Oahumpo tac minutes

Department of Transportation 5th Floor Conference Room Members Present:
Mark Au, Chair FY 2010

Members Absent:
Steve Wong (FAA, ex officio), (vacant, FTA, ex officio)

Guests Present:

OahuMPO Staff Present: Gordon Lum (Executive Director), Lori Arakaki, and Pamela
The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m. by Chair Glenn Yasui. A quorum was present.
James Burke nominated Mark Au for the office of FY 2010 TAC Chair; Glenn Soma seconded the nomination. Mr. Soma moved that the nominations be closed; Mr. Burke seconded the motion. There being no other candidates for the seat, Mr. Au was elected TAC Chair by acclamation. Mr. Soma nominated Glenn Yasui for the office of FY 2010 TAC Vice Chair; Mr. Burke seconded the nomination. Mr. Yasui nominated Mr. Soma for the office of Vice Chair. Mr. Soma declined the nomination. Mr. Soma moved that the nominations be closed; Mr. Burke seconded the motion. There being no other candidates for the seat, Mr. Yasui was elected TAC Vice Chair by acclamation. OahuMPO Technical Advisory Committee Minutes July 01, 2009 Meeting
Elizabeth Fischer stated that the member list of the TAC for the May 21, 2009 meeting minutes should be corrected to include Ted Matley as the ex officio TAC representative for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA); also, the change to the member list should be made for all future TAC minutes. Mr. Soma moved and Abe Mitsuda seconded that the May 21, 2009 minutes be corrected to include Ted Matley as the ex officio TAC representative for FTA. The motion was unanimously approved. RECOMMENDATION TO THE POLICY COMMITTEE ON REVISION #13 TO
THE FFYS 2008, 2009, 2010, AND 2011 TIP

Handout(s): FFYs 2008-2011 TIP Revision #13 (Amendment) (TAC Draft, June 2009); FFYs 2008-2011 TIP Revision #13 Project Evaluations Lori Arakaki, TIP Project Manager, gave a presentation on Revision #13 to the Federal Fiscal Years (FFYs) 2008-2011 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). This revision would add three City projects, add one State project, delete 20 projects, add new phases to some projects, and revise the number of bus purchases. Some of the deleted State projects were no longer needed, but others were deferred outside the current TIP fiscal years in order to fund the one State project that was added (S110, Interstate Route H-1 Eastbound Improvements, Vicinity of Ola Lane to Vineyard Boulevard Off-Ramp). As of Revision #13, the TIP would remain financially constrained. Ms. Arakaki went over the financial plan, intergovernmental review, and technical analyses (including the Congestion Management Process (CMP), detailed project evaluations, and Title VI and Environmental Justice (T6/EJ) analysis). In the T6/EJ analysis, it was found that the two high-cost projects (S110 and C17 (Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project)) in non-T6/EJ areas skewed the results; however, the equity analysis does not reflect indirect benefits to T6/EJ areas. Ms. Arakaki noted that special attention should be given to S110 and C17 when T6/EJ project-level evaluations are done by the implementing agencies. There were no changes to the CMP ranking of highway projects with the addition of project S110. Ms. Fischer noted that the high cost of S110 triggers the federal requirement for detailed annual project-level financial plans for that project. With regard to T6/EJ, Chair Au asked if the Federal government was concerned that the non-T6/EJ block groups will receive larger average per capital investments. Ms. Fischer responded that this is a case where the indirect benefits take care of the slight disparity, because it does give people jobs and helps them get to jobs more effectively and efficiently. Kathy Sokugawa asked what the use of “special attention” in the presentation meant. Ms. Arakaki responded that OahuMPO is doing a T6/EJ analysis on the entire TIP program. Implementing agencies are required to do their own T6/EJ analysis for their individual projects. The note regarding special attention is just to remind the agencies that, as a result of the analysis of the entire TIP, two projects were flagged for creating a different result. OahuMPO Executive OahuMPO Technical Advisory Committee Minutes July 01, 2009 Meeting Director Gordon Lum noted that the analysis of individual projects is not OahuMPO’s responsibility. Ms. Arakaki stated that, as part of the public review, a State legislator had asked why the Leeward bikeway project was being deferred. Also, a Mililani neighborhood board asked whether or not vehicles would be allowed to exit onto H-2 from the H-1 afternoon contraflow lane. Ms. Arakaki noted that DOT has already been asked to respond to these questions. Once the responses are received, they will be summarized and presented at the July 7th Policy Committee meeting, along with the public comments. Ms. Arakaki added that there was also a comment in support of the acquisition of buses and encouraging increased capacity on buses. Mr. Soma moved and Mr. Burke seconded that the TAC recommend that the Policy Committee endorse Revision #13 to the FFYs 2008-2011 TIP. The motion was unanimously carried. OTHER BUSINESS (Announcements Only)
Director Lum stated that the Governor’s furlough of State employees will have an impact on the State programs’ and OahuMPO programs’ deadlines, especially for the TIP, since the OahuMPO staff is small. Director Lum asked the agencies to adhere to the schedule that OahuMPO has set for the TIP. In response to Vice Chair Yasui, Ms. Arakaki stated that the TIP revision acted on today was the last major revision for the federal fiscal year. There was a discussion regarding the agency furlough schedules. Mr. Soma stated that he would e-mail the schedule to the OahuMPO for forwarding to the TAC members. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:35 p.m.

Source: http://www.oahumpo.org/download/archives_-_tac/09_TAC_mm_%2007-01_final.pdf

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