Use of the Real-time PCR Assay in Conjunction With
MagNA Pure for the Detection of Mycobacterial DNA
Safedin H. Beqaj, PhD, Randy Flesher, HT, BS, RT (ASCP), Gina R. Walker, HT (ASCP),
estimated by the World Health Organization.1 In the
Abstract: Tuberculosis in immunocompromised patients is often
United States, there are an estimated 15 million people
caused by Mycobacterial species other than Mycobacterium
already infected with M. tuberculosis and nearly 15,000
tuberculosis. Thus, detection of and differentiation between
cases of active tuberculosis disease are reported annually.2
M. tuberculosis and nontuberculosis species is necessary for
Because of the risk of the spread of the disease and the
diagnosis of disease in these patients. Furthermore, when tissue
potential for the emergence of drug-resistant strains,
changes show granulomatous inflammation, quick confirmation
rapid detection of the M. tuberculosis complex is critical
testing for mycobacterial infection is needed for conclusive
in patients coinfected with HIV, as they are 50 times more
diagnosis. The aim of this study was to validate the utility of a
likely to develop disease than non-HIV–infected persons
real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay in conjunction
infected with M. tuberculosis.3–6 In addition, tuberculosis
with the MagNA Pure LC automated extraction system for the
in immunocompromised patients is often caused by
detection of mycobacterial DNA from formalin-fixed, paraffin-
Mycobacterial species other than M. tuberculosis such
embedded specimens. A total of 46 archived, paraffin-embedded,
as Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellu-
fixed specimens showing granulomatous inflammation were
lare.5,7 Thus, detection of and differentiation between
studied for mycobacterial infection by real-time PCR. Bacterial
M. tuberculosis and nontuberculosis species is necessary
DNA was extracted and isolated using the MagNA Pure
for the diagnosis of disease in these patients. Further-
extraction system. Real-time PCR was performed on the Light-
more, when tissue changes show granulomatous inflam-
Cycler using the Artus Real Art Mycob Diff ASR kit from
mation and tuberculosis may not have been considered,
Qiagen. Thirteen of the 46 patient specimens were positive for
samples may only have been sent for histopathologic and
mycobacterial infection by acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain. Of the
cytopathologic examination, quick confirmation testing is
13 reported positive by AFB stain, 12 where positive by real-time
needed for conclusive diagnosis. Usually, these samples
PCR. All 13 specimens reported positive by AFB were sent for
are formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded, making diag-
culture confirmation. Eleven of 13 were returned positive by
nosis of this disease by microbiologic examination
culture. Specimens reported as negative by culture and positive by
impossible. Beside the presentation of often necrotizing
real-time PCR were confirmed positive by a second PCR method
granulomas in these samples, conventional histopatho-
from another reference laboratory. We believe that these studies
logy diagnosis of mycobacterial infections is based on the
are beneficial in the differential diagnosis of mycobacterial
detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Direct examination
infection from fixed tissue specimens where tuberculosis might
of AFB by microscopy is rapid but has low sensitivity.8–10
not have been clinically initially suspected and when specimens are
In addition, this method lacks specificity, as it cannot
not suitable for microbiologic examination.
discriminate between different species of mycobacteria. Therefore, the development of rapid and reliable methods
Key Words: mycobacterial species, tuberculosis, real-time PCR,granulomatous inflammation, mycobacterial infection, AFB
for the detection of mycobacterial infection from fixed
Several assays using polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) are commercially available, and are mainly usedfor the culture confirmation.11–15 Recently, several groupshave reported the use of PCR methods for the detection
Tuberculosis is an increasing health problem world- of M. tuberculosis from fixed tissues from patients where
wide, with up to one-third of the world’s population
infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex as
formed.10,16–18 However, most of these methods are usedfor the detection of M. tuberculosis complex, ratherthan detection of other nontuberculosis species such as
From the Path Group Labs, Nashville, TN.
M. avium complex, including M. intracellulare which
Reprints: Safedin H. Beqaj, PhD, Path Group Labs, 658 Grassmere
are the most common mycobacterial pathogen respon-
Park, Suite 101, Nashville, TN (e-mail:
Copyright r 2007 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
sible for tuberculosis in both immunocompetent and
Diagn Mol Pathol Volume 16, Number 3, September 2007
Diagn Mol Pathol Volume 16, Number 3, September 2007
immunocompromised patients.16,19,20 The method pre-
sented in this study uses touch-down real-time PCR,
13,000 rpm. Samples were hydrated with 95% ethanol
which significantly increases the sensitivity and specificity
and centrifuged for 5 minutes at 13,000 rpm to collect the
of the assay. Furthermore, none of the previously
pellet, which was then air-dried for 10 minutes before use.
published methods have used advanced and standardized
The collected tissue pellet was then treated with 130 mL
automated extraction systems, which also improve the
bacterial lysis buffer and 20 mL of proteinase K (Roche
sensitivity and turn-around time of this assay.
Molecular) at 651C overnight or until completely disin-
The aim of this study was to develop a rapid and
tegrated. In addition, 6 specimens were treated with
reliable assay for the detection of mycobacterial DNA,
proteinase K at 651C for 3 hours to evaluate minimum
including nontuberculous mycobacteria in fixed tissue
time needed for specimen enzymatic digestion and
specimens, which demonstrated suspicious granuloma-
compared with results from the same specimen treated
tous changes similar to mycobacterial infection where
overnight. After the proteinase K treatment, samples were
tuberculosis may not have been considered and samples
incubated for 10 minutes at 951C to inactivate any
may only have been sent for histopathologic and
pathogenic organisms. Hundred microliters of treated
specimens were used for extraction. Samples wereextracted using automated extraction procedure onMagNA Pure (Roche Molecular) previously validated in
our laboratory for bacterial extraction. As this extraction
system isolates and purifies extracted DNA, we did not
embedded tissue specimens collected from 46 patients
see any need of comparison with manual extraction
from 2004 to 2006 were used for this study. Of 46 studied
procedure.21,22 Extracted samples were eluted in 100 mL of
specimens, there were 29 respiratory specimens, 16 lung
elution buffer. To monitor the whole procedure, positive
biopsies, 7 bronchial biopsies, and 1 tracheal biopsy. In
and negative controls were treated the same way as
addition, there were 5 more concentrated specimens
patient specimens. To control for assay inhibition, 10 mL
(cellblocks) with respiratory origin: 3 were bronchial
internal control (IC) containing plasmid DNA was added
washes, 1 was concentrated fixed sputum, and 1 was from
to the lysis buffer during the extraction, and amplified
concentrated pleural fluid. Eight specimens were lymph
with the target from the specimen in the same PCR
node biopsies (mediastinal, inguinal, and axillary), and
the remaining 9 were from other organs (salivary glad,
Real-time PCR was performed on the LightCycler
bowel, skin, bladder, and neck mass). Of all assayed
version 1.5 using RealArt Mycobact. Diff kit (Qiagen Inc,
specimens, 31 specimens showed granulomatous inflam-
Hamburg, Germany). This is a qualitative in vitro
mation and tuberculosis was not initially suspected. These
diagnostic assay, which uses probes and primers for the
specimens were sent to our laboratory by the ordering
detection of M. tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis,
physician for other reasons, and in many instances,
Mycobacterium africanum I and II, Mycobacterium bovis,
mycobacterial disease was not listed or considered in
M. bovis BCG, Mycobacterium microti, Mycobacteium
clinical data provided to the pathologist. Upon micro-
canettii) and also of the M. avium complex (M. avium
scopic examination, however, acid fast staining was
necessary for differential diagnosis in the presence of
M. avium subspp. silvaticum, M. avium subspp. hominis-
granulomatous inflammation. Nine specimens (4 bron-
suis, and M. intracellulare). Simply, 5 mL of eluted DNA
chial and 1 tracheal biopsy and also 2 bronchial washes, 1
was added to 15 mL of Master Mix containing hybridiza-
concentrated pleural fluid, and 1 concentrated sputum)
tion probes and primers and all PCR reaction compo-
were sent for evaluation where tuberculosis was sus-
pected. The remaining specimens were other thanrespiratory origin and were sent for pathology reviewfor other reasons.
One sample from a pulmonary tuberculosis block
A total of 46 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
positive for M. tuberculosis and 3 samples containing
tissue specimens from 46 patients with granulomatous
extracted plasmid DNA for M. tuberculosis complex,
inflammation were analyzed by real-time PCR on the
M. avium complex, and M. intracellulare were used as
LightCycler using RealArt Mycobact. Diff kit. Results
positive controls. RNase/DNase free water and 2 skin
were compared with AFB staining performed in our
biopsies examined by our pathologist for skin disorders
laboratory. All cases positive for AFB were sent for
and previously tested negative for Mycobacterium were
culture, and available culture results were also used for
used as a negative control. All specimens including
comparison. Of 46 tested patient specimens, 13 were
controls were extracted from paraffin blocks using
positive and 33 negative by AFB stain. Of 13 reported
MagNA Pure LC DNA Isolation kit III (Roche
positive by AFB stain, 12 were positive by real-time PCR
Molecular, Pleasanton, CA). Five to ten 5-mm sections
(Table 1). All 13 specimens reported positive by AFB
were cut from paraffin-embedded tissue blocks and placed
were sent for culture confirmation. Only 11 of 13 returned
into 1.5-mL microfuge tube. Tissues were deparaffinized
positive by culture. One specimen that was reported
with 1 mL of xylol for 10 minutes at 651C and then
positive by AFB and negative by PCR was confirmed
Diagn Mol Pathol Volume 16, Number 3, September 2007
Mycobacterial DNA by Real-time PCR From Fixed Tissue
TABLE 1. Forty-six Specimens were Assayed by Real-time PCR, and Results Compared With AFB Stain and Culture
*Specificity is based on comparison of negative results.
negative by culture method. The other specimen reported
niosis.10 Therefore, diagnosis of nontuberculosis infection
negative by culture and positive by real-time PCR was
is very difficult, as it often lacks both clinical symptoms
confirmed positive by PCR method from reference
and specific morphologic features.4,7 Most of the time,
laboratory giving higher sensitivity to real-time PCR
these infections are seen in specimens collected from
assay. Of 12 positive by real-time PCR, 6 were positive for
patients in whom tuberculosis was not initially suspected
M. tuberculosis complex and 6 were positive for M. avium
and morphologic review shows the presence of granulo-
complex, including 4 positive for M. intracellulare, and all
matous inflammation. As microbiologic culture from
matched those by culture method (Table 2). All 6 cases
these formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues is impos-
positive for M. tuberculosis complex were respiratory
sible, in addition to AFB staining, additional confirma-
specimens: 2 lung biopsies, 1 bronchial biopsy, 2
tion testing is needed.10 PCR technology has emerged as a
bronchial washes, and 1 concentrated sputum. The
promising tool in infectious disease testing owing to its
remaining 6 positive specimens for M. avium complex
high sensitivity and short turn-around time. The sensi-
including intracellulare, 4 were lung biopsies, 1 specimen
tivity of PCR has been shown to be better than that of
was bronchial biopsy, and 1 was bowel biopsy (Table 3).
microscopic examination and better or comparable with
All positives by this method showed good crossing
that of culture in the detection of many infectious
point or cycle threshold (Ct) ranging from 16 to 27 with a
strong fluorescent signal and correct melting temperature
In this study, we demonstrated the feasibility and
of 63.51C for M. avium, 601C for M. tuberculosis, and
reliability of real-time PCR in detection and differentia-
tion of mycobacterial DNA from archived formalin-fixed,
All 46 specimens investigated in this study showed a
paraffin-embedded tissues. This assay uses primers and
positive signal for the IC, confirming that the DNA
probes that can detect M. tuberculosis complex, and
extraction and amplification was successful excluding any
M. avium complex including M. intracellulare. It can
assay inhibition. The sensitivity and specificity of this
detect all species belonging to M. tuberculosis complex
assay compared with AFB was 92% and 100%, and when
including M. africanum I and II, M. bovis, M. bovis BCG,
compared with culture was 100% (Table 1).
M. microti, and M. canettii. This assay can detect allspecies of M. avium complex including M. avium subspp. avium, M. avium subspp. partuberculosis, M. avium
subspp. silvaticum, M. avium subspp. hominissuis, and
The diagnosis of mycobacterial infection has
M. intracellulare. These species have been well-known
remained problematic and difficult, especially for non-
pathogens in AIDS patients and immunocompromised
tuberculosis mycobacterial infections.7 Disease caused by
patients.3,5–7 Using this assay, we were able to detect 12
nontuberculosis mycobacteria has increased owing to the
positive samples for mycobacterial DNA and successfully
HIV epidemic and various immunosuppressive treat-
differentiate between M. tuberculosis and nontuberculosis
ments.3,5,6 The clinical approach to nontuberculosis
species; 6 were positive for M. tuberculosis complex, and
mycobacterial infection differs significantly from that of
6 were positive for M. avium complex, from which 4 were
M. tuberculosis infection.7,23,24 However, the histopatho-
positive for M. intracellulare. Most of the cases positive
logic findings in infection caused by nontuberculosis
for M. avium and intracellulare were respiratory speci-
mycobacteria are similar to those caused by M. tubercu-
mens with the exception of one that was a bowel biopsy
losis. In addition, histologic features of granulomatous
inflammation can be seen in other diseases such as
Moreover, of 13 specimens resulted positive by AFB
sarcoidosis, syphilis, leprosy, Crohn disease, rheumatoid
stain, only 12 specimens were positive by real-time PCR,
arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and pneumoco-
giving the sensitivity of this assay of 92% and specificity
TABLE 2. Of 12 Positive by Real-time PCR, Only 11 Were Positive by Culture and Matched Those by Real-time PCR
*M. intracellulare is part of the M. avium complex and usually is reported as part of the M. avium in culture results.
Diagn Mol Pathol Volume 16, Number 3, September 2007
TABLE 3. Forty-six Biopsies From Different Sources Were Assayed for Mycobacterial Disease by Real-time PCR and AFB Stain
Pleural fluid (1)Lymph node biopsy (8)Skin biopsy (4)Bowel biopsy (1)
Bladder biopsy (1)Salivary gland bps (1)Neck mass biopsy (1)Liver biopsy (1)Lung biopsy pos. QC (1)
Of the13 reported positive by AFB stain, 12 were positive by real-time PCR. Of 12 positive specimens tested by real-time PCR, 11 were of respiratory origin. Of these,
6 were positive for M. tuberculosis complex, 1 was positive for M. avium and 4 were positive for M. intracellulare. One specimen was from a bowel biopsy and it was positivefor M. avium. Two skin biopsies were used as negative controls and tested negative. One lung biopsy was used as a positive control and tested positive by both real-timePCR and AFB stain.
(number of false negative results) of 100% when
cycles total), annealing temperature is dropped down for
compared with this method (Table 1). As all 13 specimens
11C from 651C to 581C, improving the efficiency of primer
reported positive by AFB were sent for culture confirma-
annealing. This is a good way of manipulating PCR,
tion, the specimen that was reported positive by AFB and
which will give a good yield of the targeted sequence and
negative by PCR was confirmed negative by culture,
minimize amplification of undesirable products, which
again demonstrating low specificity of AFB. In addition,
increases sensitivity and specificity of the assay.25
we had 1 specimen reported negative by culture and
Previous publications have reported26 that the
positive by real-time PCR. We were fortunate that this
efficiency of PCR with formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
specimen was originally sent to reference laboratory for
tissues is impaired by multiple interacting factors,
PCR and was confirmed positive. Our best explanation
including the type of fixation and fixation time. Although,
for this is that the culture was negative because of the
specimens used for this study were archived from years
microorganism viability. It is well know that culture
2004, 2005, and 2006, we did not face any difficulties in
depends on the viability of the organism, which might be
extraction and detection of mycobacterial DNA from
compromised by improper specimen collection or trans-
fixed tissues. There were no false negative results (based
portation. In contrast, PCR does not depend on the
on comparison with AFB stain) and there was no assay
viability of the microorganisms, and especially as this was
inhibition as all 46 specimens investigated in this study
performed from fixed tissue, where the microorganism
showed a positive signal for the IC. This might be in part
was preserved. In addition, all extracted specimens were
because of the fact that mycobacterial DNA is not
run by a home-brewed PCR assay (laboratory developed
affected by formalin, as it is encapsulated in a bacterial
assay)14 in an outside reference laboratory to confirm our
cell wall. Furthermore, to maximize the isolation of
finding (results not shown). Of 13 positives by our assay,
bacterial DNA from fixed tissues, we used an automated
only 9 were positive by home-brewed assay. In addition,
extraction method MagNA pure that uses MagNA Pure
crossing point yield by the home-brewed assay was higher
LC DNA Isolation kit III, which has a capability of
than those yield by our assay. Crossing point by our assay
isolation and purification of bacterial DNA. This kit
was between 16 to 27 cycles, whereas those by home-
requires treatment of the specimen with proteinase K
brewed assay ranged from 30 to 40 cycles. This is not
until tissues are disintegrated, after which the bacterial
surprising as RealArt Mycobact. Diff kit uses touch-down
DNA is released in the solution. In addition to tissue
PCR method. Touch-down PCR is used to enhance
digestion, proteinase K is used to break down the
amplification of desired target sequences while reducing
bacterial cell wall. In this study, we used 2 different
amplification from mispriming events or from other PCR
timing for tissue digestion with proteinase K: overnight
artifacts. In this case, PCR begins (first 10 cycles) with an
and 3 hours. Both conditions showed the identical results
annealing temperature, which is greater than the calcu-
(results not shown) giving an assay shorter turn-around
lated melting temperature (Tm) of the primer used. The
elevated annealing temperature employed will encourage
In conclusion, real-time PCR in conjunction with
high specificity of primer annealing (increased strin-
MagNA pure described in this study is rapid, sensitive,
gency), although at lower efficiency. After each cycle (10
and specific for the detection of mycobacterial DNA, and
Diagn Mol Pathol Volume 16, Number 3, September 2007
Mycobacterial DNA by Real-time PCR From Fixed Tissue
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Growth, Income Inequality, and Fiscal Policy: What are the Relevant Tradeoffs?* 2 rue de la Charité, F-13002 Marseille, France Abstract: We develop an endogenous growth model with elastic labor supply, in which agents differ in their initial endowments of physical capital. In this context, the growth rate and the distribution of income are jointly determined. We then examine the d
Sikkerhedsdatablad Revision: 30-05-2013Erstatter: 11-12-2012Version: 07.01/DNK PUNKT 1: Identifikation af stoffet/blandingen og af selskabet/virksomheden 1.1. Produktidentifikator Handelsnavn: 1.2. Relevante identificerede anvendelser for stoffet eller blandingen samt anvendelser, der frarådes Anbefalede anvendelser: Biocidmidler skal anvendes med forsigtighed. Læs etiket og brug