Don’t forget to see Maggie Monette of the Senior Youth
Charles Revson, founder of the successful cosmetic manufacturing firm
Group to get your Loblaw’s prepaid/gift cards during coffee
Revlon, once said, "In our factory we make lipstick. In our
advertising, we sell hope." We could use a little more hope. I think that is
Loblaw's, Your Independent,
hy people buy lottery tickets. One poor mother, who was raising her
Loblaw's Superstore and Value mart.
children on a small salary earned from long hours of hard work, was
The cards come in denominations of $10.00; $25.00; $50.00
sked, "Why do you waste your money on a lottery ticket when you can
and $100.00 and the youth group will gain 4% on the
eah, I buy a ticket every day," the woman acknowledged. "But a
You can not only use these cards yourself but they can also
llar is not too much to pay for 24 hours of hope." There are probably
be used as gifts. The young people are enthusiastic about
tter uses for her money than buying lottery tickets. But she would
supporting the Church. Just think, for every $100 the church
her hang onto a little hope than onto her dollar.
e need hope. It is a vital ingredient in life. Without it, far too ny people come to the conclusion that they are powerless in the face
difficulties. "It can't be helped," is their motto. Without
"The very first meeting of the new presbytery-wide
pe, they won't make needed changes. They feel powerless. Without pe, they will grimly accept the unacceptable and believe that things
PWS&D network will be held at 7:30 on Thursday
March 3rd at Westminster Presbyterian Church on
found that I can either be a prisoner of circumstances or a
470 Roosevelt Ave. If you would like to attend for
ctitioner of hope. I can feel sorry for myself and helpless to do
more information call Dave Mansell @ 613-721-
ything about my problems, or I can believe there is a realistic
2714 or email at (
rman Cousins, in his book Head First, the Biology of Hope,
Doubting the supply of God’s grace is like a sparrow
strates the power of hope. He tells of two physicians who were deliver a paper at a national meeting of cancer specialists. One
wondering if the sky is big enough for it to fly in.
s truly perplexed. "I don't understand it, Bob," he said. "We use
same drugs, the same dosage, and the same schedule of treatment. t I get a 22% recovery rate and you get a 74% recovery rate. How do u explain that?" The other responded, "We both use Etoposide, Plati-
l, Oncovin, and Hydroxyurea. You put those letters together and tell
ople that you are giving them E-P-O-H. I put them together and ex-
God and Violence, where’s the Justice?? A lecture series
in to them that they are receiving H-O-P-E. I emphasize that they
present by Dominic Croassan, Knox United Church, Ne-
pean, March 4 & 5, 2011. Check for schedule and regis-
You do have a chance. You have a chance at life. You have a chance at
success. You have a chance at wholeness. You have a chance at mean-
Janet Paschal & Russ Taff in Concert, A presentation of
ingful relationships and, though you may not believe it, at happiness.
Gospel Sings Canda, April 30, 2011, 7 pm at Community
Are you a prisoner of circumstances . stuck and helpless, or a
All are invited to come downstairs after service to-
And motions that confuse even a mad hatter
prepared by the ladies of the P.C.W. and the Youth
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Things start just fine, the mood becalms,
Following this everyone is encouraged to stay for
our Annual Congregational meeting. There are ex-
citing things happening in our church and we
should all know and have a say in the future of our
As though some vultures had left their roost
And all are sure they’re on God’s side
The Annual Meeting
Right after the season of love and cheer.
It’s when we feel God’s Spirit near,
‘cause most of us are somewhat queasy.
Let the minister tackle those too breezy
Written by Paul Gardiner, a member of St. James Church in Stouffville, Ontario
Thirteenth Sermon on 2 Thessalonians Chapter Two Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have beentaught, whether by word, or our epistle.—2 Thes. 2:15. HE apostle, after he had comforted the Thessalonians, he exhorteth them toconstancy in the truth, whatever temptations they had to the contrary. TheTcomforts he propoundeth to them were taken—(1.) From the
Erläuterungen zu einzelnen Methoden der Lungenfunktionsdiagnostik Bodyplethysmographie, Spirometrie, kapilläre Blutgasanalyse Standardverfahren. Ermittelt werden Basisdaten wie Atemwegswiderstand, alle statischen und dynamischen Lungenvolumina und die Gasaustauschfunktion. Indikationen: • Nachweis/Verlaufskontrolle obstruktiver Atemwegserkrankungen (z.B. COPD, Asthma bronchi