
Policy for the Administration of Medicines The staff and governors are committed to the development of environment to encourage all children to achieve their fullest We want all the children and adults to achieve success motivation; and through links with the Church, the local future for themselves and the world in which they live. Hope Brook C of E Primary School – April 2009 Policy for the Administration of Medicines
In general, staff cannot legally be required to administer medication or supervise a pupil taking it. We will:  Administer prescription medicines during the school day if absolutely necessary (i.e. in cases where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if it were not administered during the school day) The medicines will be administered by the office staff  Require parents to complete a consent form detailing doses and times. Medicines must be supplied in the original container they were dispensed in  Devise Individual Medical Care Plans, with parents, for managing long-  Ensure that all staff are aware of specific medical needs, particularly of pupils with Individual Medical Care Plans and will be provided with training appropriate to the needs of that care plan. (e.g. treating anaphylactic shock)  Appoint a ‘named person’ for the administration of medication that requires specialist training (e.g. Epipens)  Ensure that where specialist training is required, it is provided by a  Inhalers are kept in the classrooms so they are always accessible. Their location is agreed between staff and pupils  Supervise the administration of inhalers  Store prescribed medication safely and appropriately  Administer medication in emergency procedures according to national / local guidance (i.e. following guidance for asthma sufferers – following poster displayed in staff room)  Administer non-prescription medication unless agreed with the  Administer any aspirin or ibuprofen-based medicines unless prescribed  Administer inhalers – children should be taught to self-administer (Procedures may be adapted for pupils in the younger years)  A named member of staff has responsibility for management of medication. This person must be given all the relevant information in writing by the parents  Generally, Key Stage One children would not be required to carry their own inhalers, but refer to the responsible adult if self-administration is required. Parents wishing their children to take full responsibility for Hope Brook C of E Primary School – April 2009 their own inhalers must agree this with the Headteacher or the responsible adult  Key Stage Two children carry their own inhalers for self-administration  For residential visits, parents are asked to give written consent for the  Administering medicines out of school hours wherever possible  Offering to administer medication during the school day themselves  Training inhaler users to self-administer  Ensuring that medicines are ‘in date’ and collecting medication no  Ensuring that current and accurate medical information is passed to the  Ensuring that their children only bring to school adequate medication appropriate to their individual needs i.e. will limit the quantity of over the counter medicines held by their child
Date of policy: May 2009
Date of review: May 2014
This policy was formulated in consultation with the Headteacher and teaching staff.

This policy was accepted by the Governing Body at their meeting on Wednesday 6th
May 2009, and will be reviewed in 5 years.
Signed …………………………………….
Hope Brook C of E Primary School – April 2009

Source: http://www.hopebrook.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Administration-of-Medicines.pdf


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The converb, in its least specific and sharp resolution, isThe term ›converb‹ was coined, so far as I know,used to mean ›adverbial verb form‹, or ›verbal adverb‹without definition, by the Finnish Altaicist G. Ramstedt(see the subtitle of HASPELMATH & KÖNIG 1995). Mostlyas ›Converbum‹ or ›Converbium‹, in his 1902 mono-and for long it has been known, in the description

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