Automated tobacco analysis seal usa 01_07.indd

A P P L I C AT I O N S O F C O N T I N U O U S - F L O W A N A LY Z E R SF O R T O B A C C O L E A F A N D S M O K E A N A LY S I S In laboratories around the world the AutoAnalyzer, the pioneer of automated analysis, delivers fast, more accurate results, thus improving productivity and cost-effectiveness, and QuAAtro provides high-speed analysis to the largest laboratories.
Proven methods, many recognised by ISO and Coresta Results calculated and printed out automatically parameters can be measured from the same sample at the L E A F A N D F I N I S H E D P R O D U C T SThe sample is ground, and a known quantity (typically 1g) is accurately weighed into a bottle. A given volume of extracting solution (typically 100 ml) is added. The sample is shaken, then filtered. Water, 5% acetic acid and 0.01 N sulfuric acid are common extracting solutions.
S M O K EThe condensate is dissolved in a known volume of extracting solution which depends on the parameters being measured.
With permission of British American Tobacco I S O A N D C O R E S TA S TA N D A R D M E T H O D S F O U R I S O - A P P R O V E D M E T H O D S A R E AVA I L A B L E I S O / D I S 1 5 1 5 2 ( C o re s t a n o . 3 5 ) : To t a l A l k a l o i d s ( m e a s u re s n i c o t i n e b y t h e C N C l / s u l p h a n i l i c a c i d m e t h o d ) I S O / D I S 1 5 1 5 3 ( C o re s t a n o . 3 7 ) : R e d u c i n g S u b s t a n c e s ( m e a s u re s s u g a r s b y t h e f e r r i c y a n i d e m e t h o d ) I S O / D I S 1 5 1 5 4 ( C o re s t a n o . 3 8 ) : R e d u c i n g C a r b o h y d r a t e s ( m e a s u re s s u g a r s b y t h e PA H B H m e t h o d ) I S O / D I S 1 5 5 1 7 ( C o re s t a n o . 3 6 ) : N i t r a t e( h y d r a z i n e / N E D D m e t h o d ) S AT I S F I E D U S E R S A L L A R O U N D T H E W O R L D Many AutoAnalyzers more than 15 years old are in daily use. The high precision glass coils used in the manifold are chemically inert and help the user to check the flow at a glance.
A C C U R A C YInterference from sample color is eliminated by dialyzers with a pore size of 2 nm which separate interfering material such as suspended solids, humic acids, proteins and colored compounds which could lead to false The cyamogen reagent used or generated for nicotine analysis is com-pletely contained within the analyzer and automatically neutralized after A U T O M AT I C M O I S T U R E C O R R E C T I O N Sample moisture can be entered manually or by auotmatic download. Results are then reported on a dry-weight or original moisture basis.
A high-speed analyser with ultra-low reagent con- AutoAnalyzer has a superb record of reliability and sumption, QuAAtro is ideal for laboratories with very The AutoAnalyzer 3 is fully computer-controlled and is Up to 4 parameters can be analyzed at the same time module-for-module compatible with AAII systems to enable users to update to the latest techniques.
Nicotine, reducing sugars, total sugars, Nicotine, reducing sugars, total sugars, Potassium, nitrate, ammonia, nicotine, chloride, total and reducing sugars Any combination of tests is possible.
Nicotine, reducing sugars, total sugars, nitrate (and/or ammonia, chloride, phosphate) Upgrade to a random-access sampler and a second channel to double the Specially developed for tobacco analysis, these Bran+Luebbe multitest methods enable you to measure several different parameters with one analytical cartridge or manifold. When changing from one test to another only the reagents and the colorimeter filter need to be changed.
Multitest methods are ideal for laboratories with small to medium workloads, or where some tests are required only occasionally, as there is no need to invest in a sepa-rate manifold for each chemistry.
The MT24 and MT26 multitest methods for tobacco analysis incorporate a dialyser to eliminate interference from colored samples. MT25 is used with an on-line dis-tillation unit to give fully automatic analysis.
Ranges can be varied by changing sample pump tubes.
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Troubles de l’erection

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