Research Paper Differential effects of 3 classes of antidiabetic drugs on olanzapine-induced glucose dysregulation and insulin resistance in female rats Heidi N. Boyda, BSc; Ric M. Procyshyn, PharmD, PhD; Lurdes Tse, MSc; Erin Hawkes, MSc; Chen Helen Jin, MD; Catherine C.Y. Pang, PhD; William G. Honer, MD; Alasdair M. Barr, PhD
Boyda, Tse, Hawkes, Jin, Pang, Barr — Department of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology, University of British Columbia; Procyshyn, Honer — Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia; Procyshyn, Honer, Barr — British ColumbiaMental Health & Addictions Research Institute, Vancouver, BC
Early-released on May 29, 2012; subject to revision. Background: The second-generation antipsychotic drug olanzapine is an effective pharmacological treatment for psychosis. However, use of the drug is commonly associated with a range of metabolic side effects, including glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. These symptoms have been accurately modelled in rodents. Methods: We compared the effects of 3 distinct classes of anti dia betic drugs, metformin (100 and 500 mg/kg, oral), rosiglitazone (6 and 30 mg/kg, oral) and glyburide (2 and 10 mg/kg, oral), on olanzapine- induced metab olic dysregulation. After acutely treating female rats with lower (7.5 mg/kg) or higher (15 mg/kg) doses of olanzapine, we assessed glucose intolerance using the glucose tolerance test and measured insulin resistance using the homeostatic model assess- ment of insulin resist ance equation. Results: Both doses of olanzapine caused pronounced glucose dysregulation and insulin resist - ance, which were significantly reduced by treatment with metformin and rosiglitazone; however, glucose tolerance did not fully return to control levels. In contrast, glyburide failed to reverse the glucose intolerance caused by olanzapine despite increasing insulin levels. Limitations: We evaluated a single antipsychotic drug, and it is unknown whether other antipsychotic drugs are similarly affected by anti diabetic treatments. Conclusion: The present study indicates that oral hypoglycemic drugs that influence hepatic glucose metab - olism, such as metformin and rosiglitazone, are more effective in regulating olanzapine-induced glucose dysregulation than drugs pri- marily affecting insulin release, such as glyburide. The current model may be used to better understand the biological basis of glucose dysregulation caused by olanzapine and how it can be reversed. Introduction
in a metabolic syndrome that substantially increases the riskfor cardiometabolic disorders, such as type II diabetes melli-
Second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs; also known as
tus and cardiovascular disease.4–6 The identifying characteris-
atypical antipsychotics) are effective pharmacological treat-
tics of metabolic syndrome are weight gain, hypertension,
ments for psychotic conditions, including schizophrenia and
hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, glucose intolerance and in-
bipolar disorder.1 On- and off-label use of SGAs has in-
creased in recent years to include additional indications, such
Despite the similarity of SGA-induced metabolic syndrome
as mood and anxiety disorders.2 The widespread use of these
to other forms of prediabetes, the paucity of knowledge
drugs has been ascribed to their lower propensity to induce
about the underlying physiology of the condition has hin-
neurologic side effects, such as extrapyramidal symptoms,
dered the development of optimal treatment strategies for
compared with first-generation antipsychotics.3 Importantly
controlling metabolic dysregulation. Nevertheless, health
though, the past decade of clinical research has reported that
care providers have recognized the serious nature of SGA-
most SGAs can cause serious metabolic side effects, resulting
induced metabolic side effects and have sought to ameliorate
Correspondence to: A.M. Barr, Department of Anesthesiology and Pharmacology, University of British Columbia, 2176 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3;
Submitted Sept. 30, 2011; Revised Feb. 2, Mar. 12, 20, 2012; Accepted Mar. 22, 2012. J Psychiatry Neurosci
them through various interventions.8 Consistent with the lit-
rosiglitazone and glyburide on glucose intolerance and in-
erature on type II diabetes mellitus, some success has been
sulin resistance caused by acute treatment with olanzapine in
obtained through lifestyle changes, including exercise and
a rat model that we have used previously.
diet ary modifications.9 However, these changes may be morechallenging in the psychiatric population,10 therefore the
mainstay of treatment remains the use of antidiabetic drugs. A number of different antidiabetic drugs are currently used
to treat metabolic syndrome11 and type II diabetes mellitus,but unlike antipsychotic drugs that all work primarily
Adult female Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River) initially
through a similar mechanism in regards to clinical efficacy
weigh ing 250–275 g were pair-housed and maintained on a 12-
(blockade of dopamine D receptors12), the antidiabetic drugs
hour light–dark cycle (lights on at 07:00h) in a temperature-
operate through diverse physiological pathways. For in-
controlled colony (mean 22ºC ± 1ºC). Rats were allowed to ha-
stance, the efficacy of metformin (a biguanide) is mediated in
bituate to the University of British Columbia (UBC) colony for
part by an AMP-dependent kinase (AMPK) signalling path-
1 week before experimental testing. Food and water were
way, which does not directly stimulate insulin secretion.13,14
freely available. Animals were treated in accordance with the
The main mode of action for rosiglitazone (a thiazolidine-
National Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of
dione) involves the activation of the peroxisome proliferator-
Laboratory Animals. The Animal Care and Use Committee at
activated receptor γ (PPARγ), a nuclear transcriptional protein
that belongs to the family of PPARs, which regulate genes in-volved in lipid and glucose metabolism.15 Rosiglitazone-
induced acute effects are also independent of direct insulinrelease.16 In contrast to both metformin and rosiglitazone, gly-
The doses of olanzapine (7.5 and 15 mg/kg, intraperitoneal,
buride (a sulfonylurea) directly increases insulin secretion in
hereafter referred to as “lower” and “higher” doses, respect -
the pancreas by inhibiting the ATP-sensitive potassium chan-
ively), which we purchased from Toronto Research Chemicals
nel in β cells.17 It is therefore important to determine whether
Inc., were carefully chosen to represent the middle-to-upper
specific classes of antidiabetic drugs are more efficacious in
range of physiologically relevant levels in vivo and were
treating SGA-induced metabolic syndrome, as this form of
based on doses used in previous behavioural studies.20,31,32 The
metabolic dysregulation may be more or less sensitive to in-
vehicle solution for olanzapine consisted of 50% polyethylene
glycol 400, 40% distilled water and 10% ethanol (PEG solu-
The symptoms of metabolic syndrome can be modelled in
tion). Olanzapine was administered intraperitoneally in a vol-
rodents, and preclinical paradigms have reliably reproduced
ume of 1 mL/kg as a single injection 60 minutes before the
many of the metabolic symptoms of SGAs observed in hu-
glucose challenge (refer to section on Acute antidiabetic treat-
mans.18–20 We and others have previously shown that 2 of the
ment). The doses of metformin (100 and 500 mg/kg, oral) and
key symptoms of SGA-induced metabolic dysregulation (i.e.,
rosiglitazone (6 and 30 mg/kg, oral), which we purchased
glucose intolerance and insulin resistance) are faithfully re-
from Toronto Research Chemicals Inc., and of glyburide (2
produced in rats following both acute and chronic treatment
and 10 mg/kg, oral), which we purchased from Sigma-
with SGAs.21–25 Importantly, these changes in glucose metab -
Aldrich Inc., were based on doses used in previous preclinical
olism occur rapidly and have been demonstrated repeatedly
studies33–35 and represented a 5-fold range from low to high
to be independent of changes in body weight, both in the
doses in the acute setting of various antidiabetic animal mod-
clinical setting and in rodent models.24,26,27 To date, the effects
els. The vehicle solutions for metformin and rosiglitazone con-
of most of the main classes of antidiabetic drugs on SGA-
sisted of heated 0.9% saline (which was allowed to cool before
induced metabolic dysregulation remain undetermined in
administration), whereas the vehicle for glyburide consisted
preclinical models. It is important to perform such studies, as
of PEG solution. All hypoglycemic drugs were administered
findings may not only provide knowledge about the biologic -
orally (gastric gavage) once daily for 2 consecutive days (refer
al pathways that are affected, but also offer insights into opti-
to section on Acute antidiabetic treatment). The duration of
mal treatment approaches in the clinic.
oral hypoglycemic drug treatment was set to 2 consecutive
We therefore conducted the present study to determine the
days to ensure that baseline fasting metabolic parameters
effects of 3 of the most commonly used classes of oral hypo-
(measured both before and after olanzapine administration)
glycemic drugs (i.e., biguanides, thiazolidinediones and sul-
and postprandial measures could be examined under antidia-
fonylureas) on the metabolic dysregulation caused by the
betic drug exposure. All solutions were compounded fresh
SGA olanzapine. Olanzapine is a widely used SGA with a
daily, and the use of all other chemical compounds were com-
low propensity for neurological side effects that has proven
mercially available and of reagent grade.
to be superior in controlling psychosis and preventing rehos-pitalization to other SGAs in a major head-to-head trial.28
Baseline Intraperitoneal Glucose Tolerance Test
However, enthusiasm for the use of olanzapine is temperedby evidence that it causes serious metabolic side effects that
See Appendix 1, Figure S1, available at, for a rep-
may be second only in severity to those associated with
resentation of the sequence of events. Prior to the administra-
clozapine.29,30 We therefore tested the effects of metformin,
tion of the first antidiabetic trial (metformin), all rats were
J Psychiatry Neurosci
Olanzapine metabolic side-effects and antidiabetic drugs
subjected to a baseline glucose tolerance test (day 1). Briefly, ani -
using ultra sensitive rat insulin enzyme-linked immunosor-
mals were wrapped in a towel to minimize stress, and a small
bent assay (ELISA) kits (Crystal Chem Inc.), as previously
drop of saphenous venous blood was procured through the use
performed.21,36 Briefly, 5 µL plasma samples were added and
of a 25-gauge needle for the baseline blood glucose measure-
analyzed, in duplicate, on each 96-well plate according to the
ment at t = 0 minutes. Subsequently, all animals received a glu-
specific time points studied (t = 60 and t = 90 minutes). Sam-
cose challenge (1 g/kg/mL, intraperitoneal) followed by re-
ples were incubated at 4°C for 2 hours followed by repeated
peated sampling of blood glucose readings at t = 15, 45, 75 and
washes. Substrate was added for 40 minutes, and absorbance
105 minutes. All blood glucose measurements were determined
was measured at 450–630 nm. Calibrators provided with the
by a hand-held glucometer (One Touch Ultra). Rats were left
ELISA kit were used to generate a curve to interpolate sam-
untreated from days 2–7 before the first antidiabetic drug ad-
ple insulin values. In addition, a reference (nonfasted) ani-
ministration (day 8) and the subsequent intraperitoneal glucose
mal’s plasma added to all plates served as a reference stan-
tolerance test (IGTT; day 9). As the present longitudinal study
dard; this confirmed a high intraplate reliability, with a mean
exposed the rats consecutively to 3 different antidiabetic drugs
run-to-run correlation of 0.996 (range 0.994–0.999).
that could theoretically have residual carryover effects, a similar“washout” procedure was performed 1 week after each drug
treatment (rats were left untreated during the week after eacholanzapine/antidiabetic drug trial, days 10–14). Any putative
To determine acute insulin resistance in drug-treated rats, we
carryover effects would be detected as a change in IGTT results
calculated the homeostatic model assessment of insulin resist -
ance (HOMA-IR). This equation takes into account the prod-uct of both fasting levels of glucose (expressed as mmol/L)
and insulin (µU/mL) at 60 minutes postolanzapine treatmentand divides by a constant of 22.5 ([I x G ]/22.5), where I and
See Appendix 1, Figure S1 for a representation of the se-
G are fasting insulinemia and glycemia. A larger calculated
quence of events. Rats (n = 8–10 per group) were rank-
HOMA-IR value denotes greater insulin resistance.
ordered based on the baseline IGTT and the initial total bodyweight, and they were then randomized into 1 of 9 treatment
groups: higher dose olanzapine (15 mg/kg) and higher dosemetformin (500 mg/kg), higher dose olanzapine and lower
We performed a 2-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), with
dose metformin (100 mg/kg), higher dose olanzapine and no
antipsychotic drug (2 doses of olanzapine and vehicle) and
metformin (0.9% saline vehicle), lower dose olanzapine
antidiabetic drug (2 doses and vehicle) as the between-subject
(7.5 mg/ kg) and higher dose metformin, lower dose olanza -
factors, with an α of p < 0.05. Individual glucose measure-
pine and lower dose metformin, lower dose olanzapine and
ments at the 8 time points during the IGTT were integrated to
0.9% saline, no olanzapine (PEG vehicle solution) and higher
generate a single area under the curve (AUC) value. The vari-
dose metformin, no olanzapine and lower dose metformin,
ables analyzed included fasting levels of glucose before and
and no olanzapine and no metformin (0.9% saline vehicle).
60 min utes after the antipsychotic drug challenge, the AUC
Each rat received a single gavage administration of either
for the glucose tolerance test, fasting postdrug insulin and
metformin or 0.9% saline on day 8 (at 11:00h). On day 9, rats
HOMA-IR values. When appropriate, we conducted least
that were fasted overnight (mean 16 [SD 2] hr) had their base-
significant difference post hoc tests. Data were analyzed with
line blood glucose levels measured and then received a single
intraperitoneal injection of either olanzapine (7.5 or 15 mg/ kg)or PEG vehicle (t = 0 minutes). After a 60-minute delay, ani-
mals were subjected to a 100 µL saphenous blood draw,whereby plasma was centrifuged (10 000 revolutions per
minute for 10 minutes at 4°C) and stored at –80°C for theanalysis of insulin levels. The animals then received the second
Fasting levels of glucose in the rats before olanzapine admin-
dose of metformin or vehicle by gavage (60 min postolanza -
istration did not differ between the groups (Table 1). How-
pine administration) followed by an intraperitoneal challenge
ever, fasting levels of glucose measured 60 minutes after treat-
injection of glucose (1 g/mL/kg). Glucose levels were then
ment with olanzapine but before the administration of the
measured every 15 minutes for a duration of 120 minutes. An
second metformin dose and the glucose load showed a highly
identical protocol was repeated for the 2 additional antidia-
significant effect of antipsychotic drug treatment (F
betic drugs, rosiglitazone (6 or 30 mg/kg, oral) and glyburide
p < 0.001) but no interaction with antidiabetic drug treatment
(2 or 10 mg/kg, oral). For the entirety of the study, each animal
(there were no significant interactions between these 2 factors
handler was blinded to drug treatment group.
on any variable for any of the 3 antidiabetic drugs). Post hocanalysis indicated that all olanzapine-treated groups had
Insulin measurement by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
higher fasting glucose levels than the vehicle-treated groups(p < 0.001; Table 1). Interestingly, the higher dose olanzapine-
Individual plasma samples extracted during day 2 from each
treated rats that were not given metformin had higher fasting
of the 3 antidiabetic IGTTs were analyzed for insulin content
glucose levels than all other groups (p = 0.011), including the
J Psychiatry Neurosci
2 other higher dose olanzapine-treated groups that received
washout IGTT after metformin treatment (i.e., 1 week before
metformin the day before. This suggests that the first day of
and 1 week after metformin treatment) indicated no carry-
treatment may have had a residual effect on glucose levels af-
over effect of drug treatment, so animals were rerandomized
ter challenge with the antipsychotic drug.
to 2 days of treatment with rosiglitazone the following week.
Analysis of insulin levels postolanzapine administration but
Fasting levels of glucose in the rats on the second day of
before the metformin and glucose load indicated a significant
rosiglitazone treatment before olanzapine administration did
main effect of antipsychotic drug treatment (F
not differ between the groups. Olanzapine increased fasting
p < 0.001), whereby insulin levels were significantly increased
levels of glucose measured 60 minutes after antipsychotic
in all groups treated with olanzapine (Table 1). Insulin resist -
= 23.29, p < 0.001; Table 1). This reflected
ance was calculated using the HOMA-IR equation. The
increased glucose levels for the olanzapine-treated groups
ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of olanzapine
compared with groups not treated with olanzapine
(p < 0.001). Fasting insulin levels were similarly increased in
whereby they were significantly higher in all groups treated
all olanzapine-treated groups compared with vehicle-treated
with olanzapine than in those treated with vehicle; HOMA-IR
= 17.31, p < 0.001; Table 1). Analysis of HOMA-
values were also significantly higher in the 15 mg/kg dose
IR values revealed a significant effect of olanzapine (F
olanzapine groups than the 7.5 mg/kg dose groups (p = 0.013),
17.29, p < 0.001), whereby HOMA-IR values were signifi-
indicating a dose-dependent effect of olanzapine on insulin re-
cantly higher in all groups treated with olanzapine. Whereas
sistance. The effects of metformin on olanzapine-induced glu-
HOMA-IR values were lower in all groups that had received
cose dysregulation were directly assessed with the IGTT
rosiglitazone on the previous day, this effect did not ap-
(Fig. 1A and Appendix 1, Figure S2A). The ANOVA indicated
proach significance, unlike with metformin.
significant main effects of both olanzapine (F
Analysis of the data from the IGTT indicated that there was
p < 0.001) and metformin (F
both an effect of treatment with olanzapine (F
the IGTT. Post hoc analysis revealed that olanzapine produced
p < 0.001) and an effect of treatment with rosiglitazone (F
a dose-dependent increase in the glucose values during the
5.43, p = 0.007). Similar to the effects of metformin, both doses
IGTT, with the 15 mg/kg dose causing the greatest degree of
of rosiglitazone caused a significant reduction in glucose intol-
glucose intolerance (p = 0.008). Both doses of metformin
erance in olanzapine-treated rats (p = 0.010; Fig. 1B and Appen-
caused a significant reduction in olanzapine-induced glucose
dix 1, Figure S2B) but did not completely reverse glucose intol-
intolerance (p = 0.002); however, this effect did not differ be-
erance, as glucose levels still remained significantly higher than
tween the 2 doses of metformin. Glucose levels were still
those in rats not treated with olanzapine (p = 0.014).
higher in groups that received olanzapine and metformin thanin those that did not receive olanzapine (p = 0.046), reflecting a
partial rather than full reversal of glucose intolerance.
Comparison of glucose levels in the washout IGTTs before
and after treatment with rosiglitazone indicated no differencein glucose tolerance, therefore the rats were rerandomized to
Comparison of glucose levels in the baseline IGTT and the
treatment with glyburide the following week. Table 1: Mean concentration of fasting glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR scores in rats treated with oral hypoglycemic drugs*
H = high-dose hypoglycemic; HOMA-IR = homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance; L = low-dose hypoglycemic; O = olanzapine; O
= olanzapine, 7.5 mg/kg; SEM = standard error of the mean; V = vehicle.
*Rats were treated with vehicle or olanzapine (7.5 or 15 mg/kg) on day 2. †Significantly different from V – V group, p < 0.05. ‡Significantly different from O
J Psychiatry Neurosci
Olanzapine metabolic side-effects and antidiabetic drugs
Analysis of fasting glucose levels on the second day of gly-
buride treatment revealed a highly significant main effect of
A Metformin
with metformin and rosiglitazone. This was due to a large re-
duction of about 50% in fasting glucose levels in animalstreated with glyburide, demonstrating that glyburide has
hypoglycemic actions even 24 hours after administration
(Table 1). Sixty minutes following treatment with olanzapine
there was a main effect of treatment with both olanzapine
= 29.11, p < 0.001) and glyburide (F
fasting glucose levels. Further analysis revealed that olan -
zapine had a dose-dependent effect on glucose levels, with
both doses of olanzapine causing increases compared with
vehicle-treated rats (p < 0.001) and a greater effect of the
15 mg/kg dose compared with the 7.5 mg/kg dose
B Rosiglitazone
(p = 0.032). The effect of glyburide, representing residual ef-
fects from the first day of treatment, was evident, as de-
creased fasting glucose levels compared with rats not treated
with the antidiabetic drug: while all glyburide-treated groups
showed decreases, this was only significant in the rats not
treated with olanzapine. Fasting insulin levels revealed main
effects of both olanzapine treatment (F
viously (Table 1). Olanzapine, relative to vehicle, caused an
increase in insulin levels (p < 0.001). Glyburide treatment
24 hours previously increased insulin levels, but only in the
higher dose groups (10 mg/kg; p = 0.017). Insulin resistance,
C Glyburide
measured by HOMA-IR, exhibited a main effect of olanza -
= 26.65, p < 0.001) but no effect of gly-
buride, as olanzapine increased HOMA-IR values. Glucose
intolerance during the IGTT following the second dose of
glyburide also revealed a main effect of olanzapine treatment
= 39.35, p < 0.001) but no effect of glyburide treatment
(Fig. 1C and Appendix 1, Fig. S2C). As mentioned previ-ously, olanzapine caused a dose-dependent increase in glu-
cose intolerance, regardless of glyburide treatment group,with both doses of olanzapine increasing glucose intolerance
significantly (p < 0.001), and a greater effect of the 15 mg/kg
olanzapine dose compared with the 7.5 mg/kg dose(p = 0.002). Whereas glyburide decreased glucose levels in the
animals not treated with olanzapine, this effect did not quite
achieve significance and had no effect in olanzapine-treatedanimals, unlike with metformin and rosiglitazone. Fig. 1: Animals (n = 8–10 per group) received 2 daily gavages of
Interestingly, the magnitude of the response to olanzapine
either (A) metformin (100 and 500 mg/kg, oral), (B) rosiglitazone (6
during the IGTT showed a slight reduction with time across
and 30 mg/kg, oral) or (C) glyburide (2 and 10 mg/kg, oral) immedi-
the entire study, as AUC glucose levels modestly (but non-
ately after olanzapine treatment (7.5 and 15 mg/kg, intraperitoneal)
significantly) declined with both doses of olanzapine be-
and overnight fasting. Subsequently, all rats were subjected to a
tween the first exposure to olanzapine and the second expos -
glucose tolerance test, receiving an intraperitoneal challenge injec-
ure (with rosiglitazone), although there was no further drop
tion of 1 g/mL/kg of glucose, and blood glucose levels were meas -
between the second and third olanzapine exposures.
ured every 15 minutes for the next 2 hours. Total cumulative glu-cose levels for each treatment group are summed as areas under
the curve (AUC) and are presented as percent change from vehiclecontrol. H = high dose; L = low dose; SEM = standard error of themean; V = vehicle. *Significantly greater than vehicle-treated rats
In the present study, we tested the effects of 3 distinct classes
(p = 0.010). †Significantly greater than vehicle-only treated rats
of oral hypoglycemic drugs on glucose dysregulation and in-
(p = 0.009) but lower than rats treated with 7.5 mg/kg olanzapine
sulin resistance in adult female rats treated with lower and
and no antidiabetic drug (p = 0.045). ‡Significantly greater than
higher doses (7.5 mg/kg and 15 mg/kg) of the SGA olanza -
vehicle-only treated rats (p = 0.007) but lower than rats treated with
pine. The hypoglycemic drugs were administered once daily
15 mg/kg olanzapine and no antidiabetic drug (p = 0.045). J Psychiatry Neurosci
for 2 consecutive days, and included a biguanide (metformin),
The selective effects of metformin and rosiglitazone versus
thiazolidinedione (rosiglitazone) and sulfonylurea (glyburide).
glyburide on glucose homeostasis are consistent with the
A major conclusion from the present results is that
known effects of olanzapine on glucose dysregulation. Evi-
olanzapine-induced glucose dysregulation can be alleviated, in
dence suggests that the pathogenesis of SGA-induced glu-
part, by antidiabetic drug mechanisms that are independent of
cose dysregulation stems mainly from inadequate hepatic
direct insulin release. Under current experimental conditions,
glucose control,24,44,45 reflecting hepatic insulin insensitivity.
improvement of glucose intolerance and hyperglycemia was
Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp studies have demon-
demonstrated by both metformin and rosiglitazone, but not
strated that olanzapine significantly decreases hepatic insulin
glyburide treatment. It is unlikely that the 2 doses of glyburide
sensitivity and increases hepatic glucose output (HGO) in ro-
used were too low to have an effect, as these are doses com-
dent models.22,24,44 For both metformin and rosiglitazone, in
monly used efficaciously in other rat models of metabolic dys-
vitro evidence indicates that suppression of liver HGO is
regulation and type 2 diabetes.33 Furthermore, our 5-fold dose
medi ated independently of the effects of insulin.14,46 In compar-
range of glyburide reduced fasting glucose levels by almost
ison, sulfonylureas, such as glyburide, produce their therapeu-
50% and nearly doubled plasma insulin levels in control ani-
tic effects by directly stimulating insulin secretion from the
mals, consistent with glyburide’s known insulin-secreting ac-
pancreas, giving rise to sustained levels of circulating insulin.17
tion. It appears that increasing insulin levels alone is insuffi-
In theory, the increased levels of insulin caused by treatment
cient to decrease the glucose dysregulation induced by
with glyburide should stimulate type 1 processes that lower
olanzapine. Working through mechanisms independent of di-
glucose levels in response to a hyperglycemic state, such as
rect insulin release, metformin and rosiglitazone were able to
hep atic glucose uptake, peripheral glucose disposal and inhibi-
cause a respective 39%–54% and 29%–50% decrease in glucose
tion of glucogenic responses. However, the clear failure of gly-
intolerance in the IGTT. The effects of metformin and rosiglita-
buride to affect olanzapine-induced hyperglycemia strongly
zone were not dose-dependent, as the higher dose of each
suggests that the therapeutic effects of metformin and rosigli-
drug did not have a greater effect, so doses might have to be
tazone occur via their insulin-independent mechanisms. As
substantially higher to produce additional effects on glucose
metformin’s pharmacological action involves suppressing
dysregulation. It is also unlikely that more extended dosing
HGO by curtailing gluconeogenesis in addition to enhancing
could produce a greater effect, as our pilot studies found no
peripheral glucose utilization,47,48 there are shared physiologic
further benefit to extending hypoglycemic drug treatment be-
pathways between both antipsychotic and antidiabetic drugs.
yond 1 week (data not shown). It is possible that the inability
The “cellular energy sensing” AMPK-signalling pathway has
of these drugs to completely reverse olanzapine-induced glu-
been proposed as a mechanism of antidiabetic action. Both
cose dysregulation reflects the complex physiologic effects of
liver and muscle AMPK activity is increased by metformin,
the antipsychotics through multiple pathways.
facilitating inhibition of lipogenesis, gluconeogenesis and in-
Consistent with previous studies, olanzapine caused signifi -
creased glucose uptake.49,50 Metformin also blocks hypothala-
cant metabolic dysregulation,22,24,31,37–43 evident as elevated fast-
mic AMPK activity, resulting in anorexigenic effects.51,52 Several
ing glucose levels, insulin resistance (greater HOMA-IR val-
recent studies have documented elevated levels of phosphory-
ues) and glucose intolerance in the IGTT. To our knowledge,
lated hypothalamic AMPK after chronic olanza pine treat-
we assessed the effects of metformin, rosiglitazone and gly-
ment,45,53 which were associated with weight gain and in-
buride on these metabolic side effects in rats for the first time.
creased food intake.54 Evidence also suggests that metformin
Metformin showed an effect on glucose dysregulation after
modulates the incretin axis via an AMPK-independent
the first day of treatment: fasting glucose levels were de-
mech anism. Enhanced plasma levels of the insulinotropic
creased after treatment with the higher dose of the antipsy-
hormone glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) have been reported
chotic. Importantly, after the second dose, metformin signifi-
after metformin treatment in humans and in preclinical
cantly reduced glucose intolerance in the IGTT, although
models.55–57 Among other beneficial antidiabetic effects, GLP-1
values still remained above those of controls. Rosiglitazone
suppresses the hyperglycemic action of glucagon, causing
did not exhibit effects after the first day of treatment, but the
decreased HGO and lower circulating glucose levels. Recent
second dose resulted in a reduction of glucose intolerance in
studies by Smith and colleagues41,58 demonstrated that
the IGTT similar to metformin, causing a significant reduction
olanzapine-, clozapine- and quetiapine-induced glucose dys-
of glucose intolerance but, again, not a complete return to con-
regulation was associated with decreased GLP-1 production
trol values. In contrast, glyburide had a strong hypoglycemic
and enhanced glucagon secretion, leading to stimulated
effect on fasting glucose levels in rats not treated with olanza-
HGO. These studies, together with our present findings, sug-
pine. However, the drug did not decrease fasting glucose lev-
gest common targets for both metformin and antipsychotic
els after olanzapine treatment, and unlike the other 2 antidia-
drug action. The opposing effects of SGAs and metformin on
betic drugs, glyburide had no effect on glucose intolerance in
glucagon, GLP-1 and AMPK may explain why hypoglycemic
the IGTT. Previously, we have reported that intermittent
drug treatment has been only partially successful in relieving
treatment with olanzapine can sensitize glucose intolerance.31
SGA-induced metabolic side effects in the clinic.59 Rosigli -
This was not observed in the present study, likely owing to
tazone, via activation of PPARγ receptors, causes reduced
factors, including the duration of treatment, rerandomization
expression of genes required for hepatic gluconeogenesis,
of animals after each antidiabetic drug, injection regimen and
such as pyruvate carboxylase and glucose-6-phosphatase,
potential influence of exposure to antidiabetic drugs.
en hancing suppression of HGO and increasing peripheral
J Psychiatry Neurosci
Olanzapine metabolic side-effects and antidiabetic drugs
glucose disposal,60 similar to metformin.
zone, but not glyburide, can mitigate glucose intolerance
To our knowledge, 4 other studies have determined the ef-
caused by olanzapine in female rats. These findings are con-
fects of antidiabetic agents on SGA-induced glucose intoler-
sistent with those reported in preclinical and clinical studies.
ance. In the study by Lykkegaard and colleagues,61 treatment
Our findings indicate that drugs that influence hepatic glu-
of female rats with liraglutide, a GLP-1 analogue, alleviated
cose metabolism are most effective. Further studies using
metabolic indices, including olanzapine-induced glucose in-
representative drugs from other classes of antidiabetic drugs
tolerance. There was no effect on fasting plasma insulin lev-
and different models of SGA-induced metabolic abnormality
els, but importantly, only a single dose of both olanzapine
are needed to elucidate the biological basis of SGA-induced
and liraglutide were tested. In a separate study, treatment
metabolic sequelae and how antidiabetic drugs reverse these
with the GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 decreased glucose
side effects. Future research should also examine multidrug
levels in the GTT after treatment with an acute 10 mg/kg
antidiabetic combinations, as routinely occurs in the clinical
dose of clozapine.58 Arulmozhi and colleagues62 assessed the
setting,68 to identify optimal treatment strategies that may
effects of 3 different PPARγ modulators (glimepiride, rosigli-
tazone and fenofibrate) on ziprasidone-, clozapine- andchlorpromazine-induced hyperglycemia and hyperinsuline-
Acknowledgements: The current research was supported by grants
mia in mice. Rosiglitazone and glimepiride reduced hyper-
from the British Columbia Provincial Health Services Authority andNational Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
glycemia in chlorpromazine-treated animals, whereas all
(NSERC) grant 356069-09 to A.M. Barr, and NSERC grant 355912-11
3 antidiabetics reduced clozapine-induced hyperglycemia,
to C.C.Y. Pang. A.M. Barr is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research
with the greatest effect attributed to rosiglitazone. Adeneye
(CIHR) New Investigator, and H.N. Boyda is a CIHR Banting scholar.
and colleagues63 examined the chronic effects of both met-
Competing interests: None declared for H.N. Boyda, L. Tse, E. Hawkes
formin (20 mg/kg) and glyburide (0.1 mg/kg) pretreatment
and C.C.Y. Pang. R.M. Procyshyn declares having consulted for
on risperidone-induced weight gain, hyperglycemia, insulin
AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen, Sunovion and Pfizer; re-
resistance and dyslipidemia in male rats. After 60 days of
ceived lecture fees from AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Otsukaand Pfizer; and developed educational presentations for Bristol-
pretreatment, metformin reduced weight gain, fasting hyper-
Myers Squibb and Pfizer. C.H. Jin declares having received a student
glycemia, hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia, whereas gly-
award from the NSERC to fund a summer research project. W.G. Honer
buride had no effect. Our results are therefore consistent with
declares advisory board membership with Roche Canada and In
those reported in the 2 latter studies, and also mostly consist -
Silico Biosciences; having received consultant fees from Novartis and
ent with the clinical literature. Human studies have con-
the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health; receivingroyalties from antibody manufacturers for licenses held by his uni-
firmed that metformin alleviates some of the metabolic ef-
versity; and having received travel support from multiple academic
fects of olanzapine. A recent meta-analysis concluded that
and health authorities for presentations. A.M. Barr declares advisory
metformin had modest effects on olanzapine-induced weight
board membership with Roche Canada; having acted as legal consul-
gain,64 whereas another meta-analysis that included multiple
tant for Eli Lilly Canada; and having a grant pending with BMSCanada through his institution.
SGAs determined that metformin reduced but did not fullyreverse drug-induced insulin resistance.59 There is less evi-
Contributors: H.N. Boyda, R.M. Procyshyn, C.C.Y. Pang and A.M. Barr
dence regarding the clinical efficacy of rosiglitazone, owing
designed the study. H.N. Boyda, L. Tse, E. Hawkes, C.H. Jin andA.M. Barr acquired the data, which H.N. Boyda, W.G. Honer and
in part to ongoing concern about the cardiovascular side ef-
A.M. Barr analyzed. H.N. Boyda, R.M. Procyshyn, C.C.Y. Pang and
fects of the drug.65 However, a clinical trial noted that rosigli-
A.M. Barr wrote the article, which H.N. Boyda, L. Tse, E. Hawkes,
tazone significantly improved glycemic control in patients
C.H. Jin, W.G. Honer and A.M. Barr reviewed. All authors approved
treated with olanzapine.66 To our knowledge, there has been
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REGULAR SALMETEROL IN CHRONIC ASTHMA: SERIOUS An editorial by Kevin Weiss in the Annals of Internal Medicine(1) has warned against the use of long-acting beta2-agonists (with or without inhaled corticosteroids) as first line treatment in asthma, and especially not for people with mild asthma. He also suggests that it would be prudent to use long-acting beta2-agonists only when the prescriber is c