Management of Oral Complications from Radiation and Chemotherapy
The oral examination reveals: very dry, erythematous oral mucosal tissues with areas of erosion extending through the epitheial layers. Especially affected is the tongue, which is also fissured and atrophic with loss olf papillae covered with a thin white coating. The gingivae and periodontium are quite healthy except for some erythema all around the
associated with the cancer and its therapy include chronic xerostomia,
taste, altered bone, oral infections and
Chief complaint: very sore, burning mouth which is very dry with painful sores and teeth. Patient has also lost much of his sense of taste and has difficulty eating and
use of daily fluoride gel applications).
Also, early detection of oral soft tissue
glandular tissue in the field of radiation
ago. He had a surgical resection of the left
*Dr. Rhodus is Professor and Director, Division of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, and Adjunct Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, School of Medicine at the University of Minnesota.
caries, especially after teeth have been
synthetic saliva solutions alone are not
satisfactory for relief of the complaints
of quality of life. Clearly, saliva is an
liquids. As a result, nutritional intake
Table One. Management of Salivary Dysfunction*
I. Moisture/Lubrication ± Rx Dexamethasone (Decadron Elixir)
Drink/sip water, liquids (that lack fermentable
± Rx Triamcinolone 0.1% (in hydrocortisone acetate)
Avoid ethanol, tobacco, caffeine, and hot, spicy,
± Rx Clotrimazole (Mycelex) 60-mg troches
Use xylitol candy/gum, Salix or Numoisyn
± Rx Nystatin and triamcinolone ointment
Artificial OTC Salivas: Oasis, Salivart, Moi-Stir,
III. Prevention of Caries–Periodontal Disease
Mouthkote (some patients need multiple articles).
For Oral Balance, apply 1 ⁄ 2 tsp 5 to 6 times daily
Rx Pilocarpine HCl 2% (Salagen)† 5 mg, tid or qid daily, or Rx Cevimeline (Evoxac)† 30 mg caps
Regular hygiene recalls and dental prophylaxis
II. Soft Tissue Lesions–Soreness
Mechanical brushes, waterpik, NaHCO rinses
OTC Oral Balance and Biotene mouthwash. Rx Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) + Maalox + Fluoride varnish
nystatin elixir‡ (± Sucralfate) (± 0.5% viscous
+Rx Neutral NaF 1.0%–trays (Prevident 5000) +Rx Chlorhexidine gluconate (Peridex, Periguard)
*Salivary gland dysfunction, hyposalivation, or xerostomia should be managed by the diagnosis and according to the signs, symptoms, and severity of its manifestations in the oral cavity. Decreases in the quantity, and alterations in the composition of, beneficial constituents of saliva render the patient subject to many problems. The strategies for management will vary from individual to individual as to severity and are divided into the above three major areas.
†Caution in use in patients who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and patients at risk for myocardial infarction (MI).
‡Rx: Benadryl 25 mg/10 ml + nystatin 100,000 IU/ml + Maalox 4 ml; eq 15 ml.
§Rx: Decadron Elixir 0.5%/5 ml. Dispense 100 ml. Sig: 1 tsp. tid swish-swallow.
adjusted. Ill-fitting dentures should be
the oral cavity, patients may still need
adjunctive artificial saliva in order to
Tooth Sensitivity. During and Prosthodontics. Patients should
secreted saliva. The topical application
the first six months after completion of
Osteoradionecrosis. Osteo- Muscle Trismus. Radiation
osteoradionecrosis). Once patients start
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diagnosis. Risk is greatest in posterior
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of oral pilocarpine for treatment of radiation-
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Little JW et al. Dental Management of the Medically Compromised Patient. CV Mosby- Elsevier
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Rhodus, NL. Dysphagia in post-irradiation
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Rhodus, N.L., Oral cancer: leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma. Dent Clin North Am,
Silverman, Oral Cancer. Hamilton, Ontario: BC Decker Inc., 1998.
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11. Suntharalingam, Principles and complications of radiation therapy. Oral cancer: the dentist’s role
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There are two different methods of worming your horse – using a routine worming programme, or worming strategically. Routine worming means you worm your horse throughout the year, at the interval described by the wormer you have chosen to use. Strategic worming means you only worm your horse if a faecal sample indicates that they have a high worm burden. The enclosed information will help you
Ch.S.D.ST.THERESA’S AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE FOR WOMEN THE ANNUAL QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT – (AQAR) 2011-2012 : Ch.S.D.St.Theresa’s Autonomous College for Women, Eluru. Head of the Institution The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC Year of Report – 2011-2012 The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality enhancement