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Maua Methodist Hospital Needs List
Common questions from supporters in other parts of the world who want to support the work of
the Maua Methodist Hospital or are planning a trip to the area is “What do you need?” or “Can
we bring medicines and supplies to Kenya for you?” The hospital does need the support and
well thought out donations do make a wonderful difference.
The easiest way to support the mission of the hospital is to send money. While at first seeming
to be cold and impersonal upon reflection it is the easiest way to get needed medicines and
supplies to the afflicted persons. The medicines that will be purchased are those that the staff
normally uses, knows the effects of and can be administered with confidence. Medicines are
acquired through MEDS and other organizations that provide special pricing to nonprofit
hospitals and clinics such as Maua Methodist Hospital. Also, medicines can be purchased on a
routine basis and provisions for storage and security can be handled easily.
If you intend to bring medicines please know that the expiration date needs to be more than 6
months from the time the shipment arrives in Kenya and all must be in their original unopened
The following list will be updated from time to time. If you have any questions regarding the
intended donation, please contact Mr. Stanley Gitari who will provide a suitable answer. He can
be reached at or by phone at (254) 736-41 3000.
 Atropine 2mg vials (only 2mg, not smaller)  Augmentin (Amoxycillin + Clavanic acid) Tablets & syrup  Beclamethasone Inhalers (No combined preparations or other inhalers)  Cephalosporins 3rd generation (no others!!)  Clarithromycin tablets  Clindamycin tablets  Multivitamins which include ZINC (no others!!)  Permethrin powder  Pralidoxine  Prilocaine IV  Sodium Valproate 200mg tablets
Drugs for Dr. Inoti (Eye Clinic) (New program & all supplies needed)
 TEO I%  Acidovir eye ointment  Econazole eye drops  Gentamicin eye drops  Ciprofloxacin eye drops  Dexamethasone/Gentamicin eye drops  Prednisolone 1% eye drops  Hydrocortisane eye drops  Oftalar (Panprufen) eye drops  Timolol 0.5%  Acetanalamide 250mg tab  Methylcellolose eye drops  Snellen chasts  Lea chasts (for screening vision in children)  Near chasts (for testing reading at near)  Reading glasses.  CCG sutures 1, 0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 (these sizes ONLY please)  Nylon sutures 1, 0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 (these sizes ONLY please)  Prolene sutures 1, 0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 (these sizes ONLY please)  Vicryl sutures - or other absorbable 1, 0, 2/0, 3/0, 4/0 (these sizes ONLY please) Supplies
 Abdominal mops  Biopsy forceps for gastroscope  *Blood pressure cuffs (manuel) in working condition  Cataract knivesEye surgery packs  Cataract set  Cervical dilatation guide  *Chest Restraints  Chittel forceps  *Disposable mouth care swabs  Endotracheal tubes (2.5, 3.0, 7.5 and 8.0)  *Glucose meters / strips / batteries (If you bring a glucometer you need to bring at least 1  *Hand restraints (round hand mitts)  Heamostatic brain swabs  Intraocular lenses  IV Cannulas (18, 20, 22 & 24 G - NOT bigger)  *Medicine Spoons (for givng children medicine)  *Pulse Oximeters (and batteries)  Orthoglass  Red dot ECG stickers (not defibrillator pads)  Reusable vacuum drain (e.g. redivac)  *Rubber ring (used for patients with bed sores on their sacral area)  Scalpel blade holders  Shunts for hydrocephalus  Skin graft (humby) knife blades  Spinal needles (25, 26, 27 guage)  Sponge holding forceps  *Stethoscopes (a constant need)  Surgical gowns & face masks  Surgical pliers  *Thermometers, digital centigrade (with a years supply of batteries if possible)  Tissue scissors (small & large)  Under water seal drainage bottles  Uterine clamps  Vaseline gauze  Viscoats ***If you are needing packing material for supplies, please use chux or adult diapers as that would be a great help
Equipment (We need funds to purchase this equipment)
 Adult weighing scales  Anaesthetist monitors  Autoscope/Ophthalmoscope  Baby weighing scales  Blood pressure machines (manual)  Boyles anaesthetic machine  Laryngoscopes WITH spare bulbs  Laryngoscope bulbs all sizes  Manual or pneumatic orthopaedic drill  Orthopaedic table  Portable suction machines (240volts)  Pulse Oximeters (and batteries)  Rigid bronchoscopy  Rowing machine  Single valve IPAS MVA kit  Spot lights for emergency room  Therapeutic ultrasound machine  Trolley for patient transport  Vacuum pump  Working diathermy with uni/bipolar facility & several pairs of bipolar forceps


Resume style

DISSERTATION SUPERVISED FOR MASTER‘S/PH.D. DEGREE Awarded 1. J. Naga Lakshmi (Synthesis of the core molecule of Ritonavir/Lopinavir), JNTU , 2007. (Master degree) 2. D. Anil Kumar Reddy (Photochemically triggered allylic and benzylic bromination), JNTU , 2007. (Master degree) 3. Abhishek (Synthesis of Tolmetin intermediate), IIT Roorkee, 2008 (Master degree) 4. A


1. NAAM VAN HET GENEESMIDDEL 4.5 Interacties met andere geneesmiddelen en andere vormen van interactie Fabrazyme, 35 mg, poeder voor concentraat voor oplossing voor intraveneuze infusie. Er zijn geen in-vitro-metabolisme-onderzoeken uitgevoerd. Gezien de wijze waaropagalsidase bèta wordt gemetaboliseerd, is het onwaarschijnlijk dat door cytochroom- 2. KWALITATIEVE EN KWANTITATIEVE SAMENST

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