Smoking Cessation: Do you smoke? Have you ever considered quitting or tried to quit
before? Now’s your chance to take control of your health! Why stop smoking?
Some of the 1000’s of chemicals found in cigarette smoke include:
Health Harms: To Smoker:
2nd major cause of death- 4.9 million deaths per year world-
4th most common risk factor for disease.
Increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
Increased heart rate, blood pressure and causes blood vessels
Associated with Coronary Heart Disease, aneurysm and
Associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
pneumonia and with 95% of all lung cancers.
Can cause digestive problems and lead to stomach ulcers.
Increased risk of other types of cancer including cervical,
oesophageal, oral, pancreatic and stomach cancers.
Lowered bone density and increased risk of hip fractures.
In pregnancy can lead to preterm delivery, low birth weight,
growth retardation, increased risk of miscarriage, stillbirth and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Increased susceptibility to lung cancer and heart disease.
Increased incidence of chest infections, asthma and ear
Increased risk of children also becoming smokers.
Physical Benefits of stopping smoking:
In 20 minutes: Blood pressure and pulse return to normal
In 8 hours: Oxygen levels in the blood return to normal
In 24 hours: Your lungs begin to clear as carbon monoxide is
In 48 hours: Nicotine is eliminated and your taste and smell will
start to improve. Your risk of a heart attack begins to fall.
In 3 days: Breathing is easier and you will have increased energy
In 2 weeks – 3 months: Withdrawal symptoms stop and circulation
In 3 – 6 months: Lung function will improve by 5-10% leading to
less coughing, congestion and risk of chest infection.
In 1 year: Risk of heart disease is halved
In 10 years: Risk of heart attack falls to that of a non-smoker and
risk of dying from lung cancer falls to about half of a non-smoker.
Due to dependence on nicotine you may experience some
withdrawal symptoms, lasting up to six months and which may include:
Coughing- as the lungs begin to clear mucus and tobacco
Dizziness- due to increased oxygen in your blood
Irritable and tired- due to nicotine withdrawal
You may experience more colds, mouth ulcers or sore throat
as the natural bacteria of your body re-establish.
o Any weight gain is controllable and can be managed
Aids to Quitting: Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT):
Doubles your chances of successfully quitting.
Used to help reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
upon stopping smoking. The concentrations of nicotine in your system are less than when you smoke.
If you’re concerned about the price of therapy some forms of
NRT are covered on the GMS/DPS Medication Schemes.
Sublingual (under the tongue) tablet
When discussing NRT with your pharmacist, he/she will ask you a number of questions in order to determine which form and strength will be the most appropriate for you. Some questions will be “How
many cigarettes do you smoke a day?” “What time of the day do you need your first cigarette?” NRT needs to be used appropriately
in order to maximize your chance of success and you will be advised as necessary. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask!
NRT many not be suitable for all patients with certain medical
history and your pharmacist will be able to determine whether or not it is appropriate for you.
Reduces nicotine cravings and blocks the pleasure responses you get from smoking, making you want to quit.
Helps you quit by blocking the pleasure responses you get
Even if you have tried to quit before and went back to smoking,
don’t lose hope. Every time you try to quit, your chance of success increases. Studies show that people who try to stop smoking with
the support of a healthcare professional, such as your pharmacist or doctor, are twice as likely to stopping smoking successfully. So
drop in today and see if now’s the time to make a change!
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Can J App Sci 2012; 4(2): 378-381 Bazgha , 2012 Canadian Journal of Applied Sciences . 4(2): 378-381; October, 2012 ISSN 1925-7430; Available online Case Report HODGKIN’S LYMPHOMA THERAPY OF A FEMALE IN HOSPITAL OF ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN; A CASE REPORT Bazgha Tamsil Riphah Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Riphah International University, G-7/4