Microsoft powerpoint - messiong_flyer_2 und 3 .ppt
Abstract Professional Career of the Invitee: Shotgun DNA sequencing bearing fruits: probing the dynamics of genome size Professor of Molecular Biology and Director Joachim (Jo) Messing DNA sequencing reactions can result in the determination of a Professional Experience (selection)
contiguous order of bases of up to around 1,000 nucleotides. To
1988-present: Director, Waksman Institute, Rutgers University
determine the sequences of entire chromosomes, the universal primer
1985-present: University Professor of Molecular Biology, Rutgers University
method was developed nearly 30 years ago, which requires the
1996-1998 Acting Chair, Department of Genetics, Rutgers University
purification of DNA templates for sequencing by DNA cloning and a
1989-1990 Acting Chair, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
primer complementary to the vector sequence. Because of the highly
1985-1988 Director of Research, Waksman Institute, Rutgers University
parallel nature of this process, the method was named shotgun DNA Honors (selection) sequencing.
2007 Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
Because sequenced DNA templates overlap, they can be
2004 USDA Secretary’s Honor Award (US Rice Genome)
concatenated, thereby permitting the reconstruction of long
2003 World Technology Award in Biotechnology (IRGSP)
contiguous DNA sequences. While in concept such a theme should be
2002 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
limitless in the size of DNA that can be sequenced, it has now been
1981-1990 World's most-cited scientist, Science 254:28, October 1991
proven that even large chromosomes of multicellular organisms can
Editor/Editorial Boards (selection)
indeed be sequenced this way. A particular enigma in terms of DNA
2005-present: Member, Editorial Board, Genome Research
size has been the C-value paradox.
2005-present: Member, Editorial Board, BMC Plant Biology
Striking examples are species in the plant kingdom, which differ in the
1996-present: Member, Editorial Board, Current Opinion in Biotechnology
size of their genomes by several orders of magnitude. The most
1994-present: Guest Editor, Molecular Breeding
important crops in the world range in size from 0.4 Gb (rice) to 16 Gb
1993-present: Member, Editorial Board, Methods
(wheat), but do not differ in their morphological complexity the same
1989-present: Member, Editorial Board, DNA Sequence1983-present: Member, Editorial Board, DNA and Cell Biology
By taking advantage of conserved gene order across species Professional Activities (selection)
(synteny), we sequenced contiguous segments of closely related
2005-present: Elected Member, Sorghum Genetics Executive Committee
grass species so that it becomes possible to investigate whether
2004-present: Elected Member, Maize Genetics Executive Committee
chromosomes of species with larger genomes expanded in size and
2002-present: International Sequencing Consortium
1997-present: Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, BioArray Solutions1989-present: Ad hoc reviewer to DOE, NSF, NIH, EU, Israel
Present: Absent: Karen Anderson Ron Langhans Scott Middelkamp Greg O’Connor Brad Roessler Randy Simmonds Marshal Stout Dr. Gina Segobiano, Superintendent Dr. Beth Horner, Asst. Supt. I. Call to Order/ President Anderson called the regular meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the District Office Board Room. Visitor(s) present: Robyn Dexter, Cory Myers, Rachel Ribolzi, Addyson Shaw, Amanda Truttm
Min skrivelyst har altid været stor, og i nutidens "Computertider" hvor det er blevet nemt at skrive, tilføje og redigere, har jeg fået lyst til at skrive lidt om min barndom, om oplevelser og ting som jeg gerne husker tilbage til og siden om begivenheder i mit videre liv. Min tilværelse startede den 29. maj 1931 i Kaiserin Augusta Krankenhaus i Charlottenburg. Min far var maler og