes what is physiologically tolerable
provided by the manufacturer will be safe for the
and is a scientific judgment as determined by assessment
of risk, ie the probability of an adverse effect occurring at
(14) When maximum levels are set, therefore, account
some specified level of exposure. It is an estimate of the
should be taken of the upper safe levels of the vitamins
highest level of intake which carries no appreciable risk
and minerals, as established by scientific risk assessment
based on generally acceptablescientific data, and ofintakes of those nutrients from the normal diet. Due
These ‘maximum levels’ are provided by the EFSA, and the
account should also be taken of reference intake
ensuing politically-oriented risk management process
amounts when setting maximum levels.
established by the EC will set these ‘maximum levels’ for theactual micronutrient content in products, such as food
The reference to an adequate and varied diet as a primary
supplements and fortified foods. These maximum levels are
source of all necessary nutrients in (3) is intriguing. The truismthat we can obtain everything we need from a balanced dietonly holds if we eat such a balanced diet consistently. Thepoint made here by the EC is tautological: adequate is by
4 Council Directive 2002/46/EC (n 3).
5 Scientific Committee on Food Scientific Panel on Dietetic
default adequate. How this adequacy can be achieved, and
Products, Nutrition and Allergies ‘Tolerable UpperIntake Levels
what such an adequate diet would consist of, are not discussed.
for Vitamins and Minerals’ (European Food Safety Authority
Moreover, factors impinging on individual nutritional status
[2006] 5 Env. Liability : Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast 183
are only partly related to the dietary intake on which the EChas its focus. Malabsorption (genetic or otherwise) and
Is it the case that the EC, four years after issuing the FSD, is
increased nutritional requirements (eg during a period of
confident that a varied diet now guarantees intake of all
disease) greatly affect the nutritional status of individuals.
necessary nutrients? Yet, in stark contrast to this newest
However, these aspects are not considered in the FSD. So, the
conviction, the closing line of (7) states that the addition of
EC’s reference to an adequate and varied diet erroneously
micronutrients to food rendered a positive contribution to
assumes average physiological health in the individual
overall intakes, which thus seem to be lower than required
when considering an ‘adequate and varied’ diet lacking this
The EC’s opinion also assumes some kind of natural (or
fortification. The EC seems to be aware of the fact that in
traditional) ‘true background value’ optimised for healthy
relation to, for instance, pregnancy, an adequate and varied
living in an otherwise undefined ideal diet that encompasses
diet does not provide micro-nutritional sufficiency when folic
ideal quantities of ‘all necessary nutrients’ in bio-available
acid is considered.7 In addition, the diet of the lower socio-
qualities. However, it is unlikely that such a ‘true background
economic classes is known to be of a lower nutritional
value’ actually exists. Conversely, the phraseology of (3)
standard on average than would be required for a diet intended
implies that even this adequate and varied diet could well be
to provide the basis for a healthy life.8 Food selection is
an insufficient source of all necessary nutrients. The question
constrained by economic and socio-cultural considerations,
then is whether this European diet is or is not a sufficient
compromising healthy eating patterns and resulting in
source of all necessary nutrients. The relevance of this is clear,
nutritional inadequacies. For most micronutrients,
as the opinion expressed in (3) implies that fortified foods
amplification of the cost-constraint results in a progressive
and/or food supplements are superfluous against the
decrease in the nutrient density of the diet.9 Moreover, as a
background of this ‘EU-diet’. In this context, the FFR makes
recent survey in the Netherlands shows, the incidence of
under-nourishment in hospitals and other care institutions ishigh, suggesting that even in professional environments,
(7) An adequate and varied diet can, under normal
maintaining an ‘adequate and varied diet’ can be a problem.10
circumstances, provide all necessary nutrients for
The final sentence (in italics) of (8) reveals the issue we
normal development and maintenance of a healthy life
addressed in our previous article on food supplements in
in quantities as those established and recommended by
this journal.11 It has become increasingly clear that RDAs are
generally acceptable scientific data. However, surveys
too restrictive an approach to micronutrients. The long-term
show that this ideal situation is not being achieved for all
effects of micronutrients, such as reducing cancer and cardio-
vitamins and minerals and by all groups of the
vascular incidences and decelerating premature ageing, seem
population across the Community. Foods to which
to be more important than their role in preventing the well-
vitamins and minerals have been added appear to make an
known acute deficiency diseases. To reiterate, RDAs do not
appreciable contribution to the intake of these nutrients and assuch may be considered to make a positive contribution tooverall intakes.
7 MRC Vitamin Study Group ‘Prevention of Neural Tube
(8) Some nutrient deficiencies, although not very frequent,
Defects: Results of the Medical Research Council Vitamin
can be demonstrated to exist at present in the
Study’ (1991) 338 Lancet 131–37. See further M Lucock ‘Is
Community. Changes in the socio-economic situation
Folic Acid the Ultimate Functional Food Component for
Disease Prevention?’ (2004) 328 Brit Med J 211–14.
prevailing in the Community and the life styles of
8 S Shohaimi and others ‘Residential Area Deprivation Predicts
different groups of the population have led to different
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Independently of Individual
Educational Level and Occupational Social Class: A Cross
nutritional requirements and to changing dietary habits.
Sectional Population Study in the Norfolk Cohort of the
This in turn has led to changes in the energy and nutrient
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer (EPIC–
requirements of various groups of the population and to
Norfolk)’ (2004) 58 J Epidemiol Community Health 686–91.
9 N Darmon and others ‘A Cost Constrained Alone Has
intakes of certain vitamins and minerals for these
Adverse Effects on Food Selection and Nutrient Density: An
groups that would be below those recommended in
Analysis of Human Diets by Linear Programming’ (2002) 132 J
different Member States. In addition, progress in scientific
10 J Meijers and others ‘Prevalentie van Ondervoeding: de
knowledge indicates that intakes of some nutrients for
Landelijke Prevalentiemeting Zorgproblemen’ [‘Prevalence of
maintaining optimal health and well-being could be higher
Under–nourishment: the National Prevalence Survey Care
Problems’] (2005) 60(1) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Diëtisten
11 J C Hanekamp ‘The Precautionary Principle: A Critique in
the Context of the EU Foods Supplements Directive’ [2006] 2
6 Common Position (EC) no 2/2006 (n 3).
Env. Liability 43–51. See this article for further references.
184 Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast : [2006] 5 Env. Liability
define an optimal level of any nutrient, as they are focused on
Slippery slopes
the prevention of disease caused by nutritional deficiencies. Furthermore, they are designed to meet the needs of healthy
The approach chosen by the EC to establish maximum levels
people and do not take into account special needs arising
(not SULs!) for food supplements, in relation to which other
from infections, metabolic disorders, or chronic disease.12
sources of micronutrient intake (food, including fortification)
These are important constraints to consider in any policy
are balanced, is hampered by a number of problems, among
which the regulatory dilemma mentioned above is only of
In relation to the to-be-established maximum levels for
minor concern. First, when maximum levels for food
food supplements, intake of micronutrients from dietary
supplements need to be correlated to the total overall intake
sources other than food supplements needs to be taken into
of food and food products, this can generate a slippery slope
account, therefore needs to be known. Article 5 of the FSD
situation. Does this approach imply that other sources of
states the following (see also (14) above):
micronutrients, including conventional fresh and processedfoods (and their fortified variants), need to be regulated as
1. Maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals present in
well? Micronutrient-intake as such, in the view of the FSD
food supplements per daily portion of consumption as
and the FFR, needs to be capped, implying (perhaps
recommended by the manufacturer shall be set, taking
unwittingly) that all food and food-products need to be
regulated. Modern plant-breeding technology (developed
(a) upper safe levels of vitamins and minerals established
over the past hundred years at least!), in which micronutrient
by scientific risk assessment based on generally accepted
content is specifically enhanced, also then comes into
scientific data, taking into account, as appropriate, the
regulatory focus. When one looks at the latest research on
varying degrees of sensitivity of different consumer
the optimisation of nutrients in whole foods and its beneficial
health effects,13 the FSD/FFR construct seems to generate a
(b) intake of vitamins and minerals from other dietary
legislative culture of full-blown regulatory control of all food-
sources. Consequently, even conventional foods rich inmicronutrients become a regulatory target. These dilemmas
This then must include fortified foods as a source of
are not clarified in the DP. The FSD/FFR approach, with the
micronutrients. However, the regulation on fortified foods,
aid of the precautionary principle, generates an open-ended
which is still a draft (proposal) lacking the force of law, does
compulsory regulatory structure relating to all food-
contain a list of allowed micronutrients, although their
products, not just food supplements and fortified foods. This
content-levels in different types of fortified foods still need
unrestrained licence to define is created by the fact that the
to be established. In paragraph 28 of the DP, the Commission
FSD and FFR embrace the whole of micronutrient intakes
comments on the complexities created by the task of
from all foods in order to regulate food supplements and
simultaneously setting maximum amounts for two different
food sources of micronutrients, knowing full well that thesetting of a maximum in one category of products will workas a variable in the other and vice versa. So, the Commissionwrites (italics added):
13 V M Ursin ‘Modification of Plant Lipids for Human Health:
Development of Functional Land-based Omega-3 Fatty Acids’
(2003) J Nutr 4271–74. F Fumagalli and others ‘Form Field to
Although food supplements and foods to which vitamins
Health: A Simple Way To Increase the Nutraceutical Content of
and minerals are added are covered by different measures
Grape As Shown by NO-Dependent Vascular Relaxation’ (2006)
54 J Agric Food Chem 5344–49. J A Napier and others
the considerations for setting maximum levels for vitamins
‘Progress Towards the Production of Very Long-chain
and minerals are inevitably interrelated. In particular, the
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid in Transgenic Plants: Plant Metabolic
distribution of these nutrients in the two broad categories
Engineering Comes of Age’ (2006) 126 Phys Plantarum 398–
406. I L F Nielsen and others ‘Bioavailability Is Improved by
of food products, food supplements and fortified foods,
Enzymatic Modification of the Citrus Flavonoid Hesperidin in
have to be considered together if we are to have a clear picture
Humans: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Crossover Trial’ (2006)
136 J Nutr 404–408. D Rein and others ‘Tansgenic Flavonoid
Tomato Intake Reduces C-Reactive Protein in Human C-
Reactive Protein Transgenic Mice Than Wild-Type Tomato’
(2006) J Nutr 2331–37. As stated in this article: ‘Genetic
enhancement of valuable dietary components in plant foods,
such as specific flavonoids in tomatoes, may allow us to
optimise human food composition and may help to reduce the
12 T M Devlin (ed) Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlation
burden of cardiovascular disease.’ See also: ‘Boosting Vitamin C
(Wiley-Liss New York 2002) pp 1137–65.
Content in Blackcurrants’ (2006) July BBSRC Business 12–13.
[2006] 5 Env. Liability : Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast 185
As the Commission itself has observed, the regulatory
regulatory capabilities, regardless of the public funding
call for insight into the intake of micronutrients in Europe is
available, this would certainly be a sensible approach towards
complicated by the fact that survey costs are high and the
micronutrients. Parenthetically, an MTR-approach applied
reliability and accuracy of the estimates of intake vary widely.
in the context of the FSD/FFR construct would be likely to
As surveys are expensive they are not conducted frequently,
instigate regulatory action to try to ameliorate the problems
and they have become available only in a limited number of
caused by micronutrient deficiency rather than excess.
Member States. Moreover, when they are available, they can
Fourthly, a focus on the risks of excessive micronutrient
be obsolete and may not reflect current intakes of vitamins
intake could frighten the public away from health-enhancing
and minerals.14 So, although intake of micronutrients from
diets, which might well include fortified foods and
food supplements and fortification should be balanced, by
supplements, considering the uncertainties about the
means of maximum limits with the intake from conventional
nutritional adequacy of a diet consisting of conventional foods.
diets, the actual possibilities of doing so are severely hampered
Indeed, the need to educate the public about the crucial
importance of nutrition and the potential health benefits of a
Secondly, the FSD/FFR approach is preoccupied with
simple and affordable daily multivitamin/mineral supplement
the risk of excess, although the risks in relation to the intake
contrasts starkly with the present regulatory focus.19 Through
of micronutrients are on both side of the equation. We dealt
the implementation of the FSD and FFR, the existing bias
with this in our previous article on the FSD.15 Micronutrients
towards negative information about the possible health risks
differ from other chemical substances in foods in that they
of products or activities could well be increased, which is
are essential/beneficial to the human physiology, so that
counter to the maxim of a ‘high level of protection for human
various adverse (toxicological) effects can result from intakes
life and health’.20 In conclusion, striving to guarantee public
that are too low (the typical acute deficiencies or chronic
safety from excess toxicity through the stringent regulation
diseases) as well as too high. Therefore, with its focus on
of micronutrient levels in food supplements and fortified
excess toxicity, the FSD contradicts its own legal basis of
foods may adversely affect the opportunity to reduce cost-
public health regulation; a ‘high level of protection for human
effectively the short and long-term health problems caused
life and health’. This FSD/FFR construct lacks the overarching
scope required to weigh deficiencies (minimum levels) andexcess toxicity (maximum levels) even-handedly. An unmanageable succession of events
Thirdly, the terms ‘high’ and ‘protection’ are not defined,
although they must be understood within a precautionary
The EC has a tendency to regard techno-science21 with
context.16 For instance, does ‘high’ mean ‘no risk’ (that is
suspicion, as something that could potentially lead to
guaranteeing absolute safety)?17 Is ‘high’ defined in
disastrous consquences. This dystopic premise is widespread
environmental legislation in terms of the widely-used MTR
in EC regulation, including the FSD and FFR discussed here.
(maximum tolerable risk level of, say, one extra case of
(A dystopia is a society where everything is as bad as possible.)
morbidity or mortality within a population of 1,000,000)?
The European Environment Agency, in its well-known yet
‘Protection’ against what and to what extent? In Dutch policy,
deeply flawed report on the precautionary principle, states
when a potential risk does not exceed the MTR level, generally
with regard to new technology that ‘[its] very novelty might
no further policy action is required.18 Considering the limited
be taken as a warning sign’.22 The precautionary principle is
19 B N Ames and others ‘Are Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
a Major Cancer Risk?’ (2002) 2 Nature 694–704.
20 M Siegrist and others ‘Better Negative than Positive?
16 Regulation (EC) 178/2002 of the European Parliament and
Evidence of a Bias for Negative Information about Possible
of the Council of 28 January 2002 laying down the general
Health Dangers’ (2001) 21(1) Risk Analysis 199–206.
principles and requirements of food law, establishing the
21 The word techno-science contracts the terms techne –
European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in
instructional or prescriptive (‘how’) knowledge usually applied
matters of food safety [2002] L32 OJ Eur Comm 1–24. This
in devising and constructing machines – and episteme –
regulation on the establishment of the European Food Safety
propositional (‘what’) knowledge about natural phenomena and
Authority specifically refers to the precautionary principle as a
regularities usually applied to in science. I take this term from
the Belgian philosopher Gilbert Hottois (see below).
17 For the problems of proving safety see I D Bross ‘Why Proof
See J Mokyr The Gifts of Athena. Historical Origins of the Knowledge
of Safety Is Much More Difficult Than Proof of Hazard’ (1985)
Economy (Princeton University Press Princeton 2002).
22 P Harremoës, D Gee, M MacGarvin, A Stirling, J Keys, B
18 ‘Nuchter omgaan met risico’s’ [‘Coping Rationally with
Wynne, S Guedes Vaz Late lessons from early warnings: the
Risks’] (2003) RIVM rapport 251701047/2003 Bilthoven The
precautionary principle 1896–2000 Environmental Issue Report
No 22 (European Environment Agency 2001) p 170.
186 Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast : [2006] 5 Env. Liability
frequently used to address this perceived danger. We have
and the individual’s capacity for independent judgment. Its
criticised the precautionary approach on other occasions,
underestimation of the value of available knowledge makes it
including in our previous article in this journal.23 The eminent
prone to assuming ‘worst-case’ scenarios, which Hottois
Belgian philosopher Gilbert Hottois, in his critique of the
pinpoints as one of the main drivers to impose definitive and
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity
massive prohibitions. Regulatory risk management is
of the Human Being with Regard to the Application of Biology
consequently carried out in line with this dystopic worldview,
and Medicine, describes this dystopic vision as follows:
generating by default a precautionary-biased outcome in termsof preferred hypotheses and selected underpinning data.
This argument postulates that once man has engaged in a
Implementation of the principle, consequently, is self-evident.25
direction that might lead to deep errors, he will no longer
The fact that excess toxicity is the predominant consideration in
be able to stop or choose the good aspects and resist the
the FSD and the FFR is a typical example of this.
bad. This argument is deeply antihumanist, for it supposes
When the EC is developing policies to regulate the
that individuals lose their capability to judge and decide
micronutrient content of all food sources for the benefit of
freely, after reflection and deliberation, as soon as they
European citizens, as is implied by the FSD and the FFR, it
have made one – fatal – step in a direction that might lead
assumes a ‘true value’ of human health and the means to
to evil. One may wonder what direction is perfectly ‘safe’
acquire it through a varied and adequate diet, and this is
and ‘pure’ and what choice is totally free from ambiguities
subsequently laid down in regulation. The idea of a ‘true value’
and ambivalent possible consequences. The ‘slippery
of health, however, carries utopian overtones that are
slope’ argument, according to which individuals are forced
paternalistic and even anti-humanist, as it cannot, if taken
into an irresistible concatenation of actions (succession
seriously by the EC, be challenged or ignored.26 Indeed, a
(of actions); authors)…, is anti–humanist …. It is the
‘true value’ cannot be anything but adhered to, as disagreement
belief in irresistible concatenations, entailing the negation
is by definition regarded as irresponsible.
of human freedom and of any positive contribution of
The subsequent danger is that part of society, primarily
rational analysis that leads the supporters of the ‘slippery
assembled within Europe’s bureaucracy, defines its concept
slope’ argument to want to impose definitive and massive
of human health and the maintenance thereof and then
prohibitions. Such absolute prohibitions suppress, from
imposes this concept on others, with selective reference to
the very beginning, freedom of choice …, since this
scientific research and its results.27 Although the FSD
suppression of freedom is thought to be the only way to
specifically refers to facilitating the choice of consumers in
(5), the reference to and understanding of ‘a high level ofprotection’ demonstrates that the EC does not feel
As Hottois points out, the subtle yet far reaching influence of
comfortable with consumer freedom. This consumer
the ‘slippery slope’ argument ‘that once man has engaged in a
freedom has effectively been curbed through politicisation
direction that might lead to serious errors, he will no longer
of the European consumer. Through the institutionalisation
be able to stop or choose the good aspects and resist the bad’,
of mistrust, regulation of an essentially free and deregulated
raises serious doubts about the EC’s perspective on the value
market is established. The insistence, with the aid of the
of knowledge, information, education, ethics, responsibility
precautionary principle, on advance proof that products aresafe galvanises consumer suspicion even further.28
Peculiarly, the EC believes itself to be immune from and
23 See also I Forrester, J C Hanekamp ‘Precaution, Science and
able to oversee the ‘irresistible concatenation of actions’, from
Jurisprudence: a Test Case’ (2006a) 9(4) J Risk Res 297–311.
which individuals and economic parties need to be protected,
Hanekamp ‘Precaution and Cholera: A Response to Tickner and
Gouveia-Vigeant’ (2006b) 26(4) Risk Analysis 1013–19.
with the aid of the precautionary principle. It is a mystery
24 G Hottois ‘A Philosophical and Critical Analysis of the
how the EC obtained this ‘immunity’ and overseeing capability.
European Convention of Bioethics’ (2000) 25(2) J Med Phil
Indeed, ‘one may wonder what direction is perfectly “safe”
133–46. The quote does not end there. Hottois adds the
following thoughts: ‘Once again, we are not saying that the fears
and “pure” and what choice is totally free from ambiguities
suggested through the “slippery slope” discourse have no
psychological or sociological relevance at all. On the contrary,
the unconscious is very real. But what must be clearly stated is
that when one is claiming to have an ethical position, one
should not support solutions imposing dogmatic prohibitions
in reaction to irrational temptations (in Freudian terms: the
26 H Achterhuis De erfenis van de utopie [The Legacy of Utopia]
repression of the unconscious – the id – by the superego), but
solutions encouraging the slower and more difficult work of
developing the conscious self: the personal ability to decide in
28 A Burgess ‘Flattering Consumption. Creating a Europe of
the Consumer’ (2001) 1(1) J Consumer Culture 93–117.
[2006] 5 Env. Liability : Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast 187
and ambivalent possible consequences’, as Hottois poignantly
Within the perspectives we outline in this paper, the setting of
remarks. The illusion of guidance towards safety is supposed
maximum levels in food supplements and/or fortified foods for
to be supported by precaution, yet precaution will fail to do
micronutrients that have barely any adverse effects irrespective
so, as it condemns the very steps the guidance requires. The
of known dose is superfluous, as it does not contribute to the
regulation required by the principle gives rise to risks of its
protection of public health. Question 2 therefore can be answered
own; hence the principle bans what it simultaneously
Politically, however, precaution does give guidance to the
Bearing in mind the problems of setting maximum
implementing government bodies, as it best addresses
micronutrient levels for supplements and fortification in the
secondary risk-management strategies.30 The increasingly
context of total dietary intake and the RDA/PRI
dominant regulatory culture of risk-aversion engenders
(recommended daily allowances/population reference
micronutrient policies primarily focused on excess toxicity
intakes) addressed in questions 3 and 4, it is obvious that
risks, while simultaneously lecturing Europeans on ‘an
European regulation cannot control, through the FSD/FFR
adequate and varied diet’. Therefore, the FSD/FFR construct
construct, individual consumption in relation to both fortified
avoids responsibility for the health of European citizens.
foods and food supplements. As a seemingly forthright numerical
Toxicity as a result of intake of food supplements, encouraged
approach, through the setting of maximum levels, trying to
by the bias towards negative information about the possible
balance the micronutrient-content of food supplements and
health risks of products or activities,31 is a considerably more
food fortification in relation to the ‘average’ conventional food
visible, if infrequent, phenomenon, than deficiency diseases
consumption of the European populace will not control
that are not and cannot be related to any regulatory activities.
individual food consumption. Indeed, as stated above, the
We now turn to the DP questions, and propose a novel
limited availability and value of surveys will make the balancing
approach to the regulation of micronutrients.
exercise exceedingly difficult, if not impossible.
Nevertheless, RDAs are habitually presented on the labels
and/or packaging of food supplements and foods containing
A rejoinder to the European Commission
added micronutrients. In view of this practice, we propose
Our view in relation to any (newly discovered) micronutrient
that SULs should also be presented, where these are available
is that the recommended amount should maximise a healthy
and only when specific and serious safety concerns have been
lifespan (which in the case of a number of the classical
demonstrated.34 This is in conformity with the observations
micronutrients appears to be higher than the amount needed
made in the Draft Opinion by Alexander Stubb on the proposal
to prevent acute deficiency diseases).32 Policies in relation to
of the European Parliament and of the Council for a regulation
food supplements should primarily be focused on enhancing
on the addition of vitamins and minerals and of certain other
health. This is in line with state-of-the-art scientific
substances to foods.35 When SULs are mentioned on food
knowledge, and addresses the basic European precautionary
labels and/or packaging, these can best be presented in
policy tenet of a ‘high level of protection for human life and
absolute numbers (x mg or µg per day) unrelated to the food
health’, which is habitually and erroneously understood in
(supplement) product in question. The consumer will thus
the negative. It is also along the lines of the Healthy Life Years
be informed that the micronutrient in question, at a specific
(HLY) Structural Indicator (ie the number of years a person
consumption level, could pose health risks – either of
can expect to live in good health), as put forward in the
deficiency under the RDA or adverse effects above the SUL
Communication from the Commission entitled ‘Healthier,
– in relation to his/her entire consumption habits. This allows
Safer, More Confident Citizens: a Health and Consumer
the consumer to decide how much of which food
Protection Strategy’.33 Therefore, in view of the above, and to
(supplement) product he or she should consume. This
approach informs consumers about SULs on a ‘total dietaryintake’ basis, and leaves consumers free to choose how to‘add up’ levels of micronutrients consumed in combinationwith their own individual choices of conventional foods.
29 C R Sunstein Laws of Fear: Beyond the Precautionary Principle
(Cambridge University Press Cambridge 2005).
30 M Power The Risk Management of Everything. Rethinking thePolitics of Uncertainty (Demos UK 2004).
34 J C Hanekamp and others ‘Chloramphenicol, Food Safety and
32 M Fenech ‘Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for
Precautionary Thinking in Europe’ [2003] 6 Env Liability 209–19.
Genomic Stability’ (2001) 480–81 Mut Res 51–54.
35 http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2004_2009/
33 http://ec.europa.eu/health/ph_overview/Documents/
documents/pa/553/553919/553919en.pdf (28 September
com_2005_0115_en.pdf (28 September 2006).
188 Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast : [2006] 5 Env. Liability
On a product, the SULs should be presented next to the
market). Even if scientific facts on the risks of food-
RDAs, so that consumers can easily calculate the ‘total dietary
endogenous compounds are available – scientific knowledge
intake’ bandwidth between RDA and SUL. In brief, our
of the health impact of a growing number of all sorts of food-
endogenous chemicals will undoubtedly increaseconsiderably during the coming years – the inescapability of
RDAs should play a primary role in the presentation next to
such compounds contextualises such knowledge. Whether
SULs with specific and serious safety concerns on the packaging
consciously or not, people have always been exposed to a
of both food supplements and fortified foods. Both the RDAs and
certain degree of chemical risk in their daily lives through the
SULs should be presented in x mg or µg per day.
intake of food-endogenous compounds, of which acrylamidehas gained quite some notoriety. Acrylamide, a non-nutrient,
When considering the future of the FSD and FFR, it seems
is present in foods that are fried or baked at a high temperature,
that the well-known vitamins and minerals do not pose a
such as potato chips, French fries, and crispbreads. Acrylamide
major regulatory problem. Scientific knowledge of risks and
is known to cause nerve damage and is a suspected human
benefits is readily available, and can be used for guidance.
carcinogen at certain exposure levels. However, most
Things become a lot more complicated when considering
regulatory agencies are reluctant to ban the processing of
‘other substances’ for which limited scientific knowledge is
starchy foods in which acrylamide is generated. Many agencies
available, and for which RDAs and SULs, and thereby
simply alert the public and suggest a balanced and varied diet
maximum and minimum levels, cannot readily be obtained.
including plenty of fruit and vegetables.36 This is probably the
As these substances are usually not defined as essential,
although they might demonstrably improve human health,
However, individuals make a choice to consume food
deficiency cannot be established as in the case of vitamins and
supplements, rather than being unconsciously and
minerals. It seems then that future regulatory demands will
involuntarily exposed to them as they are to food-endogenous
increase when ‘other substances’ come into focus. Below, we
compounds such as acrylamide. Therefore individuals making
propose a novel regulatory framework for micronutrients
a conscious purchase of food supplements and to a lesser
that include other substances. As we did not elaborate on the
degree of fortified foods, expect those products to be safe,
maximum and minimum levels of micronutrients in the
and rightly so.37 Food supplements and fortified foods that
recommendations in response to the DP, we address this issue
come to market need to be safe eg in terms of carrying clear
and simple indications for normal recommended intake. Evenwithout the present regulatory context, this is a crucialexigency that food business operators and other economic
The broader context of the rejoinder
parties must take seriously in view of issues of trust, liability,
Question 1 has to do with the perspective – in terms of
product safety and consumer protection. In view of this, how
innovation and public health – that regulation should or
should micronutrients best be regulated, if at all?
should not have on newly developed products that come to
In terms of risks of excessive exposure, a recent analysis
market and/or products that are already on the market but
in the Netherlands by the RIVM suggests that, on average,
about which few scientific facts are publicly available. Food is
there seems to be no need for concern about high intakes of
chemistry, and the mixture of chemicals that food represents
vitamins or minerals38 (which, in any case, are dwarfed by
is estimated to consist of many hundreds of thousands of
drug toxicity).39 When the ‘high level of protection for human
different chemicals. All these food-borne chemicals have their
life and health’ is taken seriously, first, the breadth and depth
own specific nutritional benefit(s) and toxicological profile,
(in other words integrity) of scientific knowledge in this field
both individually and interactively (eg synergism andantagonism). Ongoing scientific research will augment ourknowledge of ever-increasing numbers of bioactive food-
36 T Kasamatsu and others ‘Balancing Risks’ (2006) 46 Reg Tox
An unremitting regulatory imposition of full toxicological
37 C Starr ‘Social Benefit Versus Technological Risk’ (1969)
assessment of increasing numbers of micronutrients (both as
38 M C Ocké and others Dietary Supplement Use in the Netherlands.
food supplements and fortification in foods) that will come
Current Data and Recommendations for Future Assessment RIVM report
to market, in combination with positive lists, will prove to be
350100001/2005 (Bilthoven The Netherlands 2005). See also
B N Ames ‘The Metabolic Tune-Up: Metabolic Harmony and
prohibitive in terms of cost, limited (toxicological oriented)
Disease Prevention’ (2003) 133 J Nutr 1544S–1548S.
research facilities and resources, scientific and public
39 J Lazarou and others ‘Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions
in Hospitalised Patients. A Meta-analysis of Prospective Studies’
interests, and so on, and will slow innovation (no-data-no-
[2006] 5 Env. Liability : Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast 189
needs to be taken seriously both by governments and
When micronutrients are projected to be presented for
economic parties. This is in line with a full-weight-of-evidence
medicinal use, then these products automatically fall outside
approach, ideally expounded in well-balanced risk-benefit
the scope of our proposed policy format.41 It is noteworthy,
assessment procedures, as a result of which a precautionary
however, that over-the-counter (OTC) medicines –
bias towards excess toxicity is eliminated. Not following this
medication that can be obtained without a doctor’s
balanced approach is, in our view, contradictory to the scientific
prescription, yet has been authorised through the proper
method.40 Secondly, therefore, a realistic regulatory approach
regulatory authorities – have traditionally been used to treat
to micronutrients cannot be founded on precautionary
self-limiting minor ailments. These medicinal compounds
thinking as understood by the European Commission. Thirdly,
need only be taken for a limited amount of time and are easy
any rational regulatory approach has to decide on the level of
to obtain and relatively safe. The scope for treating such self-
public intervention that is justified: risks, benefits, and policy
diagnosed conditions has been broadened by the trend away
intervention potential need to be balanced.
from prescription-only medication (POM) to OTC
We propose the following tenets to compose a realistic
medicines, and this is likely to continue.42 The global trend is
policy for marketable food supplements: (i) cost-benefit
towards the encouragement of increased self-care, not only
context; (ii) ex post orientated; (iii) benefit orientated, (iv)
in the treatment of minor ailments, but also in the self-
innovation oriented, and (v) market oriented (level playing-
management of long-term conditions. Ironically, these
field). The flow-chart below describes the policy-direction
policies, which encourage consumers to take and
demonstrate their responsibility for health, is altogethercounter to the approach taken in the FSD/FFR. Figure 1: Flow-chart for food supplements and food
The scheme presented above concerns micronutrients
fortification regulation
that are explicitly intended by the prospective producer tobe used for supplementation of the diet and/or as additionsto conventional foods. We stipulate that the term‘micronutrient’ must be understood in the broadest possibleway (see above). A priori, the scheme places all thesemicronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, in an ex postapproach. In this approach, the essential ordering principle isthe intended normal use (INU, the recommended dailydosage), as unambiguously clarified and presented by themanufacturer on the product’s packaging. This approach isborne out by the fact that, until now, the risk of over-exposureto micronutrients has seemed limited.43 In fact, taking intoconsideration the issue of household economics, people ingeneral will not be capable of or indeed willing to invest infood supplements containing excessive quantities ofmicronutrients, as the costs would be prohibitive. Maximumlevels therefore are superfluous in view of the fact that risksare minimal.
41 For a study on herbal medicinal products see eg E Ernst
‘Risks of Herbal Medicinal Products’ (2004) 13 Pharmacoepi
42 ‘Over-the-counter Medication’ (2005) British Medical
Association Board of Science. This report can be downloaded
from http://www.bma.org.uk/ap.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/
OTC0505/$FILE/OTC0505.pdf (28 September 2006).
43 See (n 38). See also A Shao and others ‘Risk Assessment for
Creatine Monohydrate’ (2006) 45 Reg Tox Pharm 242–51. J N
Hathcock and others ‘Risk Assessment for Carnitine’ (2006) Reg
Tox Pharm doi:10.1016/j.yrtph.2006.06.007.
40 R C Barnard ‘Scientific Method and Risk Assessment’ (1994)
A Shao and others ‘Risk Assessment for the Cartenoids Lutein
and Lycopene’ (2006) 45 Reg Tox Pharm 289–98.
190 Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast : [2006] 5 Env. Liability
We therefore propose that through the system of intended
at large. Positive listing through the no-data-no-market
normal use (INU) of micronutrients, as established and
strategy will counteract innovation, as increasing regulatory
presented by the relevant food business operator, food
demands, fuelled by precautionary deliberations, will hinder
supplements and fortified foods should be allowed on the
entry to the market, and continuing presence in it. This is
market without setting maximum and/or minimum levels.
illustrated in the EC communication on the precautionary
RDAs, if applicable, should play a primary role in the
principle, which states that the provisional nature of
presentation next to SULs with specific and serious safety
precautionary measures, which is usually a ban, ‘is not bound
concerns. The roles played by science and the history of safety,
up with a time limit but with the development of scientific
established as a result of long-term widespread use (tacit
knowledge’.48 As mistrust in science is widespread (see eg
knowledge),44 are different yet complementary and need to
the discussion of Hottois, above), scientific knowledge is
be internalised and explicated by the producer, whether
hardly deemed sufficient to overcome the knowledge-barrier,
through experimental scientific research, desk-top studies,
so any precautionary ban will have an ‘enduring temporality’.49
or both. We envision that the quality, purity (when applicable),
An effective way of counteracting this, therefore, would
consistency and stability of products will be guaranteed
consist of a preventive negative list of compounds proved to
through GMP (good manufacturing practice) and/or other
industry standards that match today’s safety requirements and
Analogously, as is feared with the implementation of the
concerns. This is an important aspect of the safety-guarantee
European REACH chemicals policy (an acronym that stands
that producers need to assess, manage and communicate. In
for Registration, Evaluation, and Authorisation of Chemical
addition, compounds of long-standing widespread use –
Substances), consistent regulatory ex ante demands on new
whether inside or outside the EU45 – could in principle be
chemical products could hamper small and medium-sized
regarded as generally safe (GRAS). Tea, for example, has been
businesses significantly, as fully-fledged toxicological research
consumed for literally thousands of years, and it is this long
requires considerable funding.51 There are evidently good
record of tea consumption that makes the potentially
reasons to take a preventive regulatory approach with regard
beneficial compounds which it contains an attractive target
to safety, when confronted with products with only a very
limited local or traditional use, and of which limited if any
In order to stimulate a level playing-field and innovative
(scientific) knowledge is available. This reflects the overall
developments within the field of food, we propose this ex
approach, that manufacturers need to be sure of the food-
post approach to micronutrient compounds, whereby the
safety of their product in relation to the recommended dosage
aspect of safety is not tackled on the basis of politically
dominated precautionary thinking,47 but rather on the basis
In the absence of RDAs and/or SULs, issues of safety can,
of prevention, ie on the basis of objective, verifiable scientific
for instance, be tackled by the highest observed intake (HOI)
data concerning safety. Contrary to the precautionary
approach, when there are no known adverse effects.52 The
approach, such an approach to safety would support and
HOI is the highest level of intake observed or administered,
sustain innovative industry and thus, eventually, public health
as reported within studies of acceptable quality.53 Monitoring
and the economies of the Member States and the Community
of public health in relation to the intake of micronutrientfood supplements (analogous to the pharmaco-vigilancesystem for pharmaceuticals) is a further part of the proposedscheme. This is of interest to both governments and
44 Tacit knowledge, opposite to codified (usually scientific)
knowledge, is part and parcel of our daily lives and is
transmitted through interpersonal contact, not through
schoolbooks or scientific publications. Skills and traditions
formed in laboratories, for instance, are utilised extensively, yet
48 Communication from the Commission on the Precautionary
are not part of the codified output, such as journal publications
Principle (Commission of the European Communities Brussels
and books. Therefore, even scientific knowledge in the public
domain needs to be found, interpreted by specialists, and
reprocessed for actual use. See n 21.
45 Council Regulation (EC) 258/97 of 27 January 1997
51 L Bergkamp, J C Hanekamp ‘The Draft REACH Regime:
concerning Novel Foods and Novel Ingredients [1997] L43 OJ
Costs and Benefits of Precautionary Chemical Regulation’
Eur Comm 1–7. In fact, this regulation defines a novel food or
[2003] 5 Env Liability 167–80. B Durodié ‘The True Cost of
ingredient as novel as one without a history of use in the EU
Precautionary Chemicals Regulation’ (2003) 23(2) Risk Analysis
46 See eg D S Wheeler and others ‘The Medicinal Chemistry of
52 ‘A Model for Establishing Upper Levels of Intake for
Tea’ (2004) 61 Drug Dev Res 45–65.
Nutrients and Related Substances’ (2006) Report of a Joint
47 J C Hanekamp and others ‘The Historical Roots of
FAO/WHO Technical Workshop on Nutrient Risk Assessment
Precautionary Thinking: the Cultural Ecological Critique and
(WHO Headquarters Geneva Switzerland 2–6 May 2005).
“The Limits to Growth”’ (2005) 8(4) J Risk Res 295–310.
[2006] 5 Env. Liability : Food supplements and fortified foods : Hanekamp, Bast 191
manufacturers, as it will reveal patterns of intake, potentialbenefits and associated risks. Assessment and managementoptions remain wide open to governments and producers ifmonitoring studies reveal potential risks associated with intakeof micronutrient food supplements (beyond a certain level). Communicating benefits and risks within this context is aviable strategy.
In view of the growing knowledge of food components
other than vitamins and minerals that have subsequentlybecome and will become available as food supplements and/or as components of fortified foods, issues of benefits andrisks are becoming increasingly important. However, bioactivefood compounds such as certain polyphenols that may wellbe advantageous in terms of long-term health benefits, arenot as yet placed within the framework of the classicaldeficiency symptoms (as is the case with vitamins and certainminerals), and thereby lack RDAs. This then, in the light ofthe latest scientific knowledge, necessitates a new approachto the RDA, in which the ‘survival’ approach of the preventionof deficiency (as in the current RDAs) is transformed into a‘health’ approach, that is the optimisation of a healthy lifespan. In our view, a switch from the current deficiency-related RDA,limited to vitamins and minerals, to a health-related RDA,extended to other substances known to have beneficial effectson health, is essential in order to understand and address theoptimisation of the public’s nutrient requirements. To reiterate,RDAs do not define an optimal level of any nutrient. Theproposed switch will simultaneously address issues of safety,as new RDAs will give guidance to consumers in terms ofbeneficial consumption levels, both with regard tosupplements, fortified foods, and, ultimately, conventionalfoods. It is not so much new regulation that is needed in thefield of food supplementation and fortification, butgovernments that delegate to citizens the freedom to makechoices, and to economic parties the freedom to create newmarkets in which responsibility for health and safety is takenseriously.54 ‘True (regulatory) perspectives’ on health andsafety dampen down innovative insights, both scientificallyand democratically.
54 B M Friedman The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth
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