Suicide by security blanket, and other stories from the child psychiatry emergency service: what happens to children with acute mental illness
answer that, I would like to return full circle tothe excellent introduction by Gary Kupfer. I fully
agree that lessons learned in pediatric psycho-
oncology can, indeed should, be used by practi-
child psychiatry attendings at the Massachusetts
tioners in any field who deal with medically ill
General Hospital Psychiatric Emergency Room.
children. I no longer work exclusively—rarely at
The most important question they ask when
all, in fact—with children with malignancies, and
a child and his family arrive in crisis at the
yet this book provided much needed informa-
emergency room is, with a hint of a biblical
tion related to my practice. It is an excellent read,
undertone, “What makes this day or night
and I hope that it would find its enthusiastic
different from all others?”(p. 85). As emergency
audience among child psychiatry consultation/
doctors, they are the gatekeepers to inpatient
liaison practitioners, oncologists, nurses, and
admissions, they provide rapid diagnosis to
social workers who deal with medically ill chil-
determine whether a patient is safe to go home,
dren and, dare I say it, any mental health pro-
and they teach other clinicians how to make these
fessional who is interested in the impact of stress
on his or her practice. Pediatric hematology-
The patient vignettes are written for 2 audi-
oncology services have been at the very front of
ences: they provide a disturbing opportunity for
our knowledge on the psychosocial impact of
lay people to see how children may present in
chronic illness. They have provided funding,
crisis in an emergency room and the urgent need
research knowledge, and emphasis on those
to focus on diagnosis and disposition, and they
aspects of care to a degree that very few other
describe cases that can help clinicians to hone
specialized services have. We should benefit from
their diagnostic skills, learn about relevant laws
their wisdom, and this textbook provides an
protecting children, and understand how to
excellent opportunity to do just that.
best to make these difficult decisions. There areno easy algorithms; rather, clinicians need good
interviewing skills and an ability to tolerate
having only a limited understanding while making
The composite patients portrayed are familiar
to those of us who practice child psychiatry: anadolescent having her first psychotic break, achild who needs to be evaluated to see if he is
“safe to return to his school” after he threatens to
1. Glassman AH, O’Connor CM, Califf RM, et al; Sertraline Antide-
pressant Heart Attack Randomized Trial (SADHEART) Group.
stab his second grade teacher, and a boy who is
Sertraline treatment of major depression in patients with acute MI
terrified by his fear of contamination by germs
or unstable angina. JAMA. 2002;288:701-709.
2. O’Connor CM, Jiang W, Kuchibhatla M, et al; SADHART-CHF
Investigators. Safety and efficacy of sertraline for depression in
The authors elaborate on the delicate effort
patients with heart failure: results of the SADHART-CHF (Sertra-
to determine if a child is in imminent danger
line Against Depression and Heart Disease in Chronic HeartFailure) trial. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56:692-699.
and the negotiations with the child’s guardianswho may have different concerns. Why woulda 5-year-old repeatedly have dark, complex
intersecting lines drawn on her upper inner
thighs from just below her underwear to all the
way down her knees? In a busy emergency room,
the clinicians often do not have the luxury of
follow-up to find out if they made the correct
determination with these high-stakes decisions.
The authors wonder if their efforts are “futile”
(p. 75) or if they have an impact on patients in
the short term to help bridge patients and families
to critical therapeutic services. They include
a touching story about Austin, a bewildered15-year-old with Asperger syndrome. He had
moved to a new state precipitously and this had
about to hurt themselves or others, emergency
disrupted his routines and he was inconsolable
when he arrived at the emergency room with his
The authors describe Dahlia, a patient who,
mother on New Year’s Eve looking for help.
despite intensive community resources and out-
During the assessment, the psychiatric resident
patient treatment, routinely requires emergency
provided concrete suggestions for easing his
room services when she is too unsafe and needs
transition and connected the family to outpatient
temporary hospitalization. Sadly, she was born
services. Austin calls the emergency room every
addicted to opiates and by 3 years old had lived
New Year’s Day to offer an update and to thank
with 3 different foster families, and by 4 years
the staff for helping him. It is rare to have this
old she had explosive tantrums including one
kind of acknowledgement; gratitude in these
where she dislocated another girl’s shoulder. The
settings is more about a death averted or an
authors end by describing themselves as “care-
givers who want to make a difference . learn as
Often the families can have intense reactions
much as possible about the child in front of us,
when their children are struggling. The authors do
muster the limited resources available in the
not sugarcoat how some clinicians can be dismis-
system, make safety our priority, and hope for
sive of parents’ fear and describe the effort of other
the best” (p. 106). These brave clinicians have
doctors to be empathic and provide comfort. A 9-
shared heartbreaking stories of suffering children
year-old boy was referred to the emergency room
by narrating the complexity, uncertainty, and
after he went down to his playroom and tried to
compassion required to provide care in a broken
strangle himself. He did not have any rope, so he
system so that patients and families can have
used his scarf. He also had written a list outlining
a safety net when they are in the emergency room
why he wanted to die. Although this was a fair-
ly straightforward decision to hospitalize thispatient, his parents were alarmed and threatened
legal action if this happened, and the beleaguered
resident felt under attack. The attending psychia-
trist avoided an escalating confrontation by joining
with the mother in their shared desire to make her
son feel better. The psychiatrist’s gentle approachaverted a power struggle.
Massachusetts, where the authors and I prac-
Disclosure: Dr. Henderson reports no biomedical financial interests or
tice child psychiatry, is in the process of a transi-
tion. The Rosie D. Decision is a legal mandate to
Dr. Kataoka reports no biomedical financial interests or potentialconflicts of interest.
provide children with psychiatric support in the
Dr. Shemesh reports no biomedical financial interests or potential
least restrictive setting possible by providing
quick access to clinicians who can mobilize home-
Dr. Rappaport reports no biomedical financial interests or potential
based services and therapeutic mentors. This may
mean that over time, as services are provided
Note to Publishers: Books for review should be sent to Schuyler W.
more intensively and earlier, there may be a de-
Henderson, M.D., M.P.H., NYU Child Study Center, One ParkAvenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10016 (email:
crease in emergency room visits. However, when
children are extremely aggressive or imminently
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