About You: Name ___________________________________________________ I prefer to be cal ed ______________________________ Birthdate _____________________ Age ______ Social Security # _________________________ Male _____ Female _____ Address____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone ______________________________ Wireless phone __________________ Work phone __________________ E-mail address _______________________________________________ Driver’s license # _____________________________ Employer _______________________________ Whom may we thank for referring you? ____________________________ Spouse or person responsible for account other than yourself_________________________________________________ Relation __________ Social Security # _____________________ Phone __________________ Employer ________________ Medical History: Do you require antibiotics before dental treatment? ________________________________________________ Are you allergic to any medicine? __________ If so, what?___________________________________________ Do you have? Are you taking any of the following?
Blood Thinners/Aspirin ______________________________________
Blood Pressure Medicine ___________________________________
Bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Boniva) ________________________
Insulin/Diabetes Drugs______________________________________
__Thyroid problems
Recreational/Street Drugs/ History of abuse? ________________
Statins/Cholesterol medicine _______________________________
__Latex Allergy
Thyroid Medicine __________________________________________
__Heart Disease/Surgery
List any other medicines ___________________________________
Significant present/past medical problems not listed above:__________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you currently under the care of a physician?_____________________________________________________________ Physician’s name and phone number _______________________________________________________________________ Dental History: Why have you come to the dentist today___________________________________________ Do your gums bleed?_____
Have you had periodontal (gum)treatment? _____ Does your jaw ever lock open/closed? _____
Do you hear clicking/popping when you chew? _____
Dental Insurance Information:
Insurance Company Name ___________________________________________ Employer____________________________
Insured’s Name (if not self) ____________________________________________Relation _____________________________
Insured’s Social Security # __________________________________ Insured’s Birthdate ____________________________
Insured’s Employer _________________________________________________________________________________________
I certify that I am covered by _________________________________________ insurance company and I assign payment directly to Dr. Atchley for services rendered. I am responsible for paying al co-payment and deductibles that my insurance does not cover. I hereby authorize the dentist to release all information necessary to secure payment of benefits. I authorize the use of this signature on al my insurance submissions, whether manual or electronic.
Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
I affirm that the information I have given is correct to the best of my knowledge. It wil be held in the strictest confidence and it is my responsibility to inform this office of any changes in my medical status. I authorize the dental staff to perform the necessary dental services I may need.
Our office is HIPAA compliant and is committed to meeting or exceeding the standards of infection control mandated by OSHA, the CDC and the ADA.
I have had ful opportunity to read and consider the contents of the Notice of Privacy Practices. I understand that I am giving my permission to your use and disclosure of my protected health information in order to carry out treatment payment activities, and healthcare operations. I also understand that I have the right to revoke permission.
The privacy policy of this office has been made available to me. (Initial) _____________
If unable to keep your appointment, kindly give a 24 hour notice, otherwise a charge wil be made for time reserved. (initial) _____________
Signature __________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________
Kerman university of medical sciences, kerman, iran. http://www.kmu.ac.irAntimicrobial resistance pattern of Escherichia coli causing urinary tractinfections, and that of human fecal flora, in the southeast of Iran Author(s): Mansouri, S (Mansouri, S); Shareifi, S (Shareifi, S) Source: MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE-MECHANISMS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DISEASE Volume: ٨ Issu
Kommentár C. B. Nemeroff, J. D. Bremner, E. B. Foa, H. S. Mayberg, C. S. North, M. B. Stein Posstraumatic stress disorder: A state-of-the-science review cikkéhez A Poszttraumás Stressz Szindróma a CORDELIA ALAPÍTVÁNY orvosigazgatója A neves szerzők kitűnő összefoglalást adnak a tudományos szempontból egyre több figyelmet érdemlő PTSD-ről. A cikk hat t