Project synopsis mba.xlsx

1.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. 2. In research methodology give sample size 30/5/2013 Reducing Short length Generation techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 3. It is suggested to you to see some sample of bibligraphy on internet Review of Literature is very thin . It should suggested to you to include only that literature which is related to your topic. A Study of marketing mix of uttarakhand Mr. Amarjeet Singh is suggested to you to see the pattern of review of literature and of bibliography from the reseach papers available on net . 2. Revise Hypothesis 3 and 4 1. Review of literature is very less. It should be more detailed and relevant to your study. 2.Objectives should be specific w.r.t. and limitations should be different. 4.Mention specific websites link rather than the search engine. it is suggested to you to see the pattern of bibliography from the research papers avialable on the net.
1. Review of literature is less it is suggested to you to incorporate some more literature in the final project report. Project Rejected. Cp 1001,1004 not cleared 1. Review of literature is very should appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the research papers available on the net.
1.Mention the work done by prevIous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. 2. Objectives of study are vague.Kindly limitations should be different. 4.Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the reearch papers available on the net.
1. Review of literature is missing.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. It should be more structured and laxman.mewari@chassisbrakes.
limitations should be different. 3.Mention specific websites link rather than the search engine. it is suggested to you to see the pattern of bibliography from the research papers avialable on the net.
1. Review of literature is missing.Mention performance appraisal a study of chassis the work done by previous researchers on a literature. It should be more structured and detailed. 2. Restructure the tentative chapter planning.
techniques in Aqua mill water solution Ltd Sh. Amit Joshi practices in aquamill water solutions Ltd 1. Objectives of the study are not clear. Reconstruct it. 2. Project report format is not correct.i.e Line spacing, font size etc. so it is suggested to you to follow the guidelines regarding the format from the university website. 3 . Review of literature is missing.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. It should be more structured and detailed. 4. Reconstuct your bibliography. 1.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. 2. Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the research papers available on the net. Proposed contents means the chapterization of study i.e. Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Review of awareness and demand of the float glass Mr. Arvind Yadav Methodology, Chapter 4 Data analysis and interpretation , Chapter 5 Findings and conclusion. 2. See the pattern of bibliography from the project guidelines given on the university website.
Proposed contents means the chapterization of study i.e. Chapter 1 Introduction, Chapter 2 Review of Methodology, Chapter 4 Data analysis and interpretation , Chapter 5 Findings and conclusion. 2. See the pattern of bibliography from the project guidelines given on the university website.
1.Review of literature is missing.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. It should be more structured and detailed. 2. Reconstruct the objectives of the study. It should be more specific to your study. 3.Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the reearch papers available on the net. 4. Send your research guide's CV on our e-mail id as early as possible. 1.Send your research guide's CV on our e-mail id as early as possible. 2. Review of literature is not given. Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of Comperative study of ICICI Prudential and literature. It should be more structured and detailed. 3. Scope/rationale/limitations should be specific and related to your study only. 4.Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the reearch papers available on the net. 1. Review of literature is not given. Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the Astudy of HCL Infosystem sidcul Pantnagar Amarjeet singh sethi structured and detailed. 2.Reconstuct the tentative chapter planning. 3. Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the reearch papers available on the net.
1.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. It is suggested to you to see some sample of 'review of literature' and 'Bibliography' from the books or research papers available on the internet. 2. In proposed contents Chapter 3 should be of Research methodology. 3. Name of chapter 2 should be 'Review of Literature' only. Integrating strategic intent and outcome budgeting in strategic planning of higher education organisations: A case study of state directorate of higher education uttarakhand (india) Your project proposal is not following our guidelines (given on the university website ). You did not mention the objectives of your methodology you will use to achieve the objectives. It is suggested to you to read the guidelines thoroughly and see some sample research papers available on the 1.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. It is suggested to you to see some sample of 'review of literature' from the books or research papers available on the internet. 2. Number of objectives should be less and it should be specific to your study only. 3. Rearrange the proposed contents.i.e. Chapter 1 Introduction . Chapter 2. Review of literature. Chapter 3. Data base and Research methodology. Chapter 4. Anaysis and interpretation. chapter 5. Conclusions and suggestions. 1. Introductory part is not proper. It should be related to the co-operative banks which are the base of your study. A critical study of the financial health of 2. Also mention the sample period in the research methodology . So that it would be clear that in which financial period you will apply all these ratios. 3. Tentative chapterization should come before the references and second chapter will be of 'Review of Literature'.
Your project proposal is not following our guidelines (given on the university website ). You did not mention the objectives of your methodology you will use to achieve the objectives. It is suggested to you to read the guidelines thoroughly and see some sample research papers available on the internet for your reference. Project proposal rejected. CP 1001, CP1003 Management of training and development Dass 1.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the Recruitment process in Max New York Life Mr. Amarjeet Singh review of literature. It is suggested to you to see some sample of 'review of literature' and 'Bibliography' from the books or research papers available on the internet. 2. In proposed contents 2nd chapter will be of Review of literature.
Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sampleof available on the net to know how to write the bibliography.
Review of literature is not appropriate.The Efficiency and effectiveness in production things you will consider in while reviewing process ( with special reference to britania Dr. J.C. Tewari the previous literature is objectives of the previous researchers study, research methodology they used and the results of researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. It is suggested to you to see some sample of 'review of literature' and 'bibliography' from the books or research papers available on the internet. 1.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a 'Human Resource planning and management"' in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Objectives of study are not clear. Kindly reconstruct it. 3. It is suggested to you to see some sample of 'review of literature' and 'bibliography' from the books or research papers available
on the internet. A study of job satisfaction among teachers 1. Review of literature is missing.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic in the review of literature. The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) Study of emplyees recruitment process in methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Your study is on the uttranchal deep or on the Coral Lab ( Mention in your first objective) Clarify it . 3.Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample bibliography from the research papers available on the net. 1 Review of literature is not appropriate. .Mention the work done by previous researchers in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is Name of the researcher ( Year of the study ), objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the results of their study. 2. See the sample pattern of bibligraphy from the 1. Your research supervisor's experience is less then 5 years. You need to change your supervisor as it is not as per our guidelines. Research supervisors must have at least 5 years work experience. You can e-mail us new supervisor CV's on 2. Your project proposal is accepted. Now you are instructed to send final project 1. Introduction on the stress management is missing. 2.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a 'Stress Management' in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is Name of the researcher ( Year of the study ), objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the results of their study. 3.Project report format is not correct.i.e Line spacing, font size etc. so it is suggested to you to follow the guidelines regarding the format from the university website. 1. In research methodology you have to mention that what methods and techniques you will use for collecting and analysing data for your study.Which you did not mention in your project proposal .So, mention it clearly. 2. In review of literature you did not mention any previous study related to the mergers and acquisition in telecom sector ( which is base of your study) , so try to find it and incorporate it in your literature review. 1. No. project proposal proforma attached. 2. Supervisor CV is also not attached. 3. Review of literature is not Selection process in AVIVA Life insurance Dr Prashant Kandari reseachers on the given study in the review of literature. The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 1. No. project proposal proforma attached. 2. Supervisor CV is also not attached. 3. Review of literature is not Analysis of problem in the management of hotel industry in pauri city of district reseachers on the given study in the review of literature. The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. liabilities in relation to performance and 1. No. project proposal proforma attached. 2. Supervisor CV is also not attached. 3. Review of literature is not appropriate.Mention the work done by reseachers on the given study in the review of literature. The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 1. Review of literature is not appropriate.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a 'Strategic management' which is the base of your study in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. In research methodology give sample size , sample period and also the tools and techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 3. A sample style of writing bibliography is given in the project guidelines which is uploaded on the university website. You are instructed to 1. Change your research guide as your supervisor is not acceptable to the university and send the afresh project proposal with the signature of new supervisor. and following points must take into consideration while preparing the fresh project proposal1. Review of literature is not appropriate.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a 'Project management' which is the base of your study in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, projects in CSIR- Central Salt and Marine Construct your objectives in bullet or number format 4. In research methodology you only mention the sample ( three or four projects ? also make it clear) but did not mention the sources of sample and also what statistical techniques you will apply while analysis of data. Also mention it in your study. 5. Propsed contents means the tentative chapter planning of your project . It should be written in this way: Chapter 1.Introduction , 2. Review of literature, 3. Your project proposal is not following our guidelines (given on the university website ). You did not mention the objectives of your study, review of literature, research methodology you will use to achieve the objectives. It is suggested to you to read the guidelines thoroughly and see some sample project reports available on the internet for your reference and also consult your research supervisor for the prepration of project proposal report and send us the afresh project proposal within 10 days Send us the duly filled Project proposal Analysis of modern marketing strtegies ( A case study on Belimo Actuators India Pvt. website) and CV of the research supervisor within 10 days. Proposal is Accepted .
1. Send your proposal report in typed form within 10 days.Technical Specifications of the type-script of Project ReportPaper : A4 size Bond Paper only (11"x 8.5")Fonts : Times New Roman, 12 font size, ‘double’ spacingMargin : Left 35 mm, Right 20mm, Top will not be accepted by university. You are instructed to take in to consideration the following points while sending us the fresh project proposal 1. Meaning of TPM. 2. A lot of literature is available on the internet on the ' production line efficiency'( which is the base of your study). Read them and add them in the review of literature. 3. Write objectives in bullet or number format. 4. In research methodology mention the sources of your sample data and techniques you will use while analysing the data. 5. Mention the bibliography also.
customer satisfaction in banking services " A comparative study of public sector & pvt. Sector banks- in special reference to 1. proposed contents refers the tentative Review of literature is not appropriate.Mention the work done by reseachers on the given study in the review A study of motivation level of employees of literature. The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 1.Review of literature is not appropriate.Mention the work done by reseachers on the given study in the review of literature. The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Mention clearly the sample size of IT industries which you are considering for your study. 3. Reconstruct the objectives of the study in the following manners : 1. To list or trace the emerging HR trends in Indian IT industry. 2. To find out the efforts undertaken by companies for human resource development in IT sector. 3. To measure the perception of IT sector emplyees in respect of adoption of HRD in their organisation. 4. To suggest the measures to fill in the strtegic gaps and improve motivational level of emplyees and HR management in IT industry. The impact of advertisement expenses on net sales for the selected manufacturing Project proposal proforma and research supervisor CV is not attached. Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the "work life balance' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Bibliography is not mentioned Project proposal proforma and research supervisor CV is not attached. Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the 'Job satisfaction' which is the base of your A detailed study on the job satisfaction study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Bibliography is not mentioned .See the sample format of bibligraphy from the books and project reports for your reference.
Project proposal proforma and research supervisor CV is not attached. 1.Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the 'Talent management' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Objectives of the study are not clear. Reconstruct it in structured form and be specific. 3. Research methodology is not appropriate. You did not mention the sample of your study, sample size, sample period, tools and techniques you will use for the collection and analysis of data. 4. Bibliography is not given. Project proposal proforma and research supervisor CV is not attached. Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the "Stress management "' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. Bibliography is not appropriate. It is suggested to you to see some sample format of 'review of literature' and 'bibliography' from the books or project reports available on the internet. Review of literature is not appropriate.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of A study on operational activity followed in researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 2. In research methodology mention it clearly the type of questionnaire you will use for your study.3. See the sample format of bibliography from the project guidelines given on the university website.
change your research supervisor. Your research supervisor's experience is less then 5 years . As per our guidelines a research Foreign direct investment and its impact supervisor must have at least 5 years of work experience. 2. Project proposal is the copy of some research paper. Send us original work otherwise your project will be rejected.
1. Objectives are not matching with the topic you have chosen for the study. Reconstruct it . 2. Review of literature is not given.Mention the work done by previous researchers on the securities in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3.In researche methodology mention clearly sample size, sample period ,sources of sample , tools and techniques applied for the collection and analysis of the data.You are instructed to see some sample project reports avialable on the internet for your reference and also consult your supervisor to guide you for the project proposal. your project report is not upto the mark . Revise it and send us at the earliset . Fonts : Times New Roman, 12 font size, ‘double’ spacingMargin : Left 35 mm, Right 20mm, Top 35mm, Bottom 20mm. 2. Review of literature is not appropriate. .Mention the work done by previous researchers on the TQM in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3. The research methodology you have given is not appropriate.In research methodology mention the sample of your study, the statistical instrument you will use for the collection and the analysis of data. 4. It is suggested to you to consult your research supervisor and take his help on the project proposal.
1. Review of literature is missing.Mention the work done by researchers on the Retail Banking in the review of literature.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of used and the outcomes of their study. 2. The 3rd objective is not appropriate. It is the objective of the banks. So remove it. 3. In literature review you need not to mention the details on the PNB. All these details will come in 1st chapter i.e. Introduction. 4. See the sample format of bibliography from the project guidelines uploaded on the university website.
project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You give only the conceptual information on the human resource development. It is suggested to you to consult your research supervisor and take her help in your project.
1.The objectives you gave are the objectives of the organisation. What you want to do on the training and development ? Reconstruct the objectives from the study point of view.2. research methodology will depend on the objectives of your study.3. It is suggested to you to consult your research supervisor and take his help in your study.
Job satisfaction and occupational stress among pvt. And public sector executive:A Title of the study is not appropriate. Project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You give only the conceptual information on the training and development. It is suggested to you to consult your research supervisor and take her help in your study.
Effect of motivation on the job performance of the employees of Divya 1. The title of your study will be ' A study on Emplyee Welfare with special reference to Divya Pharmacy'. 2. In review of literature mention the work done by researchers on a 'Employee welfare' .The things you will consider in while reviewing the literature is Name of the researcher ( Year of the study ), objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the results of their study. You will get a lot of studies on emplyee welfare on the internet. 3. The objectives you mentioned are the objectives of the organisation. Reconstruct them and state it clearly that what you want to do on the emplyee welfare. Rewrite the objectives from your study point of view. 4. Research methodology will depend upon the objectives of your study. 5. In proposed contents chapter 2 will come of Review of literature. Chapter 3 Research Methodology ( it will include the objectives of your study) chapter 4. Data collection and analysis 5. Findings and conclusion 6. See the sample format of bibliography from the projectguidelines uploade3d on the university website. 1. In review of literature mention the work done by the researchers on the 'performance appraisal'. The things you will consider while reviewing the literature are Name of the researcher(year of the study), objectives of his study, research methodology he used to attain his objectives, and outcome of their study. 2.In your resarch methodology mention the sample of your study , sample period and what statistical techniques you will use for the attainment of your objectives.3. Bibliography will come in the last.
1. Review of literature is missing.Mention the work done by previous researchers on a given research topic i.e. Industrial relation in the review of literature. The things you will consider while reviewing the literature are Name of the researcher(year of the study), objectives of his study, research methodology he used to attain his objectives, and outcome of their study. 2.In the objectives of the study section first five Industrial relation with special reference company and last two objectives are the objectives of your study. So you are advised to remove the objectives of the company and consider only last two objectives for your study. Always write objectives in number or bullet format. 3. In proposed contents Chapter 1-Introduction, chapter 2 Review of Literature , Chapter 3- Research methodology Chapter 4- Data analysis and interpretation , Chapter 5- Findings and conclusions 4. see the sample format of bibliography from the project guidelines uploaded on the university website.
1. Attach project proposal proforma and CV of the supervisor. 2.The objectives you have given in your study is the objectives of the TQM.What you have to do is to Streamline the objectives with the kind of work you want to do on the TQM . 3. Further Research methodology will depend on the objectives of your study. 4. See the sample format of bibliography from the project guidelines uploaded on the university website.
1. Attach supervisor's CV. 2.Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the Inventory management' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3. In research methodology give sample size , sample period and also the tools and techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 4. Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the university website for your reference. 1. Attach supervisor's CV. 2.Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the Inventory management' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3.The objectives you have mentioned are the objectives of the organisation. Reconstruct them rewrite the objectives from your study point of 4. In research methodology give sample size , sample period and also the tools and techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 5. Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the university website for your reference. 1. Attach supervisor's CV. 2. The objectives you have mentioned are the objectives of the organisation. Reconstruct them rewrite the objectives from your study point of view. 3. Review of literature is missing. Add literature on the Inventory management' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3. In research methodology give sample size , sample period and also the tools and techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 4. Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the university website for your reference. 10/7/2013 Engineering Pvt. Ltd, Pantnagar 1. Attach supervisor's CV. 2.Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the Inventory management' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3. In research methodology give sample size , sample period and also the tools and techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 4. Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the 1.Change your supervisor. His qualification is not as per our guidelines. Attach new supervisor's CV. 2. The objectives you have mentioned are the objectives of the organisation. Reconstruct them and write the objectives from your study point of view. 3. Review of literature is missing. Add literature on the' Inventory management' which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 3. In research methodology give sample size , sample period and also the tools and techniques you will use in data collection and data analysis. 4. Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the university website for your reference. Project Proposal rejected as CP1008 and CP- 12/7/2013 Celebrities used in T.V.Commercials Project Proposal rejected as CP1007 and CP- 1. Attach project proposal proforma.2. Review of literature is not given. Add literature on Brand.The things you will Comparative sales study of three different Dr. Dharmendra consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 1. Attach the Project proposal proforma . 2. Type-script of Project ReportPaper : A4 size Bond Paper only (11"x 8.5")Fonts : Times New Roman, 12 font size, ‘double’ spacing 35mm, Bottom 20mm. 3. Review of Literature is not given. Add literature on the Consumer behaviour.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 1.Attach research supervisor's CV. 2. Objectives are not matching with the title. Stramline the objectives with the topic you have chosen. 3. Review of literature is not given. Add literature also.The things you Recruitment and selection at reliance life previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study. 4. Bibliography is not appropriate.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the university website for your reference. 1. Attach research supervisor's CV. Project proposal is not according to our guidelines. Swot Analysis at reliance life insurance. You give only the conceptual information of the swot analysis. It is suggested to you to consult your research supervisor and take his/her help in your project.
1.Attach research supervisor's CV. 2. Give introduction on the Ratio analysis.3.Streamline your objectives with the topic you have chosen and give objectives in bullet or number format . 4. Review of literature is not given. Add literature on the analysis of financial statements which is the base of your study.The things you will consider in while reviewing the previous literature is , name of researcher ( year of study) objectives of their study, research methodology they used and the outcomes of their study.5. In research methodology you did not mention the sample of your study and the sample size and also which ratios you will apply for the analysis of the financial statements.6. the things you include in the proposal i.e. steps in research, drawback and limitations of ratio analysis and finding they are inappropriate ,remove them. 6. Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to you to see sample bibliography from the university website for your reference. 1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines properly and send us the revised proposal.3. Recruitment &Selection at Britania Pvt. only first two objectives are relevant from 1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines properly and send us the revised proposal. 3. The objectives you have taken are the objectives of your training . The objectives 1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines working capital for c&s himonisa Pvt. Ltd properly and send us the revised proposal.
1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines properly and send us the revised proposal.
1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines Ratio analysis for mantri metallics Pvt. Ltd properly and send us the revised proposal.
1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines properly and send us the revised proposal.3. 1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. financial analysis for britannia industries You are instructed to read the guidelines properly and send us the revised proposal 1. Attach supervisor CV. 2. Your project proposal is not according to our guidelines. You are instructed to read the guidelines properly and send us the revised proposal 1. Attach research supervisor's CV. 2.Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to Ratio analysis with reference to windals 1. Attach research supervisor's CV. 2.Bibliography is not given.It is suggested to



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