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CONTACT PERSON: Robin Jennings
Marketing and Communications
Excela Health
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724-516-4483 CELL


LATROBE, PA, July 5, 2012 … Scholarly work from the Excela Health
Latrobe Hospital Family Medicine Program is newly published in American Family Physician, the official clinical journal of the American Academy of Family The first of three articles accepted for publication has been penned by faculty members Paul Ament, PharmD and Daniel DiCola, MD and third-year resident Susie James, MD. The topic: “Reducing Adverse Effects of Proton Pump According to Ament, the PPI class of agents accounts for more than 113 million prescriptions each year with estimated sales approaching $14 billion. Some drugs - like Prilosec or Prevacid that treat acid reflux disease - eventually become available over the counter. Consumers and clinicians alike may believe that means the drugs are somehow safer in their nonprescription form and appropriate for individuals to self-select and self-medicate. This article distills the body of literature on this topic for the primary care provider. Considered the best-read journal in primary care, AFP focuses on diagnosis and treatment with physician-friendly content that readers put into practice immediately. The journal publishes original articles presenting a family medicine perspective on and approach to common clinical conditions and succinct, evidence-based, authoritative clinical reviews that will assist family Evidence of scholarly activity is a requirement for continuing accreditation of the residency program. Dr. DiCola has been published previously, as has Carol Fox, MD, associate chief medical officer, herself a residency program graduate, and former interim director of the program. The opportunity to conduct research and report on those findings before a wider audience is open to faculty and residents alike. Dr. James was previously “Research and scholarly activity are an important part of any residency,” said Michael Semelka, DO, residency program director. “For a community-based family medicine residency such as ours, this typically occurs in a manner that is practical both for residency training and for ‘the real world’ beyond residency, specifically in the form of office-based quality improvement projects. We wanted to expand our scholarly activity to publishing a group of articles in the number one impact journal in family medicine, American Family Physician. Our residents are outstanding and the collective faculty's clinical and teaching ability and experience are second to none so we saw publishing in AFP as an additional means to demonstrate this to the national family medicine community.” This article represents Ament’s 15th publication and his sixth specifically with AFP. His other publications were in peer reviewed pharmacy journals including Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) and Hospital Formulary. As is the case with the AFP submission, the writing is not anecdotal; rather the articles focus on scientific evidence drilled down to information that can be presented in bullet points and charted summaries and digested in 10 to 12 minutes. Future topics for AFP include: Scoliosis authored by faculty member John Horne, MD and newly graduated residents Saif Usman, MD and Robert Flannery, MD; and Sick Sinus Syndrome submitted by Dr. Semelka and fellow faculty member Jerome Gera, MD, as well as Dr Usman.


(c) Deutscher Apotheker Verlag, Stuttgart Krankenhauspharmazie AABG: Preisgünstige Therapie- alternativen nach § 115c SGB V Vergleichstabellen zu inhalierbaren Glucocorticoiden und inhalierbaren Beta2-Sympathomimetika im Gesamtkontext der Behandlung des Asthma bronchiale Nils Keiner, Verena Handwerk und Dominic Fenske im Auftrag der AABG-Arbeits-gruppe ADKA e.V. Inhalierbare Glucoco

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