Microsoft word - final avermectin advice note03-05-06 _3_.doc
Project Information Note Date: 3rd May, 2006 For further information, contact Lisa Webb, Advisory Officer, RSPB Scotland CONSERVATION CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE USE OF AVERMECTIN ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS LISA WEBB, South and West Scotland Advisory Officer, RSPB Scotland DAVY McCRACKEN, Senior Agricultural Ecologist, SAC DAVE BEAUMONT, Senior Reserves Ecologist, RSPB Scotland RUEDI NAGER, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
This Project Information Note provides an overview of the findings from recently completed PhD research funded by RSPB Scotland and SAC and conducted jointly between SAC, University of Glasgow and RSPB.
LIVESTOCK DUNG - A VALUABLE RESOURCE FOR FARMLAND WILDLIFE Livestock dung supports a diverse community of
Although a number of species of dung insect are of
invertebrates, as is illustrated by this figure which
conservation interest in their own right, in general
shows the number of individuals and range of
the larger species (such as Aphodius dung beetle
species within a small sample (approximately
adults and larvae and yellow dung fly adults and
100 cm3) taken from a 2 month old cow pat in the
larvae) are more widely known as being important
food for a range of farmland birds and mammals.
Many of these (such as rooks, chough, starlings,
lapwings, wagtails, badgers, hedgehogs and
shrews) obtain the insects by foraging directly within individual dung pats while others (such as swallows, martins and bats) take the insects in the air while flying over fields containing the dung
218 Adult Beetles
Livestock dung can hold large numbers of insects, such as these adult Aphodiusfimetarius dung beetles.
THE EFFECTS OF AVERMECTINS ON INSECTS IN LIVESTOCK DUNG Avermectins is the collective name given to the
adversely affect dung insects colonising individual
active ingredients in a range of animal health
dung pats (through either killing the adult insects
products used to control internal worms and other
or their larvae or impairing the adult insects ability
parasites affecting farm livestock. After an animal
to reproduce). This markedly reduces the number
has been treated with an avermectin, residues of the
and type of insects available to birds and mammals
chemical are excreted from the animal in its dung.
foraging within affected dung pats. Little was
The highest residue concentrations occur in dung
previously known about whether these effects at
that is excreted in the first days after treatment,
the level of the individual dung pat had any impact
while smaller residue levels can be present in dung
on the overall dung insect populations occurring at
excreted up to several weeks after treatment.
the field scale. This PhD research put a particular
emphasis on investigating these latter aspects,
The avermectin residues retain their insecticidal
given concerns that any reduction in levels of dung
properties in the livestock dung. It is well-
insects in fields might limit the availability of insect
documented that exposure to these residues can
food for aerial foraging birds and bats.
However, higher rates of physical abnormalities
diversity of dung insects occurring within fields in
were observed in adult yellow dung flies occurring
Ayrshire grazed either by untreated cattle or cattle
in the fields grazed by treated cattle. This may
treated with doramectin (the active ingredient in
reflect exposure to doramectin residues when those
the products being used by the farmers on the
flies were larvae developing in dung in those fields.
study sites). Although differences in adult dung
Additional experiments showed that several
beetle and yellow dung fly populations were
species of dung beetle avoided colonising dung
evident both between different fields and within
from doramectin-treated cattle when dung from
individual fields over time, the results indicated
untreated cattle was available. It is unclear whether
that these differences and fluctuations in
this was because beetles were repelled by the
abundance and diversity were mainly due to
residues or whether other factors reduced the
weather and season. There was no evidence to
attractiveness of the treated dung. This does,
indicate that numbers of dung insects are
however, suggest that it may be possible to reduce
significantly reduced in fields grazed with
beetle exposure to residues by ensuring that
untreated dung is also available to colonise.
Barn swallows collect dung-associated insects for their young when flying over
Webb, L., McCracken, D., Beaumont, D. & Nager, R. (2006) Project Information Note: Conservation considerations regarding the use of avermectin animal health products. RSPB, Edinburgh, SAC, Edinburgh and University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
CONSERVATION MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS Dung insect populations are dependent upon dung being available to colonise. Hence, wherever there is a conservation interest in dung insect populations (or in the birds and mammals which forage on such insects), the first concern must to be to ensure that dung from grazing livestock continues to be available at the times of year most appropriate to the species involved. This may therefore mean accepting the need to use livestock which have been treated with avermectin products as part of a parasite control strategy.
• Where the conservation focus is particularly on
• Where the conservation focus is particularly on
aerial foragers (such as swallows, martins or
species foraging within individual dung pats
bats) then the results of this research suggest
(such as lapwing, redshank and chough), then
that there should be little concern over the
there is still concern that a reduction in the
insect resource within individual dung pats
products (even if residues are present within
could increase the time these species need to
individual dung pats in individual fields
spend foraging for food during key chick
during the key dung insect foraging periods for
growth periods. Ensuring that avermectin-free
these aerial foraging species) provided that
dung is also available to forage within may
there is sufficient additional avermectin-free
potentially limit any adverse impacts on
dung available in and/or around the fields
foraging vertebrates. Further research is,
however, needed to investigate this fully.
Irrespective of the specific conservation concerns, the overall objective should be to maximise the amount of avermectin-free dung which is available in and/or around a field at any one point in time during the spring and summer. The ways this could be achieved will depend on the individual situation, but could involve, for example, one or more of the following: • treating livestock only when necessary and avoiding treating older animals if they are not susceptible to the
• grazing avermectin treated livestock in fields close to others containing untreated animals; • treating livestock with an appropriate non-avermectin product or moxidectin (a less toxic avermectin); • altering (if relevant from an animal health perspective) the timing of avermectin treatment in the spring (to
change the period when residues in the pats coincide with key foraging periods of the vertebrates);
• restricting the use of products containing doramectin, ivermectin or eprinomectin to housing of the
livestock or in the autumn (when the main dung insect breeding season is over).
Veterinary advice should, however, always be sought when designing or seeking to change a livestock parasite control regime.
Dung from grazing livestock is essential for dung-associated insects and the birds and mammals which feed on these. Maintaining grazing regimes may involve accepting the need for a livestock parasite control strategy. RSPB Images.
Webb, L., McCracken, D., Beaumont, D. & Nager, R. (2006) Project Information Note: Conservation considerations regarding the use of avermectin animal health products. RSPB, Edinburgh, SAC, Edinburgh and University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
PACKAGE LEAFLET NITROLONG ATC code: C01DA05 PHARMACOTHERAPEUTIC GROUP Vasodilators for heart diseases. Organic nitrates. COMPOSITION Pentaerythrityl tetranitrate 10 mg in one tablet. Nitrolong is a nitropreparation with prolonged antistenocardial action. It induces relaxation of the smooth muscles mainly of the venous vessels, reducing the venous reflux to the heart, the ce
Jahresbericht 2008 Abteilung f. Psychiatrie/ Psychiatrie I Leiter : Sekretariat : 1. Personalbesetzung zum 31.12.2008 Fachärzte : Assistenzärzte : Dr. Barbara Plattner Dr. Bettina Schletterer Dr. Susanne Schuler Turnusärzte : Abteilungsschwester : Osr. Andrea Reinthaler 2. Bericht: Wie bereits in den letzten Jahresberichten festgestellt, beschÃ