
A. Referierte Originalarbeiten (1995-2001)
1. Shakibaei M, Förster C, Merker H J, Stahlmann R (1995) Effects of ofloxacin on integrin expression on epiphyseal mouse chondrocytes in vitro. Toxic in vitro 9:107-116 2. Stahlmann R, Neubert R (1995) Value of non-human primate data (Intl. Workshop on Environmental Immunotoxicology and Human Health) Hum Exp Toxicol 14:146-147 3. Förster C, Shakibaei M, Schilcher H, Stahlmann R (1995) Expression of ß1-integrins on epiphyseal chondrocytes is reduced by ofloxacin. Drugs 49 (Suppl 2): 279-282 4. Shakibaei M, Förster C, Merker H-J, Stahlmann R (1995) Ofloxacin alters expression of integrins on chondrocytes from mouse fetuses in vitro. Drugs 49 (Suppl 2): 293-295 5. Stahlmann R, Förster C, Shakibaei M, Vormann J, Günther T, Merker H-J (1995) Magnesium deficiency induces joint cartilage lesions in juvenile rats which are identical to quinolone-inducedarthropathy. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 39: 2013-2018 6. Schulz TG, Stahlmann R, Edwards RJ, Debris K, Davies DS, Neubert D (1995) Enoxacin is an inducer of CYP1A2 in rat liver. Biochem Pharmacol 50: 1517-1520 7. Förster C, Kociok K, Shakibaei M, Merker H-J, Vormann J, Günther T, Stahlmann R (1996) Integrins on joint cartilage chondrocytes and alterations by ofloxacin or magnesium deficiency inimmature rats. Arch Toxicol 70: 261-270 8. Förster C, Kociok K, Shakibaei M, Merker H-J, Stahlmann R (1996) Quinolone-induced cartilage lesions are not reversible in rats. Arch Toxicol 70: 474-481 9. Shakibaei M, Kociok K, Förster C, Vormann J, Günther T, Stahlmann R, Merker H-J (1996) Comparative evaluation of ultrastructural changes in articular cartilage of ofloxacin-treated andmagnesium-deficient immature rats. Toxicol Pathol 24: 580-587 10. Günther T, Rücker M, Förster C, Vormann J, Stahlmann R (1997) In vitro evidence for a Donnan distribution of Mg2+ and Ca2+ by chondroitin sulfate in cartilage. Arch Toxicol 71: 471-475 11. Vormann J, Förster C, Zippel U, Lozo E, Günther T, Merker HJ, Stahlmann R (1997) Effects of magnesium deficiency on magnesium and calcium content in bone and cartilage in developing ratsin correlation to chondrotoxicity. Calc Tiss Intl 61: 230-238 12. Förster C, Schwabe R, Lozo E, Zippel U,Vormann J, Günther T, Merker HJ, Stahlmann R (1997) Quinolone-induced arthropathy: Exposure of magnesium-deficient aged rats or immature rats,mineral concentrations in target tissues and pharmacokinetics. Arch Toxicol 72: 26 -32 13. Burkhardt JE, Förster C, Lozo E, Hill MA, Stahlmann R (1997) Immunohistochemistry of articular cartilage from immature Beagle dogs dosed with difloxacin. Toxicol Pathol 25: 475-480 14. Stahlmann R, Zippel U, Förster C, Schwabe R, Shakibaei M, Merker HJ, Borner K (1998) Chondrotoxicity and toxicokinetics of sparfloxacin in juvenile rats. Antimicrob Agents Chemother42: 1470-1475 15. Förster C, Rücker M, Shakibaei M, Baumann-Wilschke I, Vormann J, Stahlmann R (1998) Effects of fluoroquinolones and magnesium deficiency in murine limb bud cultures. Arch Toxicol 72:411-419 16. Stahlmann R, Lode H (1998) Safety of quinolones. The Lancet (Letter) 352/9136: 1313 17. Stahlmann R, Schwabe R, Pfister K, Lozo E, Shakibaei M, Vormann J (1999) Supplementation with magnesium and tocopherol diminishes quinolone-induced chondrotoxicity in immature rats.
Drugs 58 (Suppl 2): 393-394 18. Stahlmann R, Kühner S, Shakibaei M, Schwabe R, van Sickle D (1999) Chondrotoxicity of ciprofloxacin in immature Beagle dogs. Drugs 58 (Suppl 2): 388-389 19. Schwabe R, Lozo E, Baumann-Wilschke I, Stahlmann R (1999) Chondrotoxicity and target tissue kinetics of ofloxacin in immature rats after multiple doses. Drugs 58 (Suppl 2): 385-387 20. Stahlmann R, Lode H (1999) Toxicity of quinolones. Drugs 58 (Suppl 2): 37-4221. Shakibaei M, Pfister K, Schwabe R, Stahlmann R (1999) Effects of ofloxacin on the ultrastructure of Achilles tendon in rats. Drugs 58 (Suppl 2): 390-392 22. Riecke K, Stahlmann R, Palavinskas R, Alexi-Meskishvili V, Mathar W (1999) Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in juvenile human thymus. OrganohalogenCompounds 44: 233-236 23. Stahlmann R, Kühner S, Shakibaei M, Schwabe R, Flores J, Evander SA, van Sickle DC (2000) Chondrotoxicity of ciprofloxacin in immature Beagle dogs: immunohistochemistry, electronmicroscopy and drug plasma concentrations. Arch Toxicol 73: 564-572 24. Stahlmann R, Kühner S, Shakibaei M, Flores J, Vormann J, van Sickle DC (2000) Effects of magnesium deficiency on joint cartilage in immature Beagle dogs: immunohistochemistry, electronmicroscopy and mineral concentrations. Arch Toxicol 73: 573-580 25. Shakibaei M, Pfister K, Schwabe R, Vormann J, Stahlmann R (2000) Ultrastructure of Achilles tendons of rats treated with ofloxacin and fed a normal or magnesium-deficient diet. AntimicrobAgents Chemother 44/2: 261-266 26. Riecke K, Schulz TG, Shakibaei M, Krause B, Chahoud I, Stahlmann R (2000) Developmental toxicity of the HIV-protease inhibitor indinavir in rats. Teratology 62: 291-300 27. Riecke K, Nogueira AC, Alexi-Meskishvili V, Stahlmann R (2000) Cross reactivity of antibodies on thymic epithelial cells from humans and marmosets by flow-cytometry. J Med Primatol 29:343-349 28. Thiel R, Metzner S, Gericke C, Rahm U, Stahlmann R (2001) Effects of fluoroquinolones on the locomotor activity in rats. Arch Toxicol 75: 36-41 29. Shakibaei M, Stahlmann R (2001) Ultrastructure of Achilles tendon from rats after treatment with 30. Shakibaei M, de Souza P, van Sickle D, Stahlmann R (2001) Biochemical changes in Achilles tendon from juvenile dogs after treatment with ciprofloxacin or feeding a magnesium-deficient diet.
Arch Toxicol 75: 369-374

Source: http://kliphatox.charite.de/fileadmin/user_upload/microsites/m_cc04/kliphatox/forschung/stahlmann/stahlmann_RefOrg_1995-2001.pdf


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