Name:_I AM THE KEY____________________
ANTHSCI 178A/278A - Past and Present Pestilence
In-class Exam (30 Minutes)
1. Name the three disease designations by origin of transmission (2 pts each – name and definition) (HINT: Hubalek article)
1. Zoonotic – Animal to human transmission (also acceptable in the –osis form) 2. Anthroponotic – human to human transmission 3. Sapronotic – transmission from the environment
2. Name the three manifestations of plague in humans (2pts each – name and definition)
1 Bubonic – swollen lymph nodes, transmitted by fleas, causes “buboes”
2 Septicemic – the Black Death – extremities go black from gangrene 3 Pneumonic – transmitted among humans or from animals directly by aerosol droplets
3. What is the number of H antigens and N antigens on the Influenza A virus?
What does this mean for the virus and for us?
a. H – 15 (16 also acceptable, one more than the chart specified in non-human reservoirs) (if you interpreted this as H & N on one virus and said 1 of each, I will accept this answer) c. Meaning – rapid antigenic change means hard to develop an immune reaction, also hard to develop a vaccine, as we don’t always have an idea of which flu will emerge from the animal reservoir
4. What does DOTS stand for? Briefly describe it?
a. DOTS – Directly Observed Treatment – Short course b. What? Watching the patient take their medication to ensure compliance; prevents the emergence of resistant strains – 6 month course rather than longer
Name:_I AM THE KEY____________________
5. What does MDR TB stand for? Name a drug that is used to combat TB?
a. MDR TB Multiple Drug Resistant Tuberculosis b. Drug – Rifampicin, Rifabutin, Ciprofloxacin, Amikacin, Ethambutol, Streptomycin, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Pyrazinamide, Izoniazid
6. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, whereas AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, and is a disease characterized by a suite of secondary infections, a CD4+ count <200, and is when the immune system simply no longer functions
7. Matching – Dates and numbers (2 pts each)
People who have died of AIDS so far (UNAIDS estimate)
Matching – Names and diseases (2pts each)
Has killed more people than any other disease
Second to Black Death in epidemic deaths
Affects about 1500 people in the US each year
Showed mosquito transmission of Yellow Fever
Name:_I AM THE KEY____________________
8. In your own words, what is “viral chatter”? In what context was it used in this class? In what other cases might it be relevant (doesn’t have to be a virus)?
“Viral chatter” is a term used to describe repeated introductions of pathogens from animals into human hosts. We discussed it in terms of SIV and HIV, where bushmeat hunters are likely to have introduced SIV from chimps and other primates into their blood, repeatedly, so it was only a matter of time before a viral strain that matched and was successful in transmission to other humans, arose. This is relevant in any zoonotic emergence, where frequent animal-human pathogen transmission occurs – it only takes the right mutation or strain to exploit the human host and persist.
9. What are the steps necessary for zoonotic disease emergence? Use a specific example from class to describe this in context
The necessary steps for zoonotic disease emergence are: contact with the animal reservoir that is sufficient to result in pathogen transmission; the pathogen must persist within the human host; the pathogen must transmit between humans (either directly or through another vector). Successful emergence can either simply be due to repeated infection from the animal reservoir, or from disease establishment and persistence in the human population. Any disease from class that established is an appropriate example…
10. What is the definitive host for human malaria? Discuss some factors in the spread of the disease? What is the potential for further spread; what prevention methods work or do not? 10pts The definitive host for human malaria is the anopheline mosquito (the malaria reproduces in them). Factors in the spread of malaria include providing appropriate mosquito habitat (agricultural conversion, logging, etc.), providing sufficient warm blood meals within flight distance (human crowding, human encroachment into sylvatic areas), flying it all over the world (planes, globalization, mosquito transport). Further spread? More crowding, global warming, lack of eradication, further land conversion, etc. Prevention – DDT: indoor spraying good, environmental spraying bad; bednets – useful at the individual level to prevent infective bites, hard to implement at a large scale; vaccination – useless; prophylactic drugs: useful until resistance evolves; waiting for a blood borne mutation – ambitious and not practical.
Bonus 2pts: we’ve looked at 6 major diseases in class, but we’ve mentioned more than 20 other zoonotics. Name up to 10 emerging, re-emerging or potential zoonotic diseases, excluding the big six we’ve studied in detail. e.g. Nipah Camelpox Yellow Fever Venezuelan Hemmorhagic Fever Hantavirus Lyme Disease Ross River Fever Lassa Fever Japanese encephalitis BSE/vCJD St Louis Encephalitis West Nile Fever
PPG-TAB A: AMPLIFICATION OF THE MINIMAL STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR DEPLOYMENT TO THE CENTCOM AOR; TO ACCOMPANY MOD 10 TO USCENTCOM INDIVIDUAL PROTECTION AND INDIVIDUAL/UNIT DEPLOYMENT POLICY 1. General. This PPG-TAB A accompanies MOD TEN, Section 15.C. and provides amplification of the minimal standards of fitness for deployment to the CENTCOM AOR, including a list of medical conditions
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