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* Books marked with an asterisk are those quoted in the report N. Meron, Without Offense – Value Dilemmas in Children’s Society, The Right to Respect and the Duty to Respect. Matah – The Center For Educational Technology, 1998. H. Adan, V. Ashkenazi, B. Alperson, To Be Citizens in Israel - A Jewish and Democratic State – Civics Textbook for Upper Grades in General and Religious Schools. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch, 5760. K. Tabibian, Journey To The Past – The Twentieth Century, By Dint of Freedom. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 5759-1999. N. Galil, H. Regev, Holocaust And Remembrance – Teacher’s Guide. Shazar Center for The History Of Israel, Yad VaShem – Holocaust and Heroes Remembrance Authority, 1999. Z. Fein, M. Segev, A. Mizrahi, Central and Southern Coastal Plane and the Northern Land [of Israel] – New Expanded and Updated Edition. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 2000. A. Rap, A. Shiloni-Zvieli, Settlements in Open Space – Lessons In The Geography Of Settlements In The World, Activity Workbook. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 1999. A. Gal, To The Negev – Lessons in the Geography of the Southern Land [of Israel]: Negev, Arava and Dead Sea. Matah – The Center for Educational Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 2000. A. Gal, To The Negev – Lessons in the Geography of the Southern Land [of Israel]: Negev, Arava and Dead Sea – Activity Workbook. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 2000. G. Zohar, H. Leon, R. Peleg, This is the Land – Introduction to Land of Israel Studies for Upper Grades. Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi and Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch. Experimental Edition, 5760. M. Dressler, R. Zuzovski, Water in the Era of Peace – Learning Unit about the Water Problem in our Region and Ways to Solve it. Reches – Publishing And Kibbutzim Seminar, 2000. R. Peleg (Compiled and Edited), The Northern Land [of Israel] – Galilee, Golan and the Valleys through the Generations for Upper Grades, Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi and Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch, Experimental Edition, 5759. Y. Elitzur, Y. Kiel, Atlas Daat Mikra – A Compendium of Geographical-Historical Terms in the Scriptures. Mosad HaRav Kook, 1998. A. Sofer, D. Gross-Lan, Geography of the Middle East – Changes On The Threshold Of The 21st Century. Am Oved, 2001. M. Brawer, New Israeli University Atlas – Physical, Political, Historical. Yavne, Thirty-Second Impression, 2002. A. Shachar, Carta’s Atlas of the World – Physical, Political, Economic, Social. Carta – Israel Maps and Publishing Company, 2001. G. Bergson (Editor) In Utterance and Speech – Literary Digest for Primary Schools, Book I For Grades 3-4. Sifriat Schools, Book I For Grades 3-4. Sifriat HaPoalim, Revised Edition, 1987 G. Bergson (Editor) In Utterance and Speech – Literary Digest for Primary Schools, Book II For Grades 4-5. Sifriat HaPoalim, Second Impression, 1987 D. Neugburen (Editor) Integrations – Dialogue of Literature and Art – Reader. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Maalot, 5759. D. Neugburen (Editor) Integrations – Dialogue of Literature and Art – Teacher’s Guide. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Maalot, 5759. Author not Stated, Image Of My Homeland. No publication Details. R. Antman (Editor) In The Language of the Lines for Grade 4 – Interdisciplinary Reader for State Religious Schools, Kinneret, 2000. S. Steiner, Spelling and Language 3 –Workbook. Dvir, 1997. S. Steiner, Spelling and Language 3 – Enrichment Booklet, Dvir, 1997. S. Steiner, Spelling and Language 4 – Workbook. Dvir, 1997. S. Steiner, Spelling and Language 4 – Enrichment Booklet, Dvir, 1997. D. Korach-Segev, A. Tal, H. Allon, The Revised “On the Tip of the Tongue” D – Language and Communication. From the Event to Grammar and from Grammar to Writing. Activities for Pupils, Modan – Publishing, 2001. D. Korach-Segev, A. Tal, H. Allon, The Revised “On the Tip of the Tongue” E – Language and Communication. Modan – Publishing, 2001. D. Korach-Segev, A. Tal, H. Allon, The Revised “On the Tip of the Tongue” F – Language and Communication. Activities for Pupils, Modan – Publishing, 2001. T. Dressler, M. Dressler, Y. Rothschild, To Be In Touch – Information and Communication Learning Unit. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Ramot Publishing, University of Tel-Aviv, 1999. M. Dressler, To Be In Touch – Workbook, Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Ramot Publishing, University of Tel-Aviv, 1999. H. Aharonof (Compiler) et al., In The Family – Interdisciplinary Learning Center for State Religious Schools. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Maalot, 5757. H. Aharonof (Compiler) et al., In The Family – Teachers Guide and Teaching Material Kit. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Maalot, 5757. S. Avinon, See Entry ‘Language’ – Morphology A. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 1994. S. Avinon, See Entry: Language, Comprehension and Expression – for Upper Grades, Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 2000. Shlomo HaRamati, Nivon – Idioms And Exercises For Primary And Junior High Schools. Revised and Enlarged Edition. No publication details, 2000. SCRIPTURES AND INTERDISCIPLINARY JEWISH SUBJECTS D. Korach-Segev, Y. Zilberman, My Shmot and Vayikra [Exodus and Leviticus]– Pupil’s Workbook. Modan 2000. D. Korach-Segev, Y. Zilberman, From Bereshit [Genesis]. New Instruction Kit For Teaching G 4 Teaching Genesis To Grade 2, Modan, 2000. D. Korach-Segev, Y. Zilberman, My Bereshit [Genesis]. Modan 2001 D. Korach-Segev, Y. Zilberman, My Bereshit [Genesis] – Teacher’s Guide, Modan, No date. D. Korach-Segev, Y. Zilberman, My Bereshit [Genesis] – Pupil’s Workbook, Modan, No date. R. Ben-Ari, A. Gesol-Ravid, Window on “Genesis”. Reches Publishing and Yavne Book Publishers, 2000. B. Geller-Talithman, H. Shlita Genesis – Activity Workbook for Young Pupils. Kineret, 2000. A. Tirosh, B. Geller-Talithman, With King David – Pupil’s Workbook for Second Book Of Samuel. Revised Edition [2000], Reches and Yavne, 2000. A. Tirosh, B. Geller-Talithman, With Joshua – Pupil’s Workbook, Revised Edition [2000], Reches and Yavne, 2000. Y. Shafran, H. Shafran, The Sanctuary – Teacher’s Guide and Illustration Booklet for Teaching the Subject of the Priestly Vestments In Grades 3 and 7 in State Religious Schools. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch, Merhavim – Torah Center for Judaism and Education and Maalot, 5760. G. Kleinerman (Compiler), S. Maman, M. Spector, Forty Years in the Wilderness on the Way to the Promised Land – Worksheets for State Religious Schools. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch and Maalot, 5759. A. Primat, G. Keiser, Stories from the Book of Judges – The Story of Ehud Ben Gera, Workbook for State Schools. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 1998. A. Primat, G. Keiser, Stories from the Book of Judges – The Story of a Riddle, Workbook for State Schools. Matah – The Center for E 5 Center for Educational Technology, 1999. M. Kamm, Israel And The Nations Through The Story of Jacob And Esau And Its Reappearances In Jewish Texts And Art. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 1996. M. Kamm, Israel and the Nations through the Story of Jacob and Esau – Teacher’s Guide Part A. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 1997. M. Kamm, Israel and the Nations through the Story of Jacob and Esau – Teacher’s Guide Part B. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 1998. B. Geller-Talithman, R. Nachmikan, The Period of the Judges – Junior High School Pupil’s Workbook. Scientific Consultant: Yairah Amit. Reches – Publishing Educational Projects, 1999. M. Kamm, A. Duchan, After the Death [of the two Sons of Aaron] – Book of Leviticus, Chapters XVI-XVIII – Workbook. Ministry of Education, Religious Education Administration, Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 2000. M. Kamm, A. Duchan, Jonah and Amos – Junior High School Pupil’s Workbook. Reches, 1999. A. Warszawski et al., Jeremiah the Man and the Messenger – Topics in the Book of Jeremiah for Teaching and Enrichment in Secondary Schools. Matah – The Center for Educational Technology, 2001. Y. Eisenberg, The Hebrew Calendar. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Administration, Curricula Branch, Bar-Ilan University – Oral Law Project 44, Third Edition, 5761-2000. A. Aviv, A. Glil-Schechter, And You Shall Choose Life – The Value of Human Life in the Culture of Israel – Jewish Thought for Pupils of Junior High Schools and Senior High Schools in State School System. Ministry of Education, Pedagogic Admin., Curricula Br5 M. Avitan, D. Gross, The Nature of Grammar 1 – Paradigm, Grammatical Articulation, Declension. Published by the Authors. No date. M. Avitan, D. Gross, The Nature of Grammar 2 – Vocalization of the Holy Tongue [Hebrew]. Published by the Authors. No date. M. Avitan, D. Gross, The Nature of Grammar 2 – Vocalization of the Holy Tongue [Hebrew] – Workbook. Published by the Authors. No date. M. Avitan, D. Gross, The Nature of Grammar 3 – Conjugations, Verbs. Published by the Authors. No date. M. Avitan, D. Gross, The Nature of Grammar 3 – Workbook. Published by the Authors. No date. M. Avitan, D. Gross, The Nature Oo Spelling – Work Pages for Learning Spelling, Revised and Enlarged Edition. Published by the Authors, 5758. Alter Weinberg, Cluster – Grammar and Language for Junior High Schools and Torah Teachers’ Institutes for Abroad, Revised Edition. Independent Education Center, 5750. S. Ehrlich, Y. Schor, I Thought.I Wrote – Lessons in Written and Oral Expression for Grade 3, New Edition. Niv Publishers. No date. S. Ehrlich, Y. Schor, I Thought.I Wrote – Lessons in Written and Oral Expression for Grade 4. Niv Publishers. No date. S. Ehrlich, Y. Schor, I Thought.I Wrote – Lessons in Written and Oral Expression for Grade 5, New Edition. Niv Publishers. No date. S. Ehrlich, Y. Schor, I Thought.I Wrote – Lessons in Written and Oral Expression for Grades 6-7, New Edition. Niv Publishers. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 1 – Teaching Written Letters, Language Enrichment, Comprehension. Published by the Author. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 2– Assorted Subjects in Language and Spelling For Lower Grades. Subjects in Language and Spelling For Lower Grades. Published by the Author. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 3 Assorted Subjects in Language and Spelling For Lower Grades. Published by the Author. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 4 Assorted Subjects in Language and Spelling For Intermediate Grades Of Primary School. Published by the Author. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 5 Assorted Subjects in Language and Spelling. Published by the Author. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 6 Assorted Subjects in Language and Spelling. Published by the Author. No date. Penina Gerandesh, Pearls of Language 7 Assorted Subjects in Language and Spelling for Intermediate Grades of Primary School. Published By Author. No date. A. HaLevi, We Shall Read And Understand A – For Grades 2 and 3. Published by the Author. No date. A. HaLevi, We Shall Read And Understand B – For Grades 3 and 4. Published by the Author. No date. A. HaLevi, We Shall Read And Understand C – For Grades 4 and 5. Published by the Author. No date. Y. Markowitz, Composition And Style – Booklet C for Learning and Independent Work. Nivim Publishers. No date. Y. Markowitz, A. Samet, Composition And Style – Workbook D. Published by the Authors. No date. Y. Markowitz, A. Samet, Composition And Style – Workbook E. Published by the Authors. No date. Y. Markowitz, A. Samet, Composition And Style – Workbook F. Published by the Authors. No date. Y. Markowitz, A. Samet, Composition And Style – Workbook G. Published by the Authors. No date. R. Klein, Vocalization – An Enjoyable Challenge, Part B – The Verb. Hagigim. No date. N. Katz, P. Neugershal, B. Himmelfarb (Editors) Our Childhood 1 – Textbook and Reader, Yeshurun. No date. Z. Grossman, Z. Domb, Our Childhood C – Textbook and Reader for Grade 3, Yeshurun. No date. Z. Domb (Editor), Our Childhood F – Textbook and Reader for Grade 6, Yeshurun. No date. Penina M., Everything In Its Season – Reader for Grade 1. Talat – Institute for Development of Curricula for Torah Institutions, 5759. Penina M., Everything In Its Season – Reader for Grade 3. Talat – Institute for Development of Curricula for Torah Institutions, 5761. Penina M., Everything In Its Season – Reader for Grade 4. Talat – Institute for Development of Curricula for Torah Institutions, 5760. Penina M., Everything In Its Season – Worksheets for Reader For Grade 4. Talat – Institute for Development of Curricula for Torah Institutions, 5760. Penina M., Everything In Its Season – Reader for Grade 5. Talat – Institute for Development of Curricula for Torah Institutions, 5762. No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock A – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot, 5751. No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock B – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot. No date. No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock C – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot. No date No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock D – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot. No date. No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock E – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot, 5751. No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock F – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot. No date. No Author stated, On the Heels of the Flock G – Literature Reader and Exercises in Expression and Language. Otzrot. No date. P. Dina, The Language of The Map – Map of the Land of Israel, Textbook for Homeland Studies for Intermediate Grades. Yeshurun, 5756. Z. Klein, “. In Wisdom I Established The Earth” – Elements of Geography. Published by the Author, 1997. Z. Klein, On the High Places of the Land – The Coastal Plane: The Sharon and the Judean Plane. Published by the Author. No date. T. Miller, Geography, Grade 5 – Part A: Countries of the Middle East. New Edition, Yeshurun, 5760 T. Miller, Geography, Grade 5 – Part B: Countries of the Middle East. New Edition, Yeshurun, 5760 T. Miller, Geography, Grade 6 – Part A: Countries of the Middle East. New Edition, Yeshurun, 5760 T. Miller, Geography, Grade 6 – Part B: Countries of the Middle East. New Edition, Yeshurun, 5760


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Eat, Drink, and Be Holy: Mishloah Manot Each year, increasing numbers of Jews are discovering the wonderful The Holiday of Purim Purim custom of sharing food with friends and neighbors, giving at least two types of food to at least two recipients. The mitzvah of mishloah manot is based on the verse in the Megillah instructing us to “send On its surface, the holiday

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